ADB NTAL Mekong Tourism Development Project

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ADB NTAL Mekong Tourism Development Project

GMS Sustainable Tourism Development Project in Lao PDR ADB Grant - 0117 Lao [SF]

PCU Quarterly Progress Report 1 April 2009 – 30 June 2009

1. Introduction

Grant Data: ADB Grant 0117 Lao [SF] Estimated Project Cost: USD ($) 10.87 million Implementation Period: 1 April 2009 – 31 December 2014 Expenditure Projection for this reporting period: US$ 648,115.50 Year to Date Project Expenditures: US$ 423,126.35 Total Project Expenditures: -- Reporting Period: 1 April 2009 – 30 June 2009

Project Scope: The GMS Sustainable Tourism Development Project (GMS-STDP) in Lao PDR is mainly financed by a US$ 10 million grant from the Asian Development Bank with additional budgetary resources of $0.87 million sourced from the Government of Lao PDR. The Lao National Tourism Administration is the executing agency responsible for the coordination, management and implementation of the project in the 9 target provinces of Champasak, Salavanh, Savannakhet, Vientiane Province, Houaphanh, Oudomxay, Sayabouli, Bokeo and Luang Namtha.

The expected impacts of the Project are the development of a sustainable, culturally and environmentally sound, pro-poor approach to tourism in the GMS and the preservation of natural and cultural heritage. Expected project outcomes in Lao PDR are poverty reduction, sustainable development, protection of the natural and cultural heritage and protection of vulnerable groups from exploitation. To achieve this goal the project seeks to enhance the protection and conservation of natural, cultural and urban heritage assets of importance for tourism; increase tourism’s contribution to poverty reduction by expanding the traditional community-based tourism approach to include tourism-related supply and value chains interventions; improve the facilitation of tourism along the economic corridors by improving services and management of tourist attractions found there; raise public sector official’s tourism management skills at the national, provincial, district and site level; improve service and hygiene standards among staff in small to medium hospitality enterprises; and enhance local private sector participation in small and medium scale tourism enterprise investment and operation.

There are 5 parts of the project in Lao PDR: Part 1.A: Biodiversity Conservation and Protection through Tourism at the Siphandone Wetland Part 1.B: Urban Environment Protection and Management - Vang Vieng Town Waste Water Centralization and Treatment Part 2: Pro-Poor Tourism Development in Salavanh, Vientiane Province, Houaphanh, Oudomxay, Sayabouli and Bokeo Part 3: Facilitation of Tourism on the North-South (Part 3.A) and East-West (Part 3.B) Economic Corridors Part 4: Human Resource Development Part 5: Institutional Strengthening and Implementation Assistance

The GMS-STDP also includes the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam where the project shares the same goal and expected outcomes. Implementation, coordination and management of the project in Viet Nam is the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in 5 target provinces of Bac Kan, Cao Bang, Quang Binh, Quang Tri, and Thua Tien Hue. The East-West Economic Corridor traverses Quang Tri and Savannakhet provinces in Central Lao PDR and Central Viet Nam. Other target provinces that share common borders are Thua Tien Hue in central Viet Nam and Salavanh in southern Lao PDR. Summary of Project Progress: Immediately after Grant No. 0117 became effective on 30 March 2009 the PCU implemented a project orientation and first bi-annual planning meeting with the 9 target provinces and 10 PIU’s. Seven individual consultants were recruited by the PCU and approved in March-April by the PCU and ADB following Quality and Cost-based Selection (QCBS) and Quality Based Selection (QBS) procedures. Each PIU and PCU staff has participated in a 2-day training on the management of the technical and financial aspects of the project, delivered by core PCU staff and project consultants. In addition, the project accountant joined the ADB Lao PDR Mission’s periodic Management of ADB financed projects training in Vientiane from 5-7 May 2009.

Through 30 June 2009, the project has not experienced and significant delays in organizing planned project activities, funds-flow and reporting to ADSB and the Lao Government (GoL). During the present APP, the project is concentrating mainly on planning and PIU management capacity building to build a solid base for project implementation for the upcoming 4 years. The only project activity not completed as scheduled was the Public Information Workshop in Vientiane, however 9 project introductory meetings were held in the 9 target provinces. The Public Information Workshop in Vientiane has been postponed until all planning and survey works are completed, which is expected to be in September-October 2009.

Gender disaggregated data with achieved percentages of project activity output targets is shown in attachment A.

2. Project Organization and Management

Implementation Arrangements: The Lao National Tourism Administration (LNTA) has appointed a Vice – Chairman of the LNTA to serve as the Lao PDR representative on the project’s Subregional Project Steering Committee. At the national level, the National Project Director (Director-general of the LNTA’s Department of Planning and Cooperation) serves as the National Project Steering Committee Chairman and members of relevant organizations (Planning and Investment, Foreign Affairs, Prime Minister’s Office, Finance, Water Resource and Environment Agency and Vice-Governors from participating provinces) have appointed representatives to the National Project Steering Committee. At the provincial level, the Provincial Steering Committee has been also established in each province. The Committee is chaired by the Deputy Governor and comprises of related Departments (Transport, WREA, Culture and Information, Planning and Investment) district authorities.

Establishment of PCU and PIU’s: A project PCU with 6 full time supervisors & staff has been established in the Lao National Tourism Administration headquarters building in Vientiane and 10 PIU’s established in 9 provinces. Vientiane Province has two PIU’s – one embedded in the Provincial Tourism Department to implement and manage part 2 of the project and one embedded in the Vang Vieng Urban Management Authority to manage part 1.A of the project. Each PIU is staffed with 4-5 individuals seconded from the Tourism or Urban Management Authorities (for Vang Vieng). A roster of PCU and PIU staff and project consultants active during this reporting period is shown in attachment C. Equipment and materials to outfit each PIU are being purchased as needed and within budgetary resources available.

Organization and Staffing of PCU and PIU’s: The PCU consists of a National Project Director, National Project Manager, Financial Controller, Accountant, Secretary and Administration Assistant. Each PIU is staffed by a PIU Director, PIU Manager, Accountant, and 1-2 Technical Officers.

3. Assessment of Implementation Progress Part 1.A: Biodiversity Conservation and Protection through Tourism at the Siphandone Wetland: The main accomplishments under part 1.A of the project are preparation of a Draft Tourism Master Plan for the Siphandone Wetlands, survey of community-based tourism and supply chain sites, PIU participation in a study tour to Thailand (5 persons) on CBT and supply chain development and training of two PIU-based gender and Social Focal Points.

Part 1.B: Urban Environment Protection and Management - Vang Vieng Town Waste Water Centralization and Treatment: The main accomplishments under part 1.B of the project are the preparation of a draft Town Master Plan for Vang Vieng Town & its Environs 2010 – 2020, preparation of a draft Natural Heritage Interpretation Plan for Vang Vieng and its Environs and draft Strategy and Action Plan to Increase Tourist Spending and Length of Stay in Vang Vieng.

Part 2: Pro-Poor Tourism Development in Salavanh, Vientiane Province, Houaphanh, Oudomxay, Sayabouli and Bokeo: The main accomplishments under part 2 of the project are completion of community-based tourism and supply chain surveys in all provinces except Sayabouli (which will be completed by 4 July), PIU participation in a study tour to Thailand (5 persons from each PIU) on CBT and supply chain development and training of two PIU-based gender and Social Focal Points. Resources from part 2 of the project were also earmarked to update and maintain the Ecotourism Laos website and create a dedicated STDP-Lao PDR website and project web -ages on

Part 3.A: Facilitation of Tourism on the North-South Economic Corridor: The main accomplishments under part 3.A of the project are fielding of an expert team to create a Thematic Interpretation Plan & Strategy to Encourage Tourists to Stay Longer on the North-South Economic Corridor in Luang Namtha and Bokeo Lao PDR, PIU participation in a study tour to Thailand (5 persons from the PIU) on CBT and supply chain development and training of two PIU- based gender and Social Focal Points.

