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Minutes KEEP ARKANSAS BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION King Opera House 427 Main Street, Van Buren, Arkansas 72956 May 27, 2010
Commissioners Present:
John Pope, Chairman Thurston Lamb, Vice-Chairman Laurie Black Randy Frazier Georgette Garner Carroll Prewett
Commissioners Absent:
Debbie Hoofman JeNelle Lipton Greg Morris
Staff Present:
Robert Phelps, Brenda Halbert and Sarah Wruck
Guests Present:
Sharon Vogelpohl, Julie Robbins and Alexis Sims of Mangan Holcomb Partners Jim Karrh of MarketSearch Bob Freeman, Mayor of Van Buren Ernie Schimmelman and Jo Blondin, Ph.D., of Keep Van Buren Beautiful Maryl Koeth, Executive Director, Van Buren Advertising & Promotion Commission
Call to Order:
John Pope called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. in the King Opera House and welcomed everyone to Van Buren.
Thurston Lamb presented the invocation.
Chairman John Pope introduced Mayor Bob Freeman who officially welcomed the Commission to Van Buren, presenting a brief history of the town. He expressed appreciation to Keep Arkansas Beautiful for receiving the 2009 “Shine” Award, stating the community has come a long way but has a long way to go, noting it is all a matter of “community pride”. He reported on the continuing efforts of litter reduction and beautification in the town.
Mayor Freeman stated the restored King Opera House, formerly the Bob Burns Theater, is an appropriate setting for a history of the town founded in the early 1800’s. He elaborated further regarding the purchase of the land for $11,000, the establishment of the town near the river impacting growth, emphasizing the importance of transportation by rail and water, later with I-40 and I-540 as keys, and persons with vision who took action to revitalize the town in the 1970’s KAB Commission Minutes May 27, 2010 – page 2 and beyond. He again thanked Keep Arkansas Beautiful for what we do in the region and for our state.
Robert Phelps presented Mayor Freeman with a Keep Arkansas Beautiful logo cup and thanked everyone for the wonderful hospitality extended the KAB Commission and Staff.
John Pope introduced and thanked Maryl Koeth, Director of A&P, for providing refreshments this morning and at the reception the previous evening. He also introduced Jo Blondin who has served on the KVBB Executive Board since its inception. Dr. Blondin is the Chancellor of ATU, Ozark campus. He recognized Ernie Schimmelman, KVBB Executive Board, who has been with the organization since the beginning, a former JP, and has been responsible for the “Litter Index” survey for the past five years.
Mr. Schimmelman presented a brief history of the establishment of the Keep Van Buren Beautiful Affiliate, beginning with a Van Buren Civic Pride and Enhancement Committee meeting upstairs at the King Opera House in October 2005. Major recommendations regarding improvements to Highway 59 or Fayetteville Road, the main link between I-40 and Main Street, have all been accomplished; also, litter reduction incentives have been implemented with Main Street almost cigarette butt litter free and placement of cigarette urns, much of the success due to the efforts of John Pope.
Roll Call:
Brenda Halbert called the roll.
Approval of Agenda:
Mr. Pope called for approval of today’s meeting agenda:
Randy Frazier made a motion, seconded by Carroll Prewett, to approve the May 27, 2010, KAB Commission Meeting Agenda. The motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
Mr. Pope called for corrections or additions to the March 25, 2010, KAB Commission Meeting Minutes, followed by a motion:
Thurston Lamb made a motion, seconded by Randy Frazier, to approve the March 25, 2010, KAB Commission Meeting Minutes as amended. The motion passed.
Financial Report:
Mr. Pope called for questions regarding the KAB Financial Report for the period ending April 30, 2010, reflecting year-to-date expenditures of 73% of the fiscal year budget. The following motion was made:
Laurie Black made a motion, seconded by Carroll Prewett, to approve the distributed KAB Financial Report for the period ending April 30, 2010. KAB Commission Minutes May 27, 2010 – page 3
Mr. Phelps referred to his Director’s report regarding the budget next year. The only budgeted difference for FY11 from FY10 is in the area of staff salaries and benefits due to the inclusion of merit raises and career service bonuses. However, since the Director’s report was printed, a Governor’s directive stated that, during the next biennium beginning July 1, 2011, all of the budgets are frozen, including salaries, raises, bonuses and benefits. Mr. Phelps was further advised that merit raises and career service awards have been suspended for the current budget as well.
