What Is the Weight and Size of Tutankhamun's Gold Rings Found In
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IPL2 Project Info 521 June 6th, 2010 Cassandra Sanford
Question #1 Needed by: 5/3/2010
Question: What is the weight and size of Tutankhamun's gold rings found in his sarcofagus? Where are they kept now? Could you also point me to the refence where I can find the answer?
name: amy williams from: [email protected] confirm: [email protected] location: Australia, Victoria area: History reason: To complete a school project school: Yes sources_consulted: Cairo museum on line, British museum on line, googled Tutankhaman's rings, National Geographic
Greetings from ipl2!
Thank you for your question regarding King Tutunkhanum’s five golden rings. There were many remarkable items found in the King’s tomb, of which were dozens pieces of jewelry that included five golden rings. You can find information regarding the rings at the Egyptian Virtual Museum which holds a catalog of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo’s contents, where the rings are located.
I found this site through a Google search of King Tutankhamun’s Treasures. I chose the link for the King Tut Exhibit Collection. From there I followed the link to The Treasures of King Tut’s Mummy. I then found the link for the five finger rings which lead me to the above page.
To find information regarding the size and weight of the rings you can go to the Oxford University’s Griffith Institute website that holds a virtual database of Howard Carter’s notes and photo’s of the original excavation of the King’s tomb. There is also information regarding the current location of the rings and their catalog classification. Each of the following links is to individual notes and photos regarding the rings. The gold rings were not found together therefore there will be several different links.
http://www.griffith.ox.ac.uk/perl/gi-ca-qmakesumm.pl?sid= 1272654182&qno=1&curr=256ff This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened version for your convenience.
http://www.griffith.ox.ac.uk/perl/gi-ca-qmakesumm.pl?sid= 1272654182&qno=1&curr=256ccc
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened version for your convenience.
I found the Griffith Institue website through the same King Tutunkhamun Treasure google search by going to the wikipedea link and looking through at the external links at the end. There I found the link for the Griffith Institute’s database.
I hope this response has fully answered your question. If you still need more information, please write back. Thanks for visiting the ipl2!
This question was quite difficult to find the answer to. Overall the entire procedure took me perhaps two hours to complete. I went to the most obvious sites first to look for the data such as the homepages for the Metropolitan Museum of Art, The British Museum, and the Cairo Museum. When I could not find the desired information, I went through many searches to find the information. I followed the majority of the links that the search provided before I came across the information that was required. The general information regarding the rings was easy to find, however the information regarding the physical aspects were harder to find. I was satisfied with the answer I provided. The only thing I could have done differently would be to directly give the weight and measurements in addition to the links.
Question #2
Needed by: 5/2/2010
Question: What events precipitated a shift in our way of thinking about the planet and help to launch the modern day environmental movement?
name: Clara Hochstetler from: [email protected] confirm: [email protected] location: Portland, Oregon area: History reason: I am asking my question in order to gain a better understanding of what events occurred to launch the movement and how they made people realize that we as a population can have a dramatic effect on the planet and started an environmental struggle that is still going on today. I want to learn when the U.S. modern day environmental movement began, what events helped to launch it, and key people involved in it's start. school: Yes sources_consulted: Not really any so far, just started.
Greetings from ipl2!
Thank you for your question regarding the origins of the modern environmental movement. There is no pinpoint moment or person to highlight as the start of the environmental movement. Rather it seems to have been a gradual growth of awareness through many decades. There is a lot of information to be found on this particular subject. Below I have listed several websites where you can find a wealth of information regarding landmark events and significant people in the environmental movement. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/timeline/earthdays/
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened version for your convenience. http://tinyurl.com/2dw8ayu
This link will take you to a particular page on the PBS website posted in honor of earthday. It provides a timeline for pivotal events in environmental history. http://ecotopia.org/category/timeline/
This link will take you to another timeline for landmark events in the environmental movement. Both of these sites give concise information regarding significant events and the growth of people’s awareness.
Here is a paper by the Managing Editor of the Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review on the growth of the American environmental movement found at the Boston College website. http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/law/lwsch/journals/bcealr/28_2-3/07_TXT.htm
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened version for your convenience. http://tinyurl.com/29crhtw
Here is another paper by David Walls, a Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Sonoma State University found at the university’s website. This gives excellent information regarding the progress of the movement, landmark events, and significant people. http://www.sonoma.edu/users/w/wallsd/environmental-movement.shtml
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened version for your convenience. http://tinyurl.com/5jvm2c
All of these sites were found as direct links by doing a Google search for the beginning of the environmental movement. I then went to the Sierra Club’s website and found another timeline specific to Sierra Club achievement. The Sierra Club is a large and influential organization within the environmental movement. http://www.sierraclub.org/history/timeline.asp
I found this by going to the Sierra Club’s home page. http://www.sierraclub.org/
I went to the about tab and clicked on New to the Club? Welcome! From there I chose the history link found in information.
