Beginnings and Colonial America Through the Revolution

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Beginnings and Colonial America Through the Revolution

Review Course Review Outline AP U.S. History

Beginnings and Colonial America through the Revolution 1. Exploration and Discovery 20. Stono River Rebellion and its effects 2. The Spanish in the New World 21. Impact of the French & Indian War on attitudes 3. The French in the New World 22. The Iroquois League 4. The English in the New World 23. Proclamation of 1763 5. The impact of contact on Natives and Europeans 24. Mercantilism and its results 6. The Columbian Exchange 25. Virtual vs. Actual Representation 7. The Pueblo Revolt (Popé’s Rebellion) 26. Thomas Paine’s Common Sense 8. Jamestown 1607 27. Stamp Act 9. Early conflicts between natives and settlers 28. Boston Massacre 1770, Boston Tea Party 1773 10. Effects of Indentured servitude 29. Intolerable Acts 11. The “Middle Passage” 30. First vs. Second Continental Congress 12. Slave labor in the colonies 31. Olive Branch Petition 13. Winthrop’s “City on a Hill” 32. The Declaration of Independence 1775 14. Halfway Covenant 33. Battle of Saratoga 15. Extent of religious liberty in colonies 34. France’s aid in Revolutionary War 16. First Great Awakening 35. Republicanism (Revolutionary era) 17. Characteristics of colonial cities and regions 36. Republican Motherhood 18. Bacon’s Rebellion 37. Battle of Yorktown 19. Reasons for increases in race-based slavery 38. Terms of Treaty of Paris (1783) & follow-through

The New Nation; 1783-1860 The Articles of Confederation 1781 75. Nullification and states’ rights/South Carolina 39. Reasoning for and Weaknesses Exposition & Protest by John C. Calhoun 40. Ordinances of 1785 & 1787 76. Bank War/Wildcat currency & pet banks 41. Shays’ Rebellion 77. Results of Jackson’s economic policies/Panic of 1837 The Constitution Convention 1787 78. Whigs vs. Jacksonian Democrats (1830’s-40’s) 42. Compromises in the Constitution 79. Cherokee Nation v. Georgia /The Trail of Tears 1838 43. Checks and Balances 80. Early Industry/Lowell, MA 44. Federalists vs. Antifederalists 81. Cult of domesticity 45. The Bill of Rights 82. Early Immigration/Nativist reaction (Know-Nothings) 46. Beliefs of Hamilton vs. Jefferson 83. Early American Literature ie: 47. Whiskey Rebellion Emerson/Thoreau/Hawthorne/Melville/Poe 48. Washington’s Farewell Address 84. Hudson River School 49. Qualifications for early voters 85. Proslavery Arguments 50. Jay’s Treaty 86. 2nd Great Awakening and its effects 51. XYZ Affair The Reform Movements (connections between them) 52. Quasi War w/ France 87. Gradualism (American Colonization Society) 53. Alien and Sedition Acts 88. Immediatism – Garrison and Douglass 54. Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions 89. Education Reform 1800-1860 55. Election (“Revolution”) of 1800 90. Mental Health/Prison Reform 56. Deism 91. Utopianism (Oneida, Brook Farm) 57. Embargo Act of 1807 92. Seneca Falls Convention 58. Louisiana Purchase/Lewis and Clark Manifest Destiny/The Mexican War 1846–1848 59. Marbury v. Madison/Judicial review 93. Americans into Texas/Mexican policy toward Texas 60. Judicial Nationalism/Marshall Court Cases 94. The Whig Party’s view of expansion and war 61. Growth of Canals vs. Railroads 95. The Wilmot Proviso 62. Importance of Erie Canal 96. Long term impact of the Mexican Cession 63. Tecumseh/Pan-Indian Resistance Slavery in the territories 64. The Causes of the War of 1812 97. The Missouri Compromise 1820 65. The Hartford Convention 98. Ostend Manifesto 66. Impact of the War of 1812 99. Popular Sovereignty 67. Era of Good Feelings? 100.The Compromise of 1850 (“California Compromise”) 68. Monroe Doctrine 101.Gadsden Purchase 69. Impact of Whitney’s cotton gin 102.The Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854 70. Patterns of Slaveholding 103.“Bleeding Kansas” 71. Henry Clay’s American System 104.Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1852 72. Election of 1824/Corrupt Bargain 105.The Dred Scott case 1857 73. Jacksonian Democracy 1829–1837 106.Lincoln Douglas Debates 74. Protective tariffs (1816-1828) 107.John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry 1859 108.Republican Party Platform in 1860 109.The Election of 1860/Secession of the South

The Civil War and Reconstruction; 1861-1877 110.Lincoln’s goals 120.Thirteenth Amendment 1865 111.Problems facing the Union (1861-3) 121.Fourteenth Amendment 1868 112.Advantages/Disadvantages of both sides 122.Fifteenth Amendment 1870 113.Foreign relations in Civil War 123.Hiram Revels 114.The Gettysburg Address 1863 124.Johnson Impeachment 115.The Emancipation Proclamation 1863 125.Origins of the Ku Klux Klan 116.The Confederate surrender 126.Economic Impact of Civil War 117.Freedmen’s Bureau 127.Sharecropping/crop lien laws 118.Radical Republicans in Reconstruction (Charles 128.Black Codes Sumner/Thaddeus Stevens) 129.Limits to voting rights (poll taxes, etc.) 119.Reconstruction Acts of 1867 130.Reasons for the end of Reconstruction

The Second Industrial Revolution; 1865-1900 131.Factors contributing to industrialization 139.Sherman Antitrust Act (intent vs. use) 132.The “New South” The Rise of Organized Labor 133.Resulting social changes 140.New labor unions (IWW, Knights of Labor) 134.Gospel of Wealth 141.Strikes (Haymarket Square, Great Strike of 1877, 135.Social Darwinism Ludlow) 136.The “robber barons”/“captains of industry” Inventions and Technological Developments 137.Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller 142.Thomas Edison 138.Vertical/Horizontal Integration 143.Edwin Drake 144.Christopher Sholes

Immigration and Urbanization; 1840-1900 145.Reasons for and statistics regarding immigration Printing and a mass media 146.The “old immigrants” vs. the “new immigrants” 155.William Randolph Hearst/Joseph Pulitzer 147.Irish and German Immigrant Settlement Patterns 156.Mark Twain 148.Ellis Island and Angel Island Entertainment in the cities 149.Nativism/Know Nothing Party 157.Circus, vaudeville, and amusement parks 150.Jane Addams and the settlement house movement 158.Birth of a Nation by D.W. Griffith 151.Political machines African Americans during the Gilded Age 152.Tammany Hall/Boss Tweed 159.Booker T. Washington vs. W. E. B. Du Bois Technological innovations 160.Jim Crow laws 153.Brooklyn Bridge 1883 161.Plessy v. Ferguson 1896 154.Kodak camera 162.Lynchings – Ida B. Wells

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 Form study groups to divide these. Meet to discuss them.

 Spread it out by doing 20-30/night.

Recommended Steps:  Consult your binder for old lecture notes, class activities, etc.  Index > pg; read several surrounding paragraphs; take notes (alternative: table of contents)  Use outside sources ie: Internet

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