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BERWICK & DISTRICT SCHOOL NEWSLETTER June 2015 Please remember that Berwick & District promotes a scent free and peanut free school. Follow us on Twitter @BerwickSchool Check out the website Early Dismissals/No School: Thursday, June 25th, 2015 NO SCHOOL – Marking Day Friday, June 26th, 2015 NO SCHOOL – Marking Day Monday, June 29th, 2015 NO SCHOOL – Marking Day Tuesday, June 30th, 2015 Early Dismissal @ 11:45 Last Day of School for the Summer :)
Reminder – it is that time of year again when we will be needing sunscreen, etc. This is just a friendly reminder to all parents and students to NOT use coconut or scented sunscreen due to allergies in the school. We appreciate your support and cooperation in this matter. Principal’s Message: Welcome to the last month of the school year! That is truly shocking – although our students might not agree… time goes by so quickly! At this time of year we all have a hard time reigning in our excitement and anticipation of summer. But, at school, as I mentioned last time, we have a full-on month of teaching and learning and anyone who is too excited runs the risk of being disappointed and disruptive. Please help us in any way you can keep the focus on school and responsibilities and the rewards of year end will take care of themselves! Thanks! While all of the focused instruction, purposeful trips and culminating activities are underway, we as staff also start to plan our transition into next year. At BDS staff changes will only be discussed once the process is complete and that can sometimes take into July; hopefully not, but maybe. Finding out which class your child will be in, will be possible the last week of August. We will post class lists in the foyer by Thursday, August 27th. You will need to know the last 4 digits of your child’s ID # (that can be found on their report card) as the lists will give ID numbers only. That is a relatively new but standard practice for AVRSB. Making classes is a complex process; one that takes into account the social, emotional, physical and academic needs of each child and the constraints of the building and staff. While we do not take “class requests” from parents, occasionally there is information that you feel we do not yet know and should know in order to best place your child in a classroom. That information is welcome and appreciated. In addition to staffing, class planning, year-end organization etc. we also have many initiatives underway designed to improve our school for all users! Our Grade 7 and 8 Art Class is spearheading the Berwick Business/Family Campaign for an Outdoor Classroom. We have new Bean Bag Chairs coming for the Pit, a new Edible Garden proposal that will enhance what we grow and how it is used. We have formal talks underway with AVRSB and the Town to improve the traffic patterns and infrastructure in front of our building. Hopefully no more winter traffic trauma for us! We have a summer plan for The Makery and continue to work on enhancements for the cafeteria! Now if we could just figure out how to reduce the number of Lost and Found items… we would be all set! As you can see- lots on the go. We are incredibly lucky to be in a town that supports us so well with a collection of great kids, awesome families and caring, hard-working staff. The sky is the limit when we work together! Please join us at our June 11th BBQ – we are celebrating spring, recognizing our volunteers and listening to our wonderful Band Students perform. In case I don’t see you soon, best wishes for a productive, fun, and fulfilling June! Cindy Dickie, Principal SCHOOL NEWS: It’s Elementary: We had our Primary Orientation and it was just so great to see the new students get so excited about being in school! One of the reminders at our parent meeting was to “label everything!!” Such good advice and … we would ask that if you haven’t labelled everything that your child possesses for school (ex. Lunch Kit, Back Pack, shoes…) please do so. Better late than never! Our Lost and Found continues to be the biggest mystery – where do all of these things come from? Please take a look as at the end of the year it all goes to charity. In the Middle: Please remind your child that we are a scent free building and AXE is one of the most heavily scented products available. It cannot be at school. Thanks for your help. Year-end activities are quickly going to be upon us. At BDS we believe in recognizing outstanding achievement, hard work, and skill but we also believe that everyone should feel proud of reaching a milestone like leaving Grade 8 to move to High School. We have an evening Awards Celebration on June 18th that recognizes Middle Level students for music, academic and sport excellence. Having it in the evening allows parents, other family members and friends to attend and we would encourage you to do so. Our Year End dance is 30 minutes after our Awards Celebration and involves Grade 7 and 8s with invitations available as usual. Our students call this the “Semi Formal” but we want all students to attend even if they are not dressed as formally as some