Teacher: Miss Dennis

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Teacher: Miss Dennis

U. S. History

Teacher: Miss Dennis E-mail: [email protected] School Phone: 402-6900 Course Description: This year long course covers the history of the United States from 1300 to 1877. The events of the past will be related to what is happening in the U.S. and other countries today. Students will be taught to think critically about why things happened in the past and seek solutions to problems we have in the U.S. now.

I. Course Requirements A. Materials: T pencil and pen T paper T Glue stick T 3x5 cards (recommended, but not required) – Often we will have short questions at various times during class. These can either be done on ½ sheet of paper or a 3x5 card. T Colored pencils (optional) – We only use these occasionally. I have colored pencils in my room, but sometimes students prefer their own.

B. Assignments: Most assignments will be done in class and due at the end of the period. Otherwise, assignments will be due the next day at the beginning of class. Each history teacher only has a class set of books, so information will be sent home about how to access the book online.

C. Quizzes: There are two types of quizzes given: 1) review quizzes and 2) content quizzes. If a student is absent the day of a review quiz, it will not need to be made up. If the student misses a content quiz, it needs to be taken ASAP. I post my availability times on the board. The students may come in any time I have listed or during SRC.

D: Tests and Projects: Each chapter will be assessed at the end of the chapter. Assessments vary between projects and tests. All projects are due on the assigned date or they will be given half credit. Early projects will be given extra credit. There may be other projects assigned as well.

E. Extra Credit: The students will have limited opportunities for extra credit. It will only be given when offered to the entire class. Extra credit will count no more than 20 pts on the students’ grades and will not be counted unless the student is missing no more than two assignments. In order to receive extra credit, the student must be present the day it is given.

F. Movies: Periodically, we will be watching news clips and discussing current events in class. We may also be watching clips from Gettysburg, and Gone with the Wind. We will possibly be watching some History Channel and National Geographic documentaries, Johnny Tremayne, and A More Perfect Union in their entirety. G. Grading: Grades may based on: assignments, quizzes, notebooks, tests, and projects. A percentage will be figured and a grade will be assigned as follows:

94-100% = A 87-89% = B+ 77-79% = C+ 67-69% = D+ 90-93% = A- 83-86% = B 73-76% = C 63-66% = D 80-82% = B- 70-72% = C- 60-62% = D- Below 60% = F

Tests and quizzes will count as 75% of the grade with all other things making up 25% of the grade.

II. Citizenship Citizenship includes tardies (following the school tardy policy), behavior, participation, effort, and preparation.

In the event of a substitute in my class, any reported disruptive behavior will result in a U.

Cheating is not tolerated in my classroom. If a student is cheating (which includes any talking to other students during a test or quiz), it will result in a zero for that test, quiz, or assignment and may result in a U in the class. Plagiarizing is considered cheating. If you read this, please leave a comment for extra credit. If there are any questions about what constitutes plagiarism, please contact me.

Cell phones ARE NOT allowed during class and should be turned off!!! Any cell phone use during class will result in the cell phone being confiscated and turned into the office. Each infraction will result in a citizenship grade drop.

III. Miscellaneous

A. Makeup: If students miss a class, they must get the assignment immediately after their return. (The assignment is posted on the board.) It is their responsibility to get the class notes, usually from another student they trust. They will have two days per day absent to turn in missing work. Students absent for vacations will be expected to make up the work on their own.

B. Hall Passes/Late assignments: Late assignments will be accepted, but will receive half credit. An email will be sent home before assignments are changed to no makeup.

Students will be given three “oops tickets” per term. These may be used as hall passes, to get a free pencil, or to turn in late assignments for up to ten more points on an assignment. They may be turned in at the end of the term for extra credit. I realize that there are a few special cases where a student will need to leave class more frequently. If special consideration is required in this area, please let me know.

C. Teacher Availability: My availability schedule will be posted on the board at the beginning each week. In the mornings I will be at the school around 7:45 unless prior arrangements have been made. I can be reached by leaving a message at the office @ (801) 402-6900 or you can e-mail me at [email protected]

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