Spring 2005 Gas-Lift Workshop s5

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Spring 2005 Gas-Lift Workshop s5

Spring 2009 Gas-Lift Workshop Meeting

Meeting Date Meeting Venue Agenda Minutes Thurs. Feb. 7, 2008 Face-to-Face Meeting in See below. 7:00 pm CST Sea Food Restaurant

Green --- Agenda Gray --- Past meetings, actions completed Yellow --- Past meetings, on-going Light Blue – Current and upcoming meeting

1. Meeting Attendees  Attendees – Feb. 07, 2008 Fortune Bikoro Eric Lovie Joe Clegg Wayne Mabry Ken Decker John Martinez Cleon Dunham Amrah Sanchez Jim Hall Greg Stephenson

2. Learnings from 2008 program a. Technical sessions b. Continuing education courses c. Discussion sessions d. Breakout sessions e. Side trip f. Social events  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 7, 200 8 - Are there learnings from the 2008 Workshop? – Joe Clegg - Try to get more good papers from Shell, ExxonMobil, Norway, and Denmark. - Stay with 30-minute presentations. – John Martinez - Would like to see some flexibility in the timing of each presentation. - Should have a clock or bell to let presenters know where they are in their time. - Need to reduce time for lunch. - Should start keynote speaker at 12:40 pm. We waited too long this time. - Thursday’s lunch should end at 1:00 pm. – Amrah Sanchez - The Reception and Dinner should be scheduled right after the last event in the afternoon – no break in time. – Fortune Bikoro - Good quality of presentations. - Liked the presentation by PTC. - Liked to have small companies involved in the Workshop. - For next time, would like to have more government input --- Norway, UK, Netherlands. Spring 2009 Gas-Lift Workshop Agenda Page 2

- Would like to have more University student involvement. – Greg Stephenson - We had a good mix of papers. – Ken Decker - Someone suggested having one day on hardware and one on software. This idea is not agreed. - Session chair jobs should be spread around better. – Jim Hall - The sound system was good. - The safety for the Workshop was good. – Wayne Mabry - Need to get microphones close to mouth of speaker. - Liked the sub-sea session. – Eric Lovie - Would like to have more case histories. 3. Venue for 2009 workshop a. Per our normal rotation, the 2009 Gas-Lift Workshop will be in Houston, Texas. b. What hotel is recommended? c. What dates are recommended?  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 7, 2007 - We discussed possible venues for the 2009 Workshop. No consensus was reached, but some of the ideas include: . Europe: The Hague, Shell Host. . Europe: Southern France, TOTAL and Schlumberger Host. . Europe: Milan, Italy, ENI Host. . Trinidad: BP Host.  Agenda/Minutes – Apr. 17, 2007 - Now we also have a suggestion of Geneva, Switzerland. - Do we want to start obtaining proposals from various sites for the 2009 Workshop? - Cleon Dunham will start the discussion with Shell to see if they would host the 2009 Workshop in The Netherlands. - Tom Nations will check with Tommy White to see if Schlumberger would be interested in hosting the 2009 event in France. - Update: Shell has agreed to serve a local host for the 2009 Gas-Lift Workshop in The Hague, The Netherlands. - Jackie LaFontaine, Manager of EPT-Wells, Well Performance Team has agreed to be the 2009 Keynote Speaker.  Agenda/Minutes – May 23, 2007 - Is any action needed in this area? - Jim Hall has agreed to be the General Chair for the 2009 Workshop.  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 - What role will Shell be willing to play as “local host” of the Workshop? - Will Shell assign a local coordinator with whom we can work? When will we know who this is? - Should we establish the Workshop dates? Propose Feb. 2 – 6, 2009. - Should we line up the Workshop Hotel? Proposed location at a hotel in Schevinengen, the beach town next to The Hague. - Jim Hall will finalize the agreement for Shell to host the Workshop in The Netherlands in 2009. - Shell has agreed to contribute $10,000 for the Workshop in 2009. - Shell will look for the best hotel venue to hold the Workshop in The Netherlands. - The 2009 Workshop dates of Feb. 2 – 7, 2009 are acceptable to everyone. Spring 2009 Gas-Lift Workshop Agenda Page 3

4. Technical agenda for 2009 workshop a. Possible technical agenda session topics b. Possible session chair persons  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 0 9, 2008 - What general topics do we want for the Technical Agenda in 2009? - Who will be the Session Chairs for the 2009 Workshop? - The following topics were discussed for the Technical Agenda for 2009:  New Technology.  Automation, including Shell’s Production Universe.  Deepwater gas-lift, including sub-sea, TLP, and multiphase boosting.  Regulations and Standards.  Field Reviews, Operations.

5. Continuing education for 2009 workshop a. Possible continuing education topics b. Possible continuing education instructors  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 0 7, 2008 - What courses do we want for the 2009 Workshop? - Who can teach these courses, bearing in mind that the Workshop will be in Europe? - The following topics were discussed for Continuing Education for 2009:  Artificial Lift Selection.  Gas-Lift Design – two days with gas-lift valve performance included.  Surveillance and Troubleshooting.  Overview – this topic was not well defined.