Mr. Pope called for a vote on the pending motion:
The motion passed.
Chairman’s Report:
Mr. Pope pointed to a packet of material at each person’s place, including a copy of Spotlight magazine featuring Keep Van Buren Beautiful. Photos highlight the recent e-Waste event.
Ms. Garner asked if Van Buren has curbside recycling. Mr. Pope stated there is residential curbside recycling but not curbside pickup for businesses. It was noted that curbside recycling is largely ineffective in the city. The majority of recycling is handled by the schools with dumpsters provided by West River Valley Solid Waste Management District. Information to residents is provided in their water bills.
Executive Director’s Report:
Robert Phelps reviewed his report distributed prior to the meeting, asking for questions or comments. He reported on the following:
Madison County Recycling Center 20-year anniversary event: Mr. Phelps and Mr. Morris attended and presented a proclamation on behalf of the KAB Commission. R. E. Baker Elementary in Bentonville was the setting for an April 28 spectacular edible garden event, one of six national showcase events of the 2010 Great American Cleanup sponsored by Scotts Miracle-Grow. It was attended by 650 students and 100 adults, including representatives from Scotts Miracle-Gro, Keep America Beautiful, the National Gardening Association, the National Garden Writers’ Association and the U of A Cooperative Extension Service. Two announcements recently via email: 1) Untimely death of Jerome “Jerry” Atchley, founding Chairman of the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Foundation; 2) Invitation to June 5 celebration of 95th birthday for Carl Garner, former KAB Commissioner and long standing board member of the KAB Foundation. Former KAB Commissioner, Bill Scruggs, was presented commemorative rock on March 10. AR Governor’s Conference on Tourism: Keep Arkansas Beautiful compiled and distributed a recycling questionnaire during the event. It was learned that the majority of 600 plus attendees at the conference are engaged in regional tourism management, Chambers of Commerce and other tourism related industries, more than the tourism facility operators. Results of the recycling survey were reviewed by Brenda Halbert, as follows: KAB Commission Minutes May 27, 2010 – page 4
1) 45 or 8% of attendees participated, primarily from NW Arkansas, with type of tourism business represented: hotel – 6%; resort – 6%; restaurant – 6%; recreational facility – 13%; retail business – 9%; other – 60%, including Chambers of Commerce, Tourism Associations, Visitors’ Bureaus, Advertising and Promotion Bureaus, etc.; a) 90% responded that they have a “green” program at their place of business, including recycling bins, cigarette ash receptacles and energy saving implementation; b) 85% are aware of “green” projects initiated by city governments, including recycling programs, relying heavily on drop-off recycling centers and solid waste management facilities; plus two or more cleanups annually; c) 95% pick up litter daily, however, it seemed to be an ongoing struggle at recreational areas where a lot of people gather to eat and play, i.e., parks; d) 93% supported the tourism industry “going green”, noting it is a popular trend to promote business, saves on cost, conserves energy and protects the environment; encouraged legislation and tax incentives to implement, as long as they are informed and support changes that are not mandated; e) 69% have made improvements to their business including landscaping, painting, new signage and energy efficiency improvements. f) 82% support a Keep Arkansas Beautiful awards program of environmental excellence for the tourism industry with suggested topics of “recycling and its impact on the community and environment”, “going green”, “community and highway cleanups”, “energy-saving ideas”, “paperless communication”, “city zoning and ordinances”, “alternate powered service vehicles” and “marketing”; a “Green Award” and/or other prize incentives were recommended; g) 61% would volunteer to organize a community cleanup event; those that responded negatively already volunteer in cleanups and/or other community activities with their focus on improving their businesses in a competitive business during economically stressful times. 2) Two free registrations for the 2011 conference were awarded to attendees representing the Rodeo of the Ozarks in Springdale and the Ozark Gateway Tourist Council in Batesville.