others. We talk a lot about being “reasonable” and remind them that dress code is in effect. It will be an awesome night for our Middle School! What matters in learning? Brain based teaching and parenting… Other schools continue to ask us about our focus on brain based teaching and the work we do around executive function. Executive Function is the term that relates to aspects of organization, time management, setting strategies and order for learning etc. What we can assure parents is… this really works! Education often requires students to be self-directed in a lot of what they do and how they do it, but… we know that doesn’t happen naturally for most. Students need to be taught. Most of my newsletter messaging this year gave tips on how to do that. As parents and teachers we both need to take responsibility to help students learn the skills required. At school we teach, monitor, reteach and evaluate the way students work in our classes, what they use to keep and organize their learning and the work/study strategies they choose. Common practices like one binder systems, filing work, using agendas, notebook organization etc. help kids stay consistent and offer ways of managing their materials that will help them forever. The recent Peg Dawson workshop on Executive Function used a One Binder System for students as an example of recommended practice. Thankfully, we are well on our way and clearly seeing the benefits! Social media parenting tips… Your child in summer will likely have greater access to social media and may need your help in limiting what they are doing. Remember that awful winter?! We might want to take advantage of the weather and get our children to exchange screen time for outdoor activity time! Just like parents have to … at BDS we are constantly reviewing our electronics policy – we need to stay current with educational practices but firm with controlling the negative side of these wonderful tools. Our Parent and Student Handbook gets updated each summer and will contain any revisions to electronic device use. Class Fees and School Supply Lists Providing supplies and money for opportunities at school is a standard part of each school year. Parents contribute some through fees and supplies and school contributes the rest. Each year our school will take a very close look at what we are asking parents to provide both in fees and supplies. Our goal is simply to ensure that we provide the best educational experience for your child in a way that makes the most sense, meets the expectations of our School Board and gets the most value for the dollar. We want to keep these costs reasonable and are only asking for what we absolutely need. We have surveyed other schools, scrutinized our suppliers and tested out bulk purchasing versus parent purchasing. Your child’s report card will contain a letter specifically outlining fees and supplies for next year with a complete description of where your money goes and what it contributes to.
Grade Eight Math Assessments will take place on June 2nd and 3rd, 2015. It is very important for students to be present and on time during the writing of the assessments. Please keep these dates in mind when booking appointments for your child.
Community BBQ: June 11th 5:00-6:30. Followed by Spring Concert at 7:00 pm in the gym.; classes participating for this concert are 3/4 Baker, 3/4 Johnson and the Grade 8’s. PTSA: There will be no regular PTSA meeting in June. There will however be a meeting held on June 3rd in the Family Studies room at 6:00PM to discuss how we can support and raise funds for an Outdoor Classroom. Over this past year the PTSA has worked together with the school to create shaded areas for the students. Trees were planted to create shade and are a great start to an outdoor classroom. We were only able to fit in one family dance this year but it was a huge success and we hope to have more for you next year. This Winter made us very aware that we need to work on pedestrian safety for pick-up time. With the help of the school, AVRSB, the town and community we hope to create a safer solution. Stingers Gear was offered at Christmas with help from the Clothing factory in Berwick. We will be working on offering this again. Shelley Peach has finished her three year term as President of the PTSA and is happy to hand over the title to Claire Morse and Amy Dempsey who have stepped in as Co-presidents for next year; Thank you Claire and Amy. Tara Dempsey has accepted the Secretary position and we are still looking for a Treasurer. We are looking forward to getting to know the parents & Guardians of the students at Berwick & District School and working together to make our children's school experience the best that it can be. See you at the next PTSA Meeting.
Outdoor classroom PTSA fundraiser. Please join us on Wednesday, June 3rd at 6:00PM in the family studies room. We will be discussing a community breakfast or supper to be held to raise money for an Outdoor Classroom and would love to have everyone's help and input to make this possible for our children.
Grade 2/3 Lamb and 3/4 Baker’s Class Trip on June 17th. Thanks!
