Overview of System

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Overview of System


STEP 3 : RUN ENROLMENT STATISTICS SNAPSHOT STAJ0100 STEP 4 : CHECK EXCEPTION REPORT STAR0100 STEP 5 : RUN GOVERNMENT SNAPSHOT STAJ0110 STEP 6 : CHECK STAJ0110 JOB RUN LOG STEP 7 : CHECK EXCEPTION REPORT STAR0110 STEP 8 : RESET GOVERNMENT REPORTABLE INDICATOR STEP 9 : RUN DEST FILES Create Course of Study File Create HELP Due File Create Past Course Completions File Create Student Enrolment File Create Student Load/Liability File Create Commonwealth Learning Scholarship File Create Govt Revision Submission Snapshot Create Revisions File Create Unit of Study Completions File STEP 10 : COPY DEST FILES TO SECURE AREA STEP 11 : COMPLETE SUBMISSION TASKS Setting Submission Completion Date Maintaining Enrolment Statistics Snapshot Data Set CHESSN Status to Active CREATING CENTRELINK FILES



USING TOADSOME TIPS ABOUT DATA IN CALLISTA SOME TIPS ABOUT DATA IN CALLISTA Table Structures Using Toad GLOSSARY, FAQ & APPENDICESGLOSSARY GLOSSARY QUICK GUIDE – HOW DO I DO THIS JOB IN CALLISTA? CONTACTS – CALLISTA AND OTHER CALLISTA UNIVERSITIES FAQ & TROUBLESHOOTING Why is STAJ0100 failing? Why is STAJ0110 failing? Why is STAJ0100 resetting the commencement date? Why are there no cohort years of 0000 entered against student course attempts? Why is Permanent Resident Eligibility for HELP not collected in HE stats? Why are the Prior Education data not populated for some students? Why can’t I set up overlapping submission types? Why can’t I delete this ESS? Why do I have to close off a submission? Why isn’t this CHESSN status active? Why is the govt reportable indicator being set to N? How do I change it? Why is this SUA not appearing in ESS? Why is this discontinued SUA appearing in ESS? Where do I find STAR0100/STAR0110 … Why is there so much data in this ESS table? How does STAJ0110 know whether a student is COM_ASST? How do I know if a course/unit has been configured as government reportable? How does the DU file know how to separate the different address lines into the correct elements? Where do I find the census date for this teaching period? Why is load being calculated incorrectly? Why can’t I use override EFTSL? Why can’t I run an AOU file? Why is this course missing from the course file? Why can’t I see separation status stored against a student? Why is Australia not listed in the country code table? Why is the student status on the system different to the one in the DEST files? Why does this partial payment student have a student status of 111? Why can’t I update the govt snapshot control record? Why do we need to check for unit versions with an FOE of 000000? Why is load reported for a student who has completed the unit before the census date? Why is the student’s CHESSN not being populated in ESS? The teaching responsibility org unit has changed for this year, but why is the new code showing up for last year’s files? How is the maximum student contribution indicator derived? How can I check the total amount charged/amount paid upfront/loan fee/overseas tuition fees amounts in the DEST files against Callista? Why do the DEST file extensions come out that way? What configuration is required to enable the Past Course Completions file to work correctly? What are these SP- and AG- org units for? Why do old versions of a unit have the owning org unit as the teaching responsibility? Why is this historical data incorrect? Why does this unit/course/unit set have an FOE of 129999? Why is this teaching responsibility org unit set to Student Admin? What are EFTD’s and why aren’t we using them to calculate research load? What is the research commencement date used for? Why are research units not ticked as ‘research’? Why are we only using 3 dp’s for CP override in HDR load adjustments? Why is the override CP showing as zero for this unit that is discontinued after the census date? Why can’t I access this form directly from the Go To menu? Why does FEE-HELP has to have a system type of EXEMPT? Why do the HECS-HELP statuses have the capture TFN info as “NA”? APPENDIX 1 – SOURCES OF DATA Source of Data for ESS Source of Data for GSE Source of Data for GSLL Source of Data for GOVT_SCHOLARSHIP_SNAPSHOT (check field names) Source of Data for DEST Files – SS File Source of Data for DEST Files – CO File Source of Data for DEST Files – EN File Source of Data for DEST Files – LL File Source of Data for DEST Files – DU File Source of Data for DEST Files – DU File (Cont’d ….) Source of Data for DEST Files – PS File APPENDIX 2 - SPECS FROM EDIT REPORT APPENDIX 3 - DERIVATION OF GOVERNMENT REPORTABLE INDICATOR APPENDIX 5 - SQL SYNTAX APPENDIX 6 - SAMPLE SQL Table joins SAMPLE SQL (Cont’d ….) This example works in a similar way but is using ‘where exists’ instead of the ‘where not exists’ in the previous example. This example is extracting hecs option records that don’t have an end date and are 2 characters long, where the student has student unit attempt in 2005. Example – finding missing commence dates )


Callista is organised into different specialty areas, or modules. One of these is called the Statistics module, which has a prefix of STA. Screens belonging to the Statistics subsystem that are jobs are prefixed STAJ, those that are forms are prefixed STAF, and those that are reports are prefixed STAR. The Statistics subsystem screens can be grouped into 4 broad areas – forms for maintaining reference codes, forms for configuring jobs, job submission screens and reports. A summary of the forms in the Statistics subsystem in Callista version 7.1 is below.

Maintain Reference Data

 STAF1121 - Govt Course Types  STAF1122 - Govt Special Course Types  STAF1123 - Govt Fields of Study  STAF1124 - Govt Country Codes  STAF1125 - Govt Language Codes  STAF1127 - Govt Funding Sources  STAF1128 - Govt Discipline Groups  STAF1129 - Govt Citizenship Codes  STAF112A - Govt Basis for Admission  STAF112B - Govt Course Attendance Types  STAF112C - Govt Course Attendance Modes  STAF112D - Govt ATSI Codes  STAF112F - Govt Honours Level  STAF112G - Govt Permanent Resident Codes  STAF112I - Govt Prior Education Explanations  STAF1132 - Govt Scholarship Status  STAF112J - Govt Fields of Education  STAF1133 - Govt Scholarship Termination Code  STAF1134 - Govt WEI Code  SCHF0350 * - Scholarship Status  SCHF0400 * - Scholarship Termination Code  STAF112X - State Postcode Range  STAF112Z - Govt Disability Types  STAF112W - Govt State  STAF1130 - Govt Scholarship Type  STAF112H - Discipline Band

 Technically these forms belong under the Scholarships subsystem, but since we have developed our own UWA-built local development for scholarships, these are the only forms for that subsystem being used, and it makes sense to consider them as Statistics forms.  OVERVIEW OF STATISTICS MODULE (Cont’d ……)

Configuration for Jobs

 STAF1240 - Enrolment Statistics Snapshot Control  STAF1250 - Reset Govt Reportable Indicator  STAF1350 - Government Snapshot Control  STAF1000 - Statistics Configuration Details


 STAJ0010 - Delete Enrolment Statistics Snapshots  STAJ0030 - Create Centrelink Files  STAJ0040 - Create Course of Study File  STAJ0050 - Create HELP Due File  STAJ0070 - Create Past Course Completions File  STAJ0090 - Create Student Enrolment File  STAJ0100 - Create Enrolment Statistics Snapshot  STAJ0110 - Create Govt Submission Snapshot  STAJ0120 - Copy Files from Secure Area  STAJ1610 - Create Govt Revision Submission Snapshot  STAJ0150 - Create Unit of Study Completions File  STAJ1620 - Create Revisions File  STAJ0200 - Set CHESSN Status to Active  STAJ0140 - Create Student Load/Liability File  STAJ0130 - Create Commonwealth Learning Scholarship File


 STAR1630 - Govt Revision Submission Report  STAR0100 - Enrolment Statistics Snapshot Exception Report  STAR0110 - Government Snapshot Exception Report STATISTICS MODULE FORMS AND JOBS

Maintaining Reference Data – General Notes

All DEST codes are maintained in Callista as reference data through forms in the Statistics module. These codes are mainly used for DEST reporting but are also used by other parts of the system. Planning Services will have responsibility to maintain these codes and will usually be the only ones to have access to these forms.

Internal (UWA-defined) codes are mapped to Government values where required. This mapping is not done in the Government values form, but in the forms that store the internal values. Those forms are maintained by SIMS support. There is a button at the bottom of each Government reference data form that will take you to the internal versions that map to those govt values.

Below is a sample reference data screen, displaying Government Course Type codes. The government code is in the first column, followed by a description. The Closed checkboxes are used to indicate when a code is obsolete and no longer to be used. By ticking this box the value will no longer appear in any drop-down lists and new internal codes cannot be mapped to it.

It is possible to have more than one internal value mapped to one government value. Note that the same government value cannot exist twice in the same table of data, even if one of the values is closed. So when DEST re-use a value for another purpose, the previous description of the code needs to be overwritten (and not closed). STATISTICS MODULE FORMS AND JOBS (Cont’d …..)

Maintaining Reference Data – Specific Things To Note

STAF1123 Maintain Govt FOE - this form stores both FOE and RFCD codes. In order to distinguish them, there is a checkbox which is ticked if the code is a RFCD.

as this form contains both FOE’s and RFCD’s, this checkbox distinguishes those codes which are RFCD’s

STAF112A Maintain Govt Basis for Admission Type – has a checkbox for setting the default code to be applied in the case of a transfer between courses (institute transfer default). This can only be ticked for one code. STATISTICS MODULE FORMS AND JOBS (Cont’d …..)

Maintaining Reference Data – Specific Things To Note

STAF112I Maintain Govt Prior Education Explanations – this form is used to configure the descriptions students will see in Connect. Currently this information is not being collected via Connect, so these descriptions are not required.

STAF112H Maintain Discipline Band - this form is where FOE’s are grouped together into HELP bands.

The form consists of a context block (which lists the band name and description) with the FOE’s listed below. Closing a band makes it unavailable for fees processing. End dating the FOE means it no longer applies to that band (if an FOE changes band it needs to be end-dated in one band, and added to the new band). An FOE can exist in more than one band (eg once in HELP, once in fee-paying undergrad). Pre-2005 bands are there for historical information purposes only (numbered 9991- 9993 and end-dated at the end of 2004). HELP bands are numbered 1-4, fee-paying undergrad bands are numbered 101-112. DEST REPORTING PROCESS


Some data needs to be configured as a prerequisite to producing the enrolment extracts and DEST files. A list of these data can be found in the Appendix.


Government Snapshot Control STAF1350 Government Snapshot Control needs to be configured before STAJ0100 and STAJ0110 can be run. It specifies basic information about the submission.

The information that is configured here will be used when selecting parameters for running STAJ0110 and the DEST files. The submission number is UWA-defined, so we can have as many submissions as we like. The only rules are that the date ranges cannot overlap (see notes in FAQ for more details on submission parameter rules). The System Submission Type is designed to allow the production of separate extracts/DEST files for Commonwealth Assisted and Non-Commonwealth Assisted students (to cope with differences in file scopes for these two groups of students). You cannot set up submissions for both All and Commonwealth Assisted/Non Commonwealth Assisted scopes. The start and end dates for the submission define which census dates will be included. Note that these don’t have to be the DEST-defined submission dates but can be defined however we want them to be (eg lots of little submissions) as long as the end result is a DEST file with the correct scope (eg concatenating lots of little files). The Enrolment Statistics Snapshot date is only populated after a STAJ0100 is run with those submission parameters. Completion date is added at the end of the submission. DEST REPORTING PROCESS (Cont’d ….)

Statistics Configuration Details STAF1000 Maintain Statistics Configuration Details need to be configured before STAJ0100 and STAJ0110 are run.

The only purpose of this form is to indicate whether you want PR Eligibility for HELP to be derived in production of the Government Student Load Liability table (and hence the LL file). We have decided to not collect this value and always derive it, so this box should always be ticked.


The Enrolment Statistics Snapshot is created through job STAJ0100.

The enrolment statistics snapshot needs to be created before the government snapshot and DEST files can be produced. Its function is mostly to calculate EFTSL, and to determine which records should be reported to the government (via the Government Reportable Indicator, see section below for more information on this indicator). The only parameter that needs to be entered to run this job is the collection year. Note that it’s not advisable to try and recreate a snapshot based on a previous log creation date. This job should have been set up to run automatically but may also need to be run at other times. Due to its size and complexity, the job is only available to run in batch mode. DEST REPORTING PROCESS (Cont’d ….) When the job is complete it will populate the enr_statistics_snapshot table. Note that these snapshots append to each other, and are not overwritten each time STAJ0100 is run. They need to be carefully managed as they are large (even though it is called enrolment snapshot, it contains one record per student/course/unit/census date/AOU). The scope for STAJ0100 is any student unit attempt with a census date in the collection year (except units which have a unit attempt status of unconfirm, invalid or duplicate). The scope will be broader for the enrolment statistics snapshot than the government snapshot, as it includes both reportable and non-reportable student unit attempts.


When STAJ0100 is completed successfully, an exception report is produced – STAR0100. This exception report lists errors and warnings, mostly concerning commencement date derivations and records that could not be included in the enrolment statistics snapshot for some reason. These errors need to be resolved (and STAJ0100 re-run) before producing the government snapshot. See the FAQ for more information about how to resolve these errors.


The Government Submission Snapshot is created through job STAJ0110. DEST REPORTING PROCESS (Cont’d ….)

The government snapshot includes all the records from the enrolment statistics snapshot which have a Government Reportable Indicator of Y (i.e. they have been determined to be government reportable). The submission year, system submission type and submission number are selected from the drop-down lists. They are the ones that were configured in government snapshot control. The start and end dates will be populated automatically based on what has been configured in snapshot control for that submission year and number. You can select a specific enrolment statistics snapshot (ESS) to base the government snapshot on, or you can just ask it to use the most recently run ESS. Report Production Details specifies how detailed you want the exception report (STAR0110) to be – it’s a good idea to run it with ‘all’, you don’t have to print it out but it includes a summary page and that way you have sample students to check errors for. Selecting ‘all’ doesn’t have much impact on the run time for the job. You also have the option of producing the exception report with just a specific error. When the job is complete it will populate both the govt_student_enrolment and govt_student_load_liability tables. Note that unlike ESS, these tables do not append each time STAJ0110 is run, they overwrite existing data for that submission year/number. So be careful not to run one unless you are sure you have copied previous tables for that submission year/number or no longer require them. Note that the government snapshot takes some data from ESS but also some data directly from the system. You may therefore get a mismatch in data if you run it from a previous ESS, since the data in the ESS will be older than the other live system data. Also be careful not to submit multiple STAJ0110 jobs at once – a primary key conflict can cause one job to fail, and existing government snapshot data may be lost.


When STAJ0110 completes successfully, there may be errors listed in the job run log for students where the total load exceeds certain parameters. If this list is long it will be split over several job run log messages. This information is not exported to any exception report, so it needs to be printed or copied directly from the job run log. These errors should be investigated (and where necessary resolved, and STAJ0100 then STAJ0110 re-run) before continuing with DEST file production.


When STAJ0110 is completed successfully, an exception report is produced – STAR0110. This exception report lists errors and warnings, mostly concerning missing or inconsistent data (much like a DESTPAC validation report). These errors should be resolved (and STAJ0100 and STAJ0110 re-run) before producing the DEST files. DEST REPORTING PROCESS (Cont’d ….)


The Government Reportable Indicator is derived during the extraction of ESS in STAJ0100. Each record has an indicator set to either Y (reportable), N (not reportable) or W (warning – could not determine if record is reportable). Warning records are by default included in the government snapshot (i.e. are reported). For this reason, any records flagged with a Government Reportable Indicator of W need to be checked, and if they are deemed to not be reportable, need to have the indicator reset to X (exclude). This is done in STAF1250 Reset Government Reportable Indicator.

