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Name of School s2

Local Governing Body of the Federation of Rudham and Weasenham Church of England Primary Academies SCHOOL GOVERNORS

Governing Body The role of the governing board is a strategic one, its key functions are to:

← set the aims and objectives for the school

← set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives

← set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives

← monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives

← be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher (a critical friend)

[Source – National Governors Association] Committees There are two Committees, as follows, and their terms of reference are currently being developed and once agreed will be added to this page:

a) Curriculum and Standards Committee Belinda Allen, Joanna Brown (if she agrees), Sandy Francis, Sue Hatherly, Andrea Hick- Taylor and Bethany Fowler (Associate); b) Resources Committee (to include finance and premises issues) Belinda Allen, Marina Cookson, Sandy Francis, Alexander Harrison, Ed Odell and Maggie Pattison.

Assigned individual responsibilities

a) Safeguarding Marina Cookson b) Special Educational Needs and Disability Sue Hatherly c) Looked After Children Maggie Pattison d) Pupil Premium Maggie Pattison e) Health & Safety Ed Odell f) Ethos Andrea Hick-Taylor g) Risk management and Staffing Belinda Allen h) Budget/ICT/VFM Sandy Francis, Maggie Pattison i) Premises and Insurance Ed Odell Governors


Belinda Allen Associate Yes 05.07.16 Member of staff Husband is – Executive 04.07.20 Headteache r of Unity federation (DNEAT)

Joanna Brown Trust Yes 01.06.16 Wallace & Brown Husband, appointed – antique french David beds and Brown, 31.05.20 bedroom Accountant furniture employed by Deloittes Questgrange – property freehold company 64 courtfield gardens London SW5 Chartered institute of Marketing

The Pony club (Hon Secretary)

Marina Cookson Staff Yes 22.06.16 Member of staff n/a – (resigned 31.7.17) 31.7.17

Rachel Felton Associate No for 1.6.17 – Member of staff n/a LGB but 31.5.21 National Union yes for of Teachers committ (NUT) ees Girl Guiding UK – I run a Rainbow unit in Syderstone.

Bethany Fowler Associate No for 05.07.16 Member of staff Husband is LGB but – employed by yes for 04.07.20 Templeman committ Associates ees

Sandy Francis (Chair) Trust Yes 01.06.16 Self-employed n/a appointed – with p/t contract with Norwich 31.05.20 Diocese as education adviser Alexander Harrison Trust Yes Employed at n/a appointed College of West Anglia Money raising for Little Owls Nursery

Susan Hatherly (Vice Trust Yes 01.06.16 Trustee of Aid n/a Chair) appointed – Africa (Charity 31.05.20 No. 1116336

Paula McEwen Trust Yes 19.07.17 TBA TBA appointed – 18.07.21

Andrea Hick-Taylor Trust Yes None n/a appointed

Ed Odell Trust Yes 29.06.16 None Wife, Louise appointed – Odell, employed at 28.06.20 the School

Margaret Pattison Trust Yes 01.06.16 None n/a appointed – 31.05.20 Attendance

NAME 28.9.16 23.11.16 25.1.17 22.3.17 24.5.17 19.7.17 Belinda       6/6 Allen Joanna Apologies Apologies   Apologies Apologies 2/6 Brown accepted accepted accepted accepted Marina       6/6 Cookson Bethany       6/6 Fowler Sandy       6/6 Francis (Chair) Alexander  Apologies Absent Apologies n/a n/a 1/4 Harrison accepted accepted Susan Apologies      5/6 Hatherly accepted (Vice Chair) Andrea   Apologies    5/6 Hick-Taylor accepted Ed Odell     Apologies  5/6 accepted Margaret Apologies      5/6 Pattison accepted

Vacancy n/a n/a n/a Curriculum and Standards Committee Meetings: Once per term (more frequently if deemed necessary) or discussion via e-mail communication as a further option. Chair: Joanna Brown. Duties include notifying the Committee of any meeting to be held and providing all with an agenda. Accountability: The committee will report back to the Governing Body once a year and submit minutes onto the Governor Hub.

