WMS SW Admin and User Guide

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WMS SW Admin and User Guide

D a ta G r i d

W P 1 - W M S S O F T W A R E A D M I N I S T R A T O R A N D U S E R G U I D E

Document identifier: DataGrid-01-TEN-0118-0_6

Date: 13/05/2002

Work package: WP1

Partner: Datamat SpA

Document status

Deliverable identifier:

Abstract: This note provides the administrator and user guide for the WP1 WMS software.

IST-2000-25182 PUBLIC 1 / 115 Doc. Identifier: WP1 - WMS SOFTWARE DataGrid-01-TEN-0118-0_6 ADMINISTRATOR AND USER GUIDE Date: 13/05/2002

Delivery Slip

Name Partner Date Signature

Datamat From Fabrizio Pacini 13/05/2002 SpA

Datamat Verified by Stefano Beco 13/05/2002 SpA

Approved by

Document Log

Issue Date Comment Author 0_0 21/12/2001 First draft Fabrizio Pacini

0_1 14/01/2002 Draft Fabrizio Pacini

0_2 24/01/2002 Draft Fabrizio Pacini

0_3 05/02/2002 Draft Fabrizio Pacini

0_4 15/02/2002 Draft Fabrizio Pacini

0_5 08/04/2002 Draft Fabrizio Pacini

0_6 13/05/2002 Fabrizio Pacini

Document Change Record

Issue Item Reason for Change  Take into account changes in the rpm generation procedure. 0_1 General update  Add missing info about daemons (RB/JSS/CondorG) starting accounts  Some general corrections 0_2 General Update  Add Cancelling and Cancel Reason information.  Add OUTPUTREADY job state.  Add new profile rpms.  Remove /etc/workload* shell scripts.  Add summary map table (user / daemon).

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Document Change Record

Issue Item Reason for Change  Add CEId format check.  Add new job cancel notification.  Modified RB/JSS start-up procedure  Add gridmap-file users/groups issues  Add proxy certificate usage by daemons 0_3 General Update  Job attribute CEId changed to SubmitTo  Add DGLOG_TIMEOUT setting  Add workload-profile and userinterface-profile rpms  Add configure option –enable-wl for system configuration files  Add installation checking option –with-globus for Globus to the Workload configure  Add new Information Index configure options  Remove edg-profile and edg-user-env rpms from II and UI dependencies 0_4 General Update  Add security configuration rpm’s for all the Certificate Authorities to UI dependencies  Add new parameters to RB configuration file  Add new Job Exit Code field to the returned job status info  Remove dependence from SWIG in the userinterface binary rpm  Modify command options syntax (getopt-like style)  Add MyProxy server and client package 0_5 General Update installation/utilisation  Modify job cancel notification  Add Userguide rpm 0_6 General Update  Modify configure options for the various components  UI commands modified to use python2 executable  Clarify myproxy usage

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Document Change Record

Issue Item Reason for Change  Explain how RB/LB addresses in the UI config file are used by the commands  Add –logfile option to the UI commands


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3.1. REQUIRED SOFTWARE...... 11 3.2. BUILD INSTRUCTIONS...... 12 3.2.1. Environment Variables...... 12 3.2.2. Compiling the code...... 14 3.3. RPM INSTALLATION...... 23 4. INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION...... 26

4.1. LOGGING AND BOOKKEEPING SERVICES...... 26 4.1.1. Required software...... 26 LB local-logger...... 26 LB Server...... 26 4.1.2. RPM installation...... 27 4.1.3. The installation tree structure...... 28 LB local-logger...... 28 LB Server...... 29 4.1.4. Configuration...... 29 4.1.5. Environment Variables...... 29 4.2. RB AND JSS...... 31 4.2.1. Required software...... 31 PostgreSQL installation and configuration...... 31 Condor-G installation and configuration...... 32 ClassAd installation and configuration...... 33 ReplicaCatalog installation and configuration...... 34 4.2.2. RPM installation...... 34 4.2.3. The Installation Tree structure...... 34 4.2.4. Configuration...... 39 RB configuration...... 39 JSS configuration...... 42 4.2.5. Environment variables...... 43 RB...... 44 JSS...... 44 4.3. INFORMATION INDEX...... 46 4.3.1. Required software...... 46 4.3.2. RPM installation...... 46 4.3.3. The Installation tree structure...... 47 4.3.4. Configuration...... 47 4.3.5. Environment Variables...... 48 4.4. USER INTERFACE...... 49 4.4.1. Required software...... 49 4.4.2. RPM installation...... 50 4.4.3. The tree structure...... 51 4.4.4. Configuration...... 52 4.4.5. Environment variables...... 54 4.5. DOCUMENTATION...... 54