All records that have an indicator of W are listed in this form. These records need to be checked to determine if they should be included in the snapshot (if there’s an error causing them to be excluded). Either the record itself needs to be fixed (and STAJ0100 re-run), or if needed you can reset the indicator to exclude the records next time the snapshot is run. See Appendix for the rules which govern how a Government Reportable Indicator is derived. DEST REPORTING PROCESS (Cont’d ….)


Once STAJ0100 and STAJ0110 have been created, the DEST files can be run. Some of the data for these files comes from these snapshots, with the rest coming directly from Callista. See Appendix for the source of each field in the DEST files. Each file is run as a separate job. The job parameters must have first been configured in government snapshot control to be available in the drop-down lists. Once the job has completed successfully the files are placed in the secure area (they can be extracted directly from there or copied to another area using the Copy Files From Secure Area job explained below).

Create Course of Study File

The Course of Study file is created through job STAJ0040.

The scope of the Course of Study file is derived on the basis of the course offering options available in the current and previous academic periods (i.e. a course has to have been offered this year or last year to be included in the file, regardless of whether there have been enrolments in the course).

In order for a course version to be selected in the DEST Course file scope, it must have the following :

 Be in a course group of GOVT-RET  Have a course offering instance in the selected year for that version  Have a course offering pattern in the selected year for that version

With the above three conditions met, confirmed_offering_ind is set to ‘Y’, and the course version is included in the DEST file. Note that a course offering instance is a particular year in which a course version is offered (for example, the BA is offered in 2006), and a course offering pattern is a combination of location and permitted attendance mode and attendance type for a course offering (for example the BA at Albany, on campus, full-time).

If a course version is missing from the course file, check that all these three things exist (via CRSF1210 or the SQL below).

To see if a course offering instance exists for a course version in a given year : select * from course_offering_instance where course_cd = '50110' and version_number = '1' and ci_start_dt >= to_date('01/01/2005','dd/mm/yyyy')

To see if a course offering pattern exists for a course version in a given year : select distinct cop.course_cd, cop.version_number from course_offering_pattern cop, course_offering_option coo, course_offering_instance coi where cop.course_cd = '50110' and cop.version_number = '1' and coi.ci_start_dt >= to_date('01/01/2005','dd/mm/yyyy') and cop.ci_sequence_number = coi.ci_sequence_number (+) and coi.course_cd = coo.course_cd (+)

Create HELP Due File

The HELP Due file is created through job STAJ0050. DEST REPORTING PROCESS (Cont’d ….)

Create Past Course Completions File

The Past Course Completions file is created through job STAJ0070.

Create Student Enrolment File

The Student Enrolment file is created through job STAJ0090.

Create Student Load/Liability File

The Student Load/Liability file is created through job STAJ0140. DEST REPORTING PROCESS (Cont’d ….)

Create Commonwealth Learning Scholarship File

The Commonwealth Learning Scholarship file is produced through job STAJ0130.

Create Govt Revision Submission Snapshot


Create Revisions File


Create Unit of Study Completions File

Functionality to be delivered in version 8.


Once the DEST files have been produced they are put in a secure area (set up by the DBA) to prevent them being accidentally overwritten. Stats should have access to this area to copy the files directly, but they can also be copied using job STAJ0120. DEST REPORTING PROCESS (Cont’d ….)


Once a submission has been completed, there are several tasks that need to be done – setting the submission completion date, deleting unwanted ESS data, and setting CHESSNs to active.

Setting Submission Completion Date

In STAF1350 Maintain Government Snapshot Control, enter the completion date against the submission year/number/type. The completion date can be any date after the end date of the submission, and should be used to indicate the date on which that submission was finalised. Note that once a submission has a completion date entered, it will no longer appear in any drop-down lists (i.e. you can’t run any ESS or government snapshots using those parameters). Note also that other system functionality may rely on a submission completion date (eg setting CHESSN’s to active, the commencement date derivation in STAJ0100 only looks at completed submissions for previous years).

Maintaining Enrolment Statistics Snapshot Data As ESS data appends to the enr_statistics_snapshot table every time STAJ0100 is run, it is a good idea to delete any unwanted ESS data at the end of each submission. This information is configured in STAF1240 Maintain Enrolment Statistics Snapshot Control.

This form lists all the Enrolment Statistics Snapshots that are sitting in the enr_statistics_snapshot table and the date on which they were run. It allows you to select the ones you want to keep and which should be deleted (using STAJ0010). DEST REPORTING PROCESS (Cont’d ….)

After this information has been configured in STAF1240, run STAJ0010 to delete the ESS data nominated in the ESS Control form.

The ‘select the number of snapshots to keep’ parameter is used to specify the number of snapshots which should be retained. The job retains the most recent snapshots until the specified number is reached. Once the specified number is reached, all of the remaining snapshots with their Delete indicator set are deleted, while remaining snapshots with their Delete indicator deselected are added to the set of retained snapshots. Note that you cannot delete an ESS against which an existing government snapshot has been run. For more information on this, see the FAQ. Note that care should be taken in deciding to delete ESS data, as it is live data taken from the system on that date and such cannot be recreated at a later date. Also be aware that Stats are not the only users of ESS snapshots – the data is used in several checks in the enrolments edit report, and as such, it is important that any snapshots generated on a Saturday are retained. Every three months or so, the Saturday snapshots are archived, but until that occurs, they must not be deleted.

Set CHESSN Status to Active

HESA requires that a CHESSN not be considered active until load has been reported against that CHESSN. Therefore, CHESSNs remain in the system as either ‘inactive’ or ‘provisional’ until after a submission has been completed. Once the submission has had a completion date added, STAJ0200 Set CHESSN Status to Active is run to go back and set all those CHESSNs that had load reported against them to ‘active’. CREATING CENTRELINK FILES

Note that this functionality (particularly the scope) may be changed in a future release of Callista, but in version 7.1 the Centrelink files can be produced through job STAJ0030.

Note that this job produces both the Units and Names file in one job. As it relies on data from ESS, STAJ0100 needs to be run prior to running this job (and hence the government snapshot control needs to be configured). DEST Reporting Process

No Prerequisite data set up? Set up all prerequisite data (see appendix) Yes

No Govt snapshot control set up? Set up govt snapshot control (STAF1350) Yes

Run STAJ0100

Yes Errors in STAR0100?


Run STAJ0110 Amend data

Yes Errors in job run log?

No Yes Errors in STAR0110?


Yes Reset indicator Reset govt rept indicator? (STAF1250)


Run DEST files Copy to secure area (STAJ0120)

Is the submission complete?


Set completion Set CHESSN to Delete date active unwanted ESS CHECKING CALLISTA DATA FOR DEST REPORTING

There are several areas of data in Callista that will require regular checking by Stats Office. Some of these are explained below.

Edit report The SRS0042 edit and validation report has been replaced by report UWAR0910. This report has been designed by local developers specifically for use by UWA. As with SRS0042, the errors are assigned to an area of responsibility (Student Admin, Stats Office, GRSO, Grad). The report can be run with various parameters (eg by area of responsibility, error number or course attempt status). The specifications for the errors assigned to Stats Office are listed in the appendix.

HDR load adjustment

Students in HDR courses will have their load calculated on the basis of credit points. Unlike SRS, there is no residual calculation to distribute load automatically over teaching periods, or to adjust load where students take additional coursework units (since we are not using the in-built Callista EFTD method of calculating HDR load – see FAQ). For this reason, the credit points assigned to units for students in HDR courses may need to be manually overridden for some students. This is done in ENRF3000.

In the screen with the student’s unit attempt details (see more detailed notes in the section on ENRF3000), select the Override CP option from the t-list. Enter the override enrolled CP value and click on save. When you return to the unit details you will see that the EFTSU value now displays the recalculated value based on the override CPs. Note that it’s the responsibility of GRS to override CPs to zero when certain research events occur. A student with a suspension over a census date in their research candidature attendance type variations form should have zero load for that unit. To check, it’s necessary to link the students course with their candidature_att_hist.ca_sequence_number, via the candidature.sca_course_cd. CHECKING CALLISTA DATA FOR DEST REPORTING (Cont’d …..)

Load anomalies Students with load exceeding 1.5 EFTSL per submission are output as errors in the job run log for STAJ0110. This is the only load check that Callista does automatically. Other current checks on load (the usual mean/mode checks for example) can continue to be run using ESS as the source file rather than SRS910 for example. Note that EFTSL is a derived value in Callista and as such is not stored in any Oracle table other than ESS or GSLL.

Time limits RTS students who have exceeded their funded time limits can be identified by the RTS local development and reports (to be advised).

Other checks

Most current data checks can be easily performed either directly from Callista using SQL, or by using ESS/GSE/GSLL as source data for SAS enquiries. For more suggestions, see the conversion table of SRS jobs in Callista in the Appendix.


While the previous section described the functions of the screens in the Statistics module of Callista, there are many screens throughout other modules of the system that will need to be referenced in the course of processing data for DEST reporting. The most commonly used screens are described below, with some tips about the data they contain. SCREENS OUTSIDE THE STATISTICS MODULE ADVF4200 ADVANCE STANDING

What is it for? This form records details of any advanced standing (credit) awarded to a student.

When would I use it? To check the total exemption granted for the Past Course Completions file.

Does it have an SRS equivalent? SRS626 Student Unit Credit Details

current course attempt status

percentage of advanced standing granted

institution where credit studies were undertaken

Any tips? Advanced Standing is granted (and stored) for a student’s specific course attempt (so if the student transfers the advanced standing has to be applied to the new course attempt as well if necessary). If you access this form from another form (eg ENRF3000) the details will be shown for the context student only and you can’t query on another student. If you access this form directly however you can query on more than one student. Total Approved CP, Advanced Standing Granted CP, Duplicate Units CP, Total Granted CP and Percentage of Course Requirements Granted fields contain derived values from the unit details. The institution is derived from values stored against the unit details, or it defaults to the institution specified in ADVF1110. CALF0220 CALENDARS

What is it for? This form stores details about the different types of calendars and the dates for which they’ve been configured.

When would I use it? To check the start/end dates for teaching periods, and to get to the screen where you can check the census date.

Does it have an SRS equivalent? SRS635 Yearly Parameters and Study Periods type of calendar (eg load)

name of the calendar

date range for the calendar in different years

Any tips? The main types of calendars are :  teaching (semesters) – prefixed with TS  load (usually 1:1 association with teaching calendars) – prefixed with LD  admission (for intake periods) – prefixed with AD  fee (charging periods) – prefixed with FE  aggregate load (when you need to group load from a few different periods together (eg) to make invoicing easier) – prefixed with AG CALF0220 CALENDARS (Cont’d ….)

Are there other screens off this one?

If you click on the button you get to CALF0330 Maintain Calendar Instance Relationships.

This screen gives you information on the other calendars that are associated with that particular calendar instance. This is how you get to the screen that shows you the census date.

If you click on the button, you will get a pop-up that will show you all the date aliases that have been associated with that particular calendar instance. Census date is a type of date alias. CALF0220 CALENDARS (Cont’d ….)

If you click on the button you get to CALF0512 Maintain Date Alias Instances.

This screen is where they add the date aliases that appeared in the pop-up box. The pop-up box shows essentially the same information, except this screen also shows the absolute value (pop-up box only has the alias value). Sometimes date aliases are offset by a specified number of days from the absolute value to derive the alias value (eg a fee due date may be 7 days prior to the census, so the absolute value would be the census date, and the alias value would be census date –7 days). CRSF1130 COURSE CATEGORIES

What is it for? This form lists the different categories of courses and which courses/versions belong to them.

When would I use it? To check that the correct courses have been configured as reportable.

Does it have an SRS equivalent? No, this information was hard-coded into SRS910 etc.

Any tips? Each version of a course needs to be added to a course category separately. A course can belong to more than one course category. CRSF11D0 COURSE GROUPS

What is it for? This form lists the different groupings of courses and which courses/versions belong to them.

When would I use it? To check that the course groups used in the derivation of commencing dates in ESS (eg GOVT-RET) have the correct courses attached.

Does it have an SRS equivalent? No, course groups were not required in SRS.

Any tips? Each version of a course needs to be added to the course group separately. A course can belong to more than one course group. CRSF1210 BASIC COURSE DETAILS

What is it for? This form lists all the attributes of a course version.

When would I use it? To check the course type, yearly credit points and total course load. This screen also takes you to the screens for alternative exits, course FOE, articulation rules, course of study groupings, unit sets allowed for the course and course offerings.

Does it have an SRS equivalent? SRS609 Course Maintenance Screen SRS895 Course Year Effective/Points Maintenance SRS882 DEET Course Code Manipulation

details stored separately for each version

can have current enrolments in more than one total points version required for course completion

yearly credit points

Any tips? The attributes for each course version are stored separately, so ensure you’re looking at the correct version. More than one course version can be active (have current enrolments) at one time. New course versions are created when there is a change to total course points, annual load, FOE, total course load, course type, completion rules, course title or default milestones. CRSF1210 BASIC COURSE DETAILS (Cont’d ……)

Are there other screens off this one?

If you click on the button the top context box (containing the course version details) will remain but the bottom context box will be replaced with the following list of further options :

Clicking on the button takes you to CRSF1240 Maintain Course Alternative Exits.

This screen lists the alternative awards that a student may be able to exit from their current course with (assuming they have completed the requirements of the alternative award course). For example, a student may be enrolled in an MBA but may exit with a grad dip. CRSF1210 BASIC COURSE DETAILS (Cont’d ……)

Clicking on the button takes you to CRSF1260 Maintain Course Fields of Study.

can be checked for only one FOE per course

This screen lists all the FOE’s assigned to the context course version.

More than one FOE can be selected from the LOV (noting that they must add to exactly 100%). CRSF1210 BASIC COURSE DETAILS (Cont’d ……)

Clicking on the button takes you CRSF1700 Maintain Course Version Rules.

lamp disappears when rule has been defined

This is where the different rules are set up, and where you access Articulated Courses rules used for the derivation of commencement date in ESS. Clicking on the button takes you to the RULF2000 Maintain Rule screen for that rule type for that course version. This is where you define the text for the rule.

shows rule syntax options and checks if rule will pass

click to add option into rule text CRSF1210 BASIC COURSE DETAILS (Cont’d ……)

Clicking on the button takes you to CRSF1290 Maintain Course Reference Codes.

This screen is where course of study groupings are defined.

To attach the course of study code to a course version, select ‘CRSOFSTUDY’ as the reference code type from the LOV . In the Reference Code field enter the code assigned to the course of study to be applied to this course version.

Note that if this course version does not belong to a course of study, leaving this value as null will trigger the derivation of the value in the DEST Course of Study file (it will report the course code as the course of study code). CRSF1210 BASIC COURSE DETAILS (Cont’d ……)

Clicking on the takes you to CRSF1300 Maintain Course Offerings.

years in which course is offered

This screen lists when the course version is offered. CRSF1210 BASIC COURSE DETAILS (Cont’d ……)

Clicking on the button takes you to CRSF1400 Maintain Course Offering Options.

whether the course is offered off campuses campus where the course is can restrict offered offerings to a certain att type (eg FT only)

This screen lists details about where (campus) and how (attendance mode, attendance type) the course version is available for the context course offering instance.

In the example above, course 50110 version 2 is available at Albany, Crawley and Singapore campuses in internal mode only, for both full-time and part-time students. Because this screen was accessed from the 2006 course offering instance, these are the options for that year only. Course offering options can be set up differently for each year (eg we may offer a course at different campuses each year depending on availability of staff). CRSF1210 BASIC COURSE DETAILS (Cont’d ……)

Clicking on the button takes you to CRSF1280 Maintain Course Offering Unit Sets.

This screen shows you the unit sets which have been made available for this course version. Students in this course version can only be assigned a unit set from this list. CRSF2210 BASIC UNIT DETAILS

What is it for? This form lists all the attributes for a unit version.

When would I use it? To check the enrolled credit points, and to get to other screens for teaching responsibility, WEI indicator, FOE, unit categories and unit offerings.

