New Deal Tic Tac Toe Project

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New Deal Tic Tac Toe Project

Name: ______

NEW DEAL AND GREAT DEPRESSION TIC TAC TOE PROJECT Directions: The tic tac toe board has 9 potential assignments. You must pick 3 of the nine assignments. These 3 assignments must be a win if you were playing tic tac toe (3 across, 3 down, 3 diagonal) Each assignment is worth 20 points. DUE: 1) Depression letters 2) Diary of New 3) New Deal to Eleanor Roosevelt Deal workers Mini Alphabet Soup Book 4) New Deal Report 5) Dust Bowl and 6)Great Bonus Army Depression Autobiography Music CD 7) Great Depression 8) New Deal 9) New Deal Collage and Photo Illustrations or Scrapbook analysis advertising posters

1) Letters to Mrs. Roosevelt Complete worksheet analyzing letters sent to Mrs. Roosevelt Write two one page letters of your own to Mrs. Roosevelt 2) Diary of a New Deal Program worker Research 4 new deal programs and become a worker in those programs Write a one page journal entry for each program Include what your daily activities would be at work and at home 3) New Deal Mini Alphabet Soup Book Create a mini ABC book that matches 10 letters of the alphabet to 10 New Deal Programs Include the name of the program, explanation of the program and picture that demonstrates your knowledge of each program 4) New Deal Report Research two New Deal Program (WPA, TVA, AAA, etc) Write a 2 page paper on each explaining this program- include pros and cons of program and what its goal was 5) Dust Bowl and Bonus Army Autobiography Research the Dust Bowl and the Bonus Army Write a 3 page autobiography as a person who was living in the Dust Bowl states and has joined the Bonus Army Include where you live, all the factors that led to the Dust Bowl, how living as a farmer in the Dust Bowl affected you, what you are doing in D.C., what has occurred in D.C, and whether or not the Bonus Army accomplished it’s goals 6) Great Depression Music CD You are to burn a CD that includes 5 songs that symbolize the hardships of the Great Depression. You must also design a CD cover that lists the songs you chose and includes a picture Inside the cover you should explain why you chose each of the songs that you did 7) Great Depression Collage and Photo Analysis Complete picture analysis worksheet Create an 11”14” collage the demonstrates your knowledge of the Great Depression Your collage needs to include pictures, words, and phrases that represent the depression 8) New Deal Illustrations Illustrate 5 New Deal Program (need 4 separate detailed pictures) Include on the back a description of the chosen New Deal Programs 9) New Deal Scrapbook Create a scrapbook that includes pictures of past and current New Deal programs You need to take and develop 4 pictures that show the New Deals effect on today’s world You also need at least 4 other pictures of New Deal Programs that may no longer be in existence Provide a summary of each picture that includes how it shows the New Deals effect Name: ______

Letters to Mrs. Roosevelt

You are to complete the worksheet that analyzes letters to Mrs. Roosevelt. You are then to write 2 separate 1 page each letters to Mrs. Roosevelt. These letters should reflect the time period and show your knowledge of the Great Depression and the New Deal. Your letters will be graded on the following:

Knowledge of Time Period (3) ______

Accurate portrayal of the Decade (3) ______

Maintains interest (3) ______(detail that brings the time and place alive)

Creativity and Full Potential (3) ______

Dust Bowl and Bonus Autobiography You are to research the Dust Bowl and the Bonus Army. You are to write a 2-3 page (11 point Calibri double spaced) autobiography of a farmer living in a Dust Bowl state who has joined the Bonus Army in Washington, D.C. Therefore, you are to place yourself in that time period as a farmer and WWI Vet. You should include where you live, all the factors that created the Dust Bowl, and how being a farmer during the Dust Bowl has affected you. You also must reflect on your experiences in the Bonus Army. You will be graded on the following rubric:

Organization Natural Flow of Information (intro, conclusion, etc) (4) ______

Quality of Information Discusses the topics above and shows knowledge of what the Dust Bowl and Bonus Army were and what it was like living through the Great Depression (6) ______

Maintains Interest Includes details that bring the time and place alive Has personality and brings your character to life (6) ______

Grammar Uses appropriate grammar, mechanics, and spelling (4) ______

Failure to meet requirements (-) ______

TOTAL ______Name: ______

New Deal Alphabet Soup Book You are to create a mini ABC book that covers 10 letters of the alphabet. Each letter chosen will represent a New Deal Program. Each page must include the name of the program, explanation of the program, and a picture that demonstrates your knowledge of the New Deal Program. Your ABC book will be graded on the following: Knowledge of the New Deal (8) ______Book demonstrates that you understand key concepts from each program. Be sure to use own words.