TERMS OF REFERENCE Core Function STANDARDS AND CURRICULUM COMMITTEE To take a strategic role in ensuring that the school provides high quality teaching and learning which leads to the highest possible levels of attainment and progress for all pupils, in line with delegated responsibilities from the Trust Board. Purpose To assist the decision making of the Local Governing Body (LGB) by enabling more detailed consideration to be given to the best means of fulfilling the LGB’s responsibility regarding curriculum planning and delivery, assessment and improvement, engagement and safeguarding including proper planning, monitoring and probity as set out in the Scheme of Delegation. To make appropriate comments and recommendations on such matters to the Local Governing Body on a regular basis. Major issues will be referred to the full Local Governing Body for ratification. Membership The Committee shall comprise of at least 3 Governors at least one of whom has specific, relevant skills and experience of educational matters. The Committee may have in addition such non-voting members as the Local Governing Body shall appoint with the approval of DNEAT. The Local Governing Body or DNEAT may remove or replace a member of the Committee at any time. Quorum The quorum shall be three Governors or 1/3 rounded up, whichever is the greater. Chair The Committee shall appoint a Chair at its first meeting held in the Autumn Term of each year. In the absence of the chair, the committee shall choose an acting chair for that meeting from among their number. Last updated: 10/01/2017 Page 2 of 6 Meetings The Committee shall meet in accordance with the DNEAT Governance Framework. Any decisions taken must be determined by a majority of votes of committee members present and voting – but no vote can be taken unless a majority of those present are governors. Clerk The Local Governing Body should appoint a clerk to the committee to ensure that accurate minutes of the meeting are taken. In the absence of the clerk the committee shall choose a clerk for that meeting from among their number (someone who is not the headteacher). Reporting The draft minutes of each meeting will be circulated with the agenda for the next ordinary meeting of the full governing body and will be presented at that meeting by the chair (or in his/her absence another member of the committee). Last updated: 10/01/2017 Page 3 of 6 Terms of Reference Curriculum planning and delivery  Plan schedule for development, review, monitoring and evaluation of non-core policies for Teaching and Learning, including but not exclusively: o Curriculum and Planning Policy (including how it relates to the mission statement, values and aims) o Assessment Policy o Marking Policy o Home Learning Policy o Behaviour Policy

 To ensure that the requirements of children with special needs are met, as laid out in the Code of Practice, and receive termly reports from the headteacher/SENDCO and an annual report from the SEND governor.

 Approve the Behaviour Policy

 To ensure that all pupils take part in a daily act of collective worship.

Assessment and improvement  Review report from termly AIR meeting regarding standards and improvement, and current risk rating, feedback from RSG meetings and AGEP records of visit in order to: o monitor and evaluate the impact of quality of teaching on rates of pupil progress and standards of achievement. o monitor and evaluate rates of progress and standards of achievement by pupils, including any underachieving groups.

 To monitor the Pupil Premium strategy and its impact.

 To monitor the Sports Premium strategy and its impact.

 To oversee arrangements for individual governors to take a leading role in specific areas of provision including but not exclusively SEND, English, Maths. To receive termly reports from them and advise the Governing body.

 To ensure that the Assessment Policy is operating effectively (via monitoring visits).

 To consider recommendations from external reviews of the academy (e.g. Ofsted or Effectiveness and Capacity Audit), agree actions as a result of reviews and evaluate regularly the implementation of the plan. Last updated: 10/01/2017 Page 4 of 6  To ensure that all children have equal opportunities.

 To advise the Resources Committee on the relative funding priorities necessary to deliver the curriculum. Engagement  To monitor the Academy’s publicity, public presentation and relationships with the wider community.

 To identify and celebrate pupil achievements.

 To oversee arrangements for educational visits, including the appointment of a named co- ordinator and the rationale for the range of educational visits on offer.