Awards Ceremony and End of Year Dance will be held on Thursday, June 18th
Marking Days June 25th, 26th and 29th are Marking days…there will be no school.
Grade 8 Celebration will be held on June 25th at 7:00 pm
The Berwick Makery: The Makery is a quiet and cozy place to hang out and learn new stuff. We are in Berwick School’s family studies room, and are teaching kids all kinds of life skills and crafts! This Thursday May 28th from 6-8pm, come learn the Basics of Weaving with the Berwick Weaving Company! This is a hands on class where we will learn how to make beautiful scarves, shawls and fabrics. This class is for kids older than 10 years old, but contact me if younger kids are keen! $5 or donation to the Makery for resources and supplies is appreciated. On Wednesday June 10th will be the first "I'll Make Dinner" workshop! The owner of the Union Street Cafe will lead the class from 3-5pm, and kids will learn and cook in the kitchen, and will bring home a delicious meal for their family to enjoy that night! Registration is limited to 10, cost is $10, and the class is geared to kids in grades 4-8. Please contact [email protected] to register, and to get on the list for upcoming classes. See you soon! Visit us online at!
Reminder to Parents If you know that you will be moving over the summer and that your child/children will not be attending Berwick and District School next year, please contact the office or send a note to your child’s homeroom teacher. Thank you for your cooperation with this request. COMMUNITY NOTICES: Items in this section announce activities in which students or their family members are likely to participate. These are activities, which the school does not sponsor nor necessarily encourage – they are here for your information only.
ADHD Support Network – Annapolis Valley Mental Health offers a support network for Parents who have child/teen with ADHD. For more information contact Laurel Taylor at CMHA or email [email protected] or phone 902-690-2422.
Day Camp Burlington – The municipality of the County of Kings is offering Day Camp all summer. The week in Burlington will be held from August 17th to August 28th, from 8:30 am -4:30 pm at the Burlington Community Hall. This camp is for school-age children up to 12 years old (Note: Children must have already completed at least 1 year of elementary school). Registration is June 4th from 6:00-8:00 pm. No pre- registration accepted. For more information, or if you are unable to make the registration time, please call Ashley at 902-690-6190.
SUMMER DAY CAMP for Children and Youth with Autism - Open to ages 5 to 21 (if still enrolled in school). One to one support provided for campers. Dates and fees are: July 6-10 New Minas Elementary, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm ($100); July 13-17 Hantsport Baptist Church, 9:00 am to Noon ($75); July 20-24 Dwight Ross Elementary, Greenwood, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm ($100); July 27-31 Annapolis East Elementary, Middleton, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm ($100); August 4-7 Autism Centre, Kingston, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm ($75) – for high needs teens and adults (age 21+ welcome) who require additional support; August 10-14 Aldershot Elementary, Kentville, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm ($100); August 17-21 Annapolis East Elementary, Middleton, 9:00 am to 2:00pm ($100); August 24-28 Windsor Elementary, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm ($75). To receive a registration package, please contact the Annapolis Valley Chapter of Autism Nova Scotia at 902-242-2019 or [email protected].
Special Olympics Nova Scotia is offering a FREE DAY Camp on August 11th in Kentville. For more information please contact Megan Eisenor at [email protected]
Annapolis Valley Learning Disabilities Tutors presents 3 Summer Programs. Morning tutorials will be held 9:00-12:00 noon, covering math, language skills, crafts, snack and physical activity ($80.00 daily). Mini camps are 1, 2, 3 mornings or regular tutorial hours sessions at $35.00 hr. For detailed information go to or [email protected] or call: 902-678-2772; or [email protected] or call: 902-681-3014
Berwick & District Nursery School - A non-Profit Parent co-operative 538-9680 [email protected] Now accepting Registration for The 2015-2016 School Year! Morning classes available and Afternoon classes are Dependent on enrolment. Your Child will…….be nurtured by a well planned environment.….begin working with numbers & letters.….build a positive self- imagE.….participate in arts, crafts AND SHARING TIME.….have fun! Fully qualified and trained ECE staff: Get your child ready for elementary school!
