*Cooperative Agreement States That 10,000 ITNS to Be Purchased Per HZ During Project (57X
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Project AXxes Indicators and Targets Years 2 and 3 Indicators Initial based on original population (7,286,142) Revised based on new population (8,027,086) Year Three Population Y 2 contractual Population Y2 revised Y2 MATERNAL CHILD concerned Targets Y2 achievements concerned targets achievements Y3 targets % Number % Number % number % Number % Number 1. Number of postpartum newborn visits within 3 days of birth in USG- 291,446 321,083 (pop) 60 assisted programs (pop)(0.4) 60% 174,867 40% 116,198 (0.4) % 192,650 36% 116,198 70% 224,758
2. Number of antenatal care (ANC) visits by skilled providers from 291,446 321,083 (pop) 80 USG-assisted facilities (pop)(0.4) 80% 233,157 94% 273,826 (0.4) % 256,867 85% 273,826 90% 288,975 3. Number of people trained in maternal/newborn health through 394 USG-supported programs work plan 100% 482 18% 88 482 18% 88 100% (482-88) 4. Number of deliveries with a skilled birth attendant(SBA) in 291,446 321,083 (pop) 60 USG- assisted programs (pop)(0.4) 60% 174,867 70% 204,216 (0.4) % 192,650 64% 204,216 70% 224,758 male 586 586 5. Number of people trained in child female 323 323 health and nutrition through USG- 5700 supported health area programs work plan 100% 1,330 68% 909 1,330 68% 909 100% (relais) 6. Number of women receiving Active Management of the Third 174,867 192,650 Stage of Labor(AMSTL) through (assisted (assisted 90 USG-supported programs births) 90%* 157,380 74% 116,575 births) % 173,385 60% 116,575 100% 192,650
7. Number of newborns receiving antibiotic treatment for infection 14,572 from appropriate health workers (pop)(0.04) 16,054 (pop) 90 through USG-supported programs (.05) 90% 13,115 67% 8,759 (0.04) (.05) % 14,449 61% 8,759 90% 13,004
8. Number of newborns receiving 174,867 192,650 essential newborn care through (assisted (assisted 80 USG-supported programs births) 80%* 139,893 99% 174,414 births) % 154,120 90% 174,414 100% 192,650
1 Project AXxes Indicators and Targets Years 2 and 3 Indicators Initial based on original population (7,286,142) Revised based on new population (8,027,086) Year Three Population Y 2 contractual Population Y2 revised Y2 MATERNAL CHILD concerned Targets Y2 achievements concerned targets achievements Y3 targets % Number % Number % number % Number % Number
9. Number of children reached by 1,457,228 1605917 80 1,284,33 USG-supported nutrition programs (pop)(.2) 80% 1,165,783 (pop)(.20) % 4 Omit 10. Number of cases of child pneumonia treated with antibiotics by trained facility or community 364,307 health workers in USG-supported (pop)(0.2) 481,626 (pop) 80 385,300 programs (0.25) 80% 291,446 56% 205,277 (.2)(.3) % 385,301 43% 205,277 80% (449517)
11. Number of children less than 12 254286 months of age who received DPT3 (pop) 280145 (pop) 90 from USG-supported programs (.0349) 85% 216,143 95% 241,671 (.0.349) % 252,131 86% 241,671 90% 252,131
12. Number of children under 5 years of age who received vitamin A 1,311,505 1,403,526 90 1,263,17 1,274,15 from USG-supported programs (pop)(0.18) 90% 1,180,355 97% 1,274,150 (pop)(0.18) % 3 91% 0 95% 1,333,350 13. Percent / Number of children under the age of five with diarrheal illnesses are cared for correctly by 364,307 health structures following national (pop)(0.2) 401,354 (pop) 80 policy guidelines (0.25) 80% 291,446 40% 147,187 (0.2) (0.25) % 321,083 37% 147,187 70% 288,974 7286142 35 2,809,48 2,235,49 14. Rate of use of health services (total pop) 35% 2,550,150 31% 2,235,492 8,027,086 % 0 28% 2 35% 2,235,492
