Blue Sheet for 1997, Template

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Blue Sheet for 1997, Template

For additional curriculum information and guidance, please refer to the Senate Website

Curriculum Change Form Type of Change (Check all that apply. Asterisked changes require completion of the second page and inclusion of a syllabus) Significant Changes Minor Changes New Course for Permanent Approval* Course Description Change*(Attach old description) Special Topics to Permanent Course* Course Prerequisite Change (Attach old prerequisites) Course Deletion Course Title Change Course Credit Change* Add/Delete a Course Cross-listing (Indicate which) Course Number or Code Change Special Topics Course Creation* (For a given term) Course Level Change* Other:______Course Information

Course Code: Course Number: Effective Term:

Course Title for BANNER ( 30 characters max, including spaces):

School: Department: Credit Hours:

Probable Instructor(s): Course Is Part Of What program(s): Course(s) Being Replaced:

Overlap/Impact? (Attach memos with explanations and approval signatures of appropriate administrators, e.g., chairs, directors, etc.)

Co/Prerequisite(s): Lab Fee? If Yes, Amount:

Grading: Letter Grade Only Letter Grade With P/NP Option P/NP Only

Justification for Change (Required for all changes)

Course Description EXACTLY as it should appear in the University Bulletin Course code, number, title, [credits], description, prerequisites

Name/phone/e-mail of contact person if questions arise: Approval Signatures date date Dept Chair(s) ______School Curr Comm ______Fac Sen Sec'y ______School Dean ______SCAA ______Registrar Log-in ______Provost ______Further Course Information (needed if Type of Change is asterisked)

How Many Times Previously Offered Special Topics Course? And Enrollment(s) Was(Were):

How Frequently Will The Course Be Offered? Projected Enrollment: per (Semester or Year)

Need for Special Rooms, Equipment, AV and/or Library Materials (Attach separate sheet, if needed):

The Course Be Will Be Taught By: Full-time or Adjunct Faculty

Where Does The Course Fit Into The Curriculum?

Course Objectives & Teaching Format (A student should understand the course content and modes of presentation)

Writing Requirements, Projects, Recitals, etc. Expected of Students (Give details, including grading percentages):

Please attach a brief One-Page Syllabus or Outline Of The Course including titles of texts or other required reading, meeting times (if unusual), a detailed explanation of student evaluation and grading, etc.

Revised September 2006 Instructions for Completing a Curriculum Change Form For additional curriculum material and guidance, please refer to the Senate Website Instructions are for your use only and are not for submission with Blue Sheet Format: Please read the following information carefully, since doing a “Blue Sheet” (Curriculum Change Form) correctly will help your course(s) to flow smoothly through the approval process. The Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee meets each month during the academic year; September through May; any curriculum change not approved at the May meeting will not be considered until the following September. The meeting dates, and deadlines for submitting your materials to the Registrar, can be found at the Faculty Senate web site:

Note that the completed Curricular Change Form, with all attachments, should be signed within the College by the Department Chair, the College Curriculum Committee, and the Dean. Only then should these materials be sent (hand delivered is recommended) to Nancy Philip in the Registrar’s Office, Computer Center. She will log in your materials, and forward them to the Faculty Senate Office, CC 314, for Senate action.

IMPORTANT: In the space immediately above the Approval Signatures block, please provide the name, phone number, and e-mail address of the person to be contacted should questions arise. This contact person, or a faculty member from the department submitting the Blue Sheet, must attend the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee meeting. If you've not used this template, print this document so that you may refer to it while completing the Blue Sheet. Call the Faculty Senate office, X4475, if you have questions about preparing your Blue Sheet.

When using this template, the type formats and layouts are pre-specified. Please do not change them.

Do not type in all caps; it makes it difficult to read and may impede your proposal’s movement through the process.

Several sections have been formatted and are to be typed within expandable text boxes; place your cursor on the shaded box and double click. If necessary, reduce the font size in the text boxes to 10, 9, or even 8 points, so that page break stays consistent. Again, to select a text box, place your cursor in the shaded area, double click, you should have pop-up “fill-in” boxes. Type of Changes: Significant Changes require SCAA approval. Special Topics Course Creation, for a given term, is approved at the level of the individual school, and need not be reviewed by Faculty Senate, but should be delivered to the Registrar.