 Receive annual report from Educational Visits Co-ordinator (EVC) on the impact of visits on pupil outcomes.

 To ensure all statutory requirements for reporting and publishing information are met and the academy website content is fully compliant and presented in an accessible way.

 Review Information for Parents (including but not exclusively Transition booklet, Academy Prospectus).

 To decide to offer additional activities and what form these should take.

Safeguarding  Monitor and review the Safeguarding Policy.

 Complete the annual Self-Assessment Review of Safeguarding with particular focus on anti-bullying and cyber bullying.

 To monitor the completion of the Single Central Record (including Safer Recruitment monitoring).

 Approve Risk Assessments for educational visits and curriculum areas.

 Review attendance of pupils with less than 90% and persistent absentees. Resources Committee Meetings: Once per term normally and twice in the spring term) or discussion via e-mail communication as a further option. Chair: Magie Pattison. Duties will include notifying the Committee of any meeting to be held and providing all with an agenda. Accountability: The committee will report back to the Governing Body once a year and submit minutes onto the Governor Hub.

Core Function To oversee the financial performance of the academy and make sure its money is well spent, in line with delegated responsibilities from the Trust Board.

Items Delegated to the Resources Committee by the Trust Board Responsibilities in red text RESPONSIBILITY AREA may be delegated differently based on the DNEAT risk rating process or where the Trust has identified areas of concern. NO. 6 To develop and propose the Finance and Budgets individual Academy budget including the first formal budget plan. 8 To monitor expenditure against Finance and Budgets budget on a regular basis 10 To approve any virement Finance and Budgets between budget headings and/or likely budget overspends except where this would produce a deficit 15 To enter into contracts Finance and Budgets (Trustees may wish to agree financial and contract duration limits through the Finance Policy) up to the limits of delegation and within an agreed budget 16 To make payments within Finance and Budgets financial limits set out in the Finance Policy 23 Pay discretions in accordance Staffing with the agreed Pay Policy 32 Determining Staff complement Staffing within agreed budget 43 To implement the Trust’s Curriculum Charges and Remissions Policy for activities at the Academy (see also 12) 62 Review arrangements for Premises and Insurance Vehicle, Equipment, Sickness and Maternity Cover and any other insurance not included in RPA 63 To develop and update Premises and Insurance academy premises development plan 65 To develop properly funded Premises and Insurance maintenance plan 68 To ensure that health and Health and Safety safety regulations are followed

Purpose To assist the decision making of the Local Governing Body (LGB) by enabling more detailed consideration to be given to the best means of fulfilling the LGB’s responsibility to ensure sound management of the Academy’s finances, resources and personnel, including proper planning, monitoring and probity as set out in the Scheme of Delegation. To make appropriate comments and recommendations on such matters to the Local Governing Body on a regular basis. Major issues will be referred to the full Local Governing Body for ratification. Membership The Committee shall comprise of at least 3 Governors at least one of whom has specific, relevant skills and experience of financial matters. The Committee may have in addition such non-voting members as the Local Governing Body shall appoint with the approval of DNEAT. The Local Governing Body or DNEAT may remove or replace a member of the Committee at any time. Quorum The quorum shall be three Governors or 1/3 rounded up, whichever is the greater. Chair The Committee shall appoint a Chair at its first meeting held in the Autumn Term of each year. Meetings The Committee shall meet in accordance with the DNEAT Governance Framework. Any decisions taken must be determined by a majority of votes of committee members present and voting – but no vote can be taken unless a majority of those present are governors. Clerk The Local Governing Body should appoint a clerk to the committee to ensure that accurate minutes of the meeting are taken. In the absence of the clerk the committee shall choose a clerk for that meeting from among their number (someone who is not the headteacher). Reporting The draft minutes of each meeting will be circulated with the agenda for the next ordinary meeting of the full governing body and will be presented at that meeting by the chair (or in his/her absence another member of the committee). Last updated: 10/01/2017 Page 3 of 7 Terms of Reference Budget  To agree and recommend acceptance of an annual Budget reflecting the priorities of the current Academy Development Plan and present it for acceptance by the LGB in line with DNEAT’s budget timeline.