15. Percent of pregnant women 291,446 321,083 (pop) 80 received VAT2 or 5 doses of VAT* (pop)(0.4) 80% 233,157 70% 203,219 (0.4) % 256,867 63% 203,219 90% 288,975
16. Proportion of children receiving 254286 280145 (pop) 90 measles vaccination (pop)(.0349) 90% 228,858 85% 216,673 (.0.349) % 252,131 77% 216,673 90% 252,131 254286 23,23 280145 (pop) 10 17. Percent of drop-out DPT1/DPT3 (pop)(.0349) 10% 25,429 9% 3 (.0.349) % 28,015 8% 23,233 10% 28,015
2 Project AXxes Indicators and Targets Years 2 and 3 Indicators Contractual population (7,286,142) Revised population (8,027,086) Year Three Population Y 2 contractual Population Y2 revised Y2 FAMILY PLANNING concerned Targets Y2 achievements concerned targets achievements Y3 targets % Number % Number % number % Number % Number
1. Couple years of protection( CYP) 100 121 for FP USG-supported programs work plan 100% 40,000 121% 48,461 % 40,000 % 48,461 100% 60,000
2. Number of people trained in(RH) Reproductive Health and Child 261 Spacing/FP 1938/3 years 456 261% 1,189 456 % 1,189 completed
3.Number of new FP Acceptors in USG supported family planning 1,530,089 1,685,688 clinics (pop)(.21) 7% 107,106 17% 263,393 (pop)(.21) 7% 117,998 16% 263,393 20% 337,138
will be determin 4. Number of people who have seen 2,914,457 ed by LQAS or heard a specific FP/RH message (pop)(.40) 50% 1,457,228 Survey omit omit
5. Number of policies or guidelines developed or changed with USG assistance to improve access to and use of FP/RH services omit 6. Number of USG-assisted services delivery points providing FP 969 (estim # 929 (actual # 83 counseling or services sites) 80% 775 89% 864 sites) % 775 93% 864 100% 929
7. Number of service delivery point reporting stock-outs of any contraceptive commodity offered by the SDP at any time during the 969 (estim # 929 (actual # reporting period sites) 5% 48 32% 308 sites) 5% 46 33% 308 5% 46
3 Project AXxes Indicators and Targets Years 2 and 3 Indicators Contractual population (7,286,142) Revised population (8,027,086) Year Three Population Y 2 contractual Population Y2 revised Y2 MALARIA concerned Targets Y2 achievements concerned targets achievements Y3 targets % Number % Number % number % Number % Number Target 1. Number of ITNs distributed that were 10,000 x 57 purchased or subsidized with USG = 570,000 180,0 180,00 100 180,0 support * 215/180/175 100% 00 100% 0 180,000 % 180,000 100% 00 Traini 2. Number of medical and para-medical ng practitioners trained in evidence-based 1,3 1,18 1,3 1,1 Compl clinical guidelines Work Plan n/a 30 89% 7 work plan n/a 30 89% 87 eted omit 3. Monitoring Plan developed
4. Training in Monitoring and omit Evaluation 5. Number of service delivery points reporting stock-outs of any commodity new offered by the SDP indicator n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a <10% <50 6. Percent of pregnant women in 291,446 80 targeted health zones received IPT (pop)(0.4) 80% 233,157 51% 149,554 321,083 % 256,867 47% 149,554 90% 288,974 *Cooperative Agreement states that 10,000 ITNS to be purchased per HZ during project (57x 10,000 = 570,000) which represents a 50% HH coverage.