Ms. Halbert asked for questions or comments. Sharon Vogelpohl asked if there might be greater opportunity that Tourism might have with the same constituency who attended the conference where publishing some of the results might be relevant to further put the message out there.
Sarah Wruck stated that the questions were compiled quickly. However, now that we have the information that can be used as a tool, she suggested we might refine the questions and take it a step further.
Ms. Vogelpohl stated we could also broaden the size of the sample, after the questions are refined, by using a web-based survey tool, getting more responses and a clearer picture of what is going on, with published results. She also suggested that Parks & Tourism give us an opportunity to send something to their e-mail database where their constituency could subscribe to the KAB e-newsletter.
Ms. Wruck noted she was disappointed in the number of responses, since it was quick and easy and a free registration was offered. Mr. Pope supported publishing results on the internet and, also, noted he thought the response would have been greater from a captive audience. He KAB Commission Minutes May 27, 2010 – page 5 reminded everyone that the response might also reflect what kind of impact we have upon them, so we can infer what we want to from the 8% response. Ms. Black stated that might be a fair representation of who is interested in our program. She commended Ms. Wruck and staff for their efforts.
Mr. Phelps stated the 8% participation would probably be a normal response from a group of 600. It follows a survey that was done by Market Search, results to be reported later, regarding the attitudes and acceptance of advertising messages, focusing on the “Shine” slogan, after the last survey conducted three years ago.
Executive Director’s Report, contd.:
Mr. Phelps reported on the following:
“Litter-Free Zone” program of the KAB Foundation: 1) Phase I completed; 2) Nearing completion of Phase II, having added eight schools with three to be completed in the fall; 3) Program has involved 20 schools in 13 diverse communities in Central and Northwest Arkansas; 4) Next step is for the Foundation to consider if the program merits going forward and securing financing with the next grant available from the Wal-Mart Foundation on September 15 that would most likely support the program in 2011.
Ms. Black inquired about the grant amount. Mr. Phelps responded the first grant was $80,000 for Phase I, the second grant was $82,000 and, depending on direction of the third grant, it would be $82,000 or greater. He noted the program has great merit but has concerns about its sustainability.
Ms. Garner asked about its strengths and how to improve weaknesses. Mr. Phelps noted the delivery system is inefficient with only one person making contacts and delivering the program at each school, costing approximately $5,000 per campus. He emphasized restructuring for better efficiency with minimum supervision and management that would benefit more schools statewide. Mr. Phelps stated experience shows that Phase III would have to be restructured from the original model. The Fort Smith School District wanted to implement the program in every school, training people to go into other schools under GATE (the gifted and talented program). Ms. Vogelpohl suggested producing a “how-to” video series that could be distributed as part of the kit or web based, complemented by a question hotline or e-mail mechanism. Ms. Garner reviewed the training process as it is now, stating the teachers select student leaders at each level for training, with the teachers being the support group. She noted it is a very encompassing program with Mr. Singleton sending a CD program outline ahead of the training.
Mr. Frazier noted the campus expense includes $1,500 or more grant money to the school. He emphasized that monetary resources are needed to sustain the program. In the beginning, it was hoped the program would eventually be under the ownership of the community with local funding support from businesses, but this has not happened.
Mr. Phelps emphasized the program is a student led initiative. He explained how the program might be embellished, partly by the grant money, and changes that would take place with new KAB Commission Minutes May 27, 2010 – page 6 students and leadership. He stated the funds stay in the school under the control of a student, a faculty member and a non-related adult, specially set up so as to not co-mingle with other school funds. A new grant model would have to include replenishing of funds every three years or so.
Mr. Phelps concluded his report by congratulating Chairman John Pope as recipient of a State Capitol Citation issued by Secretary of State Charlie Daniels “in honor of contributions made to the State and all citizens thereof . . ..”
Mr. Pope stated this honor was the result of a request by Rep. Rick Green who had introduced John Pope’s suggested legislation (HB #1172 of 2009), “providing an income tax credit for a business that purchases a cigarette receptacle. . .” The citation was presented at a Chamber of Commerce banquet. Mr. Pope expressed appreciation, humbling noting that any award to a Commissioner or Affiliate Director is a reflection upon everyone of that group.