 To monitor monthly expenditure in accordance with the Finance Policy.

 Within the limits of the Finance Policy, review Headteacher management decisions regarding virement between budget headings and report to the LGB.

 To approve any virement between budget headings and/or likely budget overspends except where this would produce a deficit.

 To enter into contracts up to the limits of delegation and within an agreed budget.

 To review miscellaneous financial expenditure outside of the agreed budget.

 To review payments within agreed financial limits set out in the Finance Policy.

 To contribute to the formulation of the Academy’s Single Change Plan, through the consideration of financial priorities and proposals, in consultation with the Headteacher, with the stated and agreed aims and objectives of the Trust.

 To ensure the Academy is fully compliant with the Finance Policy.

 To recommend to the LGB, charges and remissions for activities at the Academy.

 To review the Year End Accounts.

 To review Bank Signatories and local authorisation levels.

 Review report on Sports Premium Funding expenditure.

Premises and Insurance  To recommend to the full LGB insurance for Vehicle, Equipment, Sickness and Maternity Cover and any other insurance not included in Risk Protection Arrangements (RPA).

 To monitor the academy premises development plan and make recommendations for further building improvement to the full LGB and the Trust.

 To develop and recommend to the full LGB a properly funded maintenance plan.

 To oversee arrangements for the use of the Academy premises other than by the Academy Last updated: 10/01/2017 Page 4 of 7 and to review periodically the policy of the Academy on lettings, taking due account of DNEAT’s policy on Lettings, and charging and remissions.

 Review Premises Manager checklist.

 Review Fixed Asset Register on an annual basis.

Staff  To ensure pay discretions are in accordance with the agreed Pay Policy.

 To review day to day decisions on staff pay and hours to ensure effective operation of the Academy within agreed budget.

 To determine staff complement within agreed budget.

Health & Safety  To ensure that Health and Safety regulations are followed.

 To ensure that all policies relating to safeguarding and Health and Safety are implemented and followed.

 To conduct site inspections to review any health and safety issues and the security of premises and equipment.

 Receive report from Health and Safety Governor including evidence of their Health and Safety monitoring visit.

Risk Management  To review the Academy Risk Register on a termly basis.

 To review the Academy Business Continuity Plan on an annual basis.

Value for Money  Benchmark spending on key cost headings with other similar academies on an annual basis.

ICT  To ensure that the provision of ICT equipment is appropriate to the Academy’s needs and is being used fully and effectively.

Documents which should be reviewed at each committee meeting:  Management Accounts Report (PS Financials)  Debtors’ Report (PS Financials)  Creditors’ Report (PS Financials)  Cash flow Report (prepared by Academy Finance Officer)  Pupil Premium Report (PS Financials)

Documents which should be reviewed once per term:  Budget Plan  Academy Risk Register Documents which should be reviewed on an annual basis:  Academy Business Continuity Plan  Benchmarking Reports  Year End Accounts  Academy Single Change Plan  Academy Premises Development Plan  Health and Safety Policy and Guidelines  Sports Premium Report  Fixed Asset Register Ethos and Community Committee

Meetings: Once per term (more frequently if deemed necessary) or discussion via e-mail communication as a further option. Chair: Andrea Hick-Taylor. Duties include notifying the Committee of any meeting to be held and providing all with an agenda. Accountability: The committee will report back to the Governing Body once a year and submit minutes onto the Governor Hub.


