HUON / Borrowers, Non Increase in Premiums Post Year 1

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HUON / Borrowers, Non Increase in Premiums Post Year 1

Kippax Parish Council Meeting Minutes 19th November 2015 Attendees Absent. Cllr’s Morley, Kelly, Shaw, Bate, Hardwick, Laycock, McEwan, Woolnough, Eyre, Parker, Montague, Spivey,

Key Issues Updates and Actions Action/Who By When FIRE EVACUATION PROCEDURES WERE POINTED OUT. 1. To accept apologies Cllr’s Gaitley, Payne, Purcell 2. Declaration of interests None. All 3. Police and Crime Crime figures. Burglaries are significantly up. However Kippax is quite compared with some other areas in Police Commission Leeds. 4. Public Forum. No comments. Public 5. Minutes of Last Meeting Approved. All 6. Matters arising from previous None All minutes. Not on this agenda. 7. Finance and Corporate FINANCE. Clerk Governance Meeting. i) Accounts for payment. Approved. See Accounts for payment spreadsheet.

ii) Funding Applications. Cllr Hardwick Growing Zone. Approved. £1000 Kippax Band. Approved. £3500

Corporate Governance. i) Audit Group. No meeting has been held. ii) Minute taking and distribution. The Chairman explained the procedures for the taking of minutes and All the distribution. The Clerk takes the minutes of the meeting. Types them up and issues them to the All Chairman. Once these are agreed either the Chairman or the Clerk distributes them. iii) Clerks Contract of Employment. Copies are obtainable from the Chairman. iv) Potential Breach of Code of Conduct and Standing Orders. An explanation of typical examples was All provided. The latest copy of the Standing Orders was circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting. v) Interests. The Clerk explained that these should be updated on a regular basis. vi) Recent Emails. These were discussed and the issues raised have been resolved. All 8. Planning A) Questions on published report. Planning Committee The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting had been issued. The Chairman explained the electronic process for planning applications. Cllr Morley B) Items requiring decisions. i) None. Neighbourhood plan NHP Group. NHP. Due to health issues Mike Dando has had to with draw from the group. Cllr Morley is in touch with a write the report. (David Gluck). Mike’s invoice has been received and will be progressed by the NHP group. 1 Site Allocation Update. Cllr Payne was thanked for her excellent response to L.C.C. This was circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr Payne C) Items requiring Expenditure. None 9. Youth Group A) Questions on published report. Cllr Montague gave an update on the Skate Park Project. Youth Advisory B) items requiring decisions. It appears that the Parish Council can possibly claim money received for Committee (YAC) carry bags that TESCO’s has collected. Storage Container. L.C.C are offering a Storage Container FOC. The youth group are to investigate which YAC local groups may wish to use this. It is currently on Kippax Common. C) Items requiring expenditure. Skate Park. Funding for the next stage of the project was approved. YAC Approval for expenditure on phases 2, 3 and 4 was agreed. 10. Communications A) Questions on published report. The magazine is at the printers. Communications B) Items requiring decisions. Calendars are available for sale. Please contact the comms group. Advisory Committee C) Items requiring expenditure. (CAC) The Christmas Card Competition. Expenditure was approved. BAC’s Payments. The Clerk is to check the bank Statements for BAC’s payments. Clerk 11. Village Services A) Questions on published report. Village Services Cllrs Shaw and Bate gave a verbal report. L.C.C is being chased continually regarding the poor state of Advisory Committee some of the footpaths. Three separate accidents have been reported. (VSAC) B) Items requiring decisions. None C) Items requiring expenditure. i) Lengthsman. Comments have been received regarding the specification. It was reconfirmed that this is The Clerk to be carried out on a sub-contractor basis. Clerk to draw up the specification ii) War Memorial. All The cleaning has been completed. It was approved that the restoration should be funded out of K.P.C project Funds. Checks to be made to see if the War memorial is registered. This could lead to funding for maintenance in the future. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT MEMBERS OF THE BRITISH LEGION HAD TAKEN A COLLECTION TO GO TOWARDS THE RESTORATION. THIS WAS NOT POPPY APPEAL MONEY. It was agreed to fund the additional cost of £2500 from projects fund Youth Group. (YAC) iii) Scarecrow Competition. It was agreed that further research should be carried out. Passed to Youth Group 12. Projects. 1. Update on meetings with L.C.C Ward Councillors. No meeting had been held with L.C. C Councillors. Cllr Morley A request for a formal meeting is to go to the three L.C.C ward members. Once this is agreed can all available councillors attend? All 2. Update on current projects and projects under consideration. I i)) Kippax in Bloom. Cllr Bate The plaques for the road signs commemorating the success of K.I.B are being progressed by Cllr Bate. Cllr Bate ii) Kippax Meadows. Nothing to report. iii) Flower Bed Project. The area at the junction at the bottom of Butt Hill has been grassed. Cllr Bate iv) Christmas lights project. Switch on 26th November. Everything is in place. Cllr Morley to contact L.C.C Cllr Morley regarding the size of the Christmas Trees that have been supplied. Cllr Morley 11. CORRESPONDENCE Issued via email. Advertising brochures have been received for Outdoor Gym Clerk 12. AGENDA ITEMS FOR Legal and Finance only. The Clerk NEXT MEETING All 13. Date of next meeting. 14th December. 2015 The Clerk Chairman’s Signature & Date


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