Laurie Black commended Mr. Phelps and Mr. Pope for meeting with the Arkansas Trucking Association, asking about the possibility of placing a KAB message on 18-wheeler trucks. Mr. Pope reported that all truckers’ issues previously raised in Commission meetings were brought before the three persons representing the association. They were very supportive of the issues and how they can elevate their members to a more professional level in support of our anti- littering message. Mr. Phelps added they are open to opportunities of meeting with their group to educate them about anti-litter awareness, using the “litter reporting hotline” and the possibility of wrapping some of the large truck trailers with an anti-littering, Keep Arkansas Beautiful message. Ms. Vogelpohl proposed a “report littering” competition among truckers similar to the Glock competition among law enforcement officers. Mr. Phelps requested that Ms. Black compile a list of suggestions that he might submit to the truckers.
Thurston Lamb asked if the Commission should honor the life of Jerry Atchley with some sort of memorial. Mr. Phelps noted the memorial service is this afternoon, and he has expressed sympathy to the family online in behalf of the Commission and Foundation. In celebration of Carl Garner’s birthday, Mr. Lamb asked if the Commission can honor him in some way. Ms. Halbert suggested something more permanent for Mr. Garner like a tree planting. Mr. Phelps said it will be discussed with a follow-up recommendation to the Commission.
Volunteer Services Coordinator’s Report:
Sarah Wruck stated the last couple of months have been extraordinarily busy with Earth Day and Great American Cleanup events, as well as other KAB activities, adding to her printed report as follows:
Great American Cleanup has gone well: 1) The GAmC “Give Back To Grow” event was a stunning success and a great learning experience working with Gail Cunningham and Jason Smith of Keep America Beautiful and the people from Scotts Miracle-Gro; at the concluding celebration dinner, everyone was most complimentary of the beauty of Arkansas, the City of Bentonville and R. E. Baker Elementary School; 2) The poster contest awards have concluded, and Ms. Wruck thanked Carroll Prewett for making the presentation in Ash Flat. KAB Commission Minutes May 27, 2010 – page 7
KAB Affiliate update: 1) Gloria Sumner, Executive Director of Pine Bluff/Jefferson County Clean and Beautiful has recently graduated from the Leadership Program and was, consequently, asked to serve on the Leadership Alumni Board of Pine Bluff; Ms. Sumner was also named Kiwanian of the Month; 2) Keep Ozark Beautiful is moving closer to Keep America Beautiful certification, and Commissioners will be notified of that date. AR Rural Development Association Conference: Ms. Wruck attended and manned the KAB exhibit booth this week in Eureka Springs, stating it was a great opportunity to network with small town mayors, county judges and municipal leaders.
Ms. Wruck stated that Alexis Sims will present an update of the 2010 Great American Cleanup campaign today with a final report at the July meeting.
Mr. Pope noted that Rusty Myers, Chairman of Keep Van Buren Beautiful, was unable to attend today’s meeting, because he is attending the Rural Development Conference in conjunction with his job at Western Arkansas Planning & Development District. Mr. Pope said he also invited Michael Malkin of Keep Ozark Beautiful to the reception last evening and today’s meeting, but he had another commitment. Mr. Pope said he looked forward to having a neighbor KAB Affiliate down the road.
Ms. Black said she appreciated that Keep Arkansas Beautiful was represented at so many different Earth Day celebrations. She said she felt, however, that the enthusiasm for Earth Day events has waned and she would like to see KAB take a leadership role in bringing it back to its full glory. Ms. Halbert noted there is an Arkansas Earth Day Foundation/Festival website to learn more about that organization. Ms. Wruck said she did not think there was as much publicity for the Arkansas Earth Day Festival this year as in past years. Mr. Pope noted that the Botanical Garden of the Ozarks event was canceled due to weather and is rescheduled some time in June.
