State Fire Prevention Commission s4

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State Fire Prevention Commission s4

S T A T E O F D E L A W A R E S T A T E F I R E P R E V E N T I O N C O M M I S S I O N D E L A W A R E F I R E S E R V I C E C E N T E R (302) 739 – 3160 146 3 C H E S T N U T G R O V E R O A D F A X (302) 739 – 443 6 D O V E R , D E L A W A R E 1990 4


Monthly Meeting

June 19, 2012


David J. Roberts, Chairman Alan Robinson, Jr., Vice Chairman Bob Ricker Tom DiCristofaro Patrick Matthews, M.D., BLS Medical Director Sherry Lambertson, Executive Specialist Grover P. Ingle, State Fire Marshal Robert P. Newnam, Director, State Fire School


Lou Amibili, Hockessin Fire Company Allan Post, Ambulance 64 Alan Brown, Assistant State Fire Marshal Michael Chionchio, Assistant State Fire Marshal R.T. Leicht, OSFM Warren Jones, DVFA Charles Frampton, DVFA Diane Hainsworth, OEMS Alan Post, Ambulance 64 Ed Barlow, Odessa Fire Company Charles Shelden, NCCVFA SFPC Minutes June 19, 2012 Page 2


Chairman Roberts called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.



It was moved by Commissioner DiCristofaro, and seconded by Commissioner Ricker that the minutes of the May 15, 2012 Commission meeting be approved as amended. Motion carried.


Agency’s Activity for the month of May is as follows: investigations 42; arrests 5-: inspections (health care 2-/deputy 222/day care 23/ - tech services –282 “QAP-263”); complaints-9; juvenile interviews 13; plan reviews 307-; plan review turnaround time (Statewide Average) 8/; PRUF revenue collected $471,693 year to date $1,094,653.


Personnel Items

Fire Marshal Ingle updated the commissioner’s on the vacant Deputy Fire Marshal I position. The background phase of the hiring process has been completed. Fire Marshal Ingle will tentatively offer the selected candidate the position before announcing their name to the Commission.

Fire Marshal Ingle has requested a list for interviews of the vacant Administrative Specialist I position. They have been informed that a large number of applications were received and are being reviewed. A list will be submitted to the Office of State Fire Marshal for interviews to be scheduled in the near future.

Kristin Horton is out on extended medical leave. She is expected to return on July 5, 2012. Brenda Wyatt, Office Manager has returned from her extended medical leave on June 4, 2012.

The following staff members participated in the Delaware Special Olympics: Chief Deputy Fire Marshal Lee, Deputy Fire Marshal III Galaska, Deputy Fire Marshal III Wagner, Deputy Fire Marshal III Goins, and Senior Junior Fire Specialist Lattomus. Fire Marshal Ingle is honored that his staff participated in this event and did a great job. SFPC Minutes June 19, 2012 Page 3

Dover Phone System Update

Fire Marshal Ingle reported that the Dover Phone System is complete and the staff is becoming acclimated to the new system. Fire Marshal Ingle stated that it’s a very nice system and will do well for the office.

Sussex Addition Update

Fire Marshal Ingle reported that the building addition continues to move on. A meeting is scheduled for June 25, 2012 to review the 90% drawings. And it will then go out for bid.

Incident Report

The Office of State Fire Marshal responded to an incident on May 31, 2012 where an explosion took place at approximately 2:30 a.m. in Pinewood Mobile Home Park. This incident is currently under investigation. There was damage to over 30 properties and 15 vehicles. We are fortunate that no one was seriously injured. This explosion had the potential to have numerous fatalities.

There was a townhouse fire in Burton Village in the early part of June. It did substantial damage to lightweight construction. After investigation it was determined that the fire was due to an electrical malfunction in the basement area of the structure.