Does it have an SRS equivalent? SRS608 Unit Code Update/Enquiry SRS888 Load Distribution Manipulation

Details stored separately for each version

Would usually have current enrolments in only one version at a time

Whether a can restrict a student can unit to only enrol in this unit award course more than once enrolments

the points used to the number of calculate load points awarded if passed

whether override CP’s are allowed for this unit

Any tips? The attributes for each unit version are stored separately, so ensure you’re looking at the correct version. Only one unit version can be active (have current enrolments) at one time.

New unit versions are created when there is a change to credit points, FOE, owning org unit, unit rules, grading schema, unit level, WEI indicator, unit title, unit category (govt reportable/non-reportable only) or teaching responsibility. CRSF2210 BASIC UNIT DETAILS (Cont’d ……)

Are there other screens off this one?

If you select the More tab in the bottom context box you will get the research and WEI indicators.

The WEI indicator is selected from the LOV . The research indicator is selected by clicking on the checkbox (note that this is only required to activate EFTD’s in the calculation of research load).

Only checked if EFTD’s are to be used for research load calculation – see section on HDR load

If you click on the button the context box at the top will remain but the bottom context box will change to display the following option buttons: CRSF2210 BASIC UNIT DETAILS (Cont’d ……)

Clicking on the button will take you to CRSF2230 Maintain Unit Disciplines.

used to determine which FOE to report

This is where the FOE is stored. Note that more than one FOE can be attached to a unit version but the percentage must add up to exactly 100%. The Primary Discipline indicator is used where more than one FOE has been assigned to a unit, to indicate which is the primary FOE to be reported to DEST (who allow only one FOE per unit from 2005 onwards).

Clicking on the button takes you to CRSF2220 Maintain Teaching Responsibility.

must add up to exactly 100%

This is where you assign the AOU for load distribution purposes to the unit version.

Note that more than one AOU can be assigned but the percentage must add up to 100%. There are no restrictions on the type of org unit that can be attached as a teaching responsibility so care needs to be taken that only AOU’s are assigned. CRSF2210 BASIC UNIT DETAILS (Cont’d ……)

Clicking on the button takes you to CRSF2250 Maintain Unit Categorisations.

This screen lists any categories that the unit version is assigned to.

Unit categories are groupings of units with some common attribute. Some examples of unit categories are GOVT-NORPT (unit is not reportable to DEST) and HONS-CORE (unit is an honours core unit). Unit categories can be used to quickly identify groups of units for reports, or to provide functionality in other parts of the system.

If you click on the Unit Categorisation LOV you’ll get a pop-up box that displays all the available unit categories. CRSF2210 BASIC UNIT DETAILS (Cont’d ……)

If you click on the button it will take you to CRSF2310 Maintain Unit Offerings.

As with course offerings, this screen shows when the unit is offered (i.e. unit availability).

In the example above, unit 530102 version 4 is offered in semester 2 in 2004, 2005 and 2006. CRSF2210 BASIC UNIT DETAILS (Cont’d ……)

Clicking on the button takes you to CRSF2500 Maintain Unit Offering Options.

for student connect

As with course offering options, this screen shows where (location) and how (unit class) the unit is available for the unit offering pattern.

In the example above, unit 530102 version 4 is available in 2005 in semester 2 at Crawley campus only, and it is a day class. CRSF2210 BASIC UNIT DETAILS (Cont’d ……)

Clicking on the button takes you to CRSF2520 Maintain Teaching Responsibility Overrides.

This screen allows you to override the teaching responsibility set in CRSF2220 for one semester.

For example, a course may be split 50/50 between two AOU’s for first semester, but 75/25 for second semester. In this case you would set up CRSF2220 with the 50/50 split and do an override for semester 2 using CRSF2520 for the 75/25 split. CRSF4200 MAINTAIN UNIT SETS

What is it for? This form lists attributes of unit sets.

When would I use it? To check available unit sets and their titles, whether a unit set is current, the FOE and the course types for which this unit set is available.

Does it have an SRS equivalent? SRS605 Major Code Update/Enquiry

The type of unit set (eg program)

Unit sets can be restricted to only be available in some course types

Any tips? Note that a student’s unit sets are not in any order (i.e. first major, second major). Note that this is the form for viewing attributes of unit sets. To view details about the unit sets for a particular student, go to ENRF3252 Maintain Student Unit Set Attempt (see section below for this form). ENRF3252 MAINTAIN STUDENT UNIT SET ATTEMPT

What is it for? This form displays the unit sets attached to a student’s course attempt.

When would I use it? To check that a student has a unit set, and that the correct unit set category has been applied (eg especially for research students so that the correct DEST course code can be derived).

Does it have an SRS equivalent?


What is it for? This form displays the Govt Cohort Years that have been configured for a course version.

When would I use it? To check that the correct cohort years have been configured for each course version that requires one.

Does it have an SRS equivalent? No, Govt Cohort was introduced in 2005 and the values derived from other data in SRS.

needs to be set up for every version of a course

see note in FAQ about the time for derivation of which this 0001 cohort applies to this course version

Any tips? A cohort year cannot be attached to a student course attempt in ENRF3000 until it has been configured here against the course version. Once the cohort year has been added to the course version here it will appear in the LOV in the Govt Cohort Year T-list in ENRF3000 (see notes on that screen below). ENRF0110 ADMIN UNIT STATUSES

What is it for? This form shows the Administrative Unit Statuses (withdrawal codes), the unit attempt status that they are mapped to, and the grade that is incurred when this admin unit status is applied to the unit attempt. When would I use it? To check whether the admin unit status used for a student’s unit attempt links to a failed grade when checking the Unit of Study Completions file and pass rates. Does it have an SRS equivalent? SRS633 SRS Code Types and Codes (code type BI)

this is what will be shown against the unit in ENRF3000 and student connect ENRF0161 MAINTAIN GOVT STUDENT STATUS

What is it for? This form shows the DEST student status codes and their attributes. When would I use it? To check whether a student status has been correctly coded with the CHESSN and Commonwealth Assisted indicators. Does it have an SRS equivalent? No, the CHESSN and Commonwealth Assisted indicators were not required in SRS.

determines how the student’s loan will be discharged

is a CHESSN required for this student status – ticking this box creates a NOT- APPLIC record in is a discount the person.chessn applicable for table (which payments includes the against this record in any student status batch CHESSN collection jobs)

is this student status commonwealth assisted – used to determine scope in govt snapshot control

Are there other screens off this one?

Clicking on the button takes you to ENRF0162 Maintain Student Status. This screen shows you the UWA-defined student statuses that have been mapped to the selected DEST student status (see detail on this screen below). ENRF0162 MAINTAIN STUDENT STATUS

What is it for? This form shows the UWA-defined student status codes mapped to each DEST student status, and their student status snapshot mappings. When would I use it? To check which UWA-defined student status codes have been mapped to each DEST code, and to understand the conditions under which codes are reset in the student status snapshot. Does it have an SRS equivalent? No, this information was hard coded in SRS.

whether to log an exception when this student status remapping is made in the snapshot

the student status that will applied in the snapshot if full payment is received against the above student status

Any tips? For more information on the student status snapshot process, see the FAQ. ENRF01K0 MAINTAIN LOAD CALENDAR STRUCTURE

What is it for? This form lists the teaching calendars associated with each load calendar instance, the percentage of their load that is apportioned to the load calendar, and the administrative unit statuses attached to the load calendar instance. When would I use it? To check which teaching calendars contribute to a load calendar. To see whether a particular administrative unit status has been attached to a load calendar instance, and whether load will be incurred when that admin unit status is applied to a unit attempt. Does it have an SRS equivalent? No, this information was hard coded in SRS.

the date range of the calendar instance

the percentage of this teaching calendar load that is to be assigned to the context load calendar

whether or not to incur load when this admin unit status is applied to a unit

Any tips? The load incurred checkbox indicates whether load is to be reported for this unit when the particular admin unit status is applied to a student unit attempt. It doesn’t control whether load for the unit attempt is displayed in ENRF3000 (i.e. a student can withdraw from a unit before the census date but the EFTSU in ENRF3000 may still be displayed as if the student is enrolled in the unit, however the load would not be reported in the DEST files). ENRF3000 RECORD ENROLMENTS

What is it for? This form is the major source of enrolment information for a student. When would I use it? To view almost all enrolment information for a student, including addresses, CHESSN, disability, person statistics and course/unit details. Does it have an SRS equivalent? SRS610 Student Enquiry/Update SRS614 Student General Details SRS623 Educational History SRS611 Student Course Details SRS612 Student Enrolment Details SRS689 Student Unit Details the enrolment category for this session – will determine SRS650 Unit Grades Updates which buttons appear in the person context block

to change the session (eg to a previous academic year)

the student’s addresses – can be several different lists the types (eg student’s emergency, nominated contact) areas of disability

student’s can have other ID’s an indicator of whether data requirements for the (eg another uni ID, staff number, form have been completed TISC number) + means all data requirements have been met - means data requirements not met Any tips? The buttons and format for this screen are driven by the enrolment category chosen for the current session. Different enrolment categories require different sets of information to be collected and stored for the student (eg international students require less information, so less buttons will appear for these students). ENRF3000 RECORD ENROLMENTS (Cont’d ….)

Are there other screens off this one?

Clicking on the button next to a course attempt causes the Student Course Attempt Summary box to display further details about only the particular course attempt selected. The buttons and t-list items displayed are now course specific (rather than the person specific buttons on the previous screen). As with the previous screen, the options and layout of this screen are governed by the enrolment category selected for the current session. the enrolment category of the current session (will determine which buttons appear at the derived from the modes of each student unit bottom) attempt for this course attempt

derived by comparing total load for student unit attempts in this course attempt against configured values for FT/PT

details stored separately can be backdated if necessary due to for each course version local development (note may be different from date derived for reporting to DEST)

Note that unlike SRS, course details are stored independent of the enrolment year (i.e. there is no year-by-year list of course enrolments). ENRF3000 RECORD ENROLMENTS (Cont’d ….)

Selecting an option from the t-list on the bottom left will allow you to access different pieces of information relating to a student’s course attempt :

Govt Cohort Year

value needs to be configured in CRSF12J0 against the student’s course version for it to appear in LOV

Basis For Admission

Course Discontinuation Reason and Date

Funding Source

Fee Category

Course Progress ENRF3000 RECORD ENROLMENTS (Cont’d ….)

Clicking on the button displays the Student Course Attempt Note block.

Students can have different types of notes attached to their course attempt. The main one of interest to DEST reporting is the FEEYRNOTE, which stores the SRS fee year information.

To view the note that is stored against a particular note type, click on the button for the note type. Notes are stored as free text.

Clicking on the button takes you back to the original screen for the student.

Clicking on the button takes you to the screen which displays details about the student’s unit attempts (see details about this screen below).

Clicking on the button takes you to RESF3110 Record Candidature (see details about this screen below).

Clicking on the button takes you to ENRF3060 Maintain Person Statistical Details (see details about this screen below). ENRF3000 RECORD ENROLMENTS (Cont’d ….)

Clicking on the button takes you to ENRF3110 Record Student Status.

indicates if the student wishes to pay for the course or not

DEST value is derived in the govt snapshot process

This is where details of a student’s student status (HECS option) for the course attempt are stored. This screen is the equivalent of the HC screen in SRS. Student status records are not stored against each teaching period as they were in SRS. They are stored with a date range. If a census date falls within this date range then the student status value is assigned to that census date for reporting and fee assessment purposes. Some areas on this screen (TFN, differential HECS indicator, elect payment indicator) will be greyed out if they do not apply to the student status. In the example above, overseas students do not require a differential HECS indicator so this field is greyed out. ENRF3000 RECORD ENROLMENTS (Cont’d ….) Student statuses are stored initially at the course level, and by default this value is then assigned to each unit. If required however the student status can be overridden at the individual unit level (eg if a student is deferred but decides to pay upfront for just one unit). This is done by selecting the Unit Student Status tab.

whether the student wants to pay for the unit

the student status for the unit (can be different to the overall course student status) ENRF3000 RECORD ENROLMENTS (Cont’d ….)

Clicking on the button displays the student unit attempt details for the selected course attempt. The buttons and t-list items displayed are now unit specific (rather than the person specific or course specific buttons on the previous screens). As with the previous screen, the options and layout of this screen are governed by the enrolment category selected for the current session.

this lamp shows the enrolment category for this session

discontinues the unit date the (do not click!!) unit attempt was added

load for the unit

Unlike SRS, all the student unit attempts for the course attempt are stored in one screen in academic period/teaching period order. Note that the EFTSU displayed in this screen does not reflect whether that load will be reported to DEST (i.e. load may still be displayed for units that were completed before the census date). ENRF3000 RECORD ENROLMENTS (Cont’d ….)

Selecting an option from the t-list on the bottom left will allow you to access different pieces of information relating to a student’s unit attempt :

Override Credit Points

Discontinue Date and Admin Unit Status

Clicking on the button takes you to ADMF32WO Maintain Person CHESSN Details. This displays the student’s CHESSN if they have one, the date it was validated by HEIMS and its current status.

how we got the CHESSN (eg batch) status of the CHESSN (eg provisional)

the number of this student’s date the CHESSN’s (eg 1, CHESSN was 2 …) – not the validated by student’s HEIMS CHESSN number


What is it for? This form displays the personal details for a student. When would I use it? To check a student’s citizenship, ATSI, home/term residence, country of birth, home language, year of arrival, commencing location and prior educational details. Does it have an SRS equivalent? SRS614 Student General Details

whether to indicate potential errors in data entered see FAQ note about why these are all null

enter either a postcode or a country, can’t have both

Any tips ? Unlike SRS, any changes made to these details are stored historically. Person statistics records are stored in a date range. When any value on this screen is changed, the record is end dated and a new record created containing the new values. Values cannot be altered in a record that has been end dated. Note that this means it’s difficult to make changes retrospectively (i.e. it would be difficult to go back and fix up unknown values in a historical record). Note that prior educational details are stored against the person, not the course attempt. Note that these details can be completed at either admissions or enrolments. Some fields are mandatory to complete, others are only optional. FINF2100 FEE TYPES

What is it for? This form shows the different types of UWA-defined fees. When would I use it? To understand more about the different types of fees we have, and to see which fee types are mapped to a particular loan scheme. Does it have an SRS equivalent? No

determines which fees are govt reportable the component of the student’s enrolment that (COMSUPPORT and TUITION) determines which fee will be charged whether or not this fee type is part of a loan scheme (HELP)

the type of fee (eg ASF, tuition) the level at which fees are defined for this fee type

the periods in which this fee type is to be used FINF2800 FEE CATEGORIES

What is it for? This form shows the different UWA-defined groups of students whose common feature is the types of fees they are charged and how these fees are assessed. When would I use it? To see which fee calendars apply to a fee category, and to get to the screen that displays payment rankings. Does it have an SRS equivalent? No

fee assessment groupings

the fee periods in which this fee the date assessment range for the grouping will be fee period used FINF2800 FEE CATEGORIES (Cont’d …..)

Are there other screens off this one?

Clicking on the button displays information for how the context fee category in that fee calendar is charged and its payment rank.

the rank used in payment matching – the fee type ranked 1 will be paid off first, then 2 and so on how the fee is to be charged (eg flatrate, perunit, eftsu)

The payment rank indicates the order in which payments received are applied to different fee types. Any payments received are first applied to any liability incurred against the fee type ranked #1. If the amount of the payment is more than the amount of the liability incurred by the fee type ranked #1 (i.e. there is some money left over) then it moves on and applies the payment to the liability incurred for the fee type that is next in ranking (note : this may not necessarily be #2, the payment rankings have been configured with gaps in between the numbers to allow the inclusion of more fee types in the middle of other existing rankings in the future if need be). Fee types may have further rankings within themselves. For example, there are further rankings at the individual unit level that determines which units get paid off first (discussed more in the FAQ under Unit Offering Option ID). It’s also important to understand the Charge Method for a fee type (i.e. whether the fee is calculated on the basis of a student’s load or a flat-rate is applied). FINF2800 FEE CATEGORIES (Cont’d …..)