John Pope said he ran across a website yesterday, It focuses on recycling in the United States, including a list of states in order of recycling statistics with Washington, Oregon and Vermont at the top. Arkansas was listed 29th with a recycling rate of 42% provided by AR Department of Environmental Quality.
Commissioner Reports:
Congressional District 4:
Laurie Black reported, as follows:
Lake Village Chamber of Commerce has a new director, former educator, who has moved back from Wisconsin. She is going to be fabulous to work with and has already organized a cleanup. Ms. Black visited with the Chicot County Judge regarding an AR State Trooper interested in writing littering/dumping tickets in an area right off State Highway 65 and needs some direction.
Mr. Phelps suggested beginning with local ordinances and then environmental state law. The AR State Highway Department has jurisdiction for the right-of-way only but, beyond that, if it is on KAB Commission Minutes May 27, 2010 – page 8 private property there is very little that can be done. There are “shields” laws that you have to shield some of the visual nuisances from public view, i.e., salvage yards. Mr. Phelps recommended involving the prosecuting attorney as well.
Ms. Black’s report, contd.:
Attended the AR Dept. of Parks & Tourism meeting in McGehee and interacted with Rep. Robert Moore and Kathy Holt from the Governor’s office. Ms. Holt relayed a message regarding a man who lives in Germany but owns farmland near Arkansas City/Desha County and has written the Governor regarding his concerns about the litter near his farm. It was suggested he might be a potential KAB Foundation Board member. Attended the AR Federation of Garden Clubs State Convention: They have adopted a character called “Auntie Litter”, complete with video. The group continues to be very receptive of KAB materials and message shared by Commissioner Black.
Mangan Holcomb Partners – 2010 Great American Cleanup – Arkansas:
Alexis Sims distributed her printed report for the 2010 Great American Cleanup that will conclude at the end of the month, reporting on information received to date, as follows:
Seven wrap-up reports have been received. Five new coordinators were recruited for this year’s campaign; at least two coordinators were recruited from Facebook. 4,778 volunteers, excluding coordinators, worked 15,645 hours to collect 162,850 pounds of litter. Numerous educational events were held. Big showcase event at R. E. Baker Elementary School made a great impact for the State of Arkansas and Keep Arkansas Beautiful.
Ms. Sims reiterated that her report was based on seven wrap-up reports received. The final report will be compiled in June with the statewide wrap-up shared at the July Commission meeting. She stated that photos of the Baker Elementary event have been posted to Facebook.
Market Search/Mangan Holcomb Partners:
Julie Robbins stated that in lieu of Mangan Holcomb Partners’ in-depth advertising/promotion report this month, research results and implications of the “Shine” advertising slogan will be presented by Dr. Jim Karrh of Market Search, MHP’s independent research division. About three years ago, the KAB Commission approved marketing research around attitudes and behaviors regarding littering, the first time after 10 years of an anti-litter message, with those research results being the foundation for what would become the “Shine, Clean and Green” advertising campaign with our new messaging to continue in a positive manner. At the beginning of FY2010, the Commission approved a budget line item to track against the 2007 research to determine progress, duplicating most of the questions for equitable comparison. New questions specific to the “Shine” message will set a benchmark for future surveys.
Dr. Karrh stated he would be reviewing the printed outline version of survey results due to a technical problem in providing a PowerPoint presentation. The report was arranged in major categories with topline results broken out, in most cases, as overall 2010 compared to overall KAB Commission Minutes May 27, 2010 – page 9
2007, the benchmark study year; additionally, an 18-24 year-old group was reported separately, considered to be particularly important in decision making.