Part 3.B Facilitation of Tourism on East-West Economic Corridor: The main accomplishments under part 3.B of the project are fielding of an expert team to create a Thematic Interpretation Plan & Strategy to Encourage Tourists to Stay Longer on the East-West Economic Corridor in Savannakhet, Lao PDR, PIU participation in a study tour to Thailand (5 persons from the PIU) on CBT and supply chain development and training of two PIU-based gender and Social Focal Points.

Part 4: Human Resource Development Component: The main accomplishments under part 4 of the project are successful training of 21 Cultural Heritage Specialist Guides (2 of which were women) at the Plain of Jars in Xieng Khouang, Lao PDR and training of 27 LNTA/PCU staff on CBT and value chain development techniques.

Part 5: Institutional Strengthening and Implementation Assistance: As reported above, the project has successfully established a PCU and PIU’s, recruited national and international consultants, and began purchasing necessary equipment and supplies for the PCU and each PIU. PCU and PIU staff have been trained by ADB and senior project managers in ADB and GoL accounting procedures and financial management. The PCU has also produced a Lao- language, 93 page GMS-STDP in Lao PDR Project Administration Manual for distribution to PIU’s, that contains information on: (i) project goals, outcomes and outputs; (ii) organizational structure; (iii) financial management, accounting, contracting and tender procedures; (iv) activity planning and reporting; (v) auditing procedures and applicable financial laws and regulations, and; (vi) provides various standardized project-related forms and instructions.

Problems encountered and remedial actions taken or proposed to be taken: No major problems were experienced during this reporting period. The main concern is that the project was unable to recruit an international Human Resource (HR) specialist to draft the project’s Human Resource Development Action Plan (2009- 2014) and Contract Packages to Support Implementation of the Plan. Remedial actions are to recruit an international but Lao PDR-based HR specialist to carry out the desired works in July – August 2009.

Proposed program of activities during the next quarter: A program of proposed activities for the next quarter is shown in attachment A.

Modifications to proposed implementation schedule: Minor modifications to proposed implementation schedule are reflected in the above paragraphs and postponement of the project’s Public information Workshop in Vientiane. Percentage of implementation progress: Planning, training and preparatory works completed during this quarter reasonably constitute an estimated 8% of overall project completion.

4. Recruitment and Performance of Consultants

Summary of status of recruitment of consultants: Consultants required for implementation support and capacity building assistance during this reporting period were recruited and contracted with the exception of the International HR consultant. Recruitment of a firm to provide construction design and supervision services is proceeding according to plan, with ADB approval for contract negotiations and subsequent signing expected by 30 September 2009.

Details of consultants’ inputs and general performance:

Performance Highly Not Position Main Inputs Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Preparation of subcontractor TOR’s, 6-month APP, capacity building for PCU and PIU staff International Team Leader and supervision of project’s  technical aspects . Leading the EWEC planning team. Capacity building for PCU and PIU staff and supervision of Domestic Team Leader project’s technical aspects.  Leading the NSES planning team.

Survey and selection of CBT and International Ecotourism Planner supply chain sites. Preparation of pro-poor tourism strategies and  action plans.

Survey and selection of CBT and supply chain sites. Preparation of Domestic Ecotourism Planner pro-poor tourism strategies and  action plans

Survey and selection of CBT and supply chain sites. Preparation of International SME Specialist pro-poor tourism strategies and  action plans.

Preparation and implementation of the project’s Gender and Domestic Social and Gender Social Focal Point training and Specialist  Gender and Ethnic Participation Strategy and Action Plan Preparation of Thematic International Heritage Tourism interpretation Plan and Strategy Planner for Tourists to Stay longer and  Spend more in Vang Vieng

5. Procurement of civil works, equipment and materials

a. Procurement procedures to be used (ICB, IS or LCB): Procurement of project equipment follows shopping and lowest-cost bidding methods in line with NCB and Shopping thresholds established by ADB and GoL. Project-related large civil works will be procured using National Competitive Bidding procedures and are expected to commence in mid- 2010.

b. Value of contracts (estimate): Not applicable to this reporting period.

c. Specifications: Not applicable to this reporting period.

d. Status of preparation of prequalification bid/documents: Bidding documents have been prepared and approved by the PCU/ADB/GoL for the supply of 10 project vehicles. Preparation of civil-works related documents are not applicable to this reporting period. e. Schedule of advertising of prequalification, bid invitations: Firms were invited to bid for vehicle-supply contracts following National Competitive Bidding procedures in May 2009. f. Prequalification/bid evaluation: The following firms were shortlisted to submit financial proposals for vehicle supply:

Luangprabang Trading Import-Export co., Ltd Service Inxythong Motor Import-Export co., Ltd Service Manignom Auto Service Lao Toyota Service g. Status of contract awards: Lao Toyota Service Co; Ltd was awarded the contract to supply 10 project vehicles. The value of this contract is $ 193,020 (ADB finance $ 153,000 and the Lao Government contributes $ 40,020).

5. Implementation of Physical Works: No physical or civil works have been implemented at this early stage of the project.

6. Operation and Maintenance of Project Facilities a. Status of development of O&M manuals: No specific O&M manuals related to project facilities were produced during this reporting period. As reported in section 3, the PCU has prepared a 93 page, Lao-language, GMS-STDP in Lao PDR Project Administration Manual that addresses financial procedure for PIU facilities maintenance. b. On-the-job training for O&M: No on-the-job training related to project facilities has been implemented during this reporting period. Maintenance of the PCU and PIU Offices follows established LNTA, Provincial Tourism Department or Vang Vieng Urban Management Authority procedures. c. Equipment for O&M: No O&M related equipment was purchased during this reporting period.

7. Training, Survey and Capacity Building Programs

Refer to the period 6-month APP in attachment A for an overview of all activities undertaken during this reporting period.

8. Community Participation

All survey works conducted during this period (in 8 provinces) involved target communities in the selection of potential CBT and supply chain sites, implementation of surveys and consultative meetings at the end of each survey. A total of no less than 30 communities were visited during the first round of project surveys. 9. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) a. Status and establishment of the project’s M&E system: The project’s technical monitoring evaluation system will be formalized in October 2009 following arrival of the Monitoring Specialists. At present, the project is following the Project Performance Management System described in supplementary appendix I of the project’s RRP. b. Status of establishment of baseline conditions: Following the selection of target communities baseline conditions will be established at all project sites. This task is expected to be completed by November 2009. c. Status of data collection, analysis collection: As reported above. d. Reports submission: This report represented the project’s first quarterly progress report to ADB and GoL

