Members Present: Kelly Burke, Jason Cabral, Keola Donaghy, Sevki Erdogan, Jim Juvik, Barbara Leonard, Shuguang Li, Bruce Matthews, Helen Rogers, Sabry Shehata; UHHSA Members : Melissa Benfer, Edward Johns, Kristi Temple, Stephanie Bukoski, Rheneha Bean, Aurora Manley

Ex-Officio Members: Steve Hora, Randy Hirokawa, Cathy Zenz, Marcia Sakai, Michael O’Donnel Others Present: Marlene Hapai, Jean Ippolito, John Cheng, Robert Fox, Anastasia Pavlovic

Meeting called to order at 3:10 pm by Congress Chair Barbara Leonard

Regent Marlene M. Hapai was introduced by Congress Chair Barbara Leonard as an invited speaker. Regent Hapai spoke of the proposed Hawaii State constitutional amendment to change the way that Regents are selected. She urged us to “just say no” to the proposed amendment and passed out copies of an editorial in the Star Bulletin, which says in part: “VOTERS are being asked to approve a constitutional amendment that would strip Gov. Linda Lingle of much of her authority to appoint regents at the University of Hawaii. Her selections would be limited to candidates chosen by a panel assembled by the Legislature. This amendment should be rejected as a Democratic power play that could jeopardize the university's accreditation. UH regents now are nominated by the governor and confirmed by the state Senate, a system that has provided adequate oversight for the selection of regents under previous Democratic governors.” (see http://starbulletin.com/2006/10/23/editorial/editorial01.html for the entire article). Regent Hapai also asserted that if the process is not broken, why change it?


1. Motion to approve the minutes of the September 29, 2006 Approved unanimously. 2. Report from the Vice Chancellor Hora for Academic Affairs on his talk with the Chancellor on how to use the money collected from tuition in special faculty salary revisions. The goal is to align the salary of CAS faculty with the national average of similar institutions for each discipline by January, 2008. 3. Report from Sevki Erdogan on attending the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Executive Committee Meeting. Minutes are posted on the VCAA’s website. 4. Report from Congress Chair Barbara Leonard on Tom Pinhey’s resignation from the Congress. His position, Vice Chair, is now open. The Chair called for nominations, and Sevki Erdogan was elected by acclimation for the position of UH Hilo Faculty Congress Vice-Chair. Approved unanimously. 5. Report from Kelly Burke, Chair of the Academic Policy Committee. He reported on his meeting with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs on tenure and promotion processes and standards, and stated that the dialogue was just beginning. Burke reported that his committee is discussing the issue of how many credit hours could be used in common for double majors and / or minors. Burke reported that his committee decided that commencement protocol on whether or not students are allowed to walk before finishing all their coursework was in the province of the VCAA and the Deans offices. 6. Report from Sevki Erdogan, Chair of the Assessment Committee. His committee is meeting to discuss disbursement of funds used for assessment purposes, and basic assessment process questions, such as whether or not the faculty members should be paid for assessment activities? 7. Report from Sevki Erdogan on his work with the UHH Graduate Counsel.

NEW BUSINESS 8. Call from Congress Chair Barbara Leonard for nomination and selection of faculty members in the search committees for the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs, and the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. 9. Jim Juvik suggested that Congress request a reasonable salary range for the three positions be posted as a part of the ad, and that faculty representatives comprise a majority of the membership of all search committees. 10. Kelly Burke moved that Congress request (1) a reasonable salary range for the three positions be posted as a part of the ad, and (2) that faculty representatives comprise a majority of the membership of all search committees. Jim Juvik seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Steve Hora stated that it is his opinion that salary range not be mentioned in the ad because it is not normally done, and that we are prepared to offer competitive salaries for all three positions. Deans Sakai and Hirokawa concurred that in recent administrative searches, salary offerings were competitive. Burke amended his motion to state: Congress recommends to the Chancellor that faculty representatives comprise a majority of the membership of all VC search committees. Jim Juvik approved and seconded the amendment. After more discussion, motion passed. Approved unanimously 11. Jim Juvik moved that Congress recommends to the Chancellor that at least one faculty from all colleges be members of the search committee for VC Academic Affairs. Burke seconded. After discussion, motion passed. Approved unanimously 12. Selection of faculty representatives. A list of faculty representatives nominated for membership on the search committees was distributed and the following faculty were selected to be submitted to the Chancellor for her selection of faculty representatives on the three search committees:

Faculty Representatives for the VC Academic Affairs Search Committee (Chancellor will pick faculty representatives from this list): CAS: Dr. Rebecca Ostertag, Associate Professor of Biology; Dr. Larry Heintz, Professor of Philosophy; Dr. Sherryll Mleynek, Associate Professor of English; Dr. Jene Michaud, Associate Professor of Biology; Dr. Sevki Erdogan, Associate Professor of Computer Science; Dr. Wayne Miyamoto, Professor of Art. COBE: Dr. Kelly Burke, Associate Professor of MIS CHL: Dr. Jason Cabral, Assistant Professor of Hawaiian Studies CAFNRM: Dr. Bruce Mathews, Professor, Soil Science

Faculty Representatives for the VC Administrative Affairs Search Committee (Chancellor will pick faculty representatives from this list): CAS: Dr. Peter Mills, Associate Professor of Anthropology; Dr. Kathryn Besio, Assistant Professor of Geography; Dr. April Komenaka, Professor of English, Dr. Ken Hon, Associate Professor of Geology; Dr. Michael Marshall, Professor of Art COBE: Dr. Barbara Leonard, Associate Professor of Accounting, Dr. David Hammes, Professor of Economics CHL: Dr. Keola Donaghy, Assistant Professor of Hawaiian Studies CAFNRM: Dr. Mike Shintaku, Associate Professor of Plant Pathology

Faculty Representatives for the VC Student Affairs Search Committee (Chancellor will pick faculty representatives from this list): CAS: Dr. Sonia Juvik, Professor of Geography; Dr. Richard Lee, Associate Professor of Music; Dr. Seri Luangphinith, Associate Professor of English Student Affairs: Dr. Susan Shirachi, Student Affairs Office. COBE: Dr. Emmeline de Pillis, Associate Professor of Management Approved unanimously.

13. The meeting adjourned at 4:55 by Congress Chair Barbara Leonard.