TERMS OF REFERENCE Core Function ETHOS AND COMMUNITY COMMITTEE To support the academy in maintaining and developing its Christian ethos, in accordance with DNEAT’s ethos and mission statement as laid out in the Scheme of Delegation . Purpose The Ethos and Community committee will promote the key features of church school distinctiveness as outlined by Dearing (The Way Ahead 2001):  The Headteacher committed to the Christian character of the academy  Collective Worship with distinctive Christian elements every day  Excellence in Religious Education  Observance of Christian festivals and the seasons of the Church year  Active and affirming relationships with local churches  Proclamation of the academy as a church academy In addition, the committee will be responsible for fostering good relationships with parents/carers and the local community. Membership The Local Governing Body shall determine, and review annually at the first meeting of the academy year, the establishment, terms of reference, constitution and membership of the committee. Associate members may be members of the committee, but the majority of committee members shall be governors. Associate members may give advice, and may have limited voting rights in accordance with any restrictions placed upon them by the local governing body. They may also be invited to assist with monitoring at the academy site(s). The Committee shall comprise of at least 3 Governors at least one of whom has specific, relevant skills and experience. The Committee may have in addition such non-voting members as the Local Governing Body shall appoint with the approval of DNEAT. It is recommended that the RE Subject Leader is a member of the committee. Groups of children may be invited to attend part of each meeting or submit their views and to facilitate discussions. Last updated: 10/01/2017 Page 2 of 6

The Local Governing Body or DNEAT may remove or replace a member of the Committee at any time. Quorum The quorum shall be three Governors or 1/3 rounded up, whichever is the greater. Chair The Committee shall appoint a Chair at its first meeting held in the Autumn Term of each year. The Chair will be a Governor. Meetings The Committee shall meet at least once each term and more often if required. Clerk The Clerk will be appointed by members of the Committee from within the Committee. Reporting The draft minutes of each meeting will be circulated with the agenda for the next ordinary meeting of the full governing body and will be presented at that meeting by the chair (or in his/her absence another member of the committee). Terms of Reference Ethos 1. To ensure that all academy leaders contribute to sustaining, developing and nurturing the academy’s Christian ethos. 2. To ensure the academy develops a corporate life which attempts to glorify God in developing the full human potential of each person - whether pupil, member of staff, parent or governor. 3. To ensure that Christian principles are embedded in the day to day life of the academy. 4. To regularly monitor and review the academy’s self-evaluation as a Church of England academy, ensuring that self-evaluation is ongoing, contributes to academy improvement and ensures good preparation for and outcomes from a SIAMS inspection. 5. To ensure the academy, through its distinctive Church of England Christian character, meets the needs of all learners. 6. To ensure that the importance of Religious Education is demonstrated in line with the Trust’s RE strategy and is recognised via the RE Quality Mark. 7. To ensure learning and teaching in Religious Education is effective and progress of pupils’ learning is assessed. 8. To ensure Collective Worship inspires and enhances the spiritual development of pupils and staff, of all faiths or of none. 9. To ensure academy leaders and governors focus on and use Christian values to promote a distinctive Christian vision for the academy. 10. To ensure effective partnership between the academy, the church and the wider community, including parents. 11. To ensure the active promotion of the fundamental British values of democracy, rules of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of all with different faiths and beliefs. Community (Pupils, Parents, Staff, Local Community) 1. Review procedures for parent consultations, including support for teachers in talking to parents.

2. Conduct physical audits of the school and its reception practice to ensure that it is a welcoming environment.

3. Establish and participate in a Parent Forum or similar engagement activity on a regular basis. Last updated: 10/01/2017 Page 4 of 6 4. Review communication strategy to ensure its effectiveness. This will include: a. Conducting an annual survey of parents, pupils and staff with results and consequent actions fed back. b. Issuing a regular newsletter directly from the governors or a governors’ page as part of the regular academy newsletter. c. Contributing articles to the local parish magazine or community newsletter.

5. Review communication between academy and home, community and church (including but not exclusively newsletters (academy and class) and academy website)

6. Contribute to the understanding of the mental health and well-being of pupils and staff.

7. Ensure that the school is a learning organisation and that staff and parents are given opportunities to develop confidence and skills.

8. Arrange governor attendance at events, such as parents’ evenings, celebration assemblies where governors play a prominent part (such as presenting awards).

9. Ensure good induction procedures are in place for staff and pupils and that these are monitored.

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