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Jackson School District English Department

Mrs. Opaleski-DiMeo – English III

Jackson School District English Department Authentic Assessment Student Guidelines Grade 11: In Search of the American Dream

Related Literature: The Great Gatsby Transcendentalism A Streetcar Named Desire

Introduction: The debate over whether a college education is worth it may have begun when the colonists arrived from Europe and founded "New College" (later renamed Harvard University) in 1636. With 19.9 million US college students in 2013 and average student debt at over $26,500, the debate continues today.

People who argue that college is worth it contend that college graduates have higher employment rates, bigger salaries, and more work benefits than high school graduates. They say college graduates also have better interpersonal skills, live longer, have healthier children, and have proven their ability to achieve a major milestone.

People who argue that college is not worth it contend that the debt from college loans is too high and delays graduates from saving for retirement, buying a house, or getting married. They say many successful people never graduated from college and that many jobs, especially trade jobs, do not require college degrees. (ProCon.org)

The goal of this project is two-fold: one, you will answer the question “Is College Worth It?” using your own ideas about the American dream and what success means to you supported by the articles we read in class; second, you will research colleges or postsecondary training (vocational/trade schools, military, etc.) and a specific career that interests you. All of this will be researched and cited properly.

The Process Explore the Theme and Select a Topic - You will engage in multiple activities that will lead you to the selection of a specific theme-related topic for research. Such activities include:  A Career Survey –Either Naviance or the Holland test http://personality- testing.info/tests/RIASEC/  Journal - Throughout the project, you will be required to write responses to prompts that ask you to reflect on the stages of your experience. They will be centered on the anchor videos and the readings. Mrs. Opaleski-DiMeo – English III

 Media – Optional sources: podcasts, documentaries, interviews

Step #1 Anchor Video and Survey– You will be watching anchor videos that will provide a thematic launch to the project and keep the purpose of the project at the forefront. Next, you will take an interest and a career survey to flesh out your personal ideas for your future.

*Clinton, Hilary. “Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton Remarks on College Affordability” (FORWARD to 10:28 min for the researched statistics) https://www.c-span.org/video/?327572-1/hillary-clinton-remarks-college-affordability

*Hans S. The American Dream: Is It Still Alive? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gB_a0DAuwuk

*Harvey, Steve. What is the American Dream? https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=1MUIY7RrOac

*Holland Test. Personality and Interest Survey. http://personality-testing.info/tests/RIASEC/ Read the article of how to interpret your results at: https://www.careerkey.org/choose-a-career/hollands-theory-of-career-choice.html#.V-qmJIgrI2w

*Laury, Ed. How Do You Define the American Dream? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rl813PZTpY8

*Life Noggin. Is College Worth It? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ad_gVhBOGzI * Maggiacomo, Kevin. “Awakening the American Dream” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eL3GXXJJoM

*Martin, Courtney. The New American Dream. https://www.ted.com/talks/courtney_martin_the_new_american_dream

*Naviance. “College and Career Survey” www.naviance.com

*New York Times. Defining the American Dream. www. nytimes .com/ video /us/1194840031120/ defining-the-american - dream .htm Mrs. Opaleski-DiMeo – English III

*Tacoses 100. Career Explorations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YF0j_UY_-bA

DEADLINE: Viewing of Anchor Videos/Surveys and Journal Responses Due Friday, October 7th at 7:30 am to Turnitin.com

Step #2 Thematic Reading - You will complete close reading activities and/or graphic organizers for the THREE of following thematic-based articles:

Delbanco “Three Reasons College Still Matters” https://www.bostonglobe.com/magazine/2012/03/04/reasons-college-still- matters/Dfav44acJ8HpkU6Xu2D5CN/story.html

Doyne “What Investment Are You Willing to Make for Your Dream Job?” http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/02/25/what-investment-are-you-willing-to-make- to-get-your-dream-job/

Rampell, Catherine. “Fatalism and the American Dream” http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/11/23/fatalism-and-the-american-dream/

Singletary “Not All College Majors Are Created Equal” https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/not-all-college-majors-are-created- equal/2012/01/12/gIQAfz4XzP_story.html

