Dot Card Activity: Make the Pattern

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Dot Card Activity: Make the Pattern

Make the Pattern Dot Card Flash (CC-Primary) (CC-Primary) You Need: dot cards numeral cards You Need: dot cards paper plates bingo chips counters ten frame bingo boards (extension)

Directions: Directions: 1. Hold up a dot card and have students 1. Flash a dot card and then hide it. make the pattern they see on the plate. 2. Have students state the number, hold up 2. Ask them how many dots they see and a numeral or dot card, or construct the how they see them. arrangement. Extension: Extension: 1. Flash a dot card and then hide it. 1. Place a dot card in between two plates. 2. Have the kids place a chip on the number 2. Have students build a set that is one less they saw if they have it. on one plate and one more on the other 3. When students cover a square of four plate. squares (postage stamp) or four squares in a row have them say “Bingo!” Extension: Flash the cards instead of setting 4. Check to see if the numbers they them on the table. covered were flashed.

Adapted from Dot Card and Ten Frame Activities Adapted from Dot Card and Ten Frame Activities By Kolson, Mole, and Silva By Kolson, Mole, and Silva Which One is Different Number Match (CC-Primary) (CC-Primary) You Need: dot cards You Need: dot cards Directions: Directions: 1. Display a set of cards that represent 1. State a number or hold up a numeral the same number in different card. formations. 2. Have students find the corresponding 2. Have the students determine which card dot card. does not belong.

Adapted from Dot Card and Ten Frame Activities Adapted from Dot Card and Ten Frame Activities By Kolson, Mole, and Silva By Kolson, Mole, and Silva Dot Card Trains Addarama (CC-Primary) (CC-Primary)

You Need: dot cards You Need: 2 sets of dot cards in two colors a partner Directions: 1. Set out a random set of dot cards. Directions: 2. Have the students arrange them in order 1. Each student gets a set of cards. starting with numbers 1-6. 2. Each turns over the top card. 3. Both students add their dot card to Extension: Arrange backwards, choose other their partner’s. intervals, and/or leave numbers out. 4. First student to say the sum gets to keep both cards. 5. Whoever gets all of the cards wins.

Extension: Each student flips over two cards, and the highest sum of their own cards gets both cards.

Adapted from Dot Card and Ten Frame Activities Adapted from Dot Card and Ten Frame Activities By Kolson, Mole, and Silva By Kolson, Mole, and Silva Finger Dot Match Combination Target Match (CC-Primary) (CC-Primary)

You Need: dot cards You Need: dot cards numeral cards numeral cards fingers Directions: Directions: 1. Hold up a dot or numeral card. 1. Hold up fingers and ask “How many 2. Have students find two dot or numeral fingers?” cards that together are worth the same 2. Students imitate and state the number. as the teacher’s card. 3. Students then find a dot card representing the same number. Extension: Have students find more than one combination or have them try using more Extension: Hold up two hands with different then two cards. numbers and have the students imitate and find the dot card with the sum of the two numbers.

Adapted from Dot Card and Ten Frame Activities Adapted from Dot Card and Ten Frame Activities By Kolson, Mole, and Silva By Kolson, Mole, and Silva Concentration with Dot Cards and Equal Ten Frames (CC-Primary) (CC-Primary) You Need: dot cards You Need: 2 sets of dot cards ten frames (same values as the for each set of partners dot cards) Directions: Directions: 1. Lay out ten dot cards and ten ten- 1. Set up students in pairs. frames face down in rows. 2. Each student gets a set of cards. 2. Have students chose two cards to flip 3. Each student flips over the top card. over. 4. If they are the same amount the 3. If they have the same values then the students say “Equal!” student keeps the cards. 5. The first person to say it gets both 4. If they do not have the same values then cards. the cards placed face down in the same 6. If they are not equal, place the cards spots again. at the bottom of the student’s deck. 5. When the cards are all taken, whoever 7. Person with the most cards wins. has the most matching pairs of ten frames and dot cards wins. Extension: Have them look for a certain Extension: Have students search for pairs sum and instead of them saying “Equal!” that add up to a certain sum. they can, for example, say “Equals 8”.