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5.1. LB LOCAL-LOGGER...... 56 5.1.1. Starting and stopping daemons...... 56 5.1.2. Troubleshooting...... 57 5.2. LB SERVER...... 58 5.2.1. Starting and stopping daemons...... 58 5.2.2. Purging the LB database...... 59 5.2.3. Troubleshooting...... 59 5.3. RB AND JSS...... 60 5.3.1. Startig PostgreSQL...... 60 5.3.2. Starting and stopping JSS and RB daemons...... 60 5.3.3. RB troubleshooting...... 61 5.3.4. JSS troubleshooting...... 61 5.4. INFORMATION INDEX...... 61 5.4.1. Starting and stopping daemons...... 61 6. USER GUIDE...... 63

6.1. USER INTERFACE...... 63 6.1.1. Security...... 63 MyProxy...... 64 6.1.2. Common behaviours...... 66 6.1.3. Commands description...... 70 7. ANNEXES...... 105

7.1. JDL ATTRIBUTES...... 105 7.2. JOB STATUS DIAGRAM...... 105 7.3. JOB EVENT TYPES...... 107 7.4. WILDCARD PATTERNS...... 109 7.5. THE MATCH MAKING ALGORITHM...... 111 7.5.1. Direct Job Submission...... 111 7.5.2. Job submission without data-accesss requirements...... 111 7.5.3. Job submission with data-access requirements...... 113 7.6. PROCESS/USER MAPPING TABLE...... 116

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1. INTRODUCTION This document provides a guide to the building, installation and usage of the WP1 WMS software released within the DataGrid project.

1.1. OBJECTIVES OF THIS DOCUMENT Goal of this document is to describe the complete process by which the WP1 WMS software can be installed and configured on the DataGrid test-bed platforms. Guidelines for operating the whole system and accessing provided functionalities are also provided.

1.2. APPLICATION AREA Administrators can use this document as a basis for installing, configuring and operating WP1 WMS software. Users can refer to the User Guide chapter for accessing provided ser- vices through the User Interface.

1.3. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCE DOCUMENTS Applicable documents [A1] Job Description Language HowTo – DataGrid-01-TEN-0102-02 – 17/12/2001 (http://www.infn.it/workload-grid/docs/DataGrid-01-TEN-0102-0_2.pdf) [A2] DATAGRID WP1 Job Submission User Interface for PM9 (revised presentation) – 23/03/2001 (http://www.infn.it/workload-grid/docs/20010320-JS-UI-datamat.pdf) [A3] WP1 meeting - CESNET presentation in Milan – 20-21/03/2001 (http://www.infn.it/workload-grid/docs/20010320-L_B-matyska.pdf) [A4] Logging and Bookkeeping Service – 0705/2001 (http://www.infn.it/workload-grid/docs/20010508-lb_draft-ruda.pdf) [A5] Results of Meeting on Workload Manager Components Interaction – 09/05/2001 (http://www.infn.it/workload-grid/docs/20010508-WM-Interactions-pacini.pdf) [A6] Resource Broker Architecture and APIs – 13/06/2001 (http://www.infn.it/workload-grid/docs/20010613-RBArch-2.doc) [A7] JDL Attributes - DataGrid-01-NOT-0101-0_6 – 04/02/2002 (http://www.infn.it/workload-grid/docs/DataGrid-01-NOT-0101-0_6.pdf)

Reference documents [R1]

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1.4. DOCUMENT EVOLUTION PROCEDURE The content of this document will be subjected to modification according to the following events:  Comments received from Datagrid project members,  Changes/evolutions/additions to the WMS components.

1.5. TERMINOLOGY Definitions Condor Condor is a High Throughput Computing (HTC) environment that can manage very large collections of distributively owned workstations Globus The Globus Toolkit is a set of software tools and libraries aimed at the building of computational grids and grid-based applications.