Sorkin “Many Feel the American Dream is Out of Reach” http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2014/12/10/many-feel-the-american-dream-is-out-of-reach- poll-shows/?_r=2

Tabarrok “Tuning In to Dropping Out” http://chronicle.com/article/Tuning-In-to-Dropping-Out/130967/ Weston “Why College Is Still Worth It Even Though It Costs Too Much” http://time.com/money/4061150/college-degree-worth-it/

DEADLINE: Reading of non-fiction articles, journal responses and/or graphic organizers due Friday, October 28th at 7:30 am to Turnitin.com Mrs. Opaleski-DiMeo – English III

Step #3 Research Process and MLA Format - You will need to gather credible sources that may be used to support your claim in an essay that incorporates accurate internal and external citations, a properly formatted works cited page and evidences your ability to utilize the MLA research format.  Writing Process - You will engage in activities for planning, drafting, revising, and editing the research based essay USING TURNITIN. o Typed CITED outline due to Turnitin due Friday, November 18th o Typed, double-spaced CITED draft due to Turnitin.com on Friday, December 2nd o Peer Revision workshop on Turnitin DURING CLASS on Monday, December 5th o Formal Essay - The final submission of the essay with a properly formatted Works Cited page must be submitted to Turnitin.com by 7:30 am on Monday, December 19th o Developing Multi-Media Presentation - You will incorporate twenty-first century tools into a formal presentation for a peer audience for in January, specific date TBA Mrs. Opaleski-DiMeo – English III

Step Three of Authentic Assessment Project: The Research Writing Process and MLA Format

Part 1: The Outline – Content

Content - Your paper must include information on the following:

I Introduction (1-2 pages)

A. Is College Worth It?

B. Definition of the American Dream – YOUR ideas with textual evidence from the articles read in class to support it

C. Definition of Success – YOUR ideas with textual evidence from the articles read in class to support it

II Training or College Options (1 -2 pages)

A. Three education/training requirements - a.k.a. colleges, trade or tech. programs, military, etc)

1. These can be safety, target and reach schools or just options for your post-secondary goals

B. Be specific in research include details FOR EACH OF THE COLLEGES like the following:

1. tuition, admission requirements, enrollment, acceptance rate, majors that you are interested in

2. job placement, scholarships, financial aid

3. athletic/extracurricular activities, etc.

4. reasons why you want to go to these schools

C. For trade or military ONLY–

1. look at qualifications needed, programs offered, cost, etc. – INCLUDE VOCATIONAL SCHOOL INFORMATION AND TRAINING Mrs. Opaleski-DiMeo – English III

2. skills you will gain/certifications, goals of the program/branch of the military, and the “end game” of the program

III Career Research (1 -2 pages) A. Job requirements 1. Degree or certification needed 2. Skills, expectations, responsibilities (what you will actually do in your job) 3. Working conditions – shifts, times, location, travel, etc. B. Projected/Average Compensation 1. Salary estimates 2. Benefits 3. Personal perks 4. Job Availability 5. Placement 6. Future –meaning advancement opportunities and longevity of career Length DEADLINE: Submit to Turnitin by 7:30 am Friday, November 18th

Part 2 – The Draft Requirements o 4-6 pages, typed, double spaced o MUST HAVE internal citations o 4 sources minimum o Properly Formatted Works Cited Page (DOES NOT COUNT TOWARD YOUR CONTENT PAGES) o MUST submit to Turnitin by 7:30 am o We will conducting a peer review in class on Monday to revise and edit the draft DEADLINE: Submit to Turnitin by 7:30 am Friday, December 2nd

Part 3 – The Final Revised Paper o Meets all of the draft requirements o All content and mechanical errors revised and edited o MUST submit to Turnitin.com by 7:30 am Mrs. Opaleski-DiMeo – English III

DEADLINE: Submit to Turnitin by 7:30 am Monday, December 19th

Part 4 – The Presentation o Present your findings to the class – THIS IS A REQUIREMENT FOR THE COURSE! o Use powerpoint, Prezi, youtube video, etc as a visual for your presentation o Critique peers on individual presentations Deadline: TBA – Middle of January

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