Hail Weston Parish Council

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Hail Weston Parish Council



J Abell (Clerk)

IN ATTENDANCE: The Parish Meeting commenced at 7.30pm. There were two members of the public present. County Cllr. P.Downes joined the meeting at 8pm.

ACTION 160119- 1 TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES AND REASONS FOR ABSENCE - VB absent. JG chaired the meeting. District Cllr. Jonathan Gray.

160119- 2 TO RECEIVE ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS FROM MEMBERS JG asked members had any ‘interest’ particularly with regard to planning applications on agenda - none received.

160119- 3 TO APPROVE and SIGN the MINUTES of the General Parish Meeting held on 17th of November 2015 and the Extra ordinary meeting held on 8th December 2015. All in favour that the Minutes reflected a true and accurate record. JG duly signed.

160119- 4 MATTERS ARISING: Clerk to seek quotations for Handling the conveyancing for Garden of Rest- Hancox: £800 plus VAT if there is only one purchaser; £1300 plus VAT if the land is divided and there are two purchasers – plus an extra £500 plus VAT for each additional purchaser, if the land is divided into more than two sale plots. Gross & Co Solicitors: Sale of whole plot £950 plus VAT, £650 plus VAT if the land is divided and there are two purchasers- an extra £650 plus vat for each additional purchaser if the land is divided into more than two sale plots. Charges to each fee quoted as need to discuss with Hancox known as ‘Liaising fee’ - G&C stated they would happily help HWPC with any questions over the phone but did advise if the costs weren’t too significantly different that PC remain with specialist in disposing of Town/Parish assets. Wilkinson & Butler: awaiting quotation, Leeds Day: £1500 plus VAT and if the land is divided and there are two purchasers £600 Plus vat. Clerk to double check insurance requirements in relation to playing field checks without appointed Caretaker: Response received from Came & Co. was any ‘competent person’ can carry out checks on playing

Signed by the Chairman veronica Bolton 16th February 2016 Page 1 of 7 HAIL WESTON PARISH COUNCIL

ACTION field that have been nominated by PC this Includes P Councillors who also covered within policy. Right of way at horse field: Mrs Clements thanked PC for information and confirmed willingness to have meeting with concerned residents to discuss their solution. Mrs Clements open to the experts (CCC) to assess but felt this was between land owner and complainant in the first instance. Clerk to advise resident outlining PC support of an assessment of the pathway if required. Clerk TO DISCUSS PLANNING APPLICATIONS a. APPLICATION 15/02237/FUL: Construction of 160119- 5 round barrow and provision of car park wood south of Kimbolton Road, Hail Weston. Approved. Proposed by PE and seconded by GW. Clerk to submit PC comments to HDC on 21/1/16. b. APPLICATION 15/02321/HHFUL: 13 High Street, Hail Weston. Two storey rear extension. Approved. Proposed by LE and seconded by TB. Clerk to submit PC comments to HDC on 24/1/16 c. APPLICATION 15/02323/FUL: Land at 13 High Street, Hail Weston. Detached two bedroom bungalow dropped kerb and crossover to new driveway. Approved. Proposed by LE and seconded by TB. Clerk to submit PC comments to HDC on 24/1/16 also to reflect a resident notified Clerk PC of the boundary map submitted did not appear accurate. d. PLANNING UPDATES FROM HDC: Kym’s Stables: Update received - in the past year HDC have been finalising the S106 agreement (legal agreement) and that has taken time, in part due to the agent being hard to get hold of. There was also a delay due to the cross over to legal shared services between Cambridge City, S. Cabs and HDC. It is, however, now ready to be issued. Enforcement and CO visited along with officers from CCC highways thanking the PC for their original concern. Whilst the access is not in the position as shown on the plans, CCC have no objection to the location of the highway crossover. However, the applicant has had it explained to him what will need to be done to ensure the access is to an acceptable (CCC) standard. Applicant is now in direct contact with CCC Highways and HDC and has been advised to prevent use of the ‘new access’. HDC suggest the way forward is for the applicant to

