Nanaimo Flying Club General Meeting s1

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Nanaimo Flying Club General Meeting s1


Nanaimo Flying Club General Meeting

17 February 2013

The meeting was called to order at 0940 by Don Crocker. 20 Members were present.

1. Minutes of Last Meeting

Moved by Doug Wakefield: that the Minutes of the 20 January 2013 meeting be accepted. Seconded by Joyce Clarke Carried

2. Executive Meeting Report

The disagreement with Ken Welte regarding the upstairs office was discussed and a letter will be sent to Ken stating the Executive’s position.

The outside pop machine is empty. It will be moved to the hangar and will store selected beverages

Don will ask Darrle to provide a load of firewood. Volunteers may be required to help load/transport/unload the firewood.

Other items discussed by the Executive will be reported under the appropriate Agenda items below.

3. Financial

a. December Treasurer’s Report

Net income -$2851.52

Moved by Ron Kusch: that the December 2012 financial report be accepted. Seconded by Andrea Trepanier. Carried

Net income for 2012 $11,862.52

Moved by Andrea Trepanier: that the 2012 financial report be accepted. Seconded by Doug Sowden. Carried

b. January Treasurer’s Report – deferred until the next meeting.

c. Audit of 2012 Accounts The audit will be conducted by Garth Siewert and Ken Plant as soon as a mutually agreeable date can be found.

17 February 2013 1 4. Committee Reports

a. Building – Darrle Schlitz - Nil

b. Parking – Andrea Trepanier Andrea Trepanier reported that there are 7 parking spots available.

c. Social – Barbara Riddy

Langley Aero Club has a new website at with lots of information about future events, including fly-ins and recurrency training.

BC Coast 99s are planning a poker run on Saturday 18 May (with a rain date of 25 May) And wish to use our Clubhouse as a stop. This works on 18 May but probably will not on the 25th due to Air Cadet review activities.

d. Membership – Autumn Umanetz - nil.

e. Av-Gass – Barbara Riddy

Due to other commitments Barbara is unable to continue as editor. A volunteer is needed – there will not be an Av-Gass until someone steps up.

f. Fuel – Glen From Approximately 45,000 litres are in the fuel tanks. The wholesale price continues to increase, so there may be a sharp jump in price after our next fuel dump, probably in the Spring.

5. Announcements and Coming Events

a. The Airport Maintenance Dept is having a contractor give them an opinion on the need for repairs, crack filling, etc. At the same time the Club will have the Contractor give us an opinion and a cost estimate for crack filling and repairs to the ramp and the taxiway on the North side of the hangar. The Club might get a better deal if any repairs are done at the same time as the Contractor is on the field doing repairs for the Airport.

b. 205 Air Cadet Squadron is willing to participate in NFC events

c. 205 Air Cadet Squadron ceremonial review on 26 May

NOTE: the Club ramp and possibly taxiway Alpha will be closed on 26 May for the Review and possibly on 25 May for rehearsals. There will be no access to the fuel pumps at these times. Plan accordingly.

d. Air Cadet gliding starts 13 April; ends 12 May

e. Nanaimo airport will have an ATIS on 128.425 commencing sometime this Spring

Local Fly-ins and Events

2 March – NFC monthly brunch 1030 to 1300. 17 February 2013 2 18 May (rain date 25 May) – BC Coast 99s Poker Run

13 May – Cache Creek Fly-in breakfast %7DMothers%20Day%20Fly%20In%20Poster%202012.pdf

25 – 26 May. Quesnel Airport Appreciation Days BBQ and pancake breakfast.

2 June - Kamloops Fly-in

22 June – Langley Fly-in

17 August - Comox Air Show. (Snowbirds, Skyhawks, CF-18 demo…)

Major Air Shows and Fly-ins

Northwest Aviation Conference and Trade Show Puyallup, WA. 23-34 February.