(395,000 ITNS were purchased in years one and two. 175,000 will be needed in year three to attain indicator of 570,000 ITNs)
* The C.A .states that extra nets solicited from Global Fund, UNICEF, World Bank etc would be needed to attain a 60% coverage
(Project AXxes has purchased or solicited (UNICEF, SANRU, NGOs) a total of 937,576 as of the end of year two…see attachment)
4 Project AXxes Indicators and Targets Years 2 and 3 Indicators Contractual population (7,286,142) Revised population (8,027,086) Year Three Population Y 2 contractual Population Y2 revised Y2 TUBERCULOSIS concerned Targets Y2 achievements concerned targets achievements Y3 targets % Number % Number % number % Number % Number
1. Case notification rate in new sputum smear positive pulmonary 10,929 8,7 11,09 12,041 (pop) 80 9,6 11,0 11,4 TB cases in USG-supported areas (pop)(.0015) 80% 43 101% 9 (.0015) % 33 92% 99 95% 38 1a. Case notification rate in new sputum smear positive pulmonary TB cases in USG-supported areas without HZs with high detection 10,325 rate(Mulongo, Mukanga, Lwamba (revised pop) 80 8,2 7,2 8,2 and Kayamba) (.0015) % 60 70% 53 80% 60
2.Percent of USG-supported laboratories performing TB wor microscopy with over 95% correct 1 k 177 microscopy results* work plan 70 177% 24 plan 70 % 124 100% 70
5 Project AXxes Indicators and Targets Years 2 and 3 Indicators Contractual population (7,286,142) Revised population (8,027,086) Year Three Population Y 2 contractual Population Y2 revised Y2 PMTCT concerned Targets Y2 achievements concerned targets achievements Y3 targets % Number % Number % number % Number % Number 59040 (123K*.04 67584 *.3*40) 89% 49,877 100% (140.8K * 1.Number of Pregnant women seen ref CA 40*.04*.30) for ANC in PMTCT facilities Plan pg 14 59040 2.Number of pregnant women 63% 30,236 100% 67,584 (above) receiving HIV counseling 44000 50,688 (123K*.0 (140.8K*.0 47% 20,637 100% 3.Number of pregnant women 4*.3*.75* 4*.3*.75*4 receiving HIV counseling and testing 40 HZ) 0HZ)
4.Number of pregnant women 44000 22000 35% 7607 17% 7,607 100% 50,688 receiving HIV counseling and (above) testing; and receiving test results 811 5.Number of pregnant women who 1100* 27% 296 (50688*.016 tested positive *) 811 6.Number of pregnant women tested 1100 23% 256 (50688*.01 HIV positive who receive their test (above) result 6*) 7.Number of health care workers 360 (work 96 (work trained in management and 260 115% 299 83% 299 100% provision of PMTCT services in plan) plan) health zones 100 8.Number of PMTCT health zones 40 40 offering PMTCT services % 40 129 9.Number of PMTCT health 120 78% 93 120 78% 93 100% Cumulativ facilities offering PMTCT services e
6 Project AXxes Indicators and Targets Years 2 and 3 Indicators Contractual population (7,286,142) Revised population (8,027,086) Year Three Population Y 2 contractual Population Y2 revised Y2 PMTCT concerned Targets Y2 achievements concerned targets achievements Y3 targets % Number % Number % number % Number % Number 10.Number of pregnant women provided with a complete course of 811 (1.6% 1000 14% 143 1000* 14% 143 100% antiretroviral prophylaxis for of 50688) PMTCT 11.Number of newborns who will 770 receive a complete course of 950 950 15% 142 100% (50688*.01 antiretroviral prophylaxis 6*.95) 12.Number of partners/husbands of 406 identified HIV infected pregnant 103 500 500 516 100% (50% of women who present for HIV % counseling and testing and receive 811) their test results 13.Number of partners/husbands of 10138 pregnant women who receive HIV new 100% (20% of counseling and testing and receive indicator 50688) text results says 50% 811 14.Number of women receiving CTX 1000 1000* 7% 70 100% (100% of HIV+ pregnant and MVI post counseling women) 770 (100% 15.Number of newborns receiving 950 - 950 0% 0*** 100% surviving CTX and MVI babies) 16.Number of exposed infants tested 950 0% 3 ? ? at 18 months 17.Number of newborns, established 16 ( < 2% as positive and who will be referred 20 20 0% 0 of 770) out to existing services 18.Number of HIV infected adults 61 (5% of 75 75 12% 9 referred to other services 811+406) 19.Number of HIV infected children 45 45 7% 3 16 referred to other services 20.National workshop to 100 harmonize/adapt PMTCT indicators 1 1 completed % and data tools 7 * target estimated based on seroprevalance of 4.6% x 20HZs ** all men invited for testing and HCs recorded all positive men (not just men of seropositive women) *** seeking verification