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ACTION supply amended plans showing the revised location of the access so HDC have halted issuing the new planning permission until HDC receive those plans. Clerk TB proposed and JG seconded action for Clerk to discuss with Nigel Swaby and seek progress of development given local sensitivities. e. APPLICATION 16/00061HHFUL 24 Manor Way, Hail Weston single storey. Mono pitched roof. rear Clerk extension Approved. Proposed by TB and 160119- 6 seconded by JG. Clerk to submit PC comments to HDC on 2/2/16. 160119- 7 TO CO OPT COUNCILLOR VACANCY None

OPEN FORUM and TO RECEIVE COUNCILLOR REPORTS (15 MINS) Lead Neighbourhood watch co-ordinator Nigel Burdett outlined challenges of dwindling co-ordinators in the village, issues with communicating to residents and lack of funding. NB proposed a new lead with fresh ideas to take it forward although confirmed he happy to stay as Lead whilst a replacement found. A discussion ensued. GW suggested NB seek detail following CLP feedback as a strong indicator suggested residents were interested in Neighbourhood watch. The CLP launch event was agreed an ideal opportunity to recruit new members. TB asked how communication and use of technology could be improved. It was suggested that the village newsletter administered by Dawn could be a key element in assisting communication highlighting requirement for volunteers and reminding residents of signing up to e-cops alerts. Dawn confirmed her assistance with using the village newsletter which 120 residents have signed up to. JG thanked NB and suggested item carried. NB left the meeting at 8.15pm. County Cllr. P. Downes Report: LHI Application - PD outlined his frustration with the LHI panel with regard to finance, in particular the issue of contributions from the applicants. He supported the case to reduce the speed on the B645. TB thanked PD for his support at the presentation. CCC Budget - the gap resulting in government final allocations was greater than anticipated resulting in a further 5 Million cuts. Next month CCC would be voting following news from central government that for social care only a further 2% could be raised via increases to Council tax. Meaning a 4% increase could be achieved without a referendum. A 4% or £1 week rise to occupants to a Band D property could generate 9.6Million. CCC Services – circulated a report highlighting12 activities that volunteers could take on which CCC would provide safety equipment and training of volunteers.

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ACTION P Downes left the meeting at 8.39pm. Dawn Issac on behalf of CLP team outlined further detail to the report circulated by CLP Chair and took questions relating to grant funding proposals. A request to reinstate playing field working group was made and to reinstate grass meadow around edge of playing field - item carried. JG thanked Dawn for her attendance 160119- 8 at meeting. Dawn left the meeting at 9.10pm. FINANCE a. Account balances January: Business Money Manager £24,493 Community a/c £3234 and Community a/c £0.91. TOTAL £27,728. All in favour to accept reconciliation. b. The following payments were proposed by JG and seconded by PE. J Abell Wages £400.14 (Jan.) Stinky ink £17.97 Tree work quotation Urban and Rural Approved at £1910 (GTS £1620+VAT, A. Dear £1885) Clerk Transfer of £3000 to current a/c. £338.64 Hunts post public notice advert. Conveyancing fees carried 160119- 9 TO ADOPT COMMUNITY PLAN ENDORSING PC ACTIONS A discussion ensued with regard to proposals circulated prior to the meeting from the Community Led Plan Chair. PE proposed and JG seconded to record Parish Council thanks to Barry Easom, CLP team leads and volunteers for producing a 5 year plan that will be beneficial to the Parish Council in utilising resident’s responses to enhance the village. GW Proposed and TB seconded to Accept Parish Council ‘Actions’ resulting from Plan and help monitor progress of implementation of it. PE proposed TB seconded to Approve the installation of community board on PC owned land, planting of a wild meadow on the playing field, conversion of BT phone box (owned by Parish Council). The Parish Council confirm these Assets can be sited on Parish owned land and will be included on Parish Council insurance and on Asset register for at least a 5 year minimum period. The PC did not Approve a construction of a BBQ area at the playing field. The PC felt greater research would need to be carried out without the time constraints. Clerk to forward Draft Minutes of item 9 so that CLP can progress with Awards for All. Clerk