Clicking on the button takes you to FINF2853 Define Fee Assessment Rates.

can charge different fees based on location

the band which applies to this fee type (each band listed separately as different fees will apply)

the rate per band (or flat rate)

This screen explains exactly how a fee is calculated for a fee type within a particular fee calendar – that is, the charge rate in dollars and how it is applied to the student. FINF2900 CONTRACT FEE ASSESSMENT RATES

What is it for? This form shows the rate applied to individual students who are charged on the basis of a fee contract. When would I use it? To see the amount charged for an individual contract fee assessment student when checking amounts for the Load/Liability file. Does it have an SRS equivalent? No

if a manual fee assessment applies for this student contract rate for this student FINF3800 PERSON PAYMENT SCHEDULE

What is it for? This form displays summary information for any payments received and owing by an individual student. When would I use it? To check at a glance the liability for a unit and what payments have been received when reconciling the Load/Liability file. Does it have an SRS equivalent? No

Any tips? Note that this screen splits payment amounts into those assigned to both the student and the loan scheme (if appropriate). FINF9100 STUDENT COURSE FEE INQUIRY

What is it for? This form shows summary information for all the fees incurred by an individual student. When would I use it? To see at a glance the amounts charged, paid and owing for a student when investigating the Load/Liability and HELP Due files. This screen also displays information regarding the loan discount amounts awarded. Does it have an SRS equivalent? No

Any tips? Note that this screen splits amounts amongst student, sponsor and loan scheme (where appropriate). Note that this screen displays summary information at the course level. Unit level detail is available in FINF9200 (see below). FINF9200 STUDENT FEE CALENDAR INQUIRY

What is it for? This form shows summary information for all the fees incurred by an individual student. When would I use it? To see at a glance the amounts charged, paid and owing for a student when investigating the Load/Liability and HELP Due files. This screen also displays information regarding the loan discount amounts awarded. Does it have an SRS equivalent? No

Any tips? Note that this screen splits amounts amongst student, sponsor and loan scheme (where appropriate). Note that this screen displays summary information at the individual unit level. Course level detail is available in FINF9200 (see above). GENF0001 SYSTEM ERROR LOG INQUIRY

What is it for? This form logs general error messages from the system. When would I use it? To get more information about why an error is occurring. Errors may be logged here when jobs fail or when a form returns an error. Does it have an SRS equivalent? No – these types of errors were recorded in individual job run logs in SRS.

the routine that was being processed when the error occurred additional info about where the error might be

the time that the job hit the error and who logged the error (almost always the server)

Any tips? Not every error is logged here (some errors are stored in individual job run logs, some never generate a system error message), but as a general rule it is a good idea to check here as a first resort whenever something happens that you don’t expect. Clicking on the query button will return the latest error logged by the system (this may not have been your particular error, since it stores errors logged by all users of the system).

If you click on the button it will scroll through the errors in reverse chronological order. The Program Unit box gives the name of the routine that was being run at the time the error was encountered. For the most part these won’t make much sense, since they are usually Callista subroutines, but sometimes the names help to alert you to where the error has occurred. In the example below, the subroutine ‘enrp_get_load_incur’ was running when it hit this particular system error. This gives some idea that the system was trying to work out whether load is incurred for the unit when it hit trouble. GENF0001 SYSTEM ERROR LOG INQUIRY (Cont’d ….) The Additional Detail box is where the most helpful information is kept however. This gives a little more information about the exact record or value that was causing the trouble. Sometimes this is split over more than one error log message. In the example above, the detail is split into two parts (see Parm (Part 2/2) note). It tells us that the problem is with admin unit status SRS-SL, and that the problem was that ‘No admin unit status load record could be found’. These are all clues to help you work out why an error has occurred – in this case, during the routine ‘enrp_get_load_incur’, which works out whether load should be incurred for an admin unit status, it couldn’t work out whether to incur load because the admin unit status has not been attached to the correct teaching period for this unit. So it didn’t know what to do with it and generated an error instead. The Updated By and Updated On boxes help tell you whether you’re looking at the right error messages for your job or the screen you were just looking at. Note that any error logged by the system is usually going to have SISERVER as the Updated By person (since it was the system that actually logged the error and not an individual user). ORGF0120 INSTITUTION CODES

What is it for? This form lists details about each UWA-defined institution code. When would I use it? To see the DEST institution code that the UWA-defined codes have been mapped to. Does it have an SRS equivalent? SRS633 SRS Code Types and Codes (code type BY)

only ticked for UWA – identifies correct code for DEST files and for file extensions etc logs an entry every time a change is made

Any tips? This is where we tell Callista which institution code belongs to our institution, so that 1055 will come out automatically in DEST file headers and file extensions etc. SRS was specifically designed for us so the 1055 was hard coded everywhere, but Callista is used by many institutions so we have to tell it these things! ORGF0141 ORGANISATIONAL UNITS

What is it for? This form lists details about each UWA-defined organisational unit code. When would I use it? To see the org type and member type assigned to each org unit code, and to get to the org unit relationships screen. Does it have an SRS equivalent? CODE003 Codes Maintenance System – Organisation Unit Code Enquiry/Update

whether the if nothing is org unit is entered a value active, is derived for inactive or reporting planned

logs an entry every time a change is made

Any tips? The org units stored in Callista are used throughout the system for various purposes, not just for DEST reporting. There are therefore many more types of org units than existed in SRS (eg agents, sponsors, AOU’s). These can be identified by the different Org Types assigned, and in addition Agents have a prefix of AG- and sponsors have a prefix of SP-. Organisation Type codes reflect the purpose of the org unit (eg Agent, Sponsor, Teach- Res, Res-Only, Office-Use). Member Type codes reflect the org unit’s position in the hierarchy (eg School, Faculty, Independent). If the org unit is not an AOU it has a member type of Admin or Independent. Note that it is not necessary to enter a Govt Org Unit code. These are derived in DEST processing if this value is null. ORGF0141 ORGANISATIONAL UNITS (Cont’d …..)

Are there other screens off this one?

Clicking on the button takes you to ORGF0143 Maintain Org Unit Relationships.

will show historical relationships that have been deleted

This is where the org unit hierarchy is set up. The context org unit (the one you were looking at in the previous screen) is in the middle block. Above it are any parent org units, below it are the child org units. If you want to see just current relationships, leave the ‘Include Deleted Relationships’ checkbox unticked. Note that the Creation Date is the date that the relationship was entered on the system, not the date that the relationship began. As org units are used throughout the system for quite a number of different reasons, it is often difficult to amend them, particularly end-dating a record or deleting a parent/child relationship. Since org units will be maintained by SIMS support, this won’t be a Stats office problem, but it is useful to keep this in mind when requesting amendments. RESF3500 RECORD SCHOLARSHIP DETAILS

What is it for? This form displays scholarship details for an individual student. When would I use it? To view the scholarships awarded to an individual student, and to access the scholarship activity information used in the DEST Scholarships file and the derivation of scholarship elements in the DEST Student Enrolment file. Does it have an SRS equivalent? SRS701 Scholarships Awarded

must be a CAS or CECS scholarship to access scholarship status activity RESF3500 RECORD SCHOLARSHIP DETAILS (Cont’d …..)

Are there other screens off this one?

Clicking on the button (activated for CAS or CECS scholarship types only) displays the Scholarship Status Activity box.

whether the determines scholarship is scope of SS file active, deferred (which activity or expired will be reported in the submission period)

This box is where information is recorded about the current status of the scholarship (eg active, deferred, expired) and the date that the status applied. It is this information which determines how the scholarship is reported in both the EN and SS files (see notes about the derivation of values for these files). This is the sole purpose of this screen. RESF31C0 GOVERNMENT SEO CODES

What is it for? This form displays the DEST/ABS Socio-Economic Objective classification codes. When would I use it? To view the SEO codes and their description. Does it have an SRS equivalent? No

used to distinguish between DEST and ABS codes

Any tips? Like most other Govt codes used in Callista, these SEO codes have a UWA-defined equivalent. These are stored in RESF31D0 and are mapped to one of these Govt codes. They can be viewed either directly through RESF31D0 or by clicking on the SEO Classifications button at the bottom of this screen. RESF31E0 GOVERNMENT TYPE OF ACTIVITY CODES

What is it for? This form displays the ABS Type of Activity classification codes. When would I use it? To view the type of activity codes and their descriptions. Does it have an SRS equivalent? No

Any tips? Unlike other Govt codes used in Callista, type of activity does not have a UWA-defined equivalent. RESF3211 RESEARCH CANDIDATURE DETAILS

What is it for? This form displays candidature details for students enrolled in research courses. When would I use it? To view the research commencement date, prior RTS EFTSL and override separation status for a research student, and to get to the screens that store SEO and type of activity codes and supervisor details. Does it have an SRS equivalent? SRS703 Higher Degree Students SRS716 Student Leave SRS709 Student Supervisors SRS715 Enrolment Status History

number of EFTD’s granted in credit for other HDR courses at UWA

course commencement separation date can be status is derived different to but can be research overridden if commencement required date

attendance % effective at the system derived value calculated system derived value subtracting current date (variations button daily taking into account prior candidature credit from total shows history of any changes) attendance % variations course requirement RESF3211 RESEARCH CANDIDATURE DETAILS (Cont’d …..)

Are there other screens off this one?

Clicking on the button brings up the Candidature Attendance History popup box.

This displays information about every time the student varied their attendance type for some reason (eg they suspended for a semester, dropped from full-time to part-time for a month). Each reason is assigned a Research Event type, and the attendance percentage and relevant date ranges are stored against that reason.

Clicking on the button brings up a popup box with a set of three blocks of information containing Govt research activity codes – the FOE, SEO and Type of Activity.

Note that this information was not stored in SRS, but will now be collected and stored on a more systematic basis for each student, which should make the processing of the ABS Survey of Research and Development much easier. RESF3211 RESEARCH CANDIDATURE DETAILS (Cont’d …..)

Clicking on the button brings up the Research Supervisor popup box.

the percentage of supervision time – the percentage of can be attributed funding for the to non-UWA student to be supervisors attributed to that supervisor – can not be attributed to non_UWA supervisors – may not match supervision percentage

the dates for which this supervisor/percentage applied

This box stores historical and current information about the student’s supervisors, the proportion of supervision attributable to them, and the org unit they belong to. Note that the funding percentage is used only when EFTD’s are used to calculate and distribute research load. We are not currently using this option, so the funding percentage has all been migrated as belonging to UWA to avoid confusion. JOB SCHEDULER – JBSF5300 MAINTAIN REQUEST JOB RUN

What is it for? This form displays details of any jobs that have been submitted to run. When would I use it? To view the status of submitted jobs and to get to the job run log. Does it have an SRS equivalent? status of the job – waiting, scheduled, running, This is the equivalent of Queue Manager (qman). failed, complete, cancelled

takes you back to the parameter screen refreshes the screen data for the current job

cancels the current job

Any tips? This is the main screen in Job Scheduler. It can be accessed directly from the menu, or by clicking on the button on any job parameter screen. Jobs run through several different Job Run Statuses as they progress through job scheduler – Waiting, Scheduled, Running and then either Complete, Cancelled or Failed depending on the outcome of the job. The Start Date & Time is populated when the job is scheduled. JOB SCHEDULER – JBSF5300 MAINTAIN REQUEST JOB RUN (Cont’d ….)

how long the job took to run (only populated when job is completed successfully)

gives you information about whether the job ran successfully

The elapsed time is not populated until the job is complete, and only if it completed successfully. Clicking on the Run Log button displays the run details of your job. If the job failed it will provide some details here about what errors it may have encountered. Some jobs also have output here that needs to be checked (eg STAJ0110 displays load anomalies). USING TOAD SOME TIPS ABOUT DATA IN CALLISTA

Table Structures All the data in Callista screens are stored behind the scenes in Oracle tables (datasets). Data in Oracle tables are referred to as table_name.field_name. For example, the term location code in the person statistics screen (ENRF3060) is a field called term_location_postcode and it’s stored in the person_statistics table. Hence it is referred to as person_statistics.term_location_postcode.

Clicking on the button in any Callista screen will tell you what the field you’re in is called and which table it’s stored in.

Using Toad Understanding the way the data are stored and how to get at it is essential to getting the most out of Callista, and will make the processes involved in DEST reporting a lot more efficient. There are several different tools you can use to access Callista data directly from these tables (Oracle query tools like Tora or Toad, or using SAS). Accessing data in this way is sometimes called the “back end” (as opposed to viewing data via the Callista forms themselves, which is called the “front end”).

This is the default first screen in Toad. It’s the SQL Editor window. It’s split into two screens (default setting) – the top screen is where you type your query, the bottom screen is where the results are returned when the query is run. SOME TIPS ABOUT DATA IN CALLISTA (Cont’d ….) Type the SQL query in the top window (sample scripts included in Appendix).

Click to execute the query. Any results are output in the bottom window. SOME TIPS ABOUT DATA IN CALLISTA (Cont’d ….)

To view the data directly from the tables, select Database then Schema Browser.

click here to toggle between full and split screen

tab between SQL editor and schema browser windows

Select a schema from drop-down list. The only schema you should need to use (and will have access to) is called sis_owner. SOME TIPS ABOUT DATA IN CALLISTA (Cont’d ….) The Tables tab on the left lists all the available tables in the schema. Select one to see the data and structure of that table.  Columns tab – shows the fields in the table, their position and data type, and whether the values can be null (as in the above screenshot)

 Constraints tab – shows any constraints on the data in the table (eg values that cannot be null) SOME TIPS ABOUT DATA IN CALLISTA (Cont’d ….)

 Data tab – shows all data currently in the table

Data can be restricted to specified parameters using the Filter icon

The Views tab on the left shows all the views available for this schema. A view is a bit of SQL script configured to allow the same data to be shown/extracted every time. All view names end in ‘_V’. An example is PERSON_ADDR_GOV_PERM_V which extracts a student’s address lines into specific fields of data for reporting in the DU file. SOME TIPS ABOUT DATA IN CALLISTA (Cont’d ….)

 Columns tab – the columns in the output from the view  Script tab – the SQL used to create the view

 Data tab – the output of the view GLOSSARY, FAQ & APPENDICES GLOSSARY

Achievable Credit Points The number of credit points awarded upon successful completion of the unit. If blank, this number is assumed to be the same as Enrolled Credit Points. If zero, no credit points are awarded. The value may be overridden for an individual student if the Override Credit Points check box is set.

Address Type An institution defined classification of addresses. A person or physical entity (such as a Location or Organisational Unit) may have a number of addresses, each of which is assigned an Address Type.

Administrative Unit Status Describes the institution defined administrative statuses applicable to a discontinued Student Unit Attempt. Examples: Withdrawn Early, Withdrawn Late – Fail. Used in determining load, progression and grades.

Calendar A period of time defined for a specific purpose – main calendars are Teaching, Load, Academic, Admission and Fee.

Calendar Instance Specific occurrences of a Calendar Type. A Calendar Instance is created by assigning a Start and End Date and a Calendar Status to a Calendar Type.

Charge Element A component of the fee calculation, in which a rate per element is multiplied by the number of elements representing the student’s study load over the Fee Period for the Fee Liability concerned.

Charge Method Describes the methods for determining the number of Charge Elements for use in a Fee Calculation. The options are FLATRATE, EFTSU, PERUNIT, CRPOINT.

COFI Callista Open Finance Interface

Course Annual Load The number of credit points which constitute a full time load for each year of a course version.

Course Attempt Status Describes the statuses assigned to Student Course Attempts. These statuses are not user-defined, as they are derived by the system based on a student’s enrolment. Examples: Enrolled, Lapsed, Inactive, Discontinued.

Course Category An institution defined name identifying a particular grouping of courses.

Course Group Used to link courses with institution defined common properties. They may be used for purposes such as student progression and permitted double degree combinations.

Course Offering The association of a course version with a calendar type (i.e. when the course is offered).