10. Compliance with Loan Covenants/Government Assurances

Assurance Status of Compliance (i) Counterpart funds for project implementation will be provided on time. Each of the EAs will make timely submission of annual Compliant budgetary appropriation requests to their respective MOF, and the respective MOF will ensure prompt disbursement of appropriated funds during each year of project implementation. (ii) Within 6 months of ADB grant and loan effectiveness, each of the EAs will establish a project website to disclose project-related Compliant: see , information on procurement including the list of participating bidders, www.ecotourismlaos/gms/com name of the winning bidder, details on bidding procedures, amount of contract awarded, and the list of goods/services procured. (iii) Within 6 months of ADB grant and loan effectiveness, each of the EAs will design and approve a grievance redress mechanism, acceptable to ADB, and establish a task force at the PCUs to receive and resolve complaints/grievances or act upon reports from stakeholders on misuse of funds and other irregularities, including In preparation grievances caused by resettlement and environmental issues. The task force will (a) make public the existence of this grievance redress mechanism through a public awareness campaign; (b) review and address grievances of stakeholders in relation to the Project, any of the service providers, or any person responsible for carrying out any aspect of the Project; and (c) proactively and constructively respond to them. (iv) Subprojects will be selected in accordance with the agreed Compliant selection criteria set out in Appendix 4. (v) Each of the participating countries’ governments will ensure implementation of the agreed gender action plan, as set out in Appendix 6. In particular, each of the participating countries’ governments and each participating province will ensure that the project gender action plan and the specific actions and targets are Compliant included in the project and provincial rolling work plans. Activities identified in the plan will be implemented in a timely manner and have adequate resources allocated for preparation and implementation. Gender-related targets and indicators are included in the PPMS. By midterm, each province will develop a provincial gender plan for the tourism sector, incorporating project lessons. In preparation (vi) Each of the participating countries’ governments will ensure that they will not approve any subproject that involves significant involuntary resettlement according to ADB’s Involuntary Resettlement Policy. Each of the participating country governments will further ensure that all land and right-of-way required for the Project shall be made available in a timely manner and adequate compensation shall be paid to affected people prior to any works contract’s award. Any Compliant as of this reporting period involuntary resettlement shall be carried out in accordance with each of the resettlement frameworks prepared by and agreed between the respective participating countries’ governments and ADB, and ADB’s Involuntary Resettlement Policy. A resettlement plan will be prepared for each subproject involving land acquisition or resettlement and will be submitted to ADB for review and approval prior to any related works contract’s award. The resettlement plan for the subproject in Siphandone, which has been prepared and agreed between the Government of the Lao PDR and ADB, shall be updated and submitted to ADB for review and approval following detailed design and prior to work contracts’ award. Any draft resettlement plans and draft updated resettlement plans shall be disclosed to affected people prior to submission to ADB for review and approval. (viii) Each of the participating countries’ governments will comply with its respective environmental laws and regulations and ADB’s Environment Policy (2002). If there is any discrepancy between the respective government’s laws and regulations and ADB's Environment Policy, ADB’s Environment Policy requirements will apply. They will ensure that the design, construction, operation and Compliant as of this reporting period implementation of each subproject will be carried out in accordance with the IEEs and the EARFs, prepared and approved by each of the participating 2 countries’ governments. Any adverse environmental impacts arising from the construction, operation and implementation of the subprojects will be minimized by implementing the environmental mitigation and management measures, and other recommendations specified in IEE. Each of the participating countries’ governments will ensure environmental requirements are incorporated in bidding documents and contracts for works. (ix) Each of the participating countries’ governments will ensure that the Project will be implemented in accordance with its respective government’s applicable laws and regulations on indigenous peoples and ADB’s Policy on Indigenous Peoples (1998) and will carry out the specific measures on indigenous peoples stipulated in the agreed ethnic groups/minorities development frameworks (EGMDFs), Compliant attached as Appendix 7. Each of the participating countries’ governments will further ensure that indigenous peoples have equitable opportunities to participate in training, recruitment, income generation activities under the Project. The EGMDFs will be monitored as part of the overall system for the Project, and socioeconomic data will be disaggregated by sex and by ethnicity. Progress reports will provide periodic updates on the effect of the Project on ethnic groups. In preparation (x) Within 12 months of ADB grant effectiveness, the Government will ensure that the local government of Vang Vieng will issue district regulations, acceptable to ADB, on sanitation requiring, among others (a) connecting sewage rains and septic tanks to drains in high and In preparation medium density areas, and to drains or properly designed and constructed soakaways in low density areas; (b) providing a septic tank that meets prescribed standards in each household or business located in high and medium density areas; and (c) providing on-site treatment facilities in hotels, restaurants, hospitals, and industrial enterprises to treat their wastewater. (xi) Within 36 months of ADB grant effectiveness, the Government will ensure that the local government of Vang Vieng will prepare and implement a mechanism to ensure that public assets such as roads, drainage and solid waste management can generate sufficient In preparation revenues. The Government will further ensure that the revenues generated by the public asset will be used for O&M. (xii) Within 36 months of ADB grant effectiveness, the provincial tourism department of Champassak will increase the current entry fee charges to the Siphandone area to a level sufficient to cover the required O&M of the tourist site facilities. Such increase will be at least In preparation 50% of the current entry fee. At least 50% of the revenues generated from the entry fee will be used for the O&M of the facilities at the tourism site. N/A = Not applicable at this time

11. Consulting services utilized during this reporting period

Position/Firm No. Months Utilized Total Months Utilized

International Team Leader 3 3 Domestic Team Leader 3 3

International Ecotourism Planner 2 2 Domestic Ecotourism Planner 2 2

International SME Specialist 2 2 Domestic Social and Gender Specialist 1 1

International Heritage Tourism Planner 0.5 0.5 12. Outcome of activities undertaken during this reporting period:

a. Training: PCU and PIU staff are familiar and able to follow approved project implementation procedures. PIU staffs were also given on-the-job training in CBT and supply chain survey techniques while participating on field surveys with project consultants. Following the CBT and supply chain development study tour to Thailand, PIU’s have a better understanding of the type of CBT and supply chain products the project will be assisting local communities to development. tourism products

b. Infrastructure: No infrastructure-related activities were implemented during this reporting period.

c. Summary of Gender Action Plan and Ethnic Group Development Framework Activities: Two staff from each PIU and 4 PCU staff participated in a two-day Gender and Ethnic Focal Point workshop that covered the following topics;(i) sex and gender; (ii) gender mainstreaming; (iii) integrating gender into organizations; (iv) gender analysis; (v) gender action matrix; (vii) disaggregating statistics by gender; (viii) examples of a gender checklist; (ix) increasing women’s participation; (x) examples of gender focal point job description; (xii) women’s participation in community development; (xii) review of the Lao PDR Gender & Tourism Strategy and Action Plan and; (xiii) key terms.

d. Others: The project produced an Action Plan of the Project for April 2009 – September 2009 and is presently drafting the 5-year Implementation Plan of the Project for submission to ADB and GoL by 30 September 2009.

13. Amount of funds liquidated during the period:

a. Project funds: see Statement of Expenditure

b. Matching government funds: see Statement of Expenditure

14. PCU financial position:

a. Status of imprest account: $ 76,873.65 b. Total expenditure (from SOE) for the reporting period: $ 423, 126.35

c. Estimated budgetary expenditure for next quarter: $ 324,057.75

15. Subcontracts and partnerships A complete list of subcontracts implemented by the project with contract value is shown in attachment D. The project is partnering with the Netherlands development Organization SNV to draft the Plan & Strategy to Encourage Tourists to Stay Longer on the East-West Economic Corridor in Savannakhet, Lao PDR.

17. Difficulties encountered and lessons learned: The project is experiencing modest difficulties managing and coordinating activities over 9 provinces and 10 PIU’s, but is applying diligence and lessons learned (documented in the project’s RRP) from past projects, including the ADB-financed Mekong Tourism Development Project to overcome these difficulties.

18. Requests and recommendations for next quarter: The PCU requests that ADB and the GoL continues to facilitate the timely release of project resources and activity approvals as was done during the first quarter of project implementation.

19. Other issues The PCU has no other outstanding issues to report.

20. List of attachments:

A. Action Plan of the Project with Percentage of Project Output Targets Achieved: 1 April – 20 September 2009 B. Statement of Expenditure (SOE) C. Name of PCU and PIU personnel and project consultants D. List of subcontracts

Prepared by: Approved and Submitted to ADB by:

Mr. Thavipheth Oula Mr. Sounh Manivong National Project Manager National Project Director Lao National Tourism Administration Lao National Tourism Administration Attachment A: Action Plan of the Project 1 with Percentage of Period Outputs Targets Achieved (1 April – 30 September 2009)

GMS Sustainable Tourism Development Project in the Lao PDR

ADB Grant No. 0117 - Lao SF

Key to Abbreviations: Action Plan of the Project 1 (1 April – 30 September 2009)

Abbreviations for Project Components

Part I.A = Siphandone Wetlands Ecotourism Development: Activities 1 – 22 Part I.B = Vang Vieng Town Wastewater Centralization and Treatment: Activities 1 – 21

Part II = Pro-poor Community Based Tourism Development: Activities 1 – 10 II.A = Bokeo; II.B = Houaphanh; II.C = Oudomxay; II.D = Sayabouli; II.E = Vang Vieng; II.F = Salavanh:

Part III.A = North-South Economic Corridor Tourism Development: Activities 1 – 10 Part III.B = East-West Economic Corridor Development: Activities 1 – 10

Part IV = Human Resource Development in the Tourism Sector: Activities 1 – 2

Part V = Project Implementation Assistance: Subheadings A – G

Abbreviation for PIU’s & Place Names VVW = Vang Vieng Wastewater; VPT = Vientiane Province PP Tourism; LNT = Luang Namtha; BKO = Bokeo; ODX = Oudomxay; HPH = Houaphanh; SXB = Sayabouli; SVK = Savannakhet; SLH = Salavanh; CPS = Champasak.