160119- 10 TO DISCUSS ITEMS REQUIRING ACTION RESULTING FROM CIRCULATION OF COUNCILLOR REPORTS PRIOR TO THE PARISH MEETING Website: GW illustrated new website front page. GW to share link. GW Content to be populated by GW. Anticipated live date and training of

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ACTION management of website February end. Garden of Rest: PE proposed TB seconded a Public Notice for the Clerk Garden of Rest sale advert in Hunts post to be published W/c 25.1.16 and W/c 1.2.16. To Appoint Barfords to certify that the open market value is achieved. A public notice at Garden of Rest entrance and Parish notice board to meet statutory requirement. PE to discuss updates with PE Barfords. Clerk to advise resident to open access to Garden of Rest following Clerk building works completion. Parish caretaker role: JG circulated January’s checks prior to the meeting. JG proposed and GW seconded that Health and Safety checks are carried out by Parish Councillors and additional maintenance works when required to be purchased. Cloud storage: TB to circulate proposal. TB circulated at the meeting TB Highways/Environment report. LHI update: B645 concern regarding finance as outlined. Application was 1 of 26. Decision based on finance and applicant contribution. 50mph suggested as option by panel. Police seem supportive of 40mph.

160119- 11 CORRESPONDENCE AND CLERKS REPORT a. CCC: 9/12/15 Additional proposed savings to council health budget, 17/12/15 Grant settlement for CCC further 5 Million to save, 21/12/15 Gritting scheme reminder. b. RESIDENTS: 19/11/15 Grow wild seeds, 2,9&11/12/15 lighting Pound Close, 5/12/15 DIY tree works for free - Clerk to enquire if volunteer happy to assist with fallen tree in new cemetery. Clerk 2/12/15 Garden of Rest update and visitor requested access, 1/12/15 right of way request, 9/12/15 riparian responsibilities, 15/12/15 Green lane pot holes reported on 30.12.15. 28/12/15 CLP Highways led email, 29/12/15 damage to Spring Close, 5/1/15 accident on B645 closed road on 5.1.16, 7/1/16 playing field photos. c. HDC: 30/11/15 E-consultation for planning applications from 1.4.16, 30/11/15 Parish Alert 22/12/15 Update received Kym Stables, 23/12/15 CIL Report Nil response by HWPC but clerk would expect to receive CIL monies this forthcoming year. d. SOLAR FARM: 3/12/15 Email to notify planning to build solar farm uncertainty coming from government unclear when. Due to be connected 2017. e. HUNTS FORUM: Funding alerts, CAPALC 4/12/15 E Bulletin, 18/12/15 Referendum principle 2016-17 and 22/12/15 Training dates available. f. KIMBOLTON PARISH COUNCIL: 15/12/15 Invite to Local Joint Forum meeting on 11.1.16, 7/1/16 HW requirements with their handyman. g. HANCOX SOLICITORS: 19.12.15 G of R Notices for sale. h. BEDFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL; 6/1/16 Housing strategy review

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ACTION 2012-2017 closing date 29.2.16 i. REBECCA AVERY: 8/1/16 Environmental waste and voluntary and community action.

Tree in Green lane clerk to write to resident enlisting support to cut branches surrounding street light so casing can be replaced. Ford Road and Green Lane potholes had been assessed by CCC and passed to contractors although not classed as priority. PC Clerk note chippings in place on Ford Road. Ford Bridge- emailed pictures to Stephen McGee (CCC) as requested; he stated footbridges are being completed in Cambridge so if HW is required to have improved surface treatment an order in tandem is anticipated. Dumped waste reported to HDC outside water pumping station Ford End. CiLCA update Clerk has to submit her assignment by March 16th 2016. A huge amount of work had been completed to date with six further assignments still outstanding. Clerk highlighted various campaigns to celebrate Queens 90th birthday on 21st April such as lighting of beacons, clean for queen and Britain in bloom. Litter pick. Date – Sunday 13th February. Clerk to organise equipment and publish. Clerk to organise 2 street lights for trial. Clerk MATTERS TO BE RAISED BY MEMBERS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA Cloud Clerk storage and Garden of Rest. 160119- 12

The meeting closed at 9.55pm

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