I hope this response has fully answered your question. If you still need more information, please write back. Thanks for visiting the ipl2!
This question took me around an hour to complete. This was mostly due to the wealth of information on the subject. I visited several additional sites and decided on the ones I recommended based on their validity. I am satisfied with the answer that I gave. This information I referenced to give a good overview of a very vast and popular topic.
Question #3 Needed by: 5/6/2010
Question: how big are killer whales when there born
name: jessica from: [email protected] confirm: [email protected] location: mi grade: fith area: Science school: Yes length: TwoPages sourceschecked: books
Greetings from ipl2! Thanks for your question about how big baby killer whales are when they are born. A newborn killer whale calf is about 8 ft long and weighs 300 to 400 pounds. A baby whale is called a calf. I found a great site by doing a search on Google for killer whales where I found this information. It also contains a lot of great information about killer whales. You can go there by following this link.
I found another website by the Google search for a page by SeaWorld on the birth and care of killer whale calves. You can reach the site by following this link.
I chose both of these sites because they come from reputable sources, contains the answer to the specific question you asked, and contains a lot of good information about killer whale calves.
I hope this response has fully answered your question. If you still need more information, please write back. Thanks for visiting the ipl2!
This question took me perhaps fifteen minutes to complete. It was a straight forward and simple question. The only difficult part in answering the question was tailoring the response for a fifth grader.
Question #4
Question: what is the electoral college?
name: Kiya from: [email protected] confirm: [email protected] location: Ashland, OR/USA area: Government reason: Personal use school: No sources_consulted: none
Greetings from ipl2!
Thank you for your question regarding the Electoral College. The Electoral College is the means of electing a U.S. President, which was established by the founding fathers and put into the U.S. Constitution.
A good place to find factual information regarding the Electoral College can be found at the National Archives and Records Administration website. From the below website, you can follow different links which further explain the entire process.
I found this site by doing a Google search for the Electoral College and chose the National Archives and Records Administration link. From there I selected the Teaching Resources that led me to the above link.
Another website you can visit regarding the basic information on the Electoral College can be found at the Social Studies for Kids website.
I found this page with the same Google search as the one I used before.
I hope this response has fully answered your question. If you still need more information, please write back. Thanks for visiting the ipl2!
This question took maybe ten minutes to complete. It was straight forward and the information was easy to find. The information I provided the patron, particularly the NARA website contains all the information necessary to explain and define the Electoral College.
Question#5 Needed by: 5/23/2010
Question: what are the various theories regarding the extinction of dinosaurs?
name: johnathan from: [email protected] confirm: [email protected] location: sacramento area: Science reason: research paper school: Yes sources_consulted: wikipedia
Greetings from IPL2!
Thank you for your question regarding the different theories regarding how the dinosaurs became extinct. As you have indicated, there are several different theories on how the dinosaurs became extinct. Some are more valid than others. Fortunately, I was able to find some sources for you to view regarding the topic. This first site is from the library.thinkquest.org site, and it gives a nice overview on the various theories being explored.
Another source you may refer to is an academic paper on the subject found on the San Diego State University website.
Both of these sites were found through a search on Google for dinosaur extinction theories. Both sites were chosen because they come from valid sources dedicated to education.
I hope this response has fully answered your question. If you still need more information, please write back. Thanks for visiting the ipl2!
This question took perhaps twenty minutes for me to answer. Outside of doing a complete list of the different theories available, I believe that I gave the patron a satisfying answer. The only concern that I had, was regarding the patron himself. While the question asked seemed more of a question needed for junior high or high school, the wording he used made me rethink the sources I should use.
Question #6
Needed by: 6/3/2010
Question: What are the current top 10 countries who drink the most tea? Where is the United States of America in this ranking?
What are the current top 10 countries who drink the most coffee? Where is the United States of America in this ranking?
name: Kate from: [email protected] confirm: [email protected] location: USA area: Household/Do-It-Yourself reason: Personal Interest school: No sources_consulted: wikipedia
Greetings from IPL2! Thank you for your question regarding the top ten countries in tea and coffee consumption.
I began my search by performing a Google search for top tea drinking countries. I was presented with several results. The result I found that was best suited to meet your requirements gave a list of the top ten tea drinking nations.
This list was composed in 2006 and only lists the top ten countries, which the US is not on. Another site that I found was more current, but did not seem to take into consideration Middle Eastern countries.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened version for your convenience. http://tinyurl.com/2c9gp9f
I decided to do another search with Google with the terms ‘tea consumption per capita’ and came across a Wikipedia site. In my review of other search results they often referenced this site as their source, so I decided to add it here in case you did not come across it on your search on Wikipedia. This also gives the position of the U.S. in its ranks.
This link is quite long and could break, here is a shortened version for your convenience.