6. Breakout sessions for 2009 workshop a. Possible breakout session topics b. Possible breakout session facilitators  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 0 7, 2008 - What Breakout Sessions do we want in the 2009 Workshop? - We can facilitate these Breakout Sessions? - The following topics were discussed for Breakout Sessions in 2009:  Offshore operations in the North Sea, Africa, including TLP, FPSC, sub-sea.  Regulations – Safety, Integrity

7. Workshop leadership for 2009 workshop a. General Chair b. Roles of ASME Staff c. Roles of John and Cleon  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 - Jim Hall has agreed to be the General Chair for the 2009 Workshop. - Does this need to be confirmed? - Are any changes needed in the roles of ASME, John, and Cleon? - Jim Hall has confirmed that he will be General Chair in 2009. - There were no comments on the roles of ASME, John, and Cleon. Spring 2009 Gas-Lift Workshop Agenda Page 4

8. Keynote Speaker for 2009 workshop a. Nominations for keynote speaker  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 - Jackie LaFontaine, Manager of EPT-Wells, Well Performance Team has agreed to be the 2009 Keynote Speaker. - Is this still valid? Does it need to be reconfirmed? - We discussed the following possibilities for Keynote Speaker for 2009.  Jackie LaFontaine will not be the speaker.  We could possibly have two Keynote Speakers: o Suggestions from Shell include Mark Corner, VP EPT Production, Tom Botts of Shell Expro, and Pieter Kapteijn. o A second person might be Bert Dijkhausen, the chair of ISO Work Group 4. o Jim Hall will contact these people and ascertain their availability and willingness to serve in this capacity. 9. Registration for 2009 workshop a. Process to be used b. Cost for registration  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 - How much should we charge for registration at the 2009 Workshop? - Do we need any special processes since this will be overseas? - Amrah Goebel will finalize the 2008 Gas-Lift Workshop financial report by next month. - At that time we can discuss the proposed budget for 2009. 10. Exhibitors for 2009 workshop a. Number of exhibitors b. Costs for exhibitors  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 - How much should we charge for Exhibit space in 2009? - How can we increase the number of exhibitors? - How can we contact companies in Europe to be Exhibitors? - There was no discussion of this at this time. 11. Sponsors for 2009 workshop a. Number of sponsors b. Method for obtaining sponsors c. Assigning specific meals, etc. for sponsors  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 - How can we find Sponsors in Europe? - There was no discussion of this at this time.

12. Advertising for 2009 workshop a. Is the e-mail list process sufficient? b. Should we use the SPE mailing list again?  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 0 7, 2008 - How can advertising be improved for this and future workshops? - We need to reach new people, not just the ones who are on the existing e-mail lists.\ - How can we reach a large number in Europe? Spring 2009 Gas-Lift Workshop Agenda Page 5

- Hopefully we’ll have a way to soon reach a large number via ALRDC. - There was no discussion of this at this time. 13. Special events for 2009 workshop a. Special events  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 - Do we want any special events associated with the Workshop in 2009? - For example, do we want to ask Shell to hold a special reception? - There was no discussion of this at this time. 14. Side trips for 2009 workshop a. Possible side trip(s)  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 - Do we want any side trips associated with the Workshop in 2009? For example, to visit the Shell R&D facilities in Rijswijk that are working on gas-lift. - A possibility is to take a trip to the Shell gas-lift operation in the Rotterdam Field. - This would basically take a full day. - It could be offered as an alternative to one day of Continuing Education training. 15. Web sites for 2009 workshop a. ASME b. ALRDC  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 0 7, 2008 - Are there any special requirements for the ASME and ALRDC web sites for 2009? - There was no discussion of this at this time.

16. Meals, etc. for 2009 workshop a. Need for special meals – e.g. hilal, kosher, etc.  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 - Is there any reason to discuss this now? - There was no discussion of this at this time. 17. Steering Committee for 2009 workshop a. Any new members b. Any retirees  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 - Do we need to have some people from Europe on the Steering Committee? - If yes, who? - Eric Lovie of Schlumberger has joined the team. - Gabor Takacs was suggested to be on the team. John Martinez will contact him. - A professor from Trondheim University in Norway was suggested. Cleon Dunham will find his name. 18. New Business for 2009 workshop a. Any new business b. Once around  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 - Is there any new business? - There was no new business. Spring 2009 Gas-Lift Workshop Agenda Page 6

19. Venues for 2010, 2011 Workshops a. Will we have the 2010 Workshop in Houston as normal for “even” years? b. For 2011, we have suggestions/requests for London, France, Italy, Trinidad, and Geneva. c. Or, do we want to move the workshop back to Asia for 2011?  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 - Are there thoughts on this at this time? - There was no discussion of this at this time. 20. Future meetings for 2009 Workshop a. Next meeting of core team b. Meeting of Steering Committee  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 7, 2008 - Do we want to have a “Core” team and a separate Steering Committee? - When do we want to have the next meeting? - The next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 18, at 9:00 CDT.

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