Adapted from Dot Card and Ten Frame Activities Adapted from Dot Card and Ten Frame Activities By Kolson, Mole, and Silva By Kolson, Mole, and Silva I Wish I Had… Five Frame Trains (CC-Primary) (CC-Primary)

You Need: dot cards You Need: Two sets of five frame cards or numeral cards Ten frame cards (extension) or ten frames Directions: Directions: 1. Have students sequence the cards from 1. Hold up a card. zero to five. 2. Say, “I wish I had (a number higher then the 2. Have them sequence the cards original).” backwards from five to zero. 3. Student holds up or states the missing 3. Have them practice counting forwards addend required to make that number. and backwards.

Extension: Have the students do it in their Extensions: heads without cards or have them find two  Turn over one card in the train and or more cards that could be used to make have the students identify which number the missing addend. is turned over.  Use ten frames.  Have students sequence a set that is missing some numbers.

Adapted from Dot Card and Ten Frame Activities Adapted from Dot Card and Ten Frame Activities By Kolson, Mole, and Silva By Kolson, Mole, and Silva Dice Match Ten Frame Flash (CC-Primary) (CC-Primary)

You Need: dice You Need: ten frames five frames ten frames (extension) Directions: 1. Flash a ten-frame card. Directions: 2. Ask students to identify how many dots 1. Roll the die. they saw. 2. Have students find the five frame that has the same amount the die shows. Extensions: 3. If they roll a six then roll again.  Have them identify one less or more then the number. Extensions:  Have them identify how many  Use multiple five frames. empty spaces there are or how  Use two or more die and ten frames. many are needed to make ten.

Adapted from Dot Card and Ten Frame Activities Adapted from Dot Card and Ten Frame Activities By Kolson, Mole, and Silva By Kolson, Mole, and Silva Ten Frame War What’s the Difference? (CC-Primary) (CC-Primary) You Need: 2 sets of ten frames 50 counters You Need: at least three sets of ten-frames Directions: 50 counters 1. Students play war, but with the ten Directions: frames. 1. Spread 5 cards out face down. 2. The student with the higher card 2. Place the rest in a pile face down. identifies the difference between the 3. Each student takes a turn flipping the cards and takes that many counters. top card in the pile as well as one of the 3. Continue until the counters are gone. spread cards. 4. The player with the most counters wins. 4. He or she determines the difference between the two cards and takes that amount of counters. 5. The card that was turned over from the 5 that were spread is turned back over to be used again. The card from the pile is given to the teacher and is not used again this round. 6. The player with the most counters wins.

Adapted from Dot Card and Ten Frame Activities Adapted from Dot Card and Ten Frame Activities By Kolson, Mole, and Silva By Kolson, Mole, and Silva 10 Plus Match and Grab (CC-Primary) (CC-Primary) You Need: 2 sets of ten frames You Need: two sets of ten frames and 0-20 numeral cards Directions: Directions: 1. Place one 10 ten frame face up in the 1. Spread out the 0-20 numeral cards center. face up in order 2. Place the other cards in a pile face down. 2. Have students take turns flipping over 3. Students take turns flipping over the top two ten frames and finding the total. card and adding it to 10. 3. If the numeral card match is there, 4. Talk about any apparent patterns. they take the numeral card only. 4. When the numeral cards are gone, the Extension: Play with nine as the card to add person with the most numeral cards the other number to and talk about the wins. apparent patterns.

Adapted from Dot Card and Ten Frame Activities Adapted from Dot Card and Ten Frame Activities By Kolson, Mole, and Silva By Kolson, Mole, and Silva Dominoes Make a Two-More-Than Set (CC-Primary) (CC-Primary) You need: 2”x4” dominoes made of poster board with dot pattern on each end (same You need: a set of dot cards pattern can appear on lots of dominoes with Counters different pairs of patterns making up each (partner is optional) one) OR Directions: Set of regular dominoes (this will not have as 1. Give each student about 6 dot cards. many patterns) 2. Have them construct a set of counters a partner that is two more than the set shown on the card. Directions: 3. Another option is to find another dot 1. Deal out all of the dominoes so each card that is two less than the card. partner has the same number of them. 4. Take turns. 2. Take turns matching up the ends (one of the ends of your domino has to have the same number of dots as one of the end dominoes on the table-then touch them together). 3. Keep taking turns until all of the dominoes are gone or until you can’t play anymore.

Adapted from Dot Card and Ten Frame Activities Adapted from Dot Card and Ten Frame Activities By Kolson, Mole, and Silva By Kolson, Mole, and Silva

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