Branston & Mere Parish Council
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1994/05 Branston & Mere Parish Council
Minutes of the Meeting held at the Pavilion, Moor Lane, Branston on Monday 5th September 2005 at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. Messrs Adams, Capps, Cucksey, Douglas, Drury, Mumford, Wood and Mesdames Blakey, Cannings and Duncan.
In Attendance: District Cllr Ms Frost and Clerk Mrs Stead.
Members of the Public: Four.
Item 1 a) Apologies for absence. Apologies were received from County Cllr Mrs Overton. b) Declarations of interest. Cllr Mrs S Cannings later declared a non-pecuniary interest during the discussion on an application to do work on trees at 12 Willow Road.
Item 2 Public Forum No comments were received from the public gallery.
Item 3 To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies: a) County / District Councils District Cllr Ms Frost informed the members that she had received a complaint about a resident on The Chalfonts playing golf in their back garden, with golf balls being hit into neighbouring gardens, the use of quad bikes, foul language and the property being used as a business. The police are aware of the distress being caused and Cllr Frost will also raise the matter with the Environmental Dept at NKDC. Cllr Ms Frost also commented on a news item about smaller Police forces being amalgamated as a reaction to recent terrorist attacks. This could result in Lincolnshire Police force disappearing. County Cllr Mrs Overton sent a report in her absence with information about the Police meeting she has arranged for 8th September, the next Wheelie meeting and a WWII commemoration in Navenby on 1st & 2nd October. She also sent details of a parishioner’s complaint about speed on Beech Road. Cllr Overton had also liaised with the Clerk on several other issues during the month, including a complaint about firework displays at Branston Hall. The Hotel has a list of local residents to be given advance warning of displays. b) Police There was no police presence at the meeting.
Item 4 a) Notes on the last meeting held on 4th July 2005, to be approved as the Minutes. Acceptance of the notes was proposed by Cllr Mrs Duncan and seconded by Cllr Mumford. b) Matters arising from the Minutes. In addition to the Clerk’s report already circulated, it was confirmed that the goalposts were in place at Moor Lane Recreation Ground and the Whirly Bird roundabout at Branston Booths. The new Dog Bin had arrived and permission was being sought for a suitable site. Following a complaint by a resident of Abel Smith Gardens to Environmental Health, Mr Lowes no longer feels able to continue working in the cemetery. Mr Lowes has worked for two afternoons a week for seven years, on a voluntary basis, keeping part of the cemetery tidy. His 1995/05 contribution will be missed and Councillors expressed regret that a complaint had been made and asked the Clerk to pass on their gratitude for all his help.
Item 5 Correspondence: a) Various Newsletters and Periodic Publications. b) Letters for information. 11358 Details of swimming courses to be held in Branston. 11359 The Community Council of Lincolnshire Pub & Community Grant project. Details had also been passed to the Wagon & Horses. 11360 Details of a competition to recognise voluntary effort, in conjunction with the Echo. 11361 Notification of Lincolnshire County Council’s customer service centre telephone number: 01522 782070. 11362 Calor Best Kept Village competition result. The winner of Class III was Saxilby. 11363 Sleaford & District CAB plans to raise awareness of their services by a programme of visits around the villages. Information of venues and contacts had been forwarded. 11364 Letters of thanks for Grants given had been received from the Village Hall Committee, the Tennis Club, the Pre-school Playgroup and Branston Booths Village Hall. Thanks had also been received from Mr Norris, internal auditor and Mrs Sutton, Clerk to Washingborough PC. c) Letter from a parishioner re the Jungle Footpath 11365 The fence running along the footpath and across the beck had been repeatedly vandalised several years ago and a decision taken then not to continue spending money on it. Councillors agreed however, that the bridge area was particularly dangerous and that quotes should be obtained to erect a substantial barrier over the bridge and fifteen yards beyond. d) Letter from Mr C Bray re access from Laburnum Close to fishing lake. 11366 Councillors examined the map provided but declined to grant access from Laburnum Close. e) LCC – Review of speed limit on Lincoln Road. 11367 LCC responded to the request to review the speed limit on Lincoln Road, following a letter from a parishioner. The letter stated that the policy used for setting speed limits remained unchanged but a survey of speed would be undertaken, the results of which would be notified. f) LCC – Traffic Calming on Archer Road. 11368 Following a request for additional traffic calming on Archer Road, Highways Division’s response was that it would have to be as a share funded initiative and would be unlikely to make much difference as the problem was caused by residents, not through traffic. Signage prohibiting football games in the road could not be provided as it is actually an illegal activity. g) LCC – Award of Merit. 11369 Details of an award to recognise those dedicated to helping people and whose outstanding contributions to the community go unnoticed. Any nominations need to be made by 15/10/05. h) LCC – Performance & Budget Plan. 11370 No comments were made. i) LCC – Draft statement of Community Involvement. 11371 No comments were made. j) LCC – Lincolnshire Waste Local Plan. 11372 No comments were made. k) LCC – Local Transport Plan. 11373 No comments were made. l) NK - Statement of Community Involvement Second Stage Consultation. 11374 Fore warning about the statement with an invitation to attend a presentation on 14/09/05 at Washingborough Community Centre at 7.30pm. m) The Community Council of Lincolnshire AGM – Confirmation of attendance. 1996/05 11375 No one available to attend. n) DEFRA grants for development of Parish Plans. 11376 Further information requested to allow further discussion in October. o) Rural FIZZ Fund. 11377 Further information requested to allow discussion in October. As eligible projects include those relating to public safety, repairs needed for the Jungle Bridge could be eligible. 11378 A copy of a letter from a parishioner of Lincoln Road to Mr Coathup at LCC about the recently painted red bars on the road surface. Local residents had suffered considerable noise as vehicle passed over the area. A similar problem occurred in 1997 when the spaces had been painted black to level the surface and deaden the noise. 11379 A letter of resignation from Cllr Mrs Marie Saywell. 11380 A letter of resignation from Cllr Mrs Pauline Widdowson. Both resignations were accepted with regret. Gratitude was expressed for the contributions made during the last ten years and it was requested that letters be sent expressing the same.
