INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Allison Collins OFFICE: BA 505 PHONE: 742-2163

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INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Allison Collins OFFICE: BA 505 PHONE: 742-2163


INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Allison Collins OFFICE: BA 505 PHONE: 742-2163 OFFICE HOURS: Monday and Wednesday: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., Tuesday: 1p.m. – 3p.m., and by appointment. E-MAIL: [email protected] (put ACCT 2300 in the Subject line) INSTRUCTORWEB PAGE: (for Dr. Collins’ students) COURSE WEB PAGE: (for Sample Exams and other information)

REQUIRED MATERIALS Textbook: Porter and Norton, Financial Accounting – The Impact on Decision Makers, 6th edition custom print (available at the bookstores) with CengageNow. Calculator: basic 4-function calculator for exams (add, subtract, multiply, divide); no advanced calculators will be allowed for exams. Power Point Class Notes: to be posted to Instructor Web Page weekly before each chapter, starting with Chapter 2. You should bring the chapter notes with you to class on the dates indicated.

EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. To introduce students to the components and structure of financial statements; 2. To discuss the ethical issues surrounding the preparation of financial statements; 3. To educate students in the preparation and use of financial statements.

METHODS OF ASSESSING THE OUTCOMES 1. Periodic examinations covering the course material will measure the student competency of the chapters covered. 2. A pretest and posttest for the ethics component of the course will measure the student’s exposure to business ethics. 3. CengageNOW on-line homework assignments will assess the student mastery of the major subjects in each chapter. 4. Instructor assigned homework will serve as a supplement to the other course grades, and completion of these assignments will offer additional competency measures of the learning outcomes.

GRADE DETERMINATION GRADING POINTS IN THIS COURSE COURSE GRADES WILL BE EARNED AS FOLLOWS ARE AS FOLLOWS: (plus/minus grades assigned within each range): Departmental Exams: GRADE POINTS REQUIRED 3 Exams @ 100 Pts. Each 300 A 450 to 500 points Comprehensive Final Exam 100 B 400 to 449 points Assignments, Quizzes, etc: C 350 to 399 points CengageNow On-line Homework 36 D 300 to 349 points Instructor quizzes and assignments 50 F below 300 points Company Analysis 10 Other 4 Total points 500

EXAM INFORMATION: All interim exams will be 90 minutes long, and are given on the Tuesdays indicated from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.. The final exam will be 150 minutes long, and is scheduled for Monday, December 14, 4:30 – 7 p.m (rooms to be announced). These examinations will test your knowledge and understanding of the chapter material, class discussion, and assigned homework. NO MAKEUP EXAMINATIONS ARE GIVEN. If a student misses an exam, at the discretion of the instructor, the comprehensive final exam grade will be substituted for one missed exam.

EXAM POLICIES: The exams are closed book and closed note. Because of advances in technology, the ONLY electronic item you may bring to the exam is a basic 4-function calculator (which costs no more than $5 to $10). No other electronics (including cell phones, PDAs, IPods, IPhones, etc.) will be allowed, nor will any calculator with more than the basic arithmetic functions. Students will be required to turn off all of these other electronic items, and put them away.

Note that the Sample Exams, posted to the course web page before each exam, are an excellent example of the types of questions you will encounter on the class exams, and should be an integral component of your studies. ASSIGNMENT GRADES (total of 100 points):

CengageNow (36 points) – the homework assignments listed on the syllabus will be worked and graded on-line with your CengageNow program. Information for this program (including a link to set up your account) will be distributed the first day of class.

Quizzes and Homework Assignments (50 points) – quizzes and homework assignments will be announced at least one class period in advance. If you miss class, watch for announcements on Dr. Collins’ web page.

Company Analysis (10 points) – You will be required to perform a comparative ratio analysis of a pair of companies, based on information found on-line. This project will be assigned after Exam 2, and will allow you to apply your knowledge of financial statements to calculate the relative financial health of the two selected companies.

Other (4 points) – these points will be earned during the semester, as bonus points for attendance and other activities.