Place Names: SPD = Siphandone; VN = Viet Nam; LPB = Luang Prabang; VTE = Vientiane Capital; VVG = Vang Vieng, XKH = Xieng Khouang, KHM = Khammouane; SEK = Sekong; ATP = Attapeu

Abbreviations for Project Implementation Support Personnel NPM = National Project Manager; FC = Financial Controller, ADM = PCU Admin Staff, TLI = International Team Leader, TLD = Domestic Team Leader; EPI = International Ecotourism Planner; EPD = Domestic Ecotourism Planner; SMI = Small & Medium Enterprise International; SMD = Small & Medium Enterprise Domestic; HPI = International Heritage Planner; HPD = Domestic Heritage Planner; HRI = International Human Resource Development; HRD = Domestic Human Resource Development; SGI = Social & Gender Development International; SGI = Social & Gender Development Domestic; MSI = Monitoring Specialist International; MSD = Monitoring Specialist Domestic; PIU = PIU Staff; FRM = Construction Design and Supervision Consulting Firm; SCT = Sub-Contractor; TBD = To-be-determined

Abbreviations for Development Partners ADB = Asian Development Bank; MTCO = Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office; SNV = SNV Netherlands Development Organization; UNESCO = United Nations Educational, Scientific, Culture Organization; WWF – World Wildlife Fund; WCS = Wildlife Conservation Society;

Abbreviations for Calendar Months Jan = January; Feb = February; Mar= March; Apr = April; May = May; Jun = June; Jul = July; Aug = August; Sep = September; Oct = October; Nov = November; Dec = December Abbreviations for Outputs/Targets Par = Participants; Pcs = Pieces; Doc = Document; F = Female GMS Sustainable Tourism Development Project in Lao PDR Estimated Consultant Working Months for the Current APP (Estimate based on information at reporting) 1 April – 30 September 2009 Expected April 09 May 09 June 09 July 09 Aug 09 Sep 09 Position duration (months) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 International Team Leader 5 Domestic Team Leader 5 International Ecotourism Planner 3 Domestic Ecotourism Planner 5 International SME Specialist 4 Domestic Social and Gender Specialist 4 International Heritage Tourism Planner 2 LNTA-ADB Sustainable Tourism Development Project: Action Plan 1: 1 April – 30 September 2009

Outputs Quantitative Target Location Budget Activity Implementing Units No. Target No./ % Date(s) Code Personnel/Partner Achieved (F=female)

Vientiane PCU-Led Activities (PCU at LNTA) Apr 6 - 9 VTE -- Project Management Training and 1st Planning Workshop PCU, all PIU’s Workshop 1 50 par 60 16 F 120%

1 Plan Apr - May VTE -- Preparation of 5 Year Project Action Plan PCU/TLI/TLD 5-year plan 1 approved by ongoing LNTA/ADB

Apr - Jun VTE V. B & C Purchase and supply of PCU/PIU project support equipment and materials PCU/PIU Materials - 11 sets of ongoing Purchased project support equipment

June 16 VTE V. B 5 Public Information Workshop on STDP with Public and Private Sector Lao PCU, TLI,TLD, SGD Workshop 1 150 par -- and International Stakeholders

Apr - Sept VTE V. A.1 Recruit Individual Consultants as needed & consulting Firm for PCU Persons 7 7 consultants Construction Design and Supervision recruited and 100% V A.2 under contract

May 29 – 2 Thailand I – III Study tour on CBT and value chain development for PIU and PCU staff PCU Study Tour 1 40 par 42 16 F Jun various 1 report 105% May 7 -10 VTE Training for LNTA/PCU staff on CBT and value chain development PCU Training 1 20 par 27 10F 135%

July 6 - 9 LPB II. 4.1 Train PIU and district level trainers of CBT & supply chain development and PCU, TL, TLD, EPD Training 1 40 par market research

June - July VTE -- Update Gender and Ethnic Minority Participation Plan PCU/SGD/Sub- Plan 1 1 Updated plan contract

Jun 9 - 10 VTE II. 6.2 Gender Focal Point Orientation & Training for all Provinces PCU/GSD Training 1 18 Par 29 17F 161% LNTA-ADB Sustainable Tourism Development Project: Action Plan 1: 1 April – 30 September 2009

Outputs Quantitative Target Location Budget Activity Implementing Units No. Target No./ % Date(s) Code Personnel/Partner Achieved (F=female)

July 15 -18 VTE V.B 5 Organize World Ecotourism Conference PCU/TLI Conference 1 1 Conference ongoing Report 500 par.

Apr – Sep VTE II. 7.9 Update and maintain ecotourism Laos website and STDP project webpage PCU/TLI website 1 1 Updated 100% sub-contract website

Sept 15 – 18 SLV II. 10.2 Bi-annual review and planning meeting PCU, all PIU’s Meeting 1 40 par Plan 1 1 Action Plan

Part I A: Champasak Province – Siphandone (Champasak)

29 Project Launch and Tourism Awareness Seminar for Champasak Province PCU/CPS-PIU, May 4 CPS I. A 16.1 Workshop 1 40 Par 5 F with a focus on Siphandone Master Planning TLI,SGD,TLD 73% May 29 – 2 Thailand Various Study tour to Thailand on CBT and value chain development for PIU and PCU/PIU’s 4 par 4 Study Tour 1 100% Jun BL PCU staff 1 report

1 Master Plan Apr 28 – I.A 15.1- PCU/CPS-PIU/ KKU SPD Master Plan for Siphandone Wetlands field survey Plans 2 Ongoing May2 15.5 Sub-contract 1 Interpretation Plan

PCU/CPS-PIU, Survey/ May 13 - 16 SPD I.A 15.3 Siphandone Master Planning field surveys & workshops 1 1 report Sub-contract workshop Ongoing

I.B 16.2 May 5 – 9 SPD CBT site and value chain surveys in Siphandone PIU-CPS/EPI,EPD survey 1 1 report Ongoing I.B 17.1 2 2 people Training 1 1 F Jun 9 -10 VTE I.A 19.6 Gender focal points attend training in VTE PIU-CPS,SGD trained 100% 36 PCU/CPS-PIU, Jun 26 CPS I.B 15.5 Siphandone Master Planning Review/Consultation Workshop Workshop 1 40 Par _F Sub-contract

Train PIU and district level trainers of CBT & supply chain development and PCU, TL, TLD, EPD July 6 – 9 LPB I A. 18.1 Training 1 5 par market research subcontract LNTA-ADB Sustainable Tourism Development Project: Action Plan 1: 1 April – 30 September 2009

Outputs Quantitative Target Location Budget Activity Implementing Units No. Target No./ % Date(s) Code Personnel/Partner Achieved (F=female)

Jul 10 – 30 SPD I.A 16.1 Tourism Market Segment & Demand Study in Champasak CPS-PIU, PCU Report 1 1 report

Conference 1 2 par July 15 – 18 VTE I.A 20.5 Attend World Ecotourism Conference in VTE PIU-CPS Report