Item 6 11381 Planning: a) Planning decisions received. Planning permission had been granted on the following applications: N/13/0571/05 Two Storey extension 91 Heathfield N/13/0589/05 Single garage extension 39 Shardloes N/13/0675/05 Single Storey rear elevation 23 Station Road N/13/0691/05 Two storey extension 76 Beech Road N/13/0698/05 Roof light 1 Methodist Church, Chapel Lane N/13/0718/05 Extension above garage 5 Park View Avenue N/13/0781/05 Two storey side extension 57 Fairleas N/13/0792/05 Single storey rear extension 34 Moor Lane, Branston Booths N/13/0814/05 Change of use – workshop to office Branston Potatoes Ltd N/13/0850/05 Single storey extension 23 Wisteria Avenue N/13/0922/05 Two storey side extension 62 Heathfield Avenue
Planning permission had been refused on the following applications: N/13/0021/05 Erection of a dwelling at rear of 88 Lincoln Road N/13/0739/05 Erection of 2 bungalows at rear of 17 Silver Street
b) Applications already viewed – For Information. N/13/0966/05 Conversion of Methodist Chapel Moor Lane, Branston Booths In the original appraisal this building was listed as sensitive. It is therefore considered important that the original appearance be maintained. It should also be noted that the hedge between the chapel and No.30 belongs to the chapel. N/13/1021/05 Single storey front extension 90 Beech Road No Comments N/13/1048/05 Erection of a dwelling Carr Dyke Farm House, Potterhanworth Booths My Council have reviewed the resubmitted plans and wish to make the following comments: 1. NKDC’s reasons for refusing the original application because it was contrary to the local plan still apply to the new application. 2. NKDC’s second reason for refusal was in agreement with Parish Councillors belief that there has never been a farm workers house on this site. 1997/05 3. The middle causeway referred to was, according to old maps, the original road from Bardney ferry through to Lincoln and is a public right of way. 4. The proposals are for a large property which appears to be over development on this site. 5. The distance being travelled by the daughter to tend the animals is 3/8 mile each way. 6. It is questionable whether a farm of this size could sustain two families. c) Single storey extension to garage workshop – Branston filling station, 26 Sleaford Road N/13/1081/05 No Comments d) Rear extension, 18 Earlsfield N/13/1104/05 No Comments e) Demolish bungalow and erect four dwellings 19 Sleaford Road N/13/1113/05 My Council has concerns about the size of this development and considers that it is overdevelopment. A precedent of building in the large gardens along this stretch of road could be set which, with the implication of any future development on the redundant hotel site, would greatly increase the number of dwellings needing access onto the Sleaford road, opposite Villa Close and Oaklands, which would add further hazards close to the bend. Properties on Heathfield Avenue would also lose some privacy. f) Conservatory 27 Shardloes N/13/1153/05 No Comments. g) Single storey extension 23 Station Road N/13/1171/05 No Comments h) Tree Issues. CA13/76 Permission granted to cut back 6 Yew trees The Old Rectory CA13/77 Request to remove a Yew tree 28 Rectory Lane With reference to the request to carry out work or remove completely, the Yew tree at 28 Rectory Lane My Council have reconsidered the above work and as when the first request was made, wish to raise no objections. The tree does not in any way add to the street scene, is very large and sited very close to the drain and the property and so the reasons for requesting removal are appreciated. N435/2 Request to cut back overhanging trees 12 Willow Road No objections to work being carried out.