Sun ‘n Fun Lakeland, FL. 9-14 April

COPA Convention and Fly-in Dawson Creek, BC 21-23 June

Arlington Fly-in Arlington, WA. 11-13 July

EAA Airventure Oshkosh, WI. 29 July – 4 August

Abbotsford Air Show Abbotsford, BC. 9-11 August

Comox Air Show CFB Comox. 17 August 2013

AOPA Aviation Summit Fort Worth, Texas. 10-12 October.

17 February 2013 3 6. Old Business

a. COPA Flight 91. COPA has partnered with the Institute for Women of Aviation Worldwide to make the week of March 4-10, 2013 “COPA Girls Week”. Andrea Trepanier, Joyce Clarke, and Barbara Riddy will determine what events NFC/COPA Flight 91 will arrange.

COPA Flight eKIT This eKIT contains all the required information for an active and efficient COPA Flight. Please download, then print all the documents listed below and keep in a binder. Bring this binder with you to your COPA Flight meetings. For those who use an electronic Tablet, you can download the COPA Flight eKit and carry with you.

1-The answers to all your COPA Flight Executives’ and members’ questions 2-COPA For Kids 3-COPA Guide to Air Meets 4-COPA Flight insurance request form 5-Annual requirement to keep your COPA Flight from expiring or the paper form

- PowerPoint presentation by COPA President and CEO Kevin Psutka with the latest updates regarding COPA membership, pilot and aircraft statistics.

- PowerPoint presentation by COPA President and CEO Kevin Psutka. "So why do we need COPA?" looks at the issues facing our sector of aviation to illustrate why COPA is needed.

b. NFC Federal Incorporation. Doug Wakefield continues to work on the documentation required to continue the Club’s status as a federally incorporated non-profit corporation.

c. NFC – Ray Erhart Bursary. Drafting of the terms of reference for award of the bursary is in progress. Murray Welte, Andrea Trepanier, and Ken Griffith will meet in March to finalize the document.

d. 24-Month Recurrency Training Lynda Brown of Vital Aviation has sent an email to members asking if they would attend a free recurrency session offered by Vital. Date – tentatively after the 21 April meeting.

e. Survey of Club Property The survey has been completed. For some reason the Airport is now having the whole airport surveyed at some future date. The Club will request a copy when it is completed.

17 February 2013 4 f. Lease Negotiations. A negotiating committee consisting of Don Crocker, Ken Griffith, Barbara Riddy, Andrea Trepanier and Darrle Schlitz met with DTZ Barnicke on 21 January. The committee is reviewing the proposed lease received from DTZ Barnicke.

g. Club Airplane Andrea Trepanier and her committee continue to investigate the purchase of a Club plane. A possible plane has been identified and a pre-purchase inspection will be carried out by Mike Taylor at no cost to the Club. The full proposal is expected to be presented to the Club at the March meeting. The Yahoos site and the Club web site will be used to disseminate information to members.

7. New Business

a. BC Assessment For the first time an assessment has been received from BC Assessment. We will await our tax bill to see if this makes any difference in the amount of taxes the Club pays.

b. Use of Clubhouse Moved by Doug Sowden: that Mustang Hangars be allowed to use the Clubhouse on 20 March beginning at 1900 for their AGM. Seconded by Barbara Riddy. Carried

c. Other Business Joyce Clarke reported that a boat cleaning company has indicated that it can detail aircraft.


A major powerline is being constructed between Merritt and Port Coquitlam. There will be extensive helicopter activity along the route, particularly in the area of Harrison Hot Springs. More information and a map is at

8. Next Meeting Date

17 March 2013 Executive Meeting 0830 General Meeting 0930

9. Adjournment Moved by Andrea Trepanier: that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Joyce Clarke Carried

The meeting was adjourned at 1031.

Doug Wakefield Secretary

Thanks to all those responsible for providing a tasty brunch.

Thanks to Bill Brendon of Western Financial Group gave an interesting talk on directors’ insurance. 17 February 2013 5

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