B OR BETTER POLICY: Students wanting to major in accounting or finance must have a B or better in ACCT 2300 before they can take ACCT 2301. There are additional limitations for accounting and finance majors regarding dropping and retaking ACCT 2300. Please talk to your undergraduate advisor if you have any questions about this rule.

WITHDRAWAL POLICY: The requirements set by the university for withdrawal will be strictly followed. You should retain all documentation of courses you have dropped.

STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS: The university is committed to the principle that in no aspect of its programs shall there be differences in the treatment of persons because of race, creed, national origin, age, sex, or disability, and that equal opportunity and access to facilities shall be available to all. Any student who because of a disability may require special arrangements in order to meet course requirement should contact the instructor as soon as possible to make any necessary accommodations.

ETHICS AND ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: The university catalog (OP 34.12) states the following: “It is the aim of the faculty of Texas Tech University to foster a spirit of complete honesty and a high standard of integrity. The attempt of students to present as their own any work that they have not honestly performed is regarded by the faculty and administration as a serious offense and renders the offenders liable to serious consequences, possibly suspension.”

The catalog defines cheating as “Dishonesty on examinations and quizzes or on written assignments, illegal possession of examinations, the use of unauthorized notes during an examination or quiz, obtaining information during an examination from the examination paper or otherwise from another student, assisting others to cheat, alteration of grade records, illegal entry to or unauthorized presence in an office are instances of cheating.”

RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS: A student who intends to observe a religious holy day should make that intention known to the instructor prior to the absence. A student who is absent from classes for the observance of a religious holy day shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment scheduled for that day within a reasonable time after the absence.

ACCT 2300, Fall 2009, Schedule of Activities (MW Sections)

C hap. Dates Topic Cengage Class Problems

1 8/ 31 & 9/2 Accounting as a Form of Communication E1-5, E1-6, E1-7, E1-10, P1-5 E1-8, P1-6

2 9/2 & 9/9 Financial Statements & the Annual Report E2-1,E2-2,E2-6,E2-9, P2-3, P2-7


3 9/14 & 9/16 Processing Accounting Information E3-3,E3-6,E3-9,E3-10,P3-9,P3-10 P3-7A, P3-9A

4 9/21 & 9/23 Income Measurement and Accrual Acc. E 4-15, E 4-16, E4-29, P4-1 E4-15, E 4-20, P4-3

5 9/28 Inventories & Cost of Goods Sold E 5-7, E 5-11, E 5-12, E 5-20 E5-6, P5-11

EXAM 1, Tuesday, Sept. 29, Chapters 1 – 4, 6:30 – 8PM, Room to be announced by your instructor

5 9/30 &10/5 Inventories & Cost of Goods Sold E 5-14, P 5-11

7 10/5 &10/7 Receivables E7-2, E 7-4, P 7-2 P7-1A, P7-2A


7 10/14 Receivables

8 10/19 Operating Assets E8-1,E8-3,E8-4, E8-5 E8-8, E8-11

EXAM 2, Tuesday, Oct. 20, Chapters 5 and 7, 6:30 – 8PM, Room to be announced by your instructor

8 10/21 Operating Assets E8-6, E8-7

9 10/ 26 Current Liabilities E 9-1, E 9-5, E 9-7, E 9-11 E9-4 (e)

9 10/28 & 11/2Time Value of Money E 9-16, E 9-17


10 11/4-11/11 Long Term Liabilities E 10-2, E 10-3, E10-5 E10-16, E10-17, P10-8A

11 11/16 Stockholders’ Equity E11-2, E11-3, E11-4, E11-5

EXAM 3, Tuesday, Nov. 17, Chapters 8 – 10, 6:30 -- 8PM, Room to be announced by your instructor

11 11/18&11/23 Stockholders’ Equity E11-6, E11-7, E11-8


6 11/30 Cash BE 6-2, E 6-2, P 6-1 P6-1A

12 12/2-12/9 Statement of Cash Flows E12-9, E12/10, E 12-12, P 12-1 P12-1A and Handout

FINAL EXAM, ALL SECTIONS, Monday, Dec. 14, 4:30 – 7 PM, Room to be announced by your instructor

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