Item 7 Other Reports: a) History & Mosaic Group. 11382 A letter had been received from Amanda Bond from Develop Lincolnshire stating that the Sheep Wash project had not been successful in securing European funding. The remaining 65% of the budget was secure and Cllr Wood said that it was hoped that money could be secured from other sources but even without the full amount, the project would go ahead using different materials. Ideas for the bridge and support rail on Waterwheel Lane had been shown at the Gala. b) Police & Community Forum – held on 25th August 2005. 11383 It was agreed that the problems detailed in the notes of the meeting showed some serious and worrying problems in Heighington, more serious than those encountered in Branston. Heighington are now taking a proactive stance and there was concern that troublemakers could move their attentions to Branston. It was agreed that all incidents and anti-social behaviour should be reported and an incident number taken to ensure a fair share of police hours. 11384 A response to the request for more police presence had been received from the Chief Constable, Tony Lake. He acknowledged a shortage of staff which he expected to be rectified during August, 1998/05 promised visits by the Mobile Unit during the summer and agreed that reports should be received when an officer is unable to attend Parish Council meetings. c) Reducing & responding to village crime – A Partnership approach. 11385 Confirmation of the speakers for the meeting to be held on 08/09/05. Several Councillors agreed to attend. d) Possible Funding to improve Paddock Lane. 11386 Brief details were given of a possible grant available to regenerate Paddock Lane. Preliminary meetings had been held with Suzanne Saunter from Develop Lincolnshire. Councillors expressed an interest and asked to be kept informed of any developments. A resident of Paddock Lane had already volunteered his services to help. The resident stated that until three years ago NKDC had cut the grass along the lane. The Clerk was asked to find out why that no longer happened. e) Possible funding for Youth Shelters. 11387 Councillors were informed that funds are available to provide Teen Shelters. The Clerk will work towards gathering evidence of need and try to secure money for shelters at Branston and the Booths. f) Mobile Skate Park. 11388 The skate park had been used by about twenty people each day. There had been no injuries other than grazes and no trouble. Bikes had been used by many and noise had been slight. The Clerk had received a complaint from a Heathfield resident about expected noise two weeks before the event but no complaints during or after.
Item 8 Recreation Space: a) Serviceteam Quote for additional grass & hedge cutting. 11389 Details were given of quotes to cut hedges on the Recreation Fields and strim neglected areas around the village. Cut hedges at Lincoln Road Recreation Ground £495 Strim perimeters of Lincoln Road Recreation Ground £ 40 Cut hedges at Moor Lane Recreation Ground £675 Remove suckers & nettles from corners of old Burial Ground £145 Cut grass areas along Paddock Lane £210
Councillors agreed that it had been a worthwhile exercise to learn the costs involved for use when setting the Precept. It was considered that the height of the hedges on the Recreation Ground was beneficial to protect against lost balls. b) Signage requirements. 11390 Information had been received from a resident about the use of motorcycles on the Moor Lane Recreation Ground. After viewing the signage at Heighington a quote had been obtained for signage in two sizes, banning motorcycles, dogs, horses and golf. It was agreed to purchase three smaller signs for Moor Lane, Lincoln Road and Branston Booths at a cost of £42.50 +VAT each. c) Confirmation of requirements from the Free Tree Scheme. The deadline for requests is 30th September. Trees and hedge plants will be ordered for Longhills, Moor Lane Recreation Ground, Station Road Junior School and Branston Booths Play Area. 11391 d) Councillors were informed of a small fire that had been lit in front of the pavilion on 21/22 August. The Police had been informed.
Item 10 Finance: a) Accounts for payment. 11392 The following accounts had been paid during August:
£ 1999/05 Mr A Blow Wages & Expenses 108.89 Mr I McConville Wages & Expenses 153.50 Mrs S Stead Wages & Expenses 610.58 Inland Revenue Tax & NI 145.60 Wicksteed Leisure VAT ref invoice 57862 14.00 Serviceteam Grass cutting 82.89 Jackson’s Ltd Paints 43.69
11393 The following accounts were approved for payment: £ Mr A Blow Wages & Expenses 134.80 Mr I McConville Wages & Expenses 206.97 Mrs S Stead Wages & Expenses 578.28 Inland Revenue Tax & NI 166.30 Lincs Industrial Doors Shutter Lock 100.46 Glasdon Dog bin 246.76 Serviceteam Grass cutting 436.82 Jackson’s Maintenance products 22.97 Harlequin Glass Village Hall replacement 141.41 RLS restoration Village Hall Graffiti removal 705.00 Cllr Mumford Keys cutting 6.00
b) Customs & Excise – reclamation of VAT 11394 The Clerk informed the members that the Council were acting illegally by accepting invoices for payment to save a third party paying the VAT. HM Customs & Excise are apparently clamping down on offenders and can reclaim funds claimed for the last three years. It was agreed that letters should be sent out to the Bowls and Tennis Clubs and the Village Hall Committees at Branston and the Booths advising them that such assistance would no longer be available. c) Precept requirements. 11395 It was agreed that a special meeting be called to fully discuss the Precept. Arrangements would be made in October.
Item 11 Urgent items for information. 11396 Cllr Mrs Duncan raised the issue of the blocked drain in the Village Hall car park. Mr McConville was unable to do the job and it was considered to be the responsibility of the Village Hall Committee. Councillors on the committee would pass the matter on. 11397 Cllr Drury asked about the z-bend sign being replaced. Trevor Hines from Highways was already aware and the replacement would continue to be monitored. 11398 Cllr Mrs Cannings asked for the notice board to be re-stained before the winter.
Item 12 To resolve on whether the Council will move into closed session. 11399 It was agreed by all to move into closed session.
The meeting closed at 9.46pm.