December 6, 2012 Meeting Minutes Central Mesa Extension Field Office 200 South Center Street Mesa, Arizona

CAB Members Present Virginia Aguero, Resident David Short, Downtown Mesa Association Joeta Brozosky, Joeta’s Leather Craig Shumway, Mesa Arizona Temple Susan Clark, Fiber Factory Leon Spielbusch, East Valley Institute of David Crummey, Resident Technology Jason Davenport, Mesa Arts Center Tony Xanthoudakis, Haven Burger Steve Hall, Metro on Main Apartments James Stark, Mesa Thrift Store

CAB Members Absent - Excused George Notarpole, History by George Dave Wier, Wells Fargo Sharon Olsen, Y Knot Party Supply Jo Wilson, Benedictine University at Mesa Susan Tibshraeny, Property Owner

CAB Members Absent – Unexcused Virginia Ham, Mesa Royale, RV Park Steven Lynch, Rock Solid Automotive Logan Roberts, Logan’s Valley Motorcycles

Others Present Alex Albert, Valley Metro Shea Joachim, City of Mesa Rob Antoniak, Valley Metro Adam Barrier, VTC Jim Connolly, Valley Metro Chris Chaffee, VTC Terry Gruver, Valley Metro Charlie Phillips, VTC Jodi Sorrell, City of Mesa Bryan Scalzo, VTC CME CAB Meeting Minutes December 6, 2012 Page 2 of 3

1. Call to Order CAB Vice-Chair Susan Clark called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. 2. Introductions Attendees introduced themselves by name and affiliation. 3. Call to the Audience (limit of two minutes per speaker) None 4. Review and Approval of the Minutes from October 25, 2012 The Chair asked if the members had reviewed the minutes. She asked for a motion to approve. Mr. Crummey moved to accept as written. Mr. Stark seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 5. Utility Construction Update Mr. Antoniak told the Board members about recent construction activity. He referred to upcoming work and reminded members to let him know if they needed to be added to the construction update e-mails. 6. Board Member Attendance Ms. Clark, with Ms. Albert’s assistance, led a review of the CAB attendance guidelines. Ms. Albert reviewed the attendance guidelines and explained how attendance is critical for the CAB rating program’s success. 7. Central Mesa Extension Activity Report for October 12 through November 22 and Contractor Response Activity Reports CME-018 – CME-028 were reported and read by Ms. Albert with support from Mr. Antoniak. Comments and questions on the Activity Reports were as follows:  CME-018 – Ms. Clark asked if this issue was related to any current VTC Activity; Mr. Antoniak replied that no VTC activity impacted this stakeholder’s issue. He stated that the problem was the result of lack of maintenance.  CME-026/27 – Ms. Clark asked if a root cause analysis had been done to determine why the trench plate became loose and caused damage to a vehicle. Mr. Chaffee explained why the trench plate had become loose and reviewed the preventive measures that are now taken by VTC when they are trench plating in the project area.  CME-028 – Mr. Antoniak reviewed the challenge of addressing sometimes competing interests between stakeholder concerns and construction activity needs, for example, regarding noise, business hours, access. 8. Outstanding Activities Matrix Review Ms. Albert indicated the only outstanding activity has been closed. CME CAB Meeting Minutes December 6, 2012 Page 3 of 3

9. Contractor Presentation Mr. Chaffee gave a PowerPoint presentation including a construction schedule and completed, current, and upcoming activities. In addition to Mr. Chaffee, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Scalzo, and Mr. Barrier participated in the presentation. The Vice-Chair instructed the CAB to fill out their forms and hand in to staff. 10.Administrative Recess The CAB recessed at 3:44 pm The CAB reconvened at 3:55 pm 11.Contractor Evaluation Report The Chair asked Ms. Albert to report the baseline score for the public outreach category. Ms. Albert reported the following ratings: - 94 in the public outreach/information category; - 97 in the contractor response/communications category; - 92 in the traffic management/impact mitigation efforts category; and - 94 in the property restoration/clean-up category. Mr. Spielbusch moved to approve the ratings as presented and Ms. Brozosky seconded. The motion passed unanimously with a voice vote. 12.Events Coordination Mr. Antoniak presented the events calendar to the CAB members and requested any additions. 13.Announcements Mesa Urban Garden is having their grand opening January 26th – Mr. Crummey will provide the contact information. Mr. Shumway reviewed the Temple activities and the holiday schedule for the Temple. 14.Future Agenda Items None 15.Adjournment Next CAB meeting: 4th Thursday, January 24, 2013 CAB Vice-Chair Susan Clark adjourned the meeting at 4:01 p.m.