Legal Research & Writing

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Legal Research & Writing

BUL 2241-1764 – Business Law I SYLLABUS Fall 2017 3 Credit Hours, BLENDED Wednesday, 9:30am-10:30am, Room ES111 Clearwater Campus


Dr. Ian Banks, Esq. Location: ES 313J Clearwater Campus Phone: 727-791-2656 E-Mail Address: [email protected]


This course is designed to give the student a general understanding of the various areas of statutory and common laws and their impact upon the business community. This will be accomplished by including such topics as the structure of the American legal system, alternate dispute resolution, constitutional law, contracts, UCC sales, business organizations, negligence and intentional torts, and the law of agency.

REQUIRED TEXT Ebook or Custom version of Business Law and The Legal Environment, 7th Ed. by Beatty and Samuelson; Cengage Publishing ISBN: 9781305074217 via Barnes & Noble Bookstore or via this link:


Attendance is expected and is essential for the successful completion of this course. After 3 absences, you may be given a Withdrawal (W) or Failure (F) grade at the instructor’s discretion. Two late arrivals or early departures will count as an absence. It is always your responsibility to determine what material was covered in your absence. Illness or emergencies must be reported directly to the instructor and written evidence may be required.

The last day to self-withdrawal with a grade of “W” is October 19, 2017. A student who withdraws or is withdrawn after this date will be assigned a grade of “F” or “WF” by the College.

Attention Veterans: The VA has special attendance regulations that may exceed the policy in this syllabus. Please see the Professor if you have questions.



Each student must access MyCourses to obtain the Professor’s Chapter Outlines and access assignments for this course. The majority of each of the exams will test the materials from both the textbook and the Professor’s outlines.

Once there, it will prompt you for your Username and Password. Your username and password is the same as when you log on to MySPC. If you need help logging in, contact the HelpDesk at (727) 341-4357 (HELP). Once you have logged in, you will see the BUL 2241 Business Law I course listed on the Home page. Click on it and the course will come up. Click on the “Course Content” tab to find Weekly folders and other various information


Quizzes and their due dates are listed on MyCourses which you will find within the “Content” tab. All quizzes must be taken on MyCourses within the content section. All quizzes must be taken by their due dates, there are no make-ups for missed quizzes – NO EXCEPTIONS. (Do not wait until the last date the quizzes are due to complete them). I have given ample time for each student to take their quizzes. Exception: If a student brings in written evidence of illness or hospitalization from a physician or hospital or written evidence of a court appearance; upon furnishing such proof, a make-up examination will be allowed for that student without the above penalties.


Each student must read the Class Contract. Upon reading the Class Contract, each student must copy & paste it into an email message portion, and email it using MyCourses to the Professor before they will be considered to be a part of this class.


Grading will be done on a percentage system. Passage of this course will require completion of the following by utilizing the MyCourses learning management system: 1. three examinations, which includes a non-comprehensive final examination; 2. quizzes; and 3. discussion boards with reading that is posted and research online. Each examination will test the student's knowledge of the concepts covered since the last examination or, in the case of the first examination, since the beginning of the course. Generally, all exams will be multiple choice with a few essays.


Your grade is based upon a percentage of your performance earned. The percentage will be distributed as follows: Participation 20% (percentage is online and in-class) Exam I 20% Exam II 20% Final Examination 20% Quizzes 20% (percentage is total of quizzes) Total: 100%

The grading scale is based on the total number of points received by the student during the course and will be based on the following scale:

% received Letter grade 90 – 100 A 80 – 89 B 70 – 79 C 60 – 69 D below 59 F

The instructor reserves the right to increase the grade for any student, any individual project, examination, or for the course as a whole and, further, to increase the grades of the entire class to effectuate grading on a "curve."


1. READ THIS SYLLABUS, it is a “roadmap” as well as a contract for this course. 2. Take the time to READ THE INSTRUCTIONS in the quizzes. They are there for YOUR benefit. 3. WORK AHEAD!! There is no such thing as “Law-Lite,” the students who have the most success (“A” Students) complete their readings and quizzes ahead of time as asked. 4. Take advantage of the two (2) attempts allowed for each quiz. 5. If you are not receiving the grade you anticipated – don’t panic. I institute extra credit during the course as long as you have completed all assignments. 6. You must come to our class meetings. This is a blended course and attendance is mandatory when called for. If you find you routinely cannot make it to class because of work or other obligations, I advise you to drop or withdraw from the course. Poor attendance may result in the lowering of your grade point. 7. If, after following the above advice, you still have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the phone number above or by email.