July 28 - 29 CPS I.A 19.2 Gender and Tourism Awareness Seminar in Muang Khong PIU-CPS/SGD Seminar 1 30 par

3 buildings Sep 1 – 30 SPD I.A 1.5.G Relocate Buildings from Mekong Riverbank in Nakasang PCU/CPS-PIU Buildings 3 relocated & ongoing compensated

Meeting 1 40 par Sept 15 – 18 SLV I.A 31.5 Bi-annual review and planning meeting PCU, all PIU’s Plan 1 1 Action Plan

Part II E: Pro-Poor Tourism in Vientiane Province (Vientiane Province) 62 Project Launch and Consultative Workshop for Provincial & District Policy PCU/VTT-PIU, May 18 VTP II.E.1.1 Workshop 1 40 par 5 F Makers on Development of CBT and Supply Chains TLI,SGD,TLD 155%

May 29 – 2 Thailand Various Study tour to Thailand on CBT and value chain development for PIU and PCU, PIU’s 4 par 4 Study Tour 1 0 F Jun BL PCU staff 1 report

II.E.2.1 Survey and selection of CBT site VTT-PIU, Survey & May 19 - 23 VTP 2 1 report ongoing II. E 3.1 Survey and select supply chain products EPD,EPI,SMI Report 2 2 people Training 1 1 F Jun 9 - 10 VTE II.B 6.2 Gender focal points attend training in VTE PIU-VTT,SGD trained 100%

Jul 10 – 30 VTP II.E.2.3 Tourism Market Segment & Demand Study in Vang Vieng VTP-PIU, PCU Report 1 1 report

Train PIU and district level trainers on CBT & supply chain development PCU, TL, TLD, EPD Jul 6 - 9 LPB II.E 4.1 Training 1 5 par and market research subcontract LNTA-ADB Sustainable Tourism Development Project: Action Plan 1: 1 April – 30 September 2009

Outputs Quantitative Target Location Budget Activity Implementing Units No. Target No./ % Date(s) Code Personnel/Partner Achieved (F=female)

Conference 1 2 par July 15 -18 VTE II.E 8.5 Attend World Ecotourism Conference in VTE PIU-VTT Report

workshops 2 40 part July VTP II E 2.5 Establish community service/stakeholder groups PIU-VTT Gr 2 2 groups oups

Workshop to review CBT surveys and CBT planning with province, district, II.E.2.1 PCU/VTT-PIU, Workshop 1 30 par July 21 VTP village officials and finalize site and value chain selection Strategy II E 1.2.1 EPI,EPD,SMI Document 1 1 strategy Review provincial pro-poor tourism strategy

Aug-Sep VTP II E 6.3 Tourism and youth awareness raising activity PCU/VTT-PIU TBD 1 100 par

August 12 VVG II.E 8.1 Meeting with local stakeholders to establish provincial tourism network PIU-VTT Meeting 1 1 Report

August VTP II.E 4.2 CBT and value chain-related technical training in target villages PIU-VTP,EPD,SMI training 2 40 par

Meeting 1 40 par Sept 15 – 18 SLV II.E. 10.2 Bi-annual review and planning meeting PCU, all PIU’s Plan 1 1 Action Plan Part I B: Vang Vieng Wastewater Treatment (Vang Vieng)

PCU/VTW-PIU, 62 5 F May 18 VVG I.B 18.3 Stakeholder workshop to launch project and Vang Vieng Master Plan VTT-PIU, TLD,HTI, Workshop 1 40 par sub-contract 155%

PCU/VVW- I.B 18. 1 Town Plan working group meeting, launch data collection and draft Vang Town Master 1 approved June 18 - VVG 1 ongoing – 18.3 Vieng Town Master Plan PIU/HTI,HSN sub- Plan doc contract Part II A: Pro-Poor Tourism Development in Bokeo Part III B: Tourism Development on North South Economic Corridor (Bokeo) LNTA-ADB Sustainable Tourism Development Project: Action Plan 1: 1 April – 30 September 2009

Outputs Quantitative Target Location Budget Activity Implementing Units No. Target No./ % Date(s) Code Personnel/Partner Achieved (F=female)

51 Project Launch and Consultative Workshop for Provincial & District Policy PCU/BKO-PIU, May 13 BKO II.A 1.1 Workshop 1 40 par 11F Makers on Development of CBT, Supply Chains SGD,TLD 127% 4 May 29 – 2 Thailand Various Study tour to Thailand on CBT and value chain development for PIU and PCU, PIU’s 4 par Jun BL PCU staff Study Tour 1 1 F 1 report 100%

II.A 2.1 Survey and selection of CBT site BKO-PIU, EPI, EPD, Survey & Jun 8 -12 BKO 2 1 report II A 3.1 Survey and selection of supply chain products SMI Report ongoing 2 2 people Training 1 Jun 9 - 10 VTE II.A 6.2 Gender focal points attend training in VTE PIU-BKO,SGD trained 1 F 100% Meeting with local stakeholders to discuss “stay longer on N-S corridor” June 24 LNT III A 6.1 PIU-LNT/PIU-BKO Meeting 1 1 Report strategy

PCU/LNT-PIU, BKO- BKO/ III.A Data collection, survey, community consultation and drafting a Tourism 1 approved Jun 29 - 30 PIU/TLD, Survey 1 LNT 1.1 – 1.4 Development and Management Plan with CBT on the N-S Corridor plan subcontract

Train PIU and district level trainers on CBT & supply chain development PCU, TL, TLD, July 6 – 9 LPB II.A 4.1 Training 1 5 par and market research EPD , subcontract

Jul 10 – 30 BKO II.A .2.3 Tourism Market Segment & Demand Study VTP-PIU, PCU Report 1 1 report

Conference 1 2 par Jul 15 -18 VTE II.A 8.5 Attend World Ecotourism Conference in VTE PIU-BKO Report

Strategy 1 1 strategy Jun – Aug BKO II.A 1.2.1 Update Bokeo Province Pro-Poor Tourism Strategy PCU/BKO-PIU, EPD Document

Stakeholder workshop review CBT surveys and CBT planning and strategy PCU/BKO-PIU, July 28 BKO II A 1.2.2 with province, district, village officials and finalize site and value chain Workshop 1 30 par EPD,EPI,SMI selection

Jul 20 - 21 BKO II. A 6.3 Tourism and youth awareness raising activity BKO-PIU,PCU TBD 1 100 par LNTA-ADB Sustainable Tourism Development Project: Action Plan 1: 1 April – 30 September 2009

Outputs Quantitative Target Location Budget Activity Implementing Units No. Target No./ % Date(s) Code Personnel/Partner Achieved (F=female)

TBD BKO II.A 8.3 Attend meeting on tourism cooperation in 4 northern provinces BKO-PIU meeting 1 4 par

Aug BKO II A 2.5 Establish community service/stakeholder groups PCU/BKO-PIU, workshops 2 40 par

PCU/BKO- Aug BKO II.A 4.2 CBT and value chain-related technical training in target villages trainings 2 40 par PIU,EPD,EPI,SMI

Aug 12 BKO II.A 8.1 Meeting with local stakeholders to establish provincial tourism network PIU-BKO,PCU Meeting 1 1 Report

PCU ,PIU-LNT,PIU- Workshop Aug 28 LNT III.A 6.3 Workshop on tourism investment on the N – S Corridor 1 40 par BKO Report

40 par Meeting 1 Sept 15 – 18 SLV II.A 10.2 Bi-annual review and planning meeting PCU, all PIU’s 1 Action Plan Plan 1

Part II B: Houaphanh – Pro Poor Tourism Development (Houaphanh)