Date Alias The institution defined name of an event (not an actual date value). Date Alias examples are CENSUS (DEST Census Date) and END-LECT (last day of lectures in Teaching Period).

EFTD Effective Full Time Number of full days a HDR student has been actively enrolled in the course. Days Can be used for calculation of HDR load (is not currently being used for this purpose) and calculation of min and max submission dates.

Enrolment Category Institution defined code used to group students who, for the purposes of enrolment, share common characteristics. GLOSSARY (Cont’d ….)

Fee Category The purpose of the Fee Category is to identify the distinct Fee Assessment Groups assigned Fee Type liabilities

Fee Period A period during which particular fees, particular categories and associated data apply.

Fee Trigger . A course, grouping of courses, Unit Set, Unit, or Trigger Group recorded against a Fee Liability, which is matched against a student’s Course, Unit Set or Unit Attempt(s) in order to determine if a student is liable for the particular fee

Fee Type The name of a fee. Examples: HECS, ASF, MEDIBANK.

Form A Callista screen.

Grading Schema Describes a set of available marks, grades and results which can be used in the assessment of student unit attempts.

LOV List of Values (a drop-down list).

Member Type An institution defined classification of Organisational Units by structure level. Examples are FACULTY, SCHOOL, DEPARTMENT and DIVISION.

Organisational Type Organisational Types are business category classifications of Organisational Units, defined by an institution. Examples are ACADEMIC and ADMINISTRATIVE

Payment Rank . Determines the order in which payment amounts received should be applied to a student’s Fee Liabilities.

Person Any person recorded in Callista. This may be a student, staff member or other person with a relationship to the institution.

Person ID Group This is a group of people with a common link

Student Course Attempt The student’s course enrolment

Student Unit Attempt The student’s unit enrolments

Unit Attempt Status System-defined status of the unit attempt (eg ENROLLED, DISCONTIN)

Unit Category Used to group units which have a common characteristic, e.g. all units which cover basic computing competencies

Unit Offering The availability of a Unit Version for offer to students. Specified by nominating the Teaching Calendar in which the unit is to be offered

Unit Set A grouping of units with a common attribute. Mostly used to indicate a student’s major area of study.

UOO_ID Unit Offering Option ID. A reference number assigned to a unit attempt based on certain attributes of the offering (eg unit class).

View A piece of SQL script that is configured to allow the same data to be shown/extracted every time

QUICK GUIDE – HOW DO I DO THIS JOB IN CALLISTA? Job in SRS Job in Callista Run DEST AOU File Not available (not required from 2005) Run DEST Course file Run STAJ0040 Run DEST Student Enrolment file Run STAJ0090 Run DEETEALL Run UWAJ0380 Run DEST Student Load/Liability file Run STAJ0140 Run DEETLALL Extract Run UWAJ0370 Run DEST Past Course Completions file Run STAJ0070 Run DEST HELP Due file Run STAJ0050 Run Edit report (SRS024) Run UWAR0910 (select Statistics as a parameter for ‘area of responsibility’) Run DEET Time Limit report Run UWAR0320 Run SNAP audit reports No longer required. Create DXALL and LDALL Datasets Use UWAJ0380 & UWAJ0370 Add a new organisational unit ORGF0141 (maintained by SIMS support) Check course commencement date Viewed in ENRF3000 – note : no course level lists any more, ESS does its own derivation of commencement date Update STATS commencement date No Stats commencement date any longer. Commencement dates can be backdated, however may not be needed due to ESS deriving its own commencement dates for reporting to DEST. Check Aboriginal and Torres Strait Use DIY reports to produce a list of ATSI Islander (ATSI) coding students. Viewed in ENRF3060. Or select students using Toad (from person_statistics table) Check disability coding Use DIY reports to produce a list of students with a disability. Viewed in ENRF3040. Or select students using Toad (from person_disability table) Check cross-institutional enrolments Use DIY reports to extract class lists for specific units. Check may no longer be required. Check pre-submission withdrawals and Check no longer needed – Callista picks up completions scope appropriately. Check majors for students in combined Check no longer needed – load no longer courses and Engineering determined on basis of majors. Check course entry category Basis for admission codes are included in the enrolment extract and GSE. Viewed in ENRF3000. Check year of arrival Year of arrival is included in GSE. Viewed in ENRF3060. Or select students using Toad (from person_statistics table) Check credit status Advanced standing details are in ADVF4200 QUICK GUIDE – HOW DO I DO THIS JOB IN CALLISTA? (Cont’d ….)

Job in SRS Job in Callista Check campus code Location codes for both SUA’s and SCA’s are in ESS. Viewed in ENRF3000. Comparisons of snapshot and live files No longer required. Balancing DEST Student Enrolment Use ESS or Enrolment extract (UWAJ0380) file with internal files Unit weight changes All load calculated automatically. Credit points, AOU and FOE stored against units in CRSF2210, annual course load stored against courses in CRSF1210. Roll over previous year’s EFTSU file No longer required. Calculate combined courses unit No longer required. weights Enter yearly credit points Annual load is stored against courses in CRSF1210. Check coding for non-standard Calendar details are in CALF0220 semesters Checking student load Use ESS or load extract (UWAJ0370) Missing/incorrect unit weights No longer required. (SRS043) Check exchange student load Use DIY reports to select units, or ESS. Residual load calculations Use Residual Load Adjustment Report (UWAR0590) Manually adjust research load ENRF3000 using override credit points Unit weights return Incorporated into larger unit details checks done by SIMS support Check students with zero Students with zero load do not appear in ESS. load/overload Cross-check students in ESS against students with an SUA in the current year (in student_unit_attempt). Overloads are in STAR0110 exception report. Reconcile Liability Status file with Payment data are in fee_ass (transaction type fees collected of ‘payment’) Identify pre-RTS Time Limit students Run UWARxxxx Amend liability status Viewed in ENRF3110 (from ENRF3000) Check address formats No longer required (standard address formats are configured and must be adhered to when entering addresses) Amend addresses Viewed in ENRF3030 (off ENRF3000) Check Tax File Numbers Viewed in ENRF3110 (off ENRF3000) Run Centrelink files Run STAJ0030 Cross check Centrelink files against Use ESS or UWAJ0380 internal files Projections of student enrolments and Use UWAJ0380 & UWAJ0370 load Produce Admissions & Quota Policy Use UWAJ0380 & UWAJ0370 QUICK GUIDE – HOW DO I DO THIS JOB IN CALLISTA? (Cont’d ….)

Job in SRS Job in Callista Quota monitoring Use UWAJ0380 & UWAJ0370 Provide data to Financial Services for Use UWAJ0380 & UWAJ0370 the University Budget Create sample for Graduate Careers Use UWAJ0380 & UWAJ0370, ESS or DIY Council of Australia (GCCA) surveys reports Produce Equal Employment Opportunity Use UWAJ0380 & UWAJ0370 (EEO) statistics – Educational Profile Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Use UWAJ0380 & UWAJ0370 statistics – State EEO report University Annual Report Use UWAJ0380 & UWAJ0370 Educational Profile Use UWAJ0380 & UWAJ0370 Australian Universities Quality Agency Use UWAJ0380 & UWAJ0370 (AUQA) Operational Priorities Plan (OPP) Use UWAJ0380 & UWAJ0370 Executive Information System (EIS) Use UWAJ0380 & UWAJ0370 Australian Bureau of Statistics survey Use UWAJ0380 & UWAJ0370 of Research & Development (ABSRD) Exchange of research data with the Use UWAJ0380 & UWAJ0370 Group of 8 universities Maintain Reference Data – Yearly credit points CRSF1210 (Course annual load) EFTSU file No longer required DEET FOE file (FOE to HECS band) STAF112H (Discipline band) Load distribution CRSF2210 (Teaching responsibility) Major – FOE mapping CRSF4200 (Unit sets) Mapping of codes in SRS routines No longer required (handled by CSS) Unistats & UWA in Brief Use UWAJ0380 & UWAJ0370 School and course reviews Use UWAJ0380 & UWAJ0370, DIY reports Ad hoc requests Use UWAJ0380 & UWAJ0370 Preliminary enrolments Use UWAJ0380 & UWAJ0370 DEST collection changes Notify and discuss with CSS Student Perceptions of Teaching Use UWAJ0380 & UWAJ0370 (SPOT) Teaching & Learning indicators Use UWAJ0380 & UWAJ0370 Run IRU Extract snapshot DIY reports Produce student performance DIY reports indicators file Check errors in Tertiary Entrance Can use ESS Rank and course entrance details Generate random samples of students Can use ESS, UWAJ0380 or DIY reports Student Unit Reflective Feedback DIY reports and UWAJ0360 (SURF) survey First Year Experience project Can use ESS, UWAJ0380 or DIY reports Secondary Schools project DIY reports Ad hoc requests – IRU DIY reports CONTACTS – CALLISTA AND OTHER CALLISTA UNIVERSITIES


Adrian Roberts Business Analyst (DEST reporting, CHESSN, TAC upload – send him all changes to DEST specs ) 03 5227 8974 [email protected]

Aidan Bell Business Analyst (Revisions) 03 5227 8985 [email protected]

Anthony Matheson (Fees) Business Analyst [email protected]

Kerry Walker Project Manager (Everything) 03 5227 8906 [email protected]

Adrian Dillon Senior Software Engineer (DEST reporting, Revisions) 03 5227 8995 [email protected]

Lloyd Stokie (COFI, DEST Reporting, Revisions) Business Analyst 03 5227 8939 [email protected]


Kerry Tait Deakin [email protected] 03 5227 8100

Steve Barling Monash [email protected] 03 9905 4000

Gary Jackson QUT [email protected] 07 3864 351 (QUT is moving away from Callista, so Gary is no longer a useful contact) FAQ & TROUBLESHOOTING

Why is STAJ0100 failing? There are several reasons why this job may fail. Some information is given in the job run log, but often GENF0001 is a better source of information. The most common reasons are incorrect job parameters set up in government snapshot control (STAF1350), missing job control parameters (STAF1350) or configuration errors like missing admin unit statuses (GENF0001 will give clues to those).

Why is STAJ0110 failing? This job may fail to run if government snapshot control has not been configured correctly for the job parameters selected (STAF1350) or if STAJ0100 has not been run previously. Occasionally there are other causes (eg the WEI indicator has not been set for a unit) – GENF0001 will often give clues to these types of causes. STAJ0110 can also crash if two are submitted at the same time, thus causing a primary key conflict. This can result in data loss, so should be avoided.

Why is STAJ0100 resetting the commencement date? The commencement date that is output in ESS is derived. If a student has a previous course attempt (in a GSE for a previous year) that is in the same course of study as the current course attempt, the commencement date will be the one for the earliest course attempt for a course within that course of study group. In addition, STAJ0100 looks back to GSE from previous years to find a course attempt for a student whose commencement date indicates they commenced last year. If it cannot find a previous course attempt for the student, it will reset the commencement date to the current year and output an error in STAR0100. Likewise, if a student’s commencement date indicates they are commencing in the current year, but there is a course attempt from a previous GSE with an earlier commencement date, the derived commencement date will be the earliest one it can find for that course attempt. For students who are commencing in an honours course after being enrolled in the pass degree, STAJ0100 will take the commencement date from the pass degree (as long as the course articulation rules have been set up properly).

Why are there no cohort years of 0000 entered against student course attempts? Cohort year is derived during STAJ0110 processing. The value stored in student_course_attempt is output if there is one – if it is null then a value of 0000 is automatically derived. Hence there is no need to actually apply 0000 to the student’s course attempt.

How is cohort year derived? If cohort year is 1 then the govt cohort yr = 0001. If cohort year is not null, and the current date is between the cohort start and end date then the govt cohort yr = cohort year. If cohort year is null, there’s a contract, commencement date is before 2005 and the citizenship is not 4 or 5 then govt cohort yr = 0001. Otherwise govt cohort yr = 0000.

Why is Permanent Resident Eligibility for HELP not collected in HE stats? This element changed quite significantly for 2005. The definitions are now quite complex. Since HE stats data is collected at admissions (and then again at enrolments) it would be almost impossible for staff to decide on the spot what the value should be. It is only used in DEST reporting, and as Callista have provided the option to derive the element (STAF1000) we do not need to collect it.

Is there an equivalent to the SRS HECS archive in Callista? No, there’s nowhere that historical load and student status is visible as it was in SRS, but some tables have been established to perform a similar function. Student Admin have write access to these tables in SIMSPROD – UWA_OWNER.UWA_LOAD_ARCHIVE and UWA_OWNER.UWA_ENROL_ARCHIVE. Why are the Prior Education data not populated for some students? This data is no longer collected for Postgraduate international students and study abroad student exchange (as it is not reported to DEST). It is currently collected for UG internationals but may not be in the future.

Why can’t I set up overlapping submission types? There are some rules which govern the configuration of submission types. These rules are designed to prevent a student being mistakenly reported for the same unit in more than one submission. You can only set up submissions for either CWA/NCWA or ALL for a particular date range. That is, you can’t have one submission for 1 Jan – 30 Jun for NCWA students and another one for 1 Jan – 31 Mar for ALL students. So you first need to decide if you’re going to bother with separate scopes for CWA/NCWA, or just always produce the files for ALL students. The other restriction is that submissions cannot run over the 30 Jun/1 Jul dates in the same submission (and also 31 Dec/1 Jan) i.e. you must configure your submissions so that 30 Jun and 1 Jul are in two different submissions.

Why can’t I delete this ESS? An ESS cannot be deleted if there is an existing govt_student_enrolment or govt_student_load_liability table that was created from it. In order to delete the ESS, another set of government tables needs to be run with that submission year/number from a different ESS in order to ‘unlock’ the foreign key constraint that ties the two snapshots together. For example, an ESS is run on 15/03/2005. Using that ESS, GSE and GSLL tables are created for Submission 1, 2005. You now cannot delete the ESS from the 15/03/2005. If you wanted to delete the ESS from the 15/03/2005 you would need to run another ESS, say on 31/03/2005. You can now re-run GSE and GSLL for Submission 1, 2005 using the 31/03/2005 ESS (remembering that the GSE and GSLL data is overwritten every time STAJ0110 is run for the same submission year/number/type). The GSE and GSLL for Submission 1, 2005 is now tied to the 31/03/2005 ESS, freeing up the 15/03/2005 ESS to be deleted if desired.

Why do I have to close off a submission? Submissions need to have a completion date entered to prevent data in ESS and GSE/GSLL being re-run and overwriting data that was used to produce the submitted DEST files for a previous submission. It is also required to enable commencement date derivations to work correctly in STAJ0100.

Why isn’t this CHESSN status active? A CHESSN cannot have its status set to active until it has had load reported against it. Once a submission has been completed, run STAJ0200 to set all reported CHESSNs to active. Why is the govt reportable indicator being set to N? How do I change it? See Appendix 3 for details on the derivation of Government Reportable Indicator. The indicator can be reset if required in STAF1250.

Why is this SUA not appearing in ESS? Student unit attempts will appear in ESS if they are attached to a calendar with a census date in the academic year chosen as the job run parameter. Note that this includes units that are withdrawn. The only exclusions to this are units that have a unit attempt status of either unconfirmed, duplicate or invalid. These unit attempt statuses are not common however, so for the most part all unit attempts for the year should appear in ESS.

Why is this discontinued SUA appearing in ESS? The point of ESS is to collate all student unit attempts for a given academic year and decide whether they are government reportable or not. This means that the scope for ESS is much more inclusive than for GSE or GSLL. Therefore, all units regardless of their withdrawal status will be included in ESS.

Where do I find STAR0100/STAR0110 … Log on to Staff Connect (www.callistasupport.uwa.edu.au). Go to Job Run Details (under Reports heading). Any jobs you have run and their output will be displayed. Click on the link to open the output.

Why is there so much data in this ESS table? Data in ESS is appended every time STAJ0100 is run. It never overwrites existing data. The only way to get rid of existing data in ESS is to run STAJ0010.