COUNT YOUR BLESSING CHILD CARE located in Coldbrook by Foodland, has been providing quality child care for six years, we are now accepting registration for 2015/2016 school year. We offer more than just childcare, during the day your child is enrolled in a school readiness program for ages 18 months to12 years. We offer Summer camp which will take place for children ages 6-12 years. Lots of activities are planned to keep your not so little one busy, but have an enjoyable summer. Spaces are limited! Please call Karla Bent at *02-365-2794 for more information.
PARENT SUPPORT GROUP - WOLFVILLE!!! Third Wednesday each month, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Boardroom, KC Irving Science Centre Building, Acadia University Campus, Wolfville... If you are a caregiver of a child, teen or adult with autism and would like to get together with others to share your experiences, consider stopping by for our first meeting on October 15th. The group will be led by Annapolis Valley Chapter of Autism NS Co-Chair, Valerie Wohlmuth. If you'd like to attend, just drop us a quick RSVP at 375- 3031 or [email protected] so we know how much coffee, tea and snacks to bring!
VALLEY SPEED SKATING CLUB Like to go fast? Looking to learn to skate or improve your skills? Valley Speed Skating is the place to be! We are a club for all ages and abilities! We offer a learn to skate program. We are accepting registration for the fall session! Skate rental is free for the first year. We are at the Credit Union Centre in Kingston on Saturdays from 10am - 12pm! You can find us on facebook at Valley Speed Skating Club or email us at: [email protected]
Go on an icy expedition this summer at Everest Vacation Bible Camp – July 13-17 FREE for Kids age 4-12 - 9am to 12 noon. Registration daily from 8:30-9:00 am. At Everest VBC, kids will learn how to overcome obstacles with God’s mighty power!! Come join us for lots of fun and live music. Bring a friend. Registration forms will be available online at
Valley Community Learning Association: Do you find it hard to help your children with homework? Would you like to improve your reading and writing skills? Do you wish your math skills were stronger? Is your spelling a little too “creative”? Do you have trouble filling out forms? The Valley Community Learning Association is committed to help adults reach their learning goals. If you want to upgrade your skills, get your GED, or become involved as a volunteer, contact the Valley Community Learning Association (VCLA) at 679-5252, or toll free 1-866-898-7323. All our programs are free! We are located at 49 Cornwallis Street, Suite 106, Kentville, NS, B4N 2E3 and email is [email protected], website is
Kentville Relay for Life is taking place on Saturday, June 20, 2015 at Memorial Park in Kentville from 12 noon to 12 midnight. Relay For Life is a community fundraising event where Canadians across the country join together in the fight against cancer. In 2014, nearly 400 Relays took place across Canada. Relay participants walk or run together around a track or path at a local school, park or fairground, passing a baton to their fellow participants and working together toward one common goal the fight against cancer. For more information or to register a team, participant or survivor, please contact Jennifer Tufts, [email protected] or (902) 698-0557. Healthy Living Feature
Head Lice, although a nuisance, is no longer considered a health issue in today’s society. One preventative measure is to check your child/children on a regular basis, every two or three days. If you find lice, please treat your child/children and then return them to school.
Cut and Clip Recipe All
Makes 10 Creamy Raspberry Ice Pops Prep: 15 mins. Ready 3hr & 15 mins
Ingredients : 1 Cup fat free milk 1 cup fresh raspberries 1 (1oz) package of instant sugar- 2 cups raspberry sherbet, softened Free vanilla pudding mix 2 cups reduced-fat frozen whipped topping, thawed ½ cup fat free milk
Directions: Pour 1 cup of milk into a bowl, and stir in pudding mix. Beat with an electric mixer about 2 minutes until thickened. Place remaining milk and raspberries into a blender and puree until smooth. Pour the raspberry puree into the pudding, and add the whipped topping. Stir together until incorporated. Stir in the softened sherbet. You can mix it completely or leave it swirled at this point. Divide the mixture evenly among 10 molds or small plastic cups. Place a wooden craft stick into each, and freeze for at least 3 hours.