530. Romantic and Victorian Period

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530. Romantic and Victorian Period

Total No. of Pages: 2 5843 Register Number: Name of the Candidate: M.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, 2011 (ENGLISH) (FIRST YEAR) (PAPER-III)

530. ROMANTIC AND VICTORIAN PERIOD Dec.) (Time: 3 Hours Maximum: 100 Marks

SECTION-A Answer any FIVE questions (5×8=40) All questions carry equal marks

I. Annotate the following:

1. a) Heaven lies about us in our infancy!

b) That with music loud and long. I would build that dome in air, That sunny dome! those caves of ice.

2. a)It cracked and growled ,and roared and howled, Like noises in a swound!

b) Where Beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes, Or new love pine at them beyond to-morrow.

3. a) Heard melodies are sweet , but those unheard Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, paly on:

b) Thou hast not liv’d , why should’st thou perish, so?

4. a) Time, I take for granted, has not freshened it , No wind has resuscitated the face of the sleeping waters.

b) Here John smiled, as much as to say,” that would be foolish indeed”.

5. a) Above all , he is learned in the peerage of words.

b) “The public is just a great baby!”.

6. a) I have only been married once. That was in consequence of a misunderstanding between myself and a young person.

b) Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit, touch it and the bloom is gone. 2 II. Attempt the following in about 200 words each:

7. a) Bring out Shelly’s message in ‘Ode to the west wind”.

b) Give an account of the mystic element in the poem “The Blessed Damozel”.

8. a) What does Ruskin say about the kinds of books? b) Write the summary of chapter XIV in Biographia Literania’.

SECTION-B Answer any THREE questions (3×20=60) All questions carry equal marks 9. a) Write an essay on the evolution of thought in the poem ‘Ode on intimations of Immorality”. (OR) b) Write an essay on Browning’s philosophy as revealed in “Andrea del Sarto”.

10. a) Discuss Charles Lamb as an essayist. (OR) What are Dequincey’s views in “The confessions of an opium Eater”.

11. a) Discuss “The importance of Being Earnest” as a force. (OR) b) Relate the circumstances which culminate in Bluntschli’s proposal of marriage to Raina.

12. a) Justify the title “The Heart of Midlothian”. (OR) b) With reference to “Pride and Prejudice” consider, Jane Austen’s irony as an expression of her total vision of life.

13. a)How is country life portrayed in “Silas Marner”. (OR) b) Bring out Hardy’s pessimism in The Woodlanders”


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