How does STAJ0110 know whether a student is COM_ASST? In ENRF0161 (Maintain Student Status) there is a checkbox against each student status code that indicates whether that status is considered to be Commonwealth Assisted or not. If a unit attempt has a student status that has the Commonwealth Assisted checkbox ticked, then it will be included in any submission with a submission type of COM_ASST (and obviously those with a submission type of ALL). If a unit attempt has a student status that has the Commonwealth Assisted checkbox unticked, then it will be included in any submission with a submission type of NON_COM_ASST (and obviously those with a submission type of ALL).

How do I know if a course/unit has been configured as government reportable? In CRSF2250 (Maintain Unit Categorisations) and CRSF1130 (Maintain Course Categorisations) all reportable courses/units are listed under a category of GOVT-RPT. Likewise, non-reportable courses/units are listed under a category of GOVT-NO-RPT. How does the DU file know how to separate the different address lines into the correct elements? A student’s contact address (or home or term addresses) are stored as separate address lines (i.e. one for the suburb, one for the postcode etc). However, as we can make these address lines whatever we like (eg we could have two lines for street if we wanted), Callista identifies the different parts of the address as only Address Line 1, Address Line 2 etc. The DU file however requires that these different parts of a student’s address be separated into street address, suburb, postcode and state. This can’t be done directly from fields labelled Address Line 1 or Address Line 2, since one institution may have Address Line 2 for the suburb while another may be using it as a second street address line. Therefore there is a view that configures specifically for us how our address line formatting is to be translated into the DU file elements. These views (there is one for home address and one for term address) are called PERSON_ADDR_GOV_PERM_V and PERSON_ADDR_GOVT_TERM_V. These views are just SQL queries that take the different lines of address data and translates it into its correct DU element.

Where do I find the census date for this teaching period? Go to CALF0220. Query on the desired teaching calendar. Click on Calendar Relationships, then Date Alias Instance Inquiry. A popup box will display all the date aliases for that calendar instance (census date is a date alias).

Why is load being calculated incorrectly? EFTSL is a very straightforward calculation in Callista, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to find the source of error when things go wrong. All EFTSL is calculated as the unit’s proportion of annual course load (i.e. enrolled credit points divided by annual course load). Note that this method also applies to research students. Some things to check when checking EFTSL calculations are the enrolled credit points (note the achievable credit points have no bearing on load calculations), the annual course load (check the student is enrolled in the correct course code and course version), the unit offering the student is enrolled in (eg is it a full-year unit) and whether the student has any individual unit credit point overrides. Another thing to keep in mind when checking load errors is the source of the EFTSL value being investigated. Note that ENRF3000 displays different EFTSL values than those derived in GSLL. For example, ENRF3000 continues to display EFTSL for a unit that was completed before a census date, and this load would be extracted to ESS, whereas this unit would have the government reportable indicator set to N and hence would not attract any load in GSLL. Why can’t I use override EFTSL? Override EFTSL can be used to assign an EFTSL value to a unit attempt that is different to the one calculated automatically (i.e. to override the system default EFTSL for the unit attempt). However, in doing so, the override EFTSL value is permanently attached to the unit and cannot be undone. That is, once an override EFTSL value has been applied to a unit attempt it cannot be changed or deleted, and will stick to the unit regardless of any admin unit status applied to the unit (eg is the unit is withdrawn before the census the override EFTSL will remain and be reported). For this reason it was decided never to use override EFTSL, and security access to this function has been restricted to prevent its accidental use.

Why can’t I run an AOU file? The AOU file is no longer required by DEST. As such, the functionality to produce this file from Callista has been converted to an obsolete job. This means the job can no longer be run in any Callista version after 7.1. However obtaining a file of AOU’s from Callista only requires a fairly simple SQL enquiry (eg select * from organisational_unit where org_type = ‘TEACH-RES’)

Why is this course missing from the course file? The scope of the course file is determined by the course offerings in an academic year, not by whether a student enrolled in that course version has been reported in another DEST file. In order for a course version to appear in the course file, it needs to have a course offering in either the current or previous academic years. Note that this is true even for course versions that are no longer accepting new enrolments.

Why can’t I see separation status stored against a student? Separation status is not stored against a student’s course attempt. It is derived in DEST processing. There is a separation status override in RESF3211 however. If there is a value in this field it will be used, otherwise the value for separation status will be derived using information about the student’s current and previous course attempts.

Why is Australia not listed in the country code table? The code for ‘Born in Australia’ is inserted into the country of birth LOV in ENRF3060 via a custom view. Therefore it does not need to be also added to the country codes table (otherwise it will appear twice in the LOV). Why is the student status on the system different to the one in the DEST files? Student status drives much of the functionality associated with fee assessment in Callista (eg whether payments can be received, when invoices are generated, which fee is applied). As a liability is only actually incurred on the census date itself, the student status assigned to a course attempt before a census date is only an indication of a student’s intention of how they want to discharge their debt. After a census date has passed, the student status snapshot job is run to compare a student status against any payments received, and if necessary change the student status. The student status that is reported in the DEST files will be taken from the student status snapshot or if this is null then it will be taken from student course hecs option.

Why does this partial payment student have a student status of 111? In order for COFI to generate an invoice for a student, and for Callista to accept payment, a student status of Upfront needs to be applied to deferred students that are partially paying a debt. After the census date, the student status snapshot job is run that will change the student status back to 110 if necessary (i.e. if no payments are received by the census date).

Why can’t I update the govt snapshot control record? Submission parameters cannot be updated if the submission has a completion date entered, or if a STAJ0100 or STAJ0110 has been run for that submission period.

Why do we need to check for unit versions with an FOE of 000000? Any unit version which is assigned an FOE of 000000 will fail to have a fee assessment created for any student unit attempts in that unit. This is because 000000 does not exist in any discipline band and so the correct fee cannot be calculated.

Why is load reported for a student who has completed the unit before the census date? Only events which have a withdrawal date affect how the govt reportable indicator is derived for a unit attempt. That is, if a unit is withdrawn before the census date, the govt reportable indicator will be set to N and the unit will not be reported. Completions however do not have a withdrawal date. Therefore if a unit is completed before the census date, the govt reportable indicator will still derive as Y and the unit will be reported. This is mostly because Callista is designed around the logic that a student would never complete a unit before the census date. Of course, we have research students who do exactly this. Since Callista provides the EFTD functionality for research unit enrolments, they assume that we are not using regular credit point/unit enrolments to manage research enrolments. So we need to check for research students who have completed prior to the census date, and manually exclude them from the DEST files. Why is the student’s CHESSN not being populated in ESS? Only CHESSNs that have a status of Active, or Provisional with a HEIMS Validation Date, are extracted to ESS. If a student should have a CHESSN but does not have one, or has one with a different status, it should log an error in the job run log for STAJ0100.

The teaching responsibility org unit has changed for this year, but why is the new code showing up for last year’s files? Teaching responsibility data are attached to a unit version, not a date. When ESS data is extracted, it is taken from the live system data stored for the unit version on the date STAJ0100 was run. Therefore if you change the unit version data and then run an STAJ0100, even though you may be running it for the previous academic year it will extract the unit version data as it currently stands (there is no start/end date references for changes to teaching responsibility data, unlike person statistics for example). This is the reason why information about a unit, such as teaching responsibility data, cannot be changed within a unit version (i.e. a new version needs to be created).

How is the maximum student contribution indicator derived? Maximum student contribution indicator is derived in STAJ0110 from a combination of the student status code and differential hecs indicator, as follows : If the student status is not 110, 111, 112, 201, 202, 203 (or if the student status is 110, 112 or 112 and the differential hecs indicator is N) then the maximum student contribution indicator = 0. If the student status is 110, 111 or 112 and the differential hecs indicator is Y then the maximum student contribution indicator = 1. If the student status is 201, 202 or 203 then the maximum student contribution indicator = 2.

How can I check the total amount charged/amount paid upfront/loan fee/overseas tuition fees amounts in the DEST files against Callista? These amounts are all able to be viewed for each student in one of the fees inquiry forms outlined in more detailed earlier in the manual.

Accessing this data directly requires an SQL query of the fee assessment table. Amount charged is stored in FEE_ASS as TRANSACTION_AMOUNT (where the system fee type is tuition or comsupport and associated with a category of debt). Amount paid upfront is stored in FEE_ASS as TRANSACTION_AMOUNT (where system transaction category is payment and the system fee type is tuition or comsupport). Loan fee is stored in FEE_ASS as LOAN_FEE (where system transaction type is feehelploan). Overseas student fee is stored in FEE_ASS as TRANSACTION_AMOUNT (with a system fee type of tuition and student status of 310, 311 or 341). Note that domestic students studying offshore aren’t assessed for fees in Callista, and so this needs to be done manually for each submission. Identify such students by looking in the Load Liability file for SUA’s where the campus is offshore, the amount charged is zero and the student status indicates that a fee is liable.

Why do the DEST file extensions come out that way? Callista is designed for use by many different institutions, with vastly different numbers of census dates. In order to provide institutions with the freedom to configure their submissions to suit their own business needs, it was decided that Callista DEST files would be output with the following file extensions (which can then be modified manually before submission to DEST) : HX1234YY.AXNNN where 1234 = the institution code YY = the file acronym (eg CO for course file) A = always present X = the submission period (eg 1 for the first half year) NNN = submission number

What configuration is required to enable the Past Course Completions file to work correctly? The past course completions file requires a number of prerequisite data to be configured in other parts of the system :  Records are selected for the completions file where the Course Requirements Indicator (PRGF4170) is set to Yes, or where the Alternative Exit Requirements are complete. The second condition covers cases where a combined degree student elects to take out of just one of their awards, the SCA is never completed but the alternative exit is.  Award Course Indicator must be set to Yes (CRSF1210 and CRSF1110)  Selects records where the SCA Requirements Complete Date (PRGF4170) is in the 12-month period prior to the Course Completion Cut-Off Date Alias Instance (ENRF01F0, CALF0511)

How are specialisations derived for the Past Course Completions file?

Specialisations are obtained from a number of places for the PS file, especially if the student course attempt has a candidature record. Up to three specialisations can be reported.

The logic for specialisations is:

* select any cand_field_of_study records that may exist against a candidature for the SCA. * if less than three specialisations were found against the candidature then keep looking for more specialisations. * select any unit_set_field_of_study records that may exist against a completed student_unit_set_attempt for the SCA. * If no specialisations have been found up to this point then just use the details against the course version. * select any course_field_of_study records that have the major course indicator checked for the course version.

So if there are multiple records being produced they could be coming from any of these places. It may be a cand_field_of_study that exists that is not expected.

What are these SP- and AG- org units for? Org units in Callista are used for a variety of purposes, not just to represent AOU’s. Org units with a prefix of SP represent sponsors. Org units with a prefix of AG represent agents.

Why do old versions of a unit have the owning org unit as the teaching responsibility? As SRS888 values were only available for the last couple of years (and the values were too difficult to extract from other SRS sources) it was decided that the SRS888 teaching org unit value would be migrated for the latest version of a unit only (i.e. for 2004 onwards), and all historic unit versions (i.e. pre-2004) would have the teaching org unit set to the owning org unit as a default.

Why is this historical data incorrect? Migrating data from SRS into Callista was a difficult and labour intensive task, and there were occasions where SRS data could not be mapped to an appropriate Callista data store. On these rare occasions it was decided that the priority would be on getting only current (i.e. 2004+) data accurate. For this reason there may be some historical data that is not the same in Callista as it was on SRS.

Why does this unit/course/unit set have an FOE of 129999? Why is this teaching responsibility org unit set to Student Admin? New units, courses and unit sets are entered by SIMS support. As an FOE and teaching responsibility must be entered at the time of unit/course/unit set creation, it was decided that a default FOE of 129999, and a teaching responsibility org unit of 02620 Student Admin, would be added in order for the transaction to be completed. Stats Office are then notified about the creation of new codes in order than the correct FOE and teaching responsibility data can be assigned. By using these default codes it is easier for Stats to identify units, courses and unit sets that need to have their correct FOE and/or teaching responsibilities added.

What are EFTD’s and why aren’t we using them to calculate research load? EFTD stands for Effective Full-Time Days and is a measure of how long a HDR student has been undertaking their candidature for. They can be used to calculate load in Callista, but due to many reasons it was deemed to be an unsuitable method for our research load purposes. It was decided to use credit points for calculating HDR load. However EFTD’s are still used throughout the research module, to calculate things such as minimum submission dates and milestones.

What is the research commencement date used for? Research commencement date (which can be different from course commencement date) is the starting point from which EFTD calculations are based. It is therefore used to calculate things such as minimum submission dates, annual report due dates, and milestones. It is not used for DEST reporting.

Why are research units not ticked as ‘research’? The research checkbox is used to identify units which should have their load calculated using EFTD’s. As we are not using EFTD’s to calculate HDR load, there is no need to tick this indicator.

Why are we only using 3 dp’s for CP override in HDR load adjustments? Although Callista accepts more than 3 decimal places for CP overrides, it was deemed unsightly and difficult to manage. It was determined that 3 decimal places was sufficient to give the required degree of accuracy to the EFTSL calculation.

Why is the override CP showing as zero for this unit that is discontinued after the census date? All discontinued units will display the load as zero in ENRF3000.

Why can’t I access this form directly from the Go To menu? Some forms require a context record to be brought forward from another form. This is usually because the form is part of a process which must be performed in a logical sequence. In most cases it is not possible to query other records in the context block, therefore the form could not be used even if direct access were possible Why does FEE-HELP has to have a system type of EXEMPT? This functionality was developed back when liability status/HECS option was either HECS-liable (and included 3 payment scenarios) or various categories of HECS exempt. So using the same system types and similar functionality "exempt" applies to any student status that is student contribution exempt. These system types still have to be used by some universities for retrospective fee assessments for the old HECS options.

Why do the HECS-HELP statuses have the capture TFN info as “NA”? The TFN capture checkbox was developed after functionality for HECS was created to cater for the introduction of PELS and BOTPLS. The TFN capture for HECS was already hardwired according to system student status type. The TFN capture info checkbox is greyed out in the screen when the student status code has system type of DEFERRED, UP-FRONT or UP_FRONT_D.

How reliable is the load appearing in Staff Connect? Connect just displays data, it doesn’t actually calculate any, so load is obtained in the same way that it is for ENRF3000. So trust it as much as you trust the load displayed in ENRF3000 i.e. not at all. ENRF3000 load is used for a completely different purpose than reported load. ENRF3000 load will be set to zero for any discontinuation or completion regardless of census date. It is a ‘point in time’ load display, so should not be relied on for reporting purposes. How is Separation Status derived?

To derive the separation status, the system:

1.\ Checks if an override exists, if so, it sets the separation status to the override value

2.\ Checks if the same course exists in a previous submission period.

2a.\ If so, it sets the seperation status = 9

3.\ If not, it checks if a different course exists in a previous submission period.

4.\ If a previous different course is not found, then it sets the seperation status = 9

5.\ If a previous different course is found it checks the govt_course_type to determine the seperation status

5a.\ If the govt_course_type is the same as the govt_course_type for the previous course found, then it sets the separation status =1 (student transferred at the same level)

5b\ For the previous course found, if the course_requirement_complete indictator IS NOT set, and the commencing student indicator IS set, then:

5b-1.\ The seperation status is set to 2 if new govt_course_type is 2 and the previous govt_course_type is 3, OR 5b-1.\ Sets the seperation status to 3, if new govt_course_type is 3 and the previous govt_course_type is 2

5c\ If the previous course has been completed then set the separation_status =9.

How do I establish an ODBC connection to Callista?

To run ODBC query tools, such as Excel, Access and SAS, against a Callista database, you must first set up an ODBC data source name (DSN) pointing to the database.