“Shine” campaign timeline: 1) Phase I - 2008; 2) Phase II – 2009; 3) Tracking – 2010. Project objectives were to estimate results of messaging since 2007; learn how Arkansans interpret the “Shine” message and “green” context; how Arkansans attribute anti-litter responsibility to themselves and others; test results of 18-24 with others; uncover effective communication areas in the future. Outline for review and discussion, including some results, were as follows: 1) Who was surveyed, how and why: Adults 18+, with oversampling of 18-24; telephone survey; tracking to establish benchmark and long-term goals; 2) Advertising sources and recognition of the KAB Commission: Sources 2010 compared to 2007, included outdoor (76%/52%), TV (26%/42%), radio, newspaper, other; KAB Commission was rated 39% as having the most responsibility for dealing with litter issue, AHTD at 30% and ADEQ at 12% - also, rated State Police, Parks & Tourism, Game & Fish; 3) Interpretations of KAB’s new “Shine” messaging: 23% saw or heard “shine” in advertising during the past six months; 4) Ratings of the litter issue and performance in Arkansas: 22% rated litter as a big problem on a 1-5 scale compared to a 24% rating in 2007; 36% rated it at 3 on a 1-5 scale; motorists were rated at 44% in 2010 (58% in 2007) as the primary source of litter; 10% graded Arkansas as one of the best states in the country in keeping our state free of litter with the majority at 42% grading Arkansas as average, about the same as other states; 5) Individual participation and responsibility: 43% participated in organized cleanups with 91% responding that individual efforts help keep Arkansas litter free, compared to 86% during the 2007 survey; 6) Key issues for the future: 19% of respondents think there will be a significant improvement in Arkansas’ littering problem in the next 10 years; the most helpful website for recycling and limiting litter was 4% to with the 18-24 age group recognizing; however, across the board, the majority did not list any “go-to” site for the recycling and litter issues. The view from young adults (18-24): 1) They believe Arkansas is doing an above-average job of keeping the state litter-free; 2) The group was more likely to have noticed new “Shine” messaging; 3) They are more likely to have participated or be willing to participate in a cleanup; 4) They strongly recognize the KAB Commission as primary in dealing with litter issues, but they do not think of any organization as an online source for anti-litter or recycling information.
In summary, the study reflected positive results from the “Shine” campaign, particularly among adults 18-24. “Shine” messaging is viewed as positive, both environmentally and personally. Media recall was concentrated on outdoor advertising, but no specific “go-to” online source for recycling and anti-litter information was recognized. Consequently, KAB has an opportunity to combine communications around the website, social media and peer networks, particularly with young adults. KAB Commission Minutes May 27, 2010 – page 10
Ms. Vogelpohl pointed out that “Shine” is our organizational slogan that will continue, different than the logo that identifies the KAB Commission. She noted that one of the benefits is the keep Arkansas “clean and green” call to action message that is always there, adopting and adapting to the prevailing vernacular worldwide by incorporating that into our message.
Commissioner Reports:
Congressional District 3:
Georgette Garner reported on the following:
Attended Governor’s Conference on Tourism in March: Good conference, commending staff for survey questionnaire, noting the results will serve as a useful tool. LFZ program: 1) May 10 – Attended the LFZ certification presentation at the Eureka Springs Elementary School; also, assisted Mr. Singleton with training at Berryville Elementary School; 2) May 11 – Attended training at the Sugar Creek Elementary School in Bentonville. Eureka Springs Garden Club: Participated at the annual plant sale and garden stroll attended by 250. Proper disposal of prescription medications: 1) Reported last meeting on a March 17 article in the Booneville Democrat regarding prescriptions in medicine cabinets; also, a couple of related press releases can be seen at for May 12; 2) Benton Police Department is working on the issue: a) Launched “Operation Medicine Cabinet” to encourage parents and guardians to turn in unwanted prescriptions for disposal, gathering over 52,000 pills in one sweep; b) Launched May 12 an after-hours “Rx Drop-Off Box” outside of headquarters; c) Designed a prescription drug information booklet with a portion of the publication expense derived from fines; d) State Drug Director attended the program launch and has encouraged other communities to implement; e) To prevent contamination of water by flushing pills, they have contacted a local hazardous waste disposal firm who are willing to dispose of pills safely; 3) Contacted Carroll County Sheriff to learn that he was not aware of the program; consequently, he wants to use the Grassy Knob neighborhood of Eureka Springs as a pilot project to collect prescriptions to see if a similar program can be established.
Ms. Garner concluded by reiterating the importance of the prescription drug disposal program to encourage parents to take a lead on this for their children and, secondly, to prevent damage to the environment if they are disposed of improperly.
