Constitution of the Graduate Association for Students of Political Science
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Updated February 24, 2016
Constitution of the Graduate Association for Students of Political Science
Article I Name:
The name of this organization shall be the Graduate Association for Students of Political Science (GASPS) at Iowa State University.
Article II Purpose:
The purpose of GASPS is to meet the social and professional needs of the school’s MA in Political Science graduate students. Activities include seminars, guest speakers, public service projects, social events and more.
Article III Statement of Compliance:
The Graduate Association for Students of Political Science abides by and supports established Iowa State University policies, State and Federal Laws and follows local ordinances and regulations. The Graduate Association for Students of Political Science agrees to annually complete President’s Training, Treasurer’s Training and Adviser Training (if required).
Article IV Non-Discrimination Statement:
Iowa State University and the Graduate Association for Students of Political Science do not discriminate on the basis of genetic information, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, race, ethnicity, sex, color, religion, national origin, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or status as a U.S Veteran.
Article V Membership:
A. Club Eligibility
a. Every Master of Arts Political Science graduate student is eligible to become a member of the GASPS. Participation in GASPS activities moves a person’s membership to active status for the academic year.
a.i. Active members include those students currently enrolled in the Master of Arts in Political Science.
a.ii. Associate members include those students who are currently enrolled in the Master of Arts in Political Science Program, but have not paid the enrollment fee. Updated February 24, 2016
a.iii. Affiliate members include those persons wishing to participate in GASPS activities for socializing, networking or career advancement opportunities.
a.iii.1. Only members who are currently enrolled at Iowa State University have voting rights and privileges.
a.iii.2. The university advisor does not have voting rights and privileges.
b. Students that are not political science majors may participate in GASPS activities but do not have voting rights and privileges and may not hold offices or committee positions.
B. Disciplining and/or Removing Members
a. If a member performs actions deemed inappropriate:
a.i. The member will receive a verbal warning from an officer or member that their actions have been deemed inappropriate and continued performance of inappropriate actions will result in a vote to revoke membership.
a.ii. If inappropriate actions continue past the first verbal warning, an officer or member will motion for a vote to revoke membership. If the motion is seconded, the floor will be opened for discussion on the issue before the vote. After discussion the vote will occur. Membership will be revoked by a 2/3 vote of the members present.
a.ii.1. If membership is revoked the individual is asked to never return to any GASPS meetings or functions.
a.ii.2. If membership is not revoked and inappropriate actions occur again, an officer or member may call for another vote to revoke membership.
Article VI: Risk Management:
A. Appointment
a. The position of Risk Management Officer shall be filled by the President of GASPS.
B. Role of the Risk Management Officer:
a. Help minimize potential risks for club activities.
b. Recommend risk management policies or procedures to the GASPS. Updated February 24, 2016
c. Submit documentation to ISU’s Risk Management Office.
d. Ensure Iowa State University policies are followed at all of the organization’s events.
e. To ensure that proper waivers and background checks are on file with Risk Management for events (if applicable).
Article VII Officers:
A. Eligibility of Officers
a. Officer positions are limited to registered students at Iowa State University.
b. Election of officers will require a majority vote of members. If a candidate fails to receive a majority of votes, a run-off election will be held within the top two candidates that received the most votes. Members interested in becoming an officer must meet the following academic requirements:
b.i. Have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) as stated below and meet that minimum GPA in the semester immediately prior to the election/appointment, the semester of election/appointment, and the semesters during the term of office. For graduate students the minimum GPA is 3.00. In order for this provision to be met, at least six hours (unless fewer credits are required in the final stages of their degree as defined by the Continuous Registration Requirement) must have been taken for the semester under consideration.
b.ii. Be in good standing with the university and enrolled: if a graduate level student during their term of office.
b.iii. Be ineligible to hold an office should the student fail to maintain the requirements as prescribed in (i) and (ii).
B. Election of Officers
a. Elections will be held each April at the final GASPS meeting of the academic-year.
a.i. The current President shall call for the self-nomination for the officer positions for the following academic year.
a.i.1. Members and Associate Members will vote with a raise of hand unless a secret ballot is requested.
a.i.1.a. Simple majority shall win.
a.i.1.b. The current President shall only vote in case of a tie. Updated February 24, 2016
C. Term of Office for Officers
a. Elected officers shall serve for a term of one academic year beginning on August 15 or until their successors are elected.
a.i. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President or Treasurer a special election will be held to fill the position.