 Go to Administrative Tools / Data Sources (ODBC) which is normally found under Start / Settings / Control Panel and sometimes under Start / Programs.  Choose the System DSN tab.  Click the Add button.  Choose Microsoft ODBC for Oracle as the driver and then click Finish.  Enter the Oracle database name (eg SIMSPROD) in the Data Source Name field and, for consistency, in the Description field, and enter the appropriate location (e.g. simsprod.acs.uwa.edu.au). Optionally, enter your username and click OK.  In the query tool, connect using the name of the DSN you have created.

When you access Callista through a non-Callista program you will only have privileges from roles which are ticked in Callista as your default roles. To minimise accidental update or deletion of data it is best to have a read-only default role and make any updating roles non-default. If the Oracle client hasn’t been installed on your pc, then you could ask ACS to install it, or if feeling adventurous, do it yourself -

1) Double-click on \\admin-serv47\public\sims\pcseup\oracle.reg - if you don’t have access to this folder, use the local copy at p:\software\oracle.

2) Modify the path environment variable to add k:\ora8wnt\bin to the start of the path. You do this in the system control panel. Choose advanced, click the environment variables button then at the bottom select the path variable and edit it. Add k:\ora8wnt\bin; at the start eg k:\ora8wnt\bin;C:\Program Files\CA\Dcs\DMScripting\;C:\Program Files\CA\DCS\CAWIN\;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot %\System32\Wbem;C:\tngsd\BIN;C:\CA_APPSW;

To create a SAS library accessing using this connection, add the following code to your autoexec.sas file:

/** set up libname which points to SIMS via ODBC **/ libname sims odbc datasrc = 'SIMSPROD' /* the DSN set up previously */ user = 'q_lminchin' password = 'whatever' /* enter your password here */ schema = SIS_OWNER;

Note that you must use your Q_USERNAME to access Callista by this means. Viv James in SIMS Support maintains these accounts. APPENDIX 1 – SOURCES OF DATA

Source of Data for ESS




SUMMER_SCHOOL_IND ??? GOVT_COHORT_YR SCA.COHORT_YR or derived Source of Data for GOVT_SCHOLARSHIP_SNAPSHOT (check field names)


Source of Data for DEST Files – SS File


Source of Data for DEST Files – CO File

Field Element Callista Source Course of study 533 COURSE_REFERENCE_CD.COURSE_REFERENCE_CD for type of CRSOFSTUDY. If null then COURSE_VERSION.COURSE_CD Course of study 394 REFERENCE_CD_TYPE name Course code 307 COURSE_VERSION.COURSE_CD concatenated with COURSE_VERSION.COURSE_VERSION Course name - full 308 COURSE_VERSION.TITLE Course type 310 GOVT_COURSE_TYPE.GOVT_COURSE_TYPE derived from COURSE_VERSION.COURSE_TYPE FOE 461 FIELD_OF_STUDY.GOVT_FIELD_OF_EDUCATION derived from COURSE_FIELD_STUDY.FIELD_OF_STUDY Special course type 312 GOVT_SPECIAL_COURSE_TYPE.GOVT_SPECIAL_COURSE_TYPE derived from COURSE_VERSION.GOVT_SPECIAL_COURSE_TYPE Course load 350 COURSE_VERSION.GOVT_COURSE_LOAD Supplementary FOE 462 FIELD_OF_STUDY. GOVT_FIELD_OF_STUDY derived from COURSE_FIELD_STUDY.FIELD_OF_STUDY where course is a combined degree Combined course 455 Derived from COURSE_GROUP_MEMBER where course group type is indicator combined Source of Data for DEST Files – EN File

Field Element Callista Source Record type 300 Hard coded 2 Student ID 313 GSE.PERSON_ID Course code 307 GSE.COURSE_CD concatenated with GSE.COURSE_VERSION Date of birth 314 GSE.BIRTH_DT Gender 315 GSE.SEX ATSI 316 GSE.GOVT_ABORIG_TORRES_CD Term location 319 GSE.GOVT_TERM_LOCATION Home location 320 GSE.GOVT_HOME_LOCATION Basis for admission 327 GSE.GOVT_BASIS_FOR_ADMISSION_TYPE Attendance type 330 GSE.GOVT_ATTENDANCE_TYPE Country of birth 346 GSE.GOVT_BIRTH_COUNTRY_CD Year of arrival 347 GSE.YR_ARRIVAL Home language 348 GSE.GOVT_HOME_LANGUAGE_CD Prior exemption 367 GSE.PRIOR_STUDIES_EXEMPTION Exemption institution 368 GSE.GOVT_EXEMPTION_INSTITUTION_CD TES 369 GSE.TERTIARY_ENTRANCE_SCORE Disability 386 GSE.GOVT_DISABILITY Prior RTS 460 GSE.PREV_RTS_EFTSU Separation status 465 GSE.SEPARATION_STATUS Commencing location 476 GSE.COMMENCING_LOCATION Commencing locality 486 GSE.COMMENCING_GEOGRAPHIC_LOC Overseas student fee 500 GSE.OVERSEAS_STUDENT_FEE Highest attainment 493 GSE.HIGHEST_ATTAINMENT Scholarship code 487 GSE.GOVT_SCHOLARSHIP_TYPE_CD CHESSN 488 GSE.CHESSN Enrol year 546 Derived from the year of the Census Date element

Source of Data for DEST Files – LL File

Field Element Callista Source Record type 300 Hard coded 2 Student ID 313 GSLL.PERSON_ID Course code 307 GSLL.COURSE_CD concatenated with GSLL.COURSE_VERSION Commencement date 534 GSLL.COMMENCEMENT_DATE AOU 333 GSLL.ACADEMIC_ORGANISATIONAL_UNIT_CD EFTSL 339 GSLL.TOTAL_EFTSL Unit of study 354 GSLL.UNIT_CD Census date 489 GSLL.UNIT_OF_STUDY_CENSUS_DATE Discipline 464 GSLL.GOVT_DISCIPLINE_GROUP_CD Mode of attendance 329 GSLL.GOVT_ATTENDANCE_MODE HEP location code 477 GSLL.CAMPUS_LOCATION Citizenship 358 GSE.GOVT_CITIZENSHIP_CD Max student contribution 392 GSLL.MAX_STUDENT_CONTRIBUTION_IND Student status 490 GSLL.GOVT_STUDENT_STATUS Total amount charged 384 GSLL.TOTAL_AMOUNT_CHARGED Amount paid upfront 381 GSLL.TOTAL_AMOUNT_PAID Loan fee 529 GSLL.LOAN_FEE CHESSN 488 GSE.CHESSN Cohort year 522 GSLL.COHORT_YR WEI 337 GSLL.INDUSTRIAL_IND Perm res eligibility 390 GSLL.GOVT_PERM_RES_CD HELP debt 414 GSLL.UNIT_OF_STUDY_HELP_DEBT Source of Data for DEST Files – DU File

Field Element Callista Source Registration Identity - 1 Record type 300 Hard coded # Type of identity 418 Hard coded IDENTREGISTER1 HEP code 419 INSTITUTION.GOVT_INSTITUTION_CD Run type code 420 Hard coded P Submission date 421 YYYY0531 or YYYY1031 where YYYY = reference year Data type 422 Hard coded H Registration Identity - 2 Record type 300 Hard coded $ Type of identity 418 Hard coded IDENTREGISTER2 HEP name 423 GIC.DESCRIPTION Contact name 424 IA.CONTACT_PERSON where address type is GOVT-CNTCT Contact number 425 IA.PHONE_1 where address type is GOVT-CNTCT Contact fax 426 IA.PHONE_2 where address type is GOVT-CNTCT Registration Identity – 3 Record type 300 Hard coded % Type of identity 418 Hard coded IDENTREGISTER3 HEP address – part 1 427 IA.ADDR_LINE_1 HEP address – part 2 428 IA.ADDR_LINE_2 HEP address – suburb 429 IA.ADDR_LINE_3 HEP address – state 430 IA.ADDR_LINE_4 HEP address - postcode 431 IA_AUST.POSTCODE ID record structure Record type 300 Hard coded 1 HEP code 306 IN.GOVT_INSTITUTION_CD Submission and year 415 YYYYX where YYYY = submission year and X = period Data record structure Record type 300 Hard coded 2 Student ID 313 GSLL.PERSON_ID TFN 416 SCHO.TAX_FILE_NUMBER Date of birth 314 GSE.BIRTH_DT Gender 315 GSE.SEX Course code 307 GSLL.COURSE_CD concatenated with GSLL.CRV_VERSION_NUMBER Student title 405 PE.TITLE derived from GSE.STUDENT_ID to PE.STUDENT_ID Student surname 402 PE.SURNAME derived from GSE.STUDENT_ID to PE.STUDENT_ID Student given name - 403 PE.GIVENNAMES derived from GSE.STUDENT_ID to first PE.STUDENT_ID Student given name – 404 PE.GIVENNAMES derived from GSE.STUDENT_ID to others PE.STUDENT_ID Postal address – part 1 406 PAGP.ADDR_PART_1 derived from PA (PERSON_ADDRESS) Postal address – part 2 407 PAGP.ADDR_PART_2 derived from PA (PERSON_ADDRESS) Postal address – suburb 466 PAGP.SUBRUB_TOWN derived from PA (PERSON_ADDRESS) Postal address – state 467 Derived from postcode Postal address – 409 PAGP.POSTCODE derived from PA (PERSON_ADDRESS) postcode Postal address – country 468 PAGP.COUNTRY derived from PA (PERSON_ADDRESS) Perm home address – 410 PAGM.ADDR_PART_1 derived from PA (PERSON_ADDRESS) part 1 Perm home address – 411 PAGM.ADDR_PART_2 derived from PA (PERSON_ADDRESS) part 2 Perm home address – 469 PAGM.SUBRUB_TOWN derived from PA (PERSON_ADDRESS) suburb Source of Data for DEST Files – DU File (Cont’d ….)

Perm home address – 470 Derived from postcode state Perm home address - 413 PAGM.POSTCODE derived from PA(PERSON_ADDRESS) postcode Perm home address – 471 PAGM.COUNTRY derived from PA (PERSON_ADDRESS) country CHESSN 488 GSE.CHESSN Trailer record Record type 300 Hard coded 3 Total number of records 472 Derived during processing (count all data records)

Source of Data for DEST Files – PS File

Field Element Callista Source Record type 300 Hard coded 2 Student ID 313 PE.PERSON_ID Course code 307 GSE.COURSE_CD concatenated with GSE.CRV_VERSION_NUMBER Date of birth 314 GSE.BIRTH_DT Gender 315 GSE.SEX ATSI 316 GSE.GOVT_ABORIG_TORRES_CD Citizenship 358 GSE.GOVT_CITIZENSHIP_CD Commencement date 534 GSE.COMMENCEMENT_DT Mode of attendance 329 ESS.GOVT_ATTENDANCE_MODE Attendance type 330 GSE.GOVT_ATTENDANCE_TYPE Specialisation 463 FOS.GOVT_FIELD_OF_STUDY derived from COURSE_FIELD_OF_STUDY where FOS is major FOS Country of birth 346 GSE.GOVT_BIRTH_COUNTRY_CD Year of arrival 347 GSE.YR_ARRIVAL Home language 348 GSE.GOVT_HOME_LANGUAGE_CD Total exemption granted 385 AS.TOTAL_EXEMPTN_PERC_GRNT Disability 386 GSE.GOVT_DISABILITY_TYPE Scholarship type 487 GSE.GOVT_SCHOLARSHIP_TYPE Perm home location 320 GSE.GOVT_PERM_RESIDENT_CD CHESSN 488 GSE.CHESSN APPENDIX 2 - SPECS FROM EDIT REPORT

Non-teaching org unit assigned as teaching The org_unit.org_type of each responsibility teaching_responsibility.org_unit_cd should be TEACH-RES.

Highest attainment inconsistent with admission basis If person_statistics.highest_attain is (02%, 03% or - completed higher ed 04%) then sca.basis_for_admission_type should be E, F, Q or J.

Highest attainment inconsistent with admission basis If person_statistics.highest_attain is 05% then - incomplete higher ed sca.basis_for_admission_type should be T or G.

Highest attainment inconsistent with admission basis If person_statistics.highest_attain is 06% then - TAFE sca.basis_for_admission_type should be H.

Highest attainment inconsistent with admission basis If person_statistics.highest_attain is 07% then - secondary ed sca.basis_for_admission_type should be (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, A, D). APPENDIX 3 - DERIVATION OF GOVERNMENT REPORTABLE INDICATOR

A record in the Create Enrolment Statistics Snapshot always has its Government Reportable check box set to 'N' (Not Government Reportable) when its EFTSL value = 0, otherwise: A record in the Create Enrolment Statistics Snapshot has its Government Reportable check box set to 'Y' (Government reportable) when:

 The Course Version of the Course Attempt belongs to Course Category 'GOVT- RPT' Note: This is overridden (set to 'N') where the Unit Version is in Unit Category 'GOVT-NORPT' and/or  The Unit Version of the Unit Attempt belongs to Unit Category 'GOVT-RPT'

A record in the Create Enrolment Statistics Snapshot has its Government Reportable check box set to 'N' (not Government Reportable) when any of the following apply:

 The Course Version of the Course Attempt belongs to Course Category 'GOVT- NORPT' Note: This is overridden (set to 'Y') where the Unit Version is in Unit Category 'GOVT-RPT' and/or  The Unit Version of the Unit Attempt belongs to Unit Category 'GOVT-NORPT'  The Course Attempt is in an Open Learning Course (Govt Course Type = 60)  The Course Attempt is in a Non-Award Course owned by an external Organisational Unit (Govt Course Type = 50 & responsible Organisational Unit does not belong to the local institution)  The Course Attempt is in a Cross-Institutional Course owned by an external Organisational Unit (Govt Course Type = 40, 41 or 42 & responsible Organisational Unit does not belong to the local institution)  The Unit Version of the Unit Attempt has no Credit Point Load  The teaching responsibility Organisational Unit does not belong to the local institution  The student is an overseas student who is not being charged Tuition Fees by the institution (student's Course Attempt Student Status = 310 and the student is not liable for Tuition Fees for the Course Attempt  If the Enrolled Date is after the Census Date or the Discontinuation Date, if set, is on or before the Census Date, then the Unit is not Government Reportable and the function will return ‘N’. The Enrolled Date and Discontinuation Dates will be passed in as new parameters  Course Type of Honorary Doctorate

A record in the Enrolments Statistics snapshot has its Government Reportable check box set to 'W' (warning) when:

 The student is enrolled in a Unit in an completed Award Course, course requirements are complete and Unit Attempt Status = ENROLLED APPENDIX 5 - SQL SYNTAX

Select SELECT "column_name" FROM "table_name"

Distinct SELECT DISTINCT "column_name" FROM "table_name"

Where SELECT "column_name" FROM "table_name" WHERE "condition"

And/Or SELECT "column_name" FROM "table_name" WHERE "simple condition" {[AND|OR] "simple condition"}+

In SELECT "column_name" FROM "table_name" WHERE "column_name" IN ('value1', 'value2', ...)

Between SELECT "column_name" FROM "table_name" WHERE "column_name" BETWEEN 'value1' AND 'value2'

Like SELECT "column_name" FROM "table_name" WHERE "column_name" LIKE {PATTERN}

Order By SELECT "column_name" FROM "table_name" [WHERE "condition"] ORDER BY "column_name" [ASC, DESC]

Count SELECT COUNT("column_name") FROM "table_name"

Group By SELECT "column_name1", SUM("column_name2") FROM "table_name" GROUP BY "column_name1"

Having SELECT "column_name1", SUM("column_name2") FROM "table_name" GROUP BY "column_name1" HAVING (arithematic function condition)

Create Table CREATE TABLE "table_name" ("column 1" "data_type_for_column_1","column 2" "data_type_for_column_2",. )

Drop Table DROP TABLE "table_name"

Truncate Table TRUNCATE TABLE "table_name"

Insert Into INSERT INTO "table_name" ("column1", "column2", ...) VALUES ("value1", "value2", ...)