There was a fire in Beebe Hospital on June 10, 2012. The Fire Company was dispatched for an automatic fire alarm. Upon arrival the Chief was told that a sprinkler head was going off on the fifth floor. Crews investigated and found that there was a fire that the sprinkler head contained. It was an electrical malfunction in a lighting unit inside of a patient’s bathroom. The staff did exactly as they were instructed to do. They removed the patient from the room and closed the door. The sprinkler ran for approximately 30 minutes before it was shut down. This caused some water damage to the third and fourth floor. Some minor lessons were learned from the incident. Over all the incident was handled well and it was a sprinkler save.


No report at this time.


No report at this time. SFPC Minutes June 19, 2012 Page 4


No report at this time.



 A student injury (shoulder/arm) occurred during a hose handling class. The student was transported-treated and released.  Transcare Ambulance – performing inspections on complaints received.  Construction on two straw storage buildings at the Divisions at Sussex are nearing completion.  Newly designed DSFS web-site is now up.  EMT National Registry Transition program – on –line with DSFS (70 have enrolled)  NIMS Cast for the DVFA – waiting for Fire Service Inventory for typing of apparatus

Staff Activities

 Attended briefing on Delaware Valley Intelligence Center – Martin  Eastern Division meeting of the IAFC – Walton, Dempsey  Level 1 SERT Drill – New Castle County LEPC, hosted by Station 20 – Walton  NFPA Conference – Martin and Lowe  Accepted the retirement of Jay Reynolds – last working day June 8th, last authorized June 30th  Course and Certification Testing – Aerial Driver/Operator – DAFB – 17 students – Baker, Brennan  Sussex Junior Competition – June 16th Sussex Division - Stephens


. Current Month o Rope Rescue – 15 students o Vehicle Rescue – 42 students o PTLS – 8 students o CPR/AED – Instructor’s Course – 27 students o EVO – Kent Division, weekday – 22 students SFPC Minutes June 19, 2012 Page 5

Programs/Courses cont.

o Certification Testing . Firefighter I – 5 students, Firefighter II, - 3 students . Fire Officer I – 1 student . Haz. Mat. Awareness – 1 student . Divisions Usage o New Castle – 9 classes scheduled o Kent – 4 classes scheduled o Sussex – 1 class scheduled


. Current Month o CEU programs – 7 classes scheduled o July EMT weekday program – class full 20 students

Delaware Risk Watch Report

Director Newnam submitted a copy of the Delaware Risk Watch report to the Commission for review and questions.

Public Education Activity Report

. Current Month o DSFS Tours – 3 scheduled o DSFS Displays – 7 scheduled o DSFS Programs – 7 scheduled

Maintenance – Building and Grounds

 Straw storage building completed in Sussex contracted for New Castle (starts the air project)  Purchased a Fork Lift (2008), $19,170, replaces the 1983 unit purchased by DSFS in 1990.


. Pass Due Billings o 30 days – 18,692.00 o 60 days – 6,880.00 o 90 days – 71.00 o 120 days – 50.00 SFPC Minutes June 19, 2012 Page 6

Financial cont.

. 20678 Tuition Fund – 305,553.00 . 20500 Haz Mat Tech Fund – 257,428.00 . Accounts receivable – 131,904.00 . Revenue Comparison o Tuition – 2012, 53,776.00 – 2011, 56,405.00 o Haz. Mat. – 2012, 2,100.00 – 2011, 2,700.00 . Special Funds Summary – report attached for Commission review. . Expenditure Report was submitted for Commission review.

Staff and Office Staff Meeting Minutes

Staff meeting minutes were submitted to the Commissioner’s for review.

Personnel Issues

 Sharon Barr accepted the receptionist position and started Monday, June 18th.  Risk Watch position status – received certified listing of applicants. The hiring process is on hold pending appeals by applicants not listed as certified.  Jay Reynolds retired – His last day in the office was June 8th, and official last day is on June 30th. It was moved by Commissioner DiCristofaro, seconded by Commissioner Ricker to authorize Director Newnam to begin proceedings to fill the vacant Senior Instructor position left by the retirement of Jay Reynolds. Motion carried.

Action Items

No report at this time.

Fire Marshal/Fire School

No report at this time.

