Select N and 1 Batch Insert

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Select N and 1 Batch Insert

# of SELECT # of INSERTs Time ms 2 separate POSTs each 2 INSERTS in one POST 358 having one SELECT 1000 POSTs (1 SELECT 1000 in one POST 68698 per POST) 2000 POSTs (1 SELECT 2000 in one POST 137510 per POST)

1 POST with 100 - 278 SELECTs 1 POST with >120 - Blows up memory on SELECTs Server

Insert Performance

Select n and 1 batch insert

# of POST request # of SELECT Clauses # of triples being looked Time (ms) up 1 1 100 278 1 1 >120 Gives memory error from server

“INSERT DATA” runtimes

# of POSTs # of INSERT DATA # of triples inserted Time (ms) clauses 1 1 100 3226 146 152 172 1 1 1000 985 487 816 1 1 2000 927 771 875 1 1 3000 3913 1932 1001 1035 1 1 10000 Blows up memory on server

“INSERT WHERE” runtimes

# of Posts # of INSERT WHERE Time (ms) Clauses 1 100 4353

1 1000 40863 1 2000 84105 1 3000 217595 1 10000 Blows up memory on Server

Note: for 10000 triple INSERT DATA update getting an error from server, error: memory exhausted at line 19986 of operation 0

>>>> N SELECT and M INSERT DATA runtimes:

Test 1] Linear 100 SELECT + 2000 INSERT DATA

Run1) 2409 ms

Run2) 2495ms

Run3) 2358ms

Test2] Linear SELECT + INSERT DATA Client = Laptop (from home network) 4Store Server = Losangeles VM

50000 (500 X 100) SELECT = 44859ms 50000 (25 X 2000) INSERT DATA = 43432ms Total time for above 2 operations = 88291ms Test3] Parallel SELECT + INSERT DATA test2 in Parallel with 5 threads

Client = Client = Laptop (from home network). All threads working on this machine 4Store Server = Losangeles VM

Time to do SELECT + INSERT DATA in Parallel = 65122 ms

Output from individual threads: Thread4 Done with Bulk SELECTs count = 10000 in 23175 ms Thread3 Done with Bulk SELECTs count = 10000 in 23305 ms Thread0 Done with Bulk SELECTs count = 10000 in 23329 ms Thread2 Done with Bulk SELECTs count = 10000 in 23369 ms Thread1 Done with Bulk SELECTs count = 10000 in 26994 ms

Thread4 Done ... Bulk INSERT DATA Response time = 59249ms Thread3 Done ... Bulk INSERT DATA Response time = 61482ms Thread0 Done ... Bulk INSERT DATA Response time = 62773ms Thread2 Done ... Bulk INSERT DATA Response time = 64024ms Thread1 Done ... Bulk INSERT DATA Response time = 65119ms

Time to do SELECT + INSERT DATA in Parallel = 65122 ms

Test4] Parallel INSERT DATA test2 in Parallel with 25 threads

Client = Laptop (from home network). All threads working on this machine 4Store Server = Losangeles VM

Time to do SELECT + INSERT DATA in Parallel = 68425 ms

Test5] Parallel (test 2 modified … increased number of INSERT DATA) # of Threads = 5

Client = Laptop (from home network) 4Store Server = Losangeles VM

50000 SELECT AND (30X2000) 60000 INSERT DATA

Time to do SELECT + INSERT DATA in Parallel = 72734 ms Test6] Parallel (test 2 modified … increased number of INSERT DATA) # of Threads = 10

Client = Laptop (from home network) 4Store Server = Losangeles VM

50000 SELECT AND (30X2000) 60000 INSERT DATA

Time to do SELECT + INSERT DATA in Parallel = 77111 ms

Test7] Parallel (test 2 modified … increased number of INSERT DATA) # of Threads = 15

Client = Laptop (from home network) 4Store Server = Losangeles VM

50000 SELECT AND (30X2000) 60000 INSERT DATA

Time to do SELECT + INSERT DATA in Parallel = 76943 ms


Test # Parallel / # of threads SELECT INSER DATA Time (ms) Linear Triples Triples 1 Linear 1 100 2000 2409 2 Linear 1 50000 50000 88291 3 Parallel 5 50000 50000 65122 4 Parallel 25 50000 50000 68425 5 Parallel 5 50000 60000 72734 6 Parallel 10 50000 60000 77111

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