D. Officer Duties
a. President
a.i. Preside over all meetings,
a.ii. Represent GASPS on campus.
a.iii. Ensure that the organization is operating in conformity with standards set forth by Iowa State University and the Student Activities Center.
a.iv. Maintain communication with GASPS advisor(s).
a.v. Schedule meetings and events with appropriate University offices. Coordinate GASPS promotion and publicity of events.
a.vii. Delegate tasks to appropriate officers or members
a.viii. Create needed officer positions or committees
a.ix. Perform required training through the Student Activities Center.
b. Treasurer
b.i. Collect and keep accurate record of finances.
b.ii. Maintain accurate record of GASPS transactions.
b.iii. Fill out paperwork required in requesting funds.
b.iv. Keep organization informed of financial status.
b.v. Cosign organization vouchers along with the advisor. Perform required training through the Student Activities Center.
E. Impeachment/Removal of Officers
a. Officers may be removed from office by 2/3 vote of the membership if actions are deemed inappropriate or unsatisfactory by the membership. A member may petition the adviser for the impeachment of an officer with the support of five members. Updated February 24, 2016
b. The vote for removal will occur during a normally scheduled meeting. The membership should be informed of the vote for removal at least ten (10) days before the vote occurs.
b.i. The officer is permitted to speak before the membership about the charges made concerning her/his performance prior to the vote. The officer is not permitted to participate in the vote.
b.ii. Impeachable offenses shall include but are not limited to:
b.ii.1. Substantial failure to perform the duties of their office as outlined in this constitution and in any relevant job descriptions. b.ii.2. Deliberate misuse of funds outside of established fiscal policies. b.ii.3. Substantial violation of local, state or federal laws in the United States or internationally. b.ii.4. Substantial violation of University policies and/or the University Student Conduct Code.
Article VIII Adviser:
A. Selection of Adviser(s)
a. Adviser(s) shall be chosen by the department chair.
B. Adviser(s) Term of Service
a. The GASPS shall serve at her or his leisure while she or he is at Iowa State University.
C. Adviser Duties
a. Maintain communication and meet with officers.
b. Awareness and approval of financial expenditures.
c. Ensure the organization is operating in conformity with the standards set forth by Iowa State University and the Student Activities Center.
D. Impeachment/Removal of an Adviser
a. A bid to the department chair to remove an adviser may be placed if actions are deemed inappropriate or unsatisfactory by the membership. A 2/3 vote of the membership will determine if the bid is to be placed. Only the President can initiate the removal process for the adviser.
a.i. The vote for bid for removal will occur during a scheduled meeting. The membership should be informed of the vote for bid for removal at least ten (10) days before the vote occurs. Updated February 24, 2016
a.ii. If the bid for removal is approved the President will meet with the department chair and request the adviser is removed.
Article IX Finances:
A. All monies belonging to this organization shall be deposited and disbursed through a bank account established for this organization at the Campus Organizations Accounting Office and/or approved institution/office (must receive authorization via Campus Organizations Accounting Office). All funds must be deposited within 48 hours after collection. The Adviser to this organization must approve and sign each expenditure before payment.
B. Dues shall not exceed $15.00.
C. Dissolution
a. If GASPS is to be dissolved, a majority vote of the membership will determine the fate of the account balance.
a.i. A run-off vote may be performed if needed.
a.ii. Monies funded by the Graduate and Professional Student Body will be returned to the Graduate and Professional Student Body.
b. Suggested fates of the account balance are to fund a final event, purchase books or programs of use to the graduate students or donate the money to a charity.
Article X: Amendments & Ratification
A. Ratification
a. This constitution will become effective upon approval by a 2/3 vote of the membership.
b. Ratified constitutions must be submitted to Student Activities Center within ten (10) days for final approval.
B. Amendments
a. Amendments to this constitution must be submitted in writing at a regular meeting of the organization. The amendment(s) will be voted on at a subsequent meeting. For an amendment to be adopted, a vote of 2/3 of the membership is necessary.
b. The vote for amendment will occur during a scheduled meeting. The membership should be informed of the vote for amendment at least ten (10) days before the vote occurs. Updated February 24, 2016 c. Amended constitution must be submitted to Student Activities Center within ten (10) days for approval.