Online Bill Tutorial

Module name: Payments Topic name: Submit

Prerequisites: You must have Online Bill Administrator or View & Pay access, as well as an EFT ID issued by Telstra.

At the completion of this topic you will be able to: Submit an EFT Payment Advice to Telstra

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Select the Payments tab

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Select the EFT Payment Advice option from the main menu

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In this example, the first Billing Account Number is selected to be included in our EFT Payment Advice

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Scroll down to the Add to list button

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Select the Add to List button

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Text Captions Enter the amount to be paid

Enter your EFT ID number

(*) This field is mandatory

Note: Your EFT ID consists of three upper case letters (‘ABC’ for example). View the Request an EFT ID tutorial for further information.

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Scroll down for further options

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Specify the date you’ll be making the funds transfer to Telstra

Enter the date of the EFT Payment Advice, and select Next

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Confirm the payment details are correct and select the Submit EFT Advice button

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A pop-up box is displayed asking if you have already made your payment.

Read it carefully and then select the Yes or No button.

Tip: To further assist correct identification of your payment, it would be best to submit your EFT Payment Advice, note the Reference Number and quote this number when transferring your payment to Telstra.

Select the Yes button

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To email this page to yourself, enter your email address

Select the Email Page button

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A confirmation message is displayed

To check if payments have been allocated to your chosen accounts, refer to the Payment History page

Select the Rewind button below to play this movie again

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