3 COURSE CALENDAR NOTE: Materials should be read by the class date indicated on the left. All Quizzes and Discussion Boards are due on Sundays by 11:55pm on MyCourses. Week Class Date Topics Covered 1 8/16 Introduction, Course Policies, and Overview of Course/Blended Learning Style Review For Next Week: Complete Intro to Law DB and Quiz by 8/20.

2 8/23 Discuss Intro to Law Chapter 1 For Next Week: Complete Dispute Resolution and the Courts DB and Quiz by 8/27.

3 8/30 Discuss Dispute Resolution and the Courts Chapter 6 For Next Week: Complete Intentional Torts DB and Quiz by 9/3.

4 9/6 Discuss Intentional Torts Chapter 8 For Next Week: Continuation of Torts Discussion

5 9/13 Discuss Business Torts Chapter 8 For Next Week: Complete Negligence and Strict Liability DB and Quiz by 9/17.

6 9/20 Discuss Negligence and Strict Liability Chapter 9 Review for Exam I

7 9/28/16 Take Exam I ONLINE (Covers Chapters 1, 6, 8, & 9) No Class Meeting Dates Exam Available: 9/25-10/1 by 11:55pm. For Next Week: Complete Intro to Contracts & Agreement DB and Quiz by 10/1.

8 10/4 DISCUSS RESULTS OF EXAM I Discuss Intro to Contracts & Agreement Chapters 11 & 12 For Week 10: Complete Consideration & Legality DB and Quiz by 10/8.

9 10/11 Discuss Consideration & Legality Chapters 13 & 14 For Next Week: Complete Capacity & Consent/Written Contracts DB and Quiz by 10/15.


10 10/18 Discuss Capacity & Consent / Written Contracts Chapters 15 & 16 For Next Week: Complete 3rd Parties/Performance & Discharge DB and Quiz by 10/22

11 10/25 Discuss Third Parties / Performance & Discharge Chapters 17 & 18 Review for Exam II

12 11/1 Take Exam II ONLINE (Covers Chapters 11-18) No Class Meeting Dates Exam Available: 10/29-11/5 by 11:55pm. For Next Week: Complete Intro to Sales/Ownership and Risk DB and Quiz by 11/5.

13 11/8 Introduction to Sales / Ownership and Risk (Title) Chapters 21-22(UCC) For Next Week: Complete Agency Law / Employment Law DB and Quiz by 11/12.

14 11/15 Agency Law / Employment Law Chapters 28-29

11/22 No Class Meeting Turkey Holiday

15 11/29 Starting a Business (Types of Business Org's.) Outline Only Review for Final

16 12/6 Take Exam II ONLINE (only includes topics covered since Exam II) No Class Meeting Dates Exam Available: 11/30-12/6 by 11:55pm.

Page 4 of 6 Student Survey of Instruction Every student is expected to complete the Student Survey of Instruction survey that will be available online about three quarters of the way through the class. The survey is used to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the course material and instruction. It is anonymous and students will be able to check N/A to every question if they wish to do so. There will be a point in the class however, where students will not be permitted to move on to the next part of the course without completing the survey. We hope that all students will take the time and provide us with the evaluation feedback which is so helpful in improving the quality of our courses and College.







You are free to contact me to schedule an appointment for a conference. You can call me at my office phone number or send an e-mail. If I am not at the office, please leave a voice mail message. I check for messages on a regular basis. E-mail is often the best way to reach me. If you do not hear from me within 24 hours, please follow-up.

SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS (Americans with Disabilities Act)

If you wish to receive special accommodations as a student with a documented disability, please make an appointment with a Learning Specialist, UP Building, phone 727-394- 6289/Staff Asst. 727-394-6234. If you will need assistance during an emergency evacuation, please contact your campus Learning Specialist immediately about arrangements for your safety.


Students planning to obtain a certificate or degree from St. Petersburg College are required to apply for graduation. The application must be filled out and turned in by the end of the first month of the student’s last semester (e.g., if you plan on completing the certificate or degree by December, you must apply for graduation by the end of September). The applications are available at the Information Desk in the Administration building.


Federal and State law requires a person designated as a "sexual predator or offender" to register with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE). The FDLE then is required to notify the local law enforcement agency where the registrant resides, attends or is employed by an institution of higher learning. Information regarding sexual predators or offenders attending or employed by an institution of higher learning may be obtained from the local law enforcement agency with jurisdiction for the particular campus, by calling the FDLE hotline (1-888-FL-PREDATOR) OR (1-888-357-7332), or by visiting the FDLE website at If there are questions or concerns regarding personal safety, please contact the Provost, Associate Provost, Campus Security Officer of Site Administrator on your campus.


Academic dishonesty, plagiarism or cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. Academic dishonesty is a violation of St. Petersburg College’s Academic Honesty Policy and will be treated accordingly.

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