Update UPDATE "table_name" SET "column_1" = [new value] WHERE {condition}

Delete From DELETE FROM "table_name" WHERE {condition} APPENDIX 6 - SAMPLE SQL

Table joins

Table joins are used when you need to join data from different tables. In this example, data from the course_version table is joined to data from the student_unit_attempt table in order to add information about course type to the student’s unit attempt data.

select cv.course_type, sua.course_cd, sua.unit_cd, sua.person_id, sua.cal_type from course_version cv, student_unit_attempt sua where cv.course_cd = sua.course_cd (+) and cv.course_type IN ('PHD', 'HIGHER-DOC', 'M-DISS-CWK', 'M-THESIS', 'PROF-DOC', 'M-THES-CWK') and sua.ci_start_dt between to_date('01/01/2005', 'dd/mm/yyyy') and to_date('31/12/2005', 'dd/mm/yyyy') order by sua.person_id

So this is saying to take course type (which is in the course_version table) and add it to the student’s unit, student number and semester (which are in the student_unit_attempt table). The records are matched between the two tables on the basis of the course code. Note that the (+) here indicates that it is an outer join (meaning you just want to return one record for each match you get in both tables, you don’t want records where the course code exists in course_version but there’s nobody enrolled in it student_unit_attempt).

Selection restrictions

Sometimes you want to restrict your selection in a table to just those records that meet a certain criteria. The simplest way of doing this is to specify the parameter using ‘where’ (eg) select * from person_statistics where home_location_postcode not null For a more detailed selection, you can use ‘where exists’ or ‘where not exists’. For example :

select distinct ps.person_id from person_statistics ps where ps.start_dt between to_date('01/01/2005', 'dd/mm/yyyy') and to_date('31/12/2005', 'dd/mm/yyyy') and not exists ( select 'dummy' from student_unit_attempt sua where ps.person_id = sua.person_id and sua.ci_start_dt between to_date('01/01/2005', 'dd/mm/yyyy') and to_date('31/12/2005', 'dd/mm/yyyy') ) This query is selecting only those distinct person ID’s that have a person stats record that starts in 2005, but the student does not have a student unit attempt in 2005. SAMPLE SQL (Cont’d ….)

--select count(*) select * from student_course_hecs_option scho where length(scho.hecs_payment_option) = 2 and scho.end_dt is null and exists ( select 1 from student_unit_attempt sua where sua.ci_start_dt > to_date('01/01/2005', 'dd/mm/yyyy') and scho.person_id = sua.person_id and scho.course_cd = sua.course_cd )

This example works in a similar way but is using ‘where exists’ instead of the ‘where not exists’ in the previous example. This example is extracting hecs option records that don’t have an end date and are 2 characters long, where the student has student unit attempt in 2005.

More Examples

/* find SCA's with missing commence dates */ select person_id, course_cd, location_cd, course_attempt_status from student_course_attempt sca where sca.commencement_dt is null and exists ( select 1 from student_unit_attempt sua where sua.ci_start_dt between to_date('01/01/2005','dd/mm/yyyy') and to_date('31/12/2005','dd/mm/yyyy') and sca.person_id = sua.person_id and sca.course_cd = sua.course_cd )

/* obtain data from STAR0100 exception report */ select distinct log.key, substr(log.key,15,8) as person_id, substr(log.key,24,5) as course_cd, log.s_log_type, log.creation_dt, log.message_number, msg.s_message from s_log_entry log, s_message msg where s_log_type = 'ENR-SNPSHT' /* STAR0100 data */ and msg.message_number = log.message_number and trunc(creation_dt) = trunc(sysdate-1)

/* obtain data from STAR0110 exception report */ select distinct log.key, substr(log.key,15,8) as person_id, substr(log.key,8,8) as person_id2, substr(log.key,26,5) as course_cd, log.S_LOG_TYPE, log.creation_dt, log.message_number, msg.s_message, 'sub1 2005' as submission from s_message msg, s_log_entry log where msg.message_number = log.message_number and log.s_log_type = 'GOVT-SBMSN' /* STAR0110 data */ and trunc(creation_dt) = trunc(sysdate)

/* find SUA’s with zero load where the student has withdrawn after the census date – note must modify to use inner join, and take into account override credit points */ select ess.person_id, ess.course_cd, ess.unit_cd, ess.sua_cal_type, uv.enrolled_credit_points, ess.discontinued_dt, ess.unit_census_dt, sua.administrative_unit_status, ess.govt_reportable_ind from enr_statistics_snapshot ess, unit_version uv, student_unit_attempt sua where ess.eftsu = 0 and ess.discontinued_dt between ess.unit_census_dt and to_date('31/12/2005','dd/mm/yyyy') and ess.discontinued_dt <> ess.unit_census_dt and substr(ess.unit_cd,1,2) <> '00' and ess.unit_cd = uv.unit_cd and ess.uv_version_number = uv.version_number and uv.enrolled_credit_points > 0 and sua.person_id = ess.person_id and sua.course_cd = ess.course_cd and sua.unit_cd = ess.unit_cd and sua.enrolled_dt between to_date('01/01/2005','dd/mm/yyyy') and to_date('31/12/2005','dd/mm/yyyy') and ess.snapshot_dt_time like '19/07/2005%' and ess.sua_cal_type = sua.cal_type

/* find SUA’s with zero load where the student has withdrawn after the census date – note must modify to use inner join, and take into account override credit points – WD-REMISS’s – find data to be added to government tables by Richard*/ select ess.person_id, ess.course_cd, ess.crv_version_number, ess.unit_cd, ess.uv_version_number, ess.tr_org_unit_cd, ess.tr_ou_start_dt, ess.commencement_dt, ess.eftsu, ess.sua_cal_type, ess.discipline_group_cd, ess.govt_discipline_group_cd, ess.attendance_mode, ess.govt_attendance_mode, uv.enrolled_credit_points, ess.sca_location_cd, ess.discontinued_dt, ess.unit_census_dt, sua.administrative_unit_status from enr_statistics_snapshot ess, unit_version uv, student_unit_attempt sua where ess.eftsu = 0 and ess.discontinued_dt between ess.unit_census_dt and to_date('31/12/2005','dd/mm/yyyy') and ess.discontinued_dt <> ess.unit_census_dt and substr(ess.unit_cd,1,2) <> '00' and ess.unit_cd = uv.unit_cd and ess.uv_version_number = uv.version_number and uv.enrolled_credit_points > 0 and sua.person_id = ess.person_id and sua.course_cd = ess.course_cd and sua.unit_cd = ess.unit_cd and sua.enrolled_dt between to_date('01/01/2005','dd/mm/yyyy') and to_date('31/12/2005','dd/mm/yyyy') and ess.snapshot_dt_time like '25/07/2005%' and ess.sua_cal_type = sua.cal_type and sua.administrative_unit_status = 'WD-REMISS' APPENDIX 7 - STATISTICS SUBSYSTEM DATA PREREQUISITES

Title Description

Articulated Articulated courses (Undergraduate Courses from which students can Courses continue directly into a related Undergraduate Honours Course or Masters Courses from which students can continue directly into a related Masters Honours Course) should be defined using the Articulated Course Rule (CRSF1700).

Attendance The load ranges applying to full-time and part-time Attendance Types must Types be specified (in CRSF1170)

Calendar Calendars of type ACADEMIC, TEACHING must exist in (CALF0220). Structure TEACHING must be related to the relevant ACADEMIC Calendar Instances (CALF0330).

Student Unit Attempts are included in the Enrolment Statistics Snapshot based on their Unit of Study Census Date. For the defined Collection Year (1/1 to 31/12, not 1/9 to 31/8) the process will identify all Teaching Periods with a Census Date within the Year and return all enrolments (excluding SUA’s with a status of UNCONFIRM, INVALID or DUPLICATE) for the Teaching Periods. If a Teaching Period has multiple Census Dates the process will use the first Census Date.


100% load for a unit is attributed to a unit at the Unit Of Study Census Date. Load is no longer split by Load Calendars and Default Load Apportionment.

Load will continue to be split by Teaching Responsibility, Organisational Unit and Discipline. APPENDIX 7 - STATISTICS SUBSYSTEM DATA PREREQUISITES (Cont’d ….)

CHESSN CHESSN is used to manage the:

 Student Learning Entitlements (SLE)  Higher Education Loan Programme (HELP) and  Commonwealth Learning Scholarships

There is a requirement for all students who are:

 Commonwealth Supported (which includes students seeking HECS-HELP and OS-HELP assistance)  Accessing FEE-HELP assistance or  In receipt of a Commonwealth Learning Scholarship

to have a Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN).

CHESSNs are maintained in ADMF32W0 - Maintain CHESSN Number and are required in Record Enrolments - ENRF3000 and Direct Admissions - ADMF3000. Other related CHESSN files are:

 ADMJ3900 - Batch CHESSN Allocation Request  ADMJ3910 - Batch CHESSN Allocation Results and

 AUDF3192 - Person CHESSN Detail History

Course Course Versions that are always Government reportable should exist in a Categories user-defined Course Category called 'GOVT-RPT'.

Course Versions that are never Government reportable should exist in a user-defined Course Category called 'GOVT-NORPT'. Types of Course Versions that should never be reported are ELICOS (English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students)

Existence of a Course Version in either of the above user-defined Course Categories overrides any other System logic, except Unit Categories, to report/not report a Course Version.

Course Categories are maintained in CRSF1130.

Course Field Every combined course (e.g. double degree) should have a major and of Education supplementary field of Education recorded for it (in CRSF1260). If no supplementary field of education is recorded for a combined course, the major field of Education is reported in the Government statistics against both the Field of Education Code (element 461) and the Field of Education Supplementary Code (element 462). APPENDIX 7 - STATISTICS SUBSYSTEM DATA PREREQUISITES (Cont’d ….)

Course All combined courses (e.g. double degrees) should be included in a Course Groups Group with a System Course Group Type of 'COMBINED'.

Where students are able to (or must) move between courses considered to be equivalent, the equivalent courses must all belong to the same Course Group of System Type EQUIV. The statistics Subsystem uses course equivalence in determining whether or not a student is a commencing student. For example, course AAA100 undergoes structural changes. The changed course is named AAA107. The courses are judged to be equivalent. The two courses are placed in a Course Group with a meaningful name. Students who were enrolled in AAA100 and now enrol in AAA107 can then be identified as returning rather than commencing students.

All courses which are 'related' for purposes of statistical reporting (including COMBINED courses) should belong to a Course Group of System Course Group type 'GOVT-RET' (Government Return). This is required for derivation of the commencing student check box.

Course Groups are maintained in CRSF11D0.

Course of Different Course Versions which are essentially the same course are Study reported as being a particular course of study (DEST element 394). Course of study must be recorded for these 'like' courses using the course reference code function.

Create an institution defined Reference Code Type mapped to the System Reference Code Type CRSOFSTUDY, using CRSF11C0. It is recommended that the Reference Code Type also be called CRSFOFSTUDY.

Add the course of study to 'like' Course Versions using CRSF1290, accessed via CRSF1210. It is recommended that the Course Code of one of the 'like' Course Versions be used as the course of study code.

Courses The Course Code reported to the Government is the Course Code concatenated with the Version Number of the course.

For a course to be included in the Course file there needs to be a Course Offering Instance of the course within the submission year.

Data from prior It is assumed that data from prior submissions is converted from Legacy submissions Systems to Callista. Data for the GOVT_STUDENT_ENROLMENT is all that is required. Institutions may want to transfer data to other table (e.g. GOVT_STUDENT_LOAD_LIABILITY) in order to have a complete set of data in Callista. Data should be transferred from as far back in time as possible in order to make the statistics more accurate. The routine to determine whether a student is a commencing student or not requires this data. Also, specific files, such as the Past Course Completions file, require this data. APPENDIX 7 - STATISTICS SUBSYSTEM DATA PREREQUISITES (Cont’d ….)

Government The Government Snapshot Details will need to be set up before the Snapshot Enrollment Statistics Snapshot is run (STAF1350). Details

Government It is assumed that Government values reported to DEST are set up Values according to the definitions in the DEST manual.

Institution The institution address is reported to the Government in the Student Address Contribution Due file. An address of type 'GOVT-CNTCT' must be created for the institution so that DEST address elements can be identified.

On the Address Type table (ORGF0116) create an address type of 'GOVT- CNTCT'. The following components of the address type are mandatory -

 Address Line 1 (Represents DEST element 427 - Institution Address Part 1.)  Address Line 2 (Represents DEST element 428 - Institution Address Part 2. )  Address Line 3 (Represents DEST element 429 - Institution Suburb.)  Address Line 4 (Represents DEST element 430 - Institution State.)  Postcode (Represents DEST element 431 - Institution Postcode.)  Phone 1 (Represents DEST element 425 - Institution Contact Phone Number.)  Phone 2 (Represents DEST element 426 - Institution Contact Fax Number.)

Create an Institution Address of address type 'GOVT-CNTCT' (ORGF0122)

On the Institution Address table the Contact Person will map to DEST element 424 - Institution Contact Name.

Ensure the institution address is effective as at the semester date of the Student Contribution Due File (DEST element 421 - Semester Date).

Organisational Local Organisational Units are those belonging to the local institution. Units If the Govt Org Unit Code field in ORGF0141 contains a value then that value will be reported to the Government, however if there is nothing in this field then a value derived from the Org Unit Code is reported. ( If the Org Unit Code value is less than 4 characters in length then it is reported, however, if it is 4 characters or more in length then the 2nd, 3rd and 4th characters are reported. ) APPENDIX 7 - STATISTICS SUBSYSTEM DATA PREREQUISITES (Cont’d ….)

Person Student address details (postal and permanent) are reported to the Addresses Government in the Student Contribution Due file. Two views have been created to be able to determine the student address details -

PERSON_ADDR_GOVT_POST_V (Permanent Address)

Columns are -

 person_id  start_dt  end_dt  addr_part_1 DEST element 406  addr_part_2 DEST element 407  addr_part_3 DEST element 408  postcode DEST element 409  os_addr_ind (Whether or not the address is an overseas address.)


Columns are -

 person_id  start_dt  end_dt  addr_part_1 DEST element 410  addr_part_2 DEST element 411  addr_part_3 DEST element 412  postcode DEST element 413  os_addr_ind (Whether or not the address is an overseas address.)

These views are based on user-defined address types and they will need to be customised for each institution. (This will require assistance from your MIS/IT specialists)

For example, the student's permanent address is represented by the address types 'HOME' or 'OS-HOME' and the student's postal address is represented by the address types 'POSTAL' or 'OS-POSTAL'. The local address will be used in preference to an overseas address.

Ensure addresses for student's are effective as at the semester date of the Student Contribution Due File (DEST element 421 - Semester Date).

Research Research Units may or may not be set up with an Enrolled Credit Point Units value (CRSF2210). These units are put into the GOVT-RPT Category to ensure that they will be reported to Government. If a student undertakes a Research Unit in a research Teaching Period, the credit point value is not considered. If a Research Unit is undertaken in an 'ordinary' Teaching Period, the credit point value is considered and must be recorded for the unit. APPENDIX 7 - STATISTICS SUBSYSTEM DATA PREREQUISITES (Cont’d …)

Submission A Census Date is no earlier than 20% of the way through each Unit of Study Census Dates Teaching Period.

If required, submissions for government reporting normally take place six weeks after the Census Date, or if required, following SLE/HELP Revisons File (STAJ1620)

Teaching The user-defined Census Date Alias that will be used as the Census Date Calendar for each Teaching Calendar must be defined on the System General Census Date Calendar Configuration table (ENRF01F0).

Unit Unit versions that are always Government reportable should exist in a user- Categories defined Unit Category called 'GOVT-RPT' (unless EFTSU = 0).

Unit versions that are never Government reportable should exist in a user- defined Unit Category called 'GOVT-NORPT'. Types of unit version that should never be reported are complementary units, continuing units.

Existence of a unit version in either of the above user-defined Unit Categories overrides any other system logic to report/not report a unit version.

Unit categories are maintained in CRSF2120.

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