38 Project Launch and Consultative Workshop for Provincial & District Policy PCU/VHPH-PIU, May 20 HPH II.B 1.1 Workshop 1 40 par 14 F Makers on Development of CBT, Supply Chains TLI,SGD 95% 4 May 29 – 2 Thailand Various Study tour to Thailand on CBT and value chain development for PIU and PCU, PIU’s 4 par Study Tour 1 2 F Jun BL PCU staff 1 report 100% 2 2 people Training 1 1 F Jun 9-10 VTE II.B 6.2 Gender focal points attend training in VTE PIU-HPH,SGD trained 100%

II.B 2.1 Survey and selection of CBT site HPH-PIU, EPI, EPD, Survey & Jun 22 – 26 HPH 2 1 report ongoing II B 3.1 Survey and selection of supply chain products SMI Report

II.B1 2.2 Stakeholder workshop review CBT surveys, CBT planning, strategy with PCU/HPH-PIU, Jun 26 HPH Workshop 1 40 par II.B 2.2 province, district, village officials and finalize site & value chain selection EPD,EPI,SMI LNTA-ADB Sustainable Tourism Development Project: Action Plan 1: 1 April – 30 September 2009

Outputs Quantitative Target Location Budget Activity Implementing Units No. Target No./ % Date(s) Code Personnel/Partner Achieved (F=female)

Train PIU and district level trainers on CBT & supply chain development PCU, TL, TLD, EPD July 6 – 9 LPB II.B 4.1 Training 1 5 par and market research Subcontract

Jul 10 – 30 HPH II.B 2.3 Tourism Market Segment & Demand Study HPH-PIU, PCU Report 1 1 report

Conference 1 2 par July 15 -18 VTE II.B 8.5 Attend World Ecotourism Conference in VTE PIU-HPH Report

Aug HPH II.B 6.3 Tourism and youth awareness raising activity HPH-PIU,PCU TBD 1 100 par

Aug 12 HPH II.B 8.1 Meeting with local stakeholders to establish provincial tourism network PIU-HPH,PCU Meeting 1 1 Report

Jul - Aug HPH II.C2.5 Establish community service/stakeholder groups PIU-HPH workshop 2 40 par

PIU- Sep HPH II B. 4.2 CBT and value chain-related technical training in target villages training 2 40 par HPH,EPD,EPI,SMI

Meeting 1 40 par Sept 15 – 18 SLV II.B 10.2 Bi-annual review and planning meeting PCU, all PIU’s Plan 1 1 Action Plan

Part II C: Oudomxay – Pro Poor Tourism Development (Oudomxay) 62 Project Launch and Consultative Workshop for Provincial & District Policy PCU/ODX-PIU, May 15 ODX II.C 1.1 Workshop 1 40 par 5F Makers on Development of CBT, Supply Chains SGD,TLD 155% 4 May 29 - Various Study tour to Thailand on CBT and value chain development for PIU and Thailand PCU/ODX-PIU Workshop 1 4 par 1F Jun 2 BL PCU staff 100% 2 II.C 2 people June 9 -10 VTE Gender focal points attend training in VTE PCU/ODX-PIU, SGD Training 1 1 F 1.2.1 trained 100% LNTA-ADB Sustainable Tourism Development Project: Action Plan 1: 1 April – 30 September 2009

Outputs Quantitative Target Location Budget Activity Implementing Units No. Target No./ % Date(s) Code Personnel/Partner Achieved (F=female)

Survey and selection of CBT site ODXPIU, EPI, Survey & June 15 - 20 ODX II.C 2.1 2 1 report ongoing Survey and selection of supply chain products EPD,SMI Report

Train PIU and district level trainers on CBT & supply chain development PCU, TL, TLD, EPD July 6 – 9 LPB II.C 4.1 Training 1 5 par and market research Subcontract

Conference VTE 1 2 par Jul 15 - 18 II.C 8.5 Attend World Ecotourism Conference in VTE ODX-PIU, PCU Report

July 10 - 30 ODX II.C 2.3 Tourism Market Segment & Demand Study PIU-ODX Report 1 1 report

Stakeholder workshop review CBT surveys and CBT planning and strategy IIC 1.2.2 ODX-PIU,EPD, Jul 31 ODX with province, district, village officials and finalize site and value chain Workshop 1 40 par EPI,SMI C2.1 selection

TBD TBD II.C 8.3 Attend meeting on tourism cooperation in 4 northern provinces ODX-PIU meeting 1 4 par

August ODX II.C 8.1 Meeting with local stakeholders to establish provincial tourism network PCU/ODX-PIU Workshop 1 30 par

August 19 ODX II.C 2.5 Establish community service/stakeholder groups PIU-ODX,PCU workshop 2 40 par

PCU, ODX-PIU, 1 40 par Sep ODX II.C 4.2 CBT and value chain-related technical training in target villages Training EPD,EPI,SMI

Meeting 1 40 par Sept 15 – 18 SLV II. C 2.1 Bi-annual review and planning meeting PCU, all PIU’s Plan 1 1 Action Plan

Part II D: Sayabouli – Pro Poor Tourism Development (Sayabouli)

Project Launch and Consultative Workshop for Provincial & District Policy PCU/SXB-PIU, May 25 SXB II.D 1.1 Workshop 1 40 par Makers on Development of CBT, Supply Chains SGD,TLD LNTA-ADB Sustainable Tourism Development Project: Action Plan 1: 1 April – 30 September 2009

Outputs Quantitative Target Location Budget Activity Implementing Units No. Target No./ % Date(s) Code Personnel/Partner Achieved (F=female)

Study tour to Thailand on CBT and value chain development for PIU and 4 May 29 - Various Thailand PCU staff PCU/SXB-PIU Study tour 1 4 par 1 F Jun 2 BL 100%

Jun 30 – Survey and selection of CBT site SXB-PIU, EPI, Survey & SXB II.D 2.1 2 1 report Jul 3 Survey and selection of supply chain products EPD,SMI Report ongoing

Stakeholder workshop review CBT surveys and CBT planning and strategy II.D1.2.2 SXB-PIU, EPD, Aug 11 SXB with province, district, village officials and finalize site and value chain Workshop 1 40 par EPI,SMI D.2.1 selection 2 II.D 2 people June 9 -10 VTE Gender focal points attend training in VTE PCU/SXB-PIU, SGD Training 1 1 F 1.2.1 trained 100%

Train PIU and district level trainers on CBT & supply chain development PCU, TL, TLD, EPD, July 6 – 9 LPB II.D 4.1 Training 1 5 par and market research subcontract

Conference VTE 1 2 par Jul 15 - 18 II.D 8.5 Attend World Ecotourism Conference in VTE SXB-PIU, PCU Report

Jul 10 -30 SXB II.D 2.3 Tourism Market Segment & Demand Study PIU-SXB Report 1 1 report

Aug SXB II.D 6.2 Tourism and youth awareness raising activity PIU-SXB TBD 1 100 par

July SXB II.D 8.1 Meeting with local stakeholders to establish provincial tourism network PCU/SXB-PIU Workshop 1 30 par

Aug – Sep SXB II.D 2.5 Establish community service/stakeholder groups PIU-SXB,PCU workshop 2 40 par

PCU, SXB—PIU 1 40 par Sep SXB II.D 4.2 CBT and value chain-related technical training in target villages Training EPD,EPI,SMI

Meeting 1 40 par Sept 15 – 18 SLV II. D 2.1 Bi-annual review and planning meeting PCU, all PIU’s Plan 1 1 Action Plan LNTA-ADB Sustainable Tourism Development Project: Action Plan 1: 1 April – 30 September 2009

Outputs Quantitative Target Location Budget Activity Implementing Units No. Target No./ % Date(s) Code Personnel/Partner Achieved (F=female)

Part II F: Salavanh – Pro Poor Tourism Development (Salavanh) 30 Project Launch and Consultative Workshop for Provincial & District Policy PCU/SLV-PIU, May 5 SLV II.F 1.1 Workshop 1 40 par 5F Makers on Development of CBT, Supply Chains SGD,TLD 75%