Scheduled Activities

No report at this time. SFPC Minutes June 19, 2012 Page 7


Dr. Matthews reported that the Protocols were approved by the ALS Standards Committee. Dr. Matthews thanked Director Newnam and Commissioner Ricker for attending the meeting. The next step will be the approval by the Board of Medical Practice.

Dr. Matthews and Director Newnam have discussed incorporating more education in regard to the importance of patient care reports and the need for them to be filled out in a timely fashion.

Dr. Matthews discussed a recent notification of an increase in scabies infections. This has not worsened but is something to be aware of.

Dr. Matthews requested the assistance of the Commission in addressing an incident that happened at a working fire in New Castle County last month. There were several confrontations with firefighters who were found to not be fit to return to the fire due to health condition/concern and they returned anyway. The medics told them that they had not recovered in hydration or heart rate. Moving forward, it’s important to note that the Medics need the backing of the Fire Chief’s and Incident Commanders on the fire rehab scene. We know that the largest risk to the firefighters is the cardiovascular events that they can sustain. Chairman Roberts has addressed it on a county level and it will be discussed with all of the companies. A policy will be written.


Deputy Attorney General Battista reported that he completed and sent the proposed Fire Prevention Commission Regulations to the Registrar to be posted on July 1, 2012. The hearing has been scheduled and posted for August 21, 2012.


Commissioner Tobin

Chairman Roberts reported that he was officially accepting the resignation from Commissioner Tobin. Mr. Tobin has been officially appointed to the Public Integrity Commission. The Fire Prevention Commission thanks him for his time and service. It was moved by Vice Chairman Robinson, seconded by Commissioner DiCristofaro to accept the resignation of Bill Tobin and thank him for all of his hard work during his short term on the Commission. SFPC Minutes June 19, 2012 Page 8

Department of Public Safety Correspondence

The Commission reviewed and discussed correspondence received by Larry Tan of the New Castle County Department of Public Safety regarding Ambulance Regulations. It was moved by Commissioner DiCristofaro, seconded by Commissioner Ricer to turn the letter over to the State Fire Prevention Commission Ambulance Advisory Committee for review. Motion carried.

Eric Wright

Chairman Roberts reported on a matter brought before the Commission regarding a current temporarily suspended EMT. He would like to return to an active duty status and is requesting to have a hearing before the Commission in August. Deputy Attorney General requested that Ms. Lambertson get a copy of the Sentencing Order to determine the type and length of his probation.

Christopher Tibbit

Commissioner DiCristofaro reported that EMT-B Christopher Tibbit has met the requirements of his probation and has been released from probation per the State Fire Prevention Commission.


No report at this time.


No report at this time.


No report at this time.


No report at this time.

The Commission recessed from regular session and entered into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing a personnel matter. It was moved by Commissioner Ricker, seconded by Commissioner DiCristofaro to enter into Executive Session at 9:40 a.m. Motion carried.

SFPC Minutes June 19, 2012 Page 9


It was moved by Commissioner DiCristofaro, seconded by Commissioner Ricker to exit the Executive Session at 10:25 a.m. The Commission was in Executive Session for the purpose of discussion. Motion carried.


Chairman David J. Roberts

Chairman Roberts reported that he attended the Monthly Fire Prevention Commission Meeting, New Castle County Meeting, and Sussex County Meeting.

Vice Chairman Alan F. Robinson, Jr.

Vice Chairman Robinson reported that he attended the Monthly Fire Prevention Commission Meeting, DEMSOC Meeting, Citizens Hose Fire Company Meeting, Citizens Hose Fire Company Special Meeting, Kent County Volunteer Firefighter Association Meeting, Ronald Hoffecker Viewing, and Citizens Hose Fire Company Board Meeting.


July 17, 2012 Commission Chamber Delaware Fire Service Center 1463 Chestnut Grove Road Dover, DE 19904


It was moved by Commissioner Ricker, and seconded by Vice Chairman Robinson that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:31 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry R. Lambertson

Sherry R. Lambertson Executive Specialist sl/

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