I then performed a similar Google search for top countries for coffee consumption. One result I found listed statistical data compiled on consumption per capita going back several years and organized alphabetically.
This link is quite long and could break, here is a shortened version for your convenience.
This data has been gathered and organized on a Wikipedia page I also found in the results. I added here in case you did not come across it in your Wikipedia search. This list also gives the ranking of the U.S.
This link is quite long and could break, here is a shortened version for your convenience.
I hope this response has fully answered your question. If you still need more information, please write back. Thanks for visiting the ipl2!
I found this question quite interesting as a tea and coffee lover. All the information was relatively easy to find, though not all studies came to the same conclusion due to dates and countries surveyed. I did find a website for a company that does research on such matters; however you had to purchase the data at quite a price. I wish I was able to find more current information on both subject, however that data was not yet available. Overall I believe that it took me over an hour to completely answer this question, because I wanted check all sources to make sure the findings did not vary too much. Question: # 7 I'm trying to find information about the book "Alice and The White Rabbit . Their trips around London" by Brenda Girvin. I own a copy which I got as a present years ago. Who is the illustrator? Are the illustrations are partially colored? Was it published in 1909? Is it rare? name: Iris from: [email protected] confirm: [email protected] location: Haifa, Israel area: Literature reason: For personal interest. I'm an illustrator,working on series of Lewis Carrol's books. http://www.irisbiran.com school: No sources_consulted: I found in Amazon it was published in 1909. Published by S.W. Partridge & Co in London
Greetings from IPL2! Thank you for your question regarding Brenda Girvin’s Alice and the White Rabbit: Their trips around London. I was eager to start on your question because I personally collect antiquarian books. I was able to find information regarding the book itself, however I was unable to find any information regarding the illustrator or the illustrations.
The first place that I looked was on Worldcat, an online library catalog which has access to over 10,000 libraries worldwide. I found the title and it does confirm the publisher and publish date 1909. However, there was no information regarding the illustrations in world cat or any of the listed libraries databases. http://www.worldcat.org/title/alice-and-the-white-rabbit-their-trips-round-about- london/oclc/12605753
This link is quite long and could break, here is a shortened version for your convenience. http://tinyurl.com/26n98au
According to Worldcat, only seven libraries hold the title. That is an indication that is in indeed rare. After my search there I went to the Abebooks website, a bookseller website where thousands of booksellers can list their products including rare and valuable works. There I found four copies for sale through various booksellers. The prices ranged from $40.00 to $172.00. The worth of your copy will depend a lot on the condition your edition is in. http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?sts=t&tn=Alice+and+the+White+Rabbit %3A+Their+trips+round+London&x=0&y=0
This link is quite long and could break; here is a shortened version for your convenience. http://tinyurl.com/275hjx6
Also, because I found that link through a search on the site and it is subject to change if the link does not work you can go to the home page and search for the title again. http://abebooks.com
I then decided to check the Library of Congress and the British Library to see if they had any more extensive information regarding Alice and the White Rabbit. The Library of Congress did not show to have it, but the British Library did have a copy.
http://catalogue.bl.uk/F/?func=full-set- set&set_number=115691&set_entry=000001&format=999
This link is quite long and could break, here is a shortened version for your convenience.
Unfortunately, they did not have any information regarding the illustrator or illustrations.
I am sorry I could not provided all the answers that your desired, and I hope I provided enough information regarding the other portions of your question. If still need additional information, please write back. Thank you for visiting ipl2!
Adding up all the time I spent on this question, it took me perhaps one hour and a half to come to a conclusion. I did have to ask for help on this one, and the answer I received confirmed my suspicions. I could not find any information regarding the illustrator or the illustrations themselves. I did additional searches under the author, the publisher, and 1909 children’s book illustrators. While I found some very interesting information, I could not find the information I was looking for regarding the illustrator. I searched on a variety of general search engines along with Google books, and specific sites such as LibraryThing and Bookfinder.com. I wish I could have found the information; however it was not to be, at least not on line and not here in the states.
Overall I found the experience of working on the IPL2 an educational one. There are both benefits and negatives to working with e-mail reference questions. The most obvious benefit it that it gives the researcher much more time to formulate a more thorough response to the question. Other benefits include the ability consult with others as needed, and have the time to wait for a response. The negative side of the e-mail reference feature was the inability to get quick clarification on questions. The in-person and live chat reference versions are somewhat preferable in that matter. However the convenience that e-mail reference presents to patron and librarian shows that systems like the ipl2 are an asset to the future of reference services. I was truly beneficial to have real world experience in the form of the ipl2 assignment. I learned new ways and places to look for information, especially online. I have always enjoyed conducting research; I would not have survived in my undergraduate program if I hadn’t. What I learned from this assignment that I will take with me into my future profession, is who to answer questions for others. If it is a different matter doing research for myself, and conducting it on the behalf of someone else.