Congressional District 2:
Thurston Lamb reported on the following: KAB Commission Minutes May 27, 2010 – page 11
LFZ program: 1) May 1: Attended LFZ certification at Park Hill Elementary School in North Little Rock and assisted in presentation of a $1,500 check; event was also attended by Mr. Singleton, Mr. Phelps, Ms. Wruck, the Mayor of North Little Rock and the school district superintendent; 2) Advised Mr. Singleton about the interest in the program at the Lonoke Elementary School and Oak Grove Elementary School. 2010 Great American Cleanup: 1) Attended Newport meeting regarding a cleanup, but the original May 15 event date was rescheduled due to rain; 2) City of Little Rock had a tremendous cleanup, one of the largest efforts in history, supported by the event of the South End Neighborhood Association; 3) North Little Rock had to reschedule twice due to weather. April 16: On behalf of the Commission and in support of Keep Sherwood Beautiful, attended Sherwood’s Chamber of Commerce banquet recognizing outstanding individuals in the community and installation of officers.
Mr. Phelps stated he attended Little Rock’s South End cleanup organized by Dr. Minnie Hatchett. He noted the entry points were marked with banners, and the area almost appeared canvassed prior to the cleanup because of very little visible litter. There was great enthusiasm with a lot of young volunteers, the city was very cooperative, and the event was very impressive and effective. Ms. Wruck mentioned that the South End cleanup this year was part of the Keep Little Rock Beautiful campaign, stating the rest of the city decided to have their cleanups on the same date because of the continued success of Dr. Hatchett’s community. It was the first year for the City of Little Rock to conduct a coordinated, city-wide cleanup. Ms. Sims said she knew at least 20 organizations, groups and churches contacted them about events, but totals have not been tallied.
Chairman’s Report – Congressional District 3:
John Pope referred to his printed report, noting he spoke at a Future Business Leaders of America event on May 6 in Van Buren. The event was attended by 200-300 students representing 18 school districts.
Congressional District 4:
JeNelle Lipton was unable to attend today’s meeting but submitted a report.
KAB Affiliate Reports:
Keep Van Buren Beautiful:
John Pope reported on Great American Cleanup activities with the second annual e-Waste event held recently. The Coleman Football Booster Club, coaches and approximately 60 youth volunteered in cleaning the city park and at the e-Waste site, filling a semi-truck with 48 plus pallets of material, more than the first e-Waste event in 2009. There was good press coverage from TV Station 40/29, the local ABC Affiliate. KAB Commission Minutes May 27, 2010 – page 12
Ernie Schimmelman shared other information for Keep Van Buren Beautiful:
The Affiliate is fortunate to have good communication with the community, as the Press Argus Editor is on the board and covers everything they do. The school recycling program is losing one of its best advocates, as the school administrator is transferring to the Mt. Home School District, but he is being replaced by someone equally committed, so hopefully the program will continue to grow.
Ms. Garner asked if UNICOR in Texarkana is still taking electronic waste. Ms. Wruck answered it is somewhat of a dilemma, because they have received more than they can process and are having to warehouse the surplus, so it is undetermined how long they will be able to accept all the electronics collected in the state. Mr. Pope stated the Keep Van Buren Beautiful e-Waste event was coordinated thru the West River Valley Solid Waste Management District.
Hot Springs/Garland County Beautification Commission:
Adam Roberts submitted a printed report for the Hot Springs/Garland County Affiliate.
Advisory Reports:
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
Mr. Phelps urged everyone to attend the July meeting in Pine Bluff, inasmuch as we will review and approve the FY 2011 budget and marketing plan.
Mr. Pope stated it had been a real pleasure hosting the meeting, and Mr. Lamb and other Commissioners expressed their appreciation to Keep Van Buren Beautiful and other hosts.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:35 p.m.
The next meeting of the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission will be hosted by Pine Bluff/Jefferson County Clean & Beautiful Commission on July 22, 2010, at the Donald W. Reynolds Center, 211 West Third Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601.
______Robert Phelps, Director John W. Pope, Chairman Keep Arkansas Beautiful Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission