Form to Request a Safeguarding Adults Review

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Form to Request a Safeguarding Adults Review

Item 9. Appendix 5

Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board (KMSAB)

Request for a Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR)

Statutory Criteria for Conducting a Safeguarding Adults Review The KMSAB must arrange for there to be a review of a case, involving an adult in its area with needs for care and support (whether or not the local authority has been meeting any of those needs), if:

 An adult at risk dies (including death by suicide), and abuse or neglect is known or suspected to be a factor in their death.

 An adult at risk has sustained any of the following:

o A life threatening injury through abuse or neglect o Serious sexual abuse o Serious or permanent impairment of development through abuse or neglect


o Where there are multiple victims o Where the abuse occurred in an institutional setting o A culture of abuse was identified as a factor in the enquiry


The case(s) give rise to concerns about the way in which local professionals and services worked together to protect and safeguard adult (s) at risk.

KMSAB must also arrange a SAR if the same circumstances apply where an adult is still alive but has experienced serious neglect or abuse.

Further information available at: KMSAB procedure for Safeguarding Adults Reviews

The KMSAB has the lead responsibility for conducting a Safeguarding Adults Review. NB: Any agency or professional can refer a case to the Safeguarding Adults Board if it is believed that there are important lessons for inter-agency working to be learned from the case.

1 KMSAB SAR Referral Form (based on Bristol SAB referral form) V1 August 2017 . Before submitting the referral, please discuss it with the Safeguarding Adults lead in your organisation and follow your local process/procedure. Please note that this is not required for members of the public. . It is essential you provide as much information as you can regarding the fulfilment of the SAR criteria above. However, do not delay in making your referral if there is an urgent need to do so.

Once you have completed the form, please email it to: [email protected] and [email protected]

1.1 Details of adult at risk Name: Click here to enter text. Date of birth: Click here to enter text.

Home address: Click here to enter text.

Postcode: Click here to enter text.

Name and Click here to enter text. address of G.P Practice:

Date of death (if applicable) (DD/MM/YYYY) Click here to enter text.

Nature of Click here to enter text. death/seri ous incident:

Date of serious incident: (DD/MM/YYYY) Click here to enter text.

Location of Click here to enter text. death/seri ous incident:

Is adult at risk/ Click here to enter text. carer/famil y aware of this referral?

All of the above information is essential; without it, your referral may be delayed.

Ethnicity of adult at risk: Click here to enter text. Item 9. Appendix 5 Faith: Click here to enter text.

Disability: Click here to enter text.

Current Adult Safeguarding Plan: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Has been ☐ Not known Category of alleged abuse (if any): ☐ Physical ☐ Sexual ☐ Psychological/emotional ☐ Self neglect ☐ Financial ☐ Modern slavery ☐ Organisational/institutional☐ Domestic ☐ Neglect/acts of omission ☐ Discriminatory

Detail if any other investigations or Click here to enter text. proceedings are ongoing/completed (if known) i.e. criminal, coroner, internal agency investigations:

1.2 Family composition/significant others

Name Relationship Date of Address Legal status Ethnicity Is/was subject Birt and/or to an h current Adult criminal Safeguar proceed ding ings Plan? Click Click Click here Click here Click here to here to here to Click here to Click here to to enter to enter enter text. enter enter enter text. enter text. text. text. text. text.

Click Click Click here Click here Click here to here to here to Click here to Click here to to enter to enter enter text. enter enter enter text. enter text. text. text. text. text.

Click Click Click here Click here Click here to here to here to Click here to Click here to to enter to enter enter text. enter enter enter text. enter text. text. text. text. text.

Click Click Click here Click here Click here to here to here to Click here to Click here to to enter to enter enter text. enter enter enter text. enter text. text. text. text. text.

Click here Click here to Click Click Click here to Click here Click here to to enter here to here to to enter 3 KMSAB SAR Referral Form (based on Bristol SAB referral form) V1 August 2017 enter enter text. enter text. enter text. text. enter text. text. text.

1.3 Other agencies involved

Name Agency Contact Are they still involved? Is the agency aware Details of the SAR referral? Click here to Click here to Click here to Click here to enter Click here to enter text. enter text. enter text. enter text. text.

Click here to Click here to Click here to Click here to enter Click here to enter text. enter text. enter text. enter text. text.

Click here to Click here to Click here to Click here to enter Click here to enter text. enter text. enter text. enter text. text.

Click here to Click here to Click here to Click here to enter Click here to enter text. enter text. enter text. enter text. text.

Click here to Click here to Click here to Click here to enter Click here to enter text. enter text. enter text. enter text. text.

1.4 Summary of events – analysis to support the request for SAR or other Review Set out a brief analysis of how you consider the criteria for a SAR to be met. A detailed analysis is not needed at this point. Please refer to the SAR criteria and guidance (see above). If you are requesting consideration of a Single Agency Review, as no failure in multi-agency working has occurred, do make this clear.

Brief summary of case, including details of Click here to enter text. any safeguardi ng meetings:

Explain why you believe this case Click here to enter text. meets the criteria for a SAR: Item 9. Appendix 5 1.5 Details of referrer

Name Agency and Email, address, phone number Date designation (DD/MM/YY YY) Click here to Click here to enter Click here to enter Click here to enter text. enter text. text. text.

1.6 Details of Safeguarding Lead consulted (not applicable for members of the public)

Name Agency and Email, address, phone number Date designation (DD/MM/YY YY) Click here to Click here to enter Click here to enter Click here to enter text. enter text. text. text.

NB. Agencies are reminded of the need to secure their files as soon as they become aware that a Safeguarding Adults Review might take place.

5 KMSAB SAR Referral Form (based on Bristol SAB referral form) V1 August 2017 Request for a Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) – Part 2 For internal use only

2.1 Recommendations from Core Decision Making Group

Date referral received by KMSAB: Click here to enter text.

Date of Core Decision Making Group meeting: Click here to enter text.

Decision: ☐ Safeguarding Adults Review ☐ KMSAB Case Audit ☐ Single Agency Review (e.g. Serious Incident) ☐ No further action (SAR criteria not met) Click here to enter text. Rationale for Decision

Details of any other action required, if Click here to enter text. applicable.

2.2 Decision of Independent Chair of the KMSAB

Decision Comments Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

2.3 Summary for referrer

Summary for referrer Click here to enter text.

The Core Decision Making group will comprise of at least one representative from the following agencies:

 Kent County Council

 Medway County Council

 Kent Police

 Health Provider or CCG

The recommendation of the Core Decision Making Group will be sent to the Independent Chair of the SAB for approval.

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