Variety of information and Relevance of items chosen (4) ______Choose relief, reform, and recovery programs

Neatness (4) ______Book is bound, colorful, and shows time and effort

Creativity/ full potential (4) ______

Failure to meet requirements (-) ______

TOTAL ______

New Deal Report You are to research two New Deal Program and write a 1 ½ page paper on each (11 pt. Calibri) explaining this program. You MUST include the pros and cons of these programs as well as what the goal of these program were. You must use appropriate citation. You will be graded on the following rubric: Organization Uses a natural flow of information (Intro, conclusion) (4) ______

Quality of Information Uses appropriate information and include pro/cons and goals of program (4) ______

Maintains interest Presents information in an interesting manner that draws the reader in (not a regurgitation of facts) (4) ______

Originality Show inventiveness and new thoughts (4) ______

Grammar Uses appropriate grammar, mechanics, and spelling (4) ______

Failure to meet requirements (-) ______

TOTAL ______Name: ______

Diary of a New Deal Worker You are to research 3 New Deal Programs and become a worker in those programs. You must keep a journal entry for each program (3 entries, 1 page each) that includes what your daily activities would be at work and at home. You will be graded on the following rubric:

Ideas/ Content Includes detail that brings time and place alive; the diary Has personality and shows how the character thinks and Feels (5) ______

Accuracy Accurately depicts the time period and demonstrates Knowledge of chosen New Deal Program (5) ______

Grammar Follows diary format and represents language of time Period (5) ______

Creativity Shows originality and uniqueness wile staying on topic (5) ______

Failure to meet requirements (-) ______

TOTAL ______

Great Depression CD You are to burn 5 songs onto a CD that represent the Great Depression. You then must make a CD cover for the songs that you burned. The cover should illustrate the time period. It also should detail on the inside the each of the songs you chose and specifically why you chose each. You will be graded on the following rubric:

Knowledge of time period (5) ______

Explanation (5) ______

Neatness (5) ______

Creativity (5) ______

Failure to meet requirements (-) ______

TOTAL ______Name: ______

Great Depression Collage You are to complete the picture analysis worksheet and then you are to create an 11X15 collage that demonstrates your knowledge of the Great Depression. The collage should use pictures, words, and phrases to creatively present your understanding of the Great Depression. Remember this is a collage so there should be no white space. You will be graded on the following:

Knowledge of time period (4) ______

Relevancy of collage (4) ______

Quality of arrangement (detailed) (4) ______

Overall attractiveness (4) ______

Creativity (not just pictures) (4) ______

Failure to meet requirements (-) ______

TOTAL ______

New Deal Illustrations You are to illustrate 5 New Deal programs. Therefore, you will need 5 separate, detailed pictures. You must include a description of each New Deal Program and how your pictures relate to each program on the back of every illustration. You will be graded on the following rubric:

Appropriateness/ Accuracy Accurately depicts the programs (5) ______

Program Description Detailed description of the program on the back of the Illustration (5) ______

Neatness (5) ______

Creativity/ full potential (5) ______

Failure to meet requirements (-) ______

TOTAL ______Name: ______

New Deal Scrapbook You are to create a scrapbook that creatively shows your knowledge of the New Deal. You must include 4 photos that you have taken that shows the New Deals lasting impact. You should also include at least 4 other photos of New Deal Programs that may no longer be in existence. With each picture, you must provide an explanation of the photo and how it shows the New Deals lasting impact. Each picture should be an example of how the New Deal still affects us today. Example: FDIC logo on all banks. You will be graded on the following rubric:

Subject Knowledge Understands the impact of the New Deal (5) ______

Picture Choice Good selection of pictures that represent different New Deal programs (4) ______

Explanation Accurately explains the pictures and their connection to the New Deal (4) ______

Neatness Colorful, detailed scrapbook that shows time and effort (4) ______

Creativity Original picture ideas creatively portrayed in scrapbook format (3) ______

Failure to meet requirements (-) ______

TOTAL ______Name: ______

Great Depression Photo Analysis Directions: Go to link found below, Scroll through the list of photos and take a look at any that interest you, Choose two photos from separate categories, Answer the following questions Website:

1. Background: What is in the background of this photo? Fully explain the background Photo 1

Photo 2

2. People: How are the people clothed? What expressions/ emotions do you see on the people’s faces? Is there something happening or some condition in the photograph that might be causing these emotions?

Photo 1

Photo 2

3. What is the main idea or message of this photograph?

Photo 1

Photo 2

4. What title might you give the photograph?

Photo 1

Photo 2

5. What fact or condition of the Depression does this photograph illustrate?

Photo 1

Photo 2 Name: ______

Letters to Eleanor Roosevelt Go to Click ‘The Letters’ in the middle of the page Choose at least one letter from the four categories Read the letter to Mrs. Roosevelt and the reply from Mrs. Roosevelt

1. Who wrote each letter? Identify their gender, age, race, religion, geographic region, education, and socio economic status. (if available)

Letter 1:

Letter 2:

Letter 3:

Letter 4:

2. What patterns emerge from the letters? Did any single group dominate the letters?

3. What did the people writing the letters ask for? Letter 1: Letter 2: Letter 3: Letter 4:

4. What audience did Mrs. Roosevelt appeal to? Why?

5. Do the letters validate the idea that everyone was ‘in the same boat,’ so there was little embarrassment in having few material goods? Explain. Use evidence in letters to confirm or refute this idea. Name: ______

6. What specific ways did the children try to convince Mrs. Roosevelt that they were uniquely worthy of her help?

7. What were Mrs. Roosevelt’s replies like? How would you feel if you had received a reply similar to one of these?

8. What was the most convincing letter you read? Explain why.

9. Opinion: Do you believe writing to a powerful or influential person about a problem is an effective means of resolving that problem?

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