Survey and selection of CBT site SLV-PIU, EPI, Survey & May 12 - 16 SLV II.F 2.1 2 1 report ongoing Survey and selection of supply chain products EPD,SMI Report 4 May 29 - Various Study tour to Thailand on CBT and value chain development for PIU and Thailand PCU/SLV-PIU Study tour 1 4 par 1 F Jun 2 BL PCU staff 100% 2 2 people VTE Training 1 1 F June 9 -10 II.F 1.2.1 Gender focal points attend training in VTE PCU/SLV-PIU, SGD trained 100%

Train PIU and district level trainers on CBT & supply chain development PCU, TL, TLD, EPD, July 6 – 9 LPB II.F 4.1 Training 1 5 par and market research subcontract

Stakeholder workshop review CBT surveys and CBT planning and strategy II.F1.2.2 SLV-PIU, EPD, Jul 24 SLV with province, district, village officials and finalize site and value chain Workshop 1 40 par EPI,SMI F.2.1 selection

Jul 10 -30 SLV II.F 2.3 Tourism Market Segment & Demand Study PIU-SLV Report 1 1 report

Conference VTE 1 2 par Jul 15-18 II.F 8.5 Attend World Ecotourism Conference in VTE SLV-PIU, PCU Report

Aug SLV II.F 6.3 Tourism and youth awareness raising activity PIU-SLV, PCU TBD 1 100 par

Sep SXB II.D 8.1 Meeting with local stakeholders to establish provincial tourism network PCU/SLV-PIU Workshop 1 30 par

Aug SLV II.F 2.5 Establish community service/stakeholder groups PIU-SLV,PCU workshop 2 40 par LNTA-ADB Sustainable Tourism Development Project: Action Plan 1: 1 April – 30 September 2009

Outputs Quantitative Target Location Budget Activity Implementing Units No. Target No./ % Date(s) Code Personnel/Partner Achieved (F=female)

1 40 par Sep SLV II.F 4.2 CBT and value chain-related technical training in target villages PCU, SLV-PIU, EPD Training

Meeting 1 40 par Sept 15 – 18 SLV II. F 2.1 Bi-annual review and planning meeting PCU, all PIU’s Plan 1 1 Action Plan

Part III A: = Luang Namtha – North South Economic Corridor (Luang Namtha) 45 Project Launch and Consultative Workshop for Provincial & District Policy PCU/LNT-PIU, Workshop 1 40 par May 14 LNT III.A 3.1 8 F Makers on Development of CBT, Supply Chains and Tourism Planning TLI,SGD,TLD 113% 4 May 29 - Various Study tour to Thailand on CBT and value chain development for PIU and Thailand PCU/LNT-PIU Study tour 1 4 par 2 F Jun 2 BL PCU staff 100%

Training 1 2 people 2 Jun 9 - 10 VTE III.A 7.3 Gender focal points attend training in VTE PIU-LNT,SGD trained 1 F 100% Meeting with local stakeholders to discuss “stay longer on N-S corridor” Meeting 1 1 Report June 24 LNT III A 6.1 PIU-LNT strategy including Bokeo Province

III.A Data collection, survey, community consultation and drafting a Tourism survey 1 1 approved LNT/ PCU/LNT-PIU, TLD plan ongoing Jun 25 - 30 1.1 – 1.4 Development and Management Plan with CBT on the N-S Corridor BKO subcontractor III.A 5.1 Survey and selection of supply chain products

Train PIU and district level trainers on CBT & supply chain development Training 1 5 par July 6 – 9 LPB III.A 4.2 PCU, TL, TLD, EPD and market research

Report 1 1 report Jul 10 – 30 LNT III.A 1.1 Tourism Market Segment & Demand Study LNT-PIU, PCU

Conference 1 2 par July 15 -18 VTE III.A 8.5 Attend World Ecotourism Conference in VTE PIU-LNT,PCU Report

Aug LNT III.A 7.2 Tourism and youth awareness raising activity PIU-LNT TBD 1 100 par LNTA-ADB Sustainable Tourism Development Project: Action Plan 1: 1 April – 30 September 2009

Outputs Quantitative Target Location Budget Activity Implementing Units No. Target No./ % Date(s) Code Personnel/Partner Achieved (F=female)

Seminar of gender and ethnic participation in tourism industry on N-S seminar 1 40 par Aug 10 - 14 LNT III.A 7.1 PIU-LNT,SGD Corridor

Workshop on tourism investment on the N – S Corridor including Bokeo PIU-LNT,PIU- Workshop 1 40 par August 28 LNT III.A 6.3 Province BKO,PCU,TLD Report

September 1 PCU, TLI Design Plan 1 1 report VTE III A. 8.2 Design N-S corridor Promotional Signage – 30 Subcontract

Meeting 1 40 par Sept 15 – 18 SLV II.A 10.2 Bi-annual review and planning meeting PCU, all PIU’s Plan 1 1 Action Plan Part III B: Savannakhet – Tourism Development on Economic Corridors (Savannakhet)

41 Project Launch and Consultative Workshop for Provincial & District Policy PCU/SVK-PIU, May 6 SVK III.B 3.1 Workshop 1 40 par 10 F Makers on Development of CBT, Supply Chains and Tourism Planning TLI,SGD,TLD 103% Study tour to Thailand on CBT and value chain development for PIU and 4 May 29 - Various 2 F Thailand PCU staff PCU/SVK-PIU Study tour 1 4 par Jun 2 BL 100%

50 par 10 par Jun 3 SVK III.B 6.7 Meeting on transportation facilitation on EWEC PCU/SVK-PIU meeting 1 (Revised to 4 F technical 100% meeting)

III.B 1.1 Data collection, survey tourist sites, community consultation and drafting 1 approved Update/revise EWEC tourism development plan survey 1 ongoing Jun 8 – 12 SVK III.B 4.1 PCU/SVK-PIU, TLI plan III. B 6.1 Survey and selection of supply chain products 2 2 people Training 1 Jun 9-10 VTE III.B 3.2 Gender focal points attend training in VTE PIU-SVK,SGD trained 1 F 100%

Train PIU and district level trainers on CBT & supply chain development PCU, TL, TLD, EPD Jul 6 – 9 LPB III.B 5.21 Training 1 5 par and market research subcontract LNTA-ADB Sustainable Tourism Development Project: Action Plan 1: 1 April – 30 September 2009

Outputs Quantitative Target Location Budget Activity Implementing Units No. Target No./ % Date(s) Code Personnel/Partner Achieved (F=female)

Jul 10 – 30 SVK III.B 1.1 Tourism Market Segment & Demand Study SVK-PIU, TLD Report 1 1 report

Conference 1 2 par July 15 -18 VTE III.B 7.5 Attend World Ecotourism Conference in VTE PIU-SVK, PCU Report

PCU/SVK-PIU, Aug 3-4 SVK III. B 6.2 Workshop on tourism investment on E – W corridor workshop 1 40 par PCU, TLD, SNV

Aug SVK III. B 3.4 Establish community service/stakeholder groups PIU-SVK,PCU workshop 2 40 par

seminar 1 40 par Aug 18 - 19 SVK III.B 7.1 Seminar of gender and ethnic participation in tourism industry on EWEC PIU-SVK,SGD

Sep 9 SVK III.B 6.5 Attend meeting on Lao-Thai-Vietnam tourism cooperation PIU-SVK meeting 1 5 par attend

1 40 par Sept SVK III.B 2.1 CBT and value chain-related technical training in target villages PCU, SVK-PIU, EPD Training

SVK-PIU, 1approved Aug-Sep SVK III.B 2.1 Design Muang Phin tourist service center Plan 1 ongoing Subcontract plan

SVK-PIU, 1approved Aug-Sep SVK III.B 2.2 Design Savannakhet Town Night Market Plan 1 ongoing Subcontract plan