The course title for BANNER need not be identical to the actual course title, insofar as words may be abbreviated and/or omitted. The Registrar's Office can take care of this after final approval.

A course above the introductory level normally has prerequisites. If yours does not, be sure to convincingly explain why in the Justification and/or Where Does This Course Fit Into The Curriculum.

If the proposed course is to replace an existing course, the Registrar’s office will automatically delete the course being replaced. Course Information: New course includes the creation of a special topics area. A proposal for a new program or a program revision also requires a Program Tracking Sheet.

Any proposal that changes more than 25% of a program must receive University and State of Connecticut Department of Higher Education approvals as well as preapproval from the Provost. (Think incrementally and long term, if need be.) Overlap/Impact? Any course content overlapping with or significantly impacting on the enrollments, offerings, or programs of another unit (department, school, college, etc.) at the University are said to overlap and/or impact. If such overlap/impact occurs, you must contact all chairs, directors, etc. of those programs for which this may be of concern and, before submission to any committee, try to arrive at consensus concerning the appropriateness of the proposed action. If there is any dissent and you sent the proposal forward, expect the Senate and/or the various committees to either settle any questions or to return the proposal.

If your course requires a lab fee, in addition to checking the box and listing the fee, please add a line to the description saying "Lab fee required." Otherwise, the fee may not be charged. Justification for Change: Justification For Change should include all the reasons you feel this change should be made, e.g., streamlining the major, more depth of study into an area, etc. Please be specific. Course Description: The Blue Sheet form calls for a course description EXACTLY as it should appear in the catalog. That means: correct course code, course number, course title, number of credits (enclosed within square brackets), course description, followed by course prerequisites. Do not omit any of these. Type directly in the Text Box and be sure to delete the following words from the Text Box: Course code, number, title, [credits], description, prerequisites.

Approval Signatures: see above.

Where Does The Course Fit Into The Curriculum?

Course Objectives & Teaching Format: If your course objectives will not fit into the allotted space, so note, and attach an additional sheet, or include them in your brief one-page syllabus. The listing of writing projects should be as complete as possible. It can be revised at a later date. Include approximate percentages for all graded assignments' contributions to the final grade. If there is to be a final project, please specify the details of this requirement.

Any syllabus you attach (maximum length of one standard sized page) should be formatted fairly compactly; long documents and illustrative materials are superfluous and will not be duplicated. You may choose to decrease the type size to no smaller than 8 points, neither use fonts of more than 12 points for the body of text, nor type in all caps. It would be useful to bring copies of a complete syllabus to the meetings, in case members have more detailed questions. It is wasteful to photocopy reams of paper for each member.

If your course has unusual meeting times, provide evidence that students receive no less than the state-mandated 700 minutes of structured learning experience per semester per course credit hour (this is 50 actual minutes per week for 14 weeks).

When completing the Curriculum Change Form, consult your chair, college curriculum committee representative and/or

Once you have completed the form, delete these two pages of instructions prior to the first submission. Print single side, and include all necessary attachments (e.g., one-page syllabus, Writing Requirements, Projects, Recitals, etc. Expected of Students).

Attachments: BLUE SHEET COMPLETION CHECKLIST: ___ Type of Change Box(es) – all that apply are to be checked ___ If Type of Change box has an asterisk, page 2 of Blue Sheet and a one-page syllabus are to be completed ___ If there may be overlap or impact, are explanations and signed memos attached? ___ Justification for Change – specifics are articulated ___ Course Description – exactly as it should appear in U of H Bulletin ___ Name, phone and e-mail of contact person are listed above Approval Signatures ___ Dept. Chair, College Curriculum Committee, and Dean’s signatures (please adjust font size(s) of "Justification for Change" and/or "Course Description" so that all signatures appear on the bottom of the first page). Hand delivery of your curriculum change materials to Nancy Philip in the Registrar’s Office, Computer Center, is strongly recommended. She will log in your materials, and forward them to the Faculty Senate Office, CC 314, for Senate action.

Please call the Faculty Senate office, X4475, if you have questions.

Faculty Senate action will be posted on the Faculty Senate website within a day or two of the Senate meeting where your proposal is considered.

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