Set of equipment 1 1 set Provide equipment and promotional materials for central Provinces & SVK-PIU, Aug SVK III. B 2.3 Friendship Bridge II Information Centers Subcontract Set of promotional 1 10,000 pcs materials

Meeting 1 40 par Sept 15 – 18 SLV III.B 9.2 Bi-annual review and planning meeting PCU, all PIU’s Plan 1 1 Action Plan Part IV: Human Resource Development in the Tourism Sector (PCU Vientiane) LNTA-ADB Sustainable Tourism Development Project: Action Plan 1: 1 April – 30 September 2009

Outputs Quantitative Target Location Budget Activity Implementing Units No. Target No./ % Date(s) Code Personnel/Partner Achieved (F=female)

21 May 11-16 XKH V 1.12 Cultural Heritage Guide Specialist Training in Xieng Khouang TLI, PCU, UNESCO training 1 30 par 2 F 70%

May VTE Meet with National University of Lao PDR to discuss HRD needs PCU meeting 1 10 par

July VTE V 2.1 Meeting to review existing needs of public sector tourism officials PCU/HRI workshop 1 20 par

July VTE V 1.1 Meeting to review existing needs of staff in tourism SME’s PCU/HRI workshop 1 20 par

International HR Specialist and PCU draft and approve contract packages

July - August VTE -- 1: Training Hospitality and Small Scale Tourism Trainers Approved PCU/HRI contract 2 2 docs 2: Training Trainers that Train Public Sector Tourism Officials packages

VTE/ August V 2.11 English language training for LNTA & PIU officials PCU/PIU’s trainings 10 40 par PIU’s

Attachment B: Statement of Expenditure Attachment C: Name of PCU & PIU Staff and Project Consultants PCU Staff & PCU Based Consultants: National Project Director: Mr. Sounh Manivong (Lao) National Project Manager: Mr. Thaviphet Oula (Lao) Financial Controller Ms. Pengchan Paengmeuang (Lao) Accountant: Ms. Channida Sayackayaphom (Lao) Secretary: Ms. Patsanee Ladasombath (Lao) Administrative Assistant: Mr. Khathavixay Souphomphakdy (Lao) International Team Leader: Mr. Steven Schipani (USA) Domestic Team Leader: Ms. Fongsith Davading (Lao) International Ecotourism Planner: Mr. Paul Eshoo (USA) Domestic Ecotourism Planner: Mr Sanya Abahy (Lao) International SME Specialist: Ms. Pattama Vililaleot (Thai) Domestic Social and Gender Specialist: Ms. Sipaseuth Chanthapanya (Lao) International Heritage Tourism Planner: Mr. Paul Rogers (Australian)

PIU Staff: 1.Champasak Director: Mr. Kampone Nouanesaengsi Manager: Mr. Soulichan Sombathdouang Accountant: Ms. Taenkham Saengkeovongphachan Technical Staff: Mr. Aekaphot Soulivong Technical Staff: Mr. Bounteui Chanthalasin

2. Salavanh Director: Mr. Bountthone Sinnachack Manager: Ms. Viengkham Phimbounyor Accountant: Mr. Soukkhan Sonesoulisak Technical Staff: Mr. Khamsavang Latsaphong Technical Staff: Mr. Keopasith Sinnachack

3. Savannakhet Director: Ms. Bounmee Khanthivong Manager: Mr. Siha Phannavong Accountant: Ms. Vilayvanh Phonephachan Technical Staff: Ms. Khamphouvanh Khamvannaly Technical Staff: Mr. Tingkham Baiyavong

4. Vientiane Province Director: Mr. Outhong Phanthavong Manager: Mr. boualee Lattanaphaeng Accountant: Mr. Ounheuan Vorlavong Technical Staff: Mr. Sinkham Boutthavong Technical Staff: Mr. Saengaloon Phansieng

5. Vang Vieng Wastewater Treatment Director: Mr. Khamphaeng Phandala Manager: Mr. Sisomphou Phimmeuang Accountant: Ms. Hatsadee Khounsi Technical Staff: Mr. Phoutthasone Khamlue

6. Houaphanh Director: Mr. Saengthong Phimmachack Manager: Ms. Phat Mounsavanh Accountant: Ms. Malaythong Bounyasai Technical Staff: Ms. Yot Vongkhamvichit Technical Staff: Mr. Kaiphet Thippavong

7. Luang Namtha Director: Mr. Khamlay Sipaseuth Manager: Mrr. Saengchan Paseuthsak Accountant: Ms. Alinda Phengsavat Technical Staff: Ms. Chanda Phoutthavong Technical Staff: Mr. Souksan Pakasi

8. Bokeo Director: Mr. Vanthong Chitthakhoun Manager: Mr. Bounyot Vinphavong Accountant: Mr. Bounsavat Keodouangtha Technical Staff: Mr. bounthavee Vaenkham Technical Staff: Ms. Dalavanh Detsoulinthong

9. Oudomxay Director: Mr. Sivan Bounsavat Manager: Bounkhouan Metmeuangxay Accountant: Mrr. Kongkham Xayphonephan Technical Staff: Ms. Kingphai Phounthilat Technical Staff: Mr. Thanasin Khongsavat

10. Sayabouli Director: Mr. Saengvieng Saengkhannali Manager: Mr. Khamphiew Phimmahan Accountant: Ms. Saengchan Vannachit Technical Staff: Mrr. Bounlorm Pangphilavong Technical Staff: Mr. Khamphanh Phouma Attachment D: Cumulative List of Subcontracts Contract Month No. Issued Particulars Awarded to Amount Objectives To survey and Phase I. Appraisal of Community-Based and Urban Tourism Management conduct 001/09 04/2009 Ms. Vimonrat Seangsanorh US$ 22,000 at Sipandone Wetlands consultative meetings To train the LNTA to be the trainers Training of Trainers on Community Based Tourism Planning and Technical 002/09 05/2009 Lao Service US$ 12,285 for CBT and Skills Community Management and Conducting Practical field Trip supply chain trainings To collect data, determine zoning Phase II. Solution and Model for Community Based and Tourism 003/09 05/2009 Ms. Vimonrat Seangsanorh US$ 20,000 and workshops in Management for Siphandone Wetland local communities.

To create official 004/09 05/2009 Write, edit and manage content of STDP and Website Mr.Bernard Rosenbloom US$ 1,000 website for STDP To train heritage 005/09 05/2009 Heritage Guide Training Mr. Bounpheng Souliyanonh US$ 1,800 guide To update and maintain STDP 006/09 05/2009 Update and technical maintain STDP and Website Ms. Phitsamai Chanthaboury US$ 2,750 and ecotourism websites To conduct World Event Organization and Public Relations for 2009 World Ecotourism 007/09 05/2009 Ms. Pany Sayavongs US$ 8,000 Ecotourism Conference Conference 2009 To draft Siphandone 008/09 05/2009 Phase III. Elaboration of Tourism Master Plan for Siphandone Wetlands Ms. Vimonrat Seangsanorh US$ 15,000 Wetland Master Plan Conduct consultative 009/09 06/2009 Phase IV. Finalize Tourism Master Plan for Siphandone Wetlands Ms. Vimonrat Seangsanorh US$ 10,000 meeting to finalize the Master Plan Consulting services for set up 010/09 06/2009 NSEC Planning Dr. Jitti Mongkolnchaiarunya US$ 8,500 tourism strategy along North-South Corridor. Consulting services for preparation of a Preparation of a Thematic Interpretation Plan for the EWEC in Savannakhet Thematic 011/09 06/2009 Ms. Linda McIntosh US$ 4,000 Province Interpretation Plan for the EWEC in Savannakhet Province Consulting services for Town 012/09 06/2009 Town Master Plan for Vang Vieng and Environs Ms. Amelia O’Brien US$ 8,325 Master Plan for Vang Vieng and Environs Consulting services for set up 013/09 06/2009 NSEC Planning Ms. Claire McClintock US$ 4,500 tourism strategy

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