Glossary class-ad Classified advertisement CE Computing Element DB Data Base FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name GDMP Grid Data Management Pilot Project GIS Grid Information Service, aka MDS GSI Grid Security Infrastructure job-ad Class-ad describing a job JDL Job Description Language JSS Job Submission Service LB Logging and Bookkeeping Service LRMS Local Resource Management System MDS Metacomputing Directory Service, aka GIS MPI Message Passing Interface

PID Process Identifier

PM Project Month RB Resource Broker RC Replica Catalogue SE Storage Element SI00 Spec Int 2000 SMP Symmetric Multi Processor TBC To Be Confirmed

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TBD To Be Defined UI User Interface UID User Identifier WMS Workload Management System WP Work Package

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2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This document comprises the following main sections: Section 3: Build Procedure Outlines the software required to build the system and the actual process for building it and generating rpms for the WMS components; a step-by-step guide is included. Section 4: Installation and Configuration Describes changes that need to be made to the environment and the steps to be performed for installing the WMS software on the test-bed target platforms. The resulting installation tree structure is detailed for each system component. Section 5: Operating the System Provides actual procedures for starting/stopping WMS components processes and utilities. Section 6: User Guide Describes in a Unix man pages style all User Interface component commands allowing the user to access WMS provided services. Section 7: Annexes Deepens arguments introduced in the User Guide section that are considered useful for the user to better understand system behaviour.

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3. BUILD PROCEDURE In the following section we give detailed instructions for the installation of the WP1 WMS software package. We provide a source code distribution as well as a binary distribution and explain installation procedures for both cases.

3.1. REQUIRED SOFTWARE The WP1 software runs and has been tested on platforms running Globus Toolkit 2.0 Beta Release 21 on top of Linux RedHat 6.2. Hereafter are listed the software packages, apart from WP1 software version 1.0, that are required to be installed locally on a given site in order to be able to build the WP1 WMS on it. They are:

 Globus Toolkit 2.0 Beta 21 or higher (download at http://datagrid.in2p3.fr/distribution/globus/beta-21)

 Python 2.1.1 (download at http://datagrid.in2p3.fr/distribution/config/external.html)

 Swig 1.3.7 (download at http://datagrid.in2p3.fr/distribution/config/external.html)

 Expat 1.95.1 (download at http://datagrid.in2p3.fr/distribution/config/external.html)

 Expat-devel 1.95.1 (download at http://datagrid.in2p3.fr/distribution/config/external.html)

 MySQL Version 9.38 Distribution 3.22.32, for pc-linux-gnu (i686) (download at http://datagrid.in2p3.fr/distribution/config/external_services.html)

 Postgresql 7.1.3 (http://datagrid.in2p3.fr/distribution/config/external_services.html)

 Classads library (download at http://datagrid.in2p3.fr/distribution/external/RPMS/classads-0.0-edg2.i386.rpm)

 CondorG 6.3.1 for INTEL-LINUX-GLIBC21 (download at http://datagrid.in2p3.fr/distribution/external/RPMS/CondorG-6.3.1-edg5.i386.rpm)

 Perl IO Stty 0.02, Perl IO Tty 0.04 (download at http://datagrid.in2p3.fr/distribution/config/external.html )

 MyProxy-0.4.4 (download at http://datagrid.in2p3.fr/distribution/external/RPMS/myproxy-0.4.4-edg1.i386.rpm )

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 Perl 5 (download at http://datagrid.in2p3.fr/distribution/config/external.html)

 gcc version 2.95.2

 GNU make version 3.78.1 or higher

 GNU autoconf version 2.13

 GNU libtool 1.3.5

 GNU automake 1.4

 GNU m4 1.4 or higher

 RPM 3.0.5

 sendmail 8.11.6

3.2. BUILD INSTRUCTIONS The following instructions deal with the building of the WMS software and hence apply to the source code distribution.

3.2.1. Environment Variables Before starting the compilation, some environment variables related to the WMS components can be set or configured by means of the configure script. This is needed only if package defaults are not suitable. Involved variables are listed below:

- GLOBUS_LOCATION base directory of the Globus installation The default path is /opt/globus. - MYSQL_INSTALL_PATH base directory of the MySQL installation The default path is /usr.

- EXPAT_INSTALL_PATH base directory of the Expat installation. The default path is /usr.

- GDMP_INSTALL_PATH base directory of the Gdmp installation The default path is /opt/edg. - PGSQL_INSTALL_PATH base directory of the Pgsql installation.

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The default path is /usr.

- CLASSAD_INSTALL_PATH base directory of the Classad library installation. The default path is /opt/classads.

- CONDORG_INSTALL_PATH base directory of the Condor installation. The default path is /opt/CondorG.

- PYTHON_INSTALL_PATH base directory of the Python installation. The default path is /usr.

- SWIG_INSTALL_PATH base directory of the Swig installation . The default path is /usr/local.

- MYPROXY_INSTALL_PATH base directory of the MyProxy installation . The default path is /usr/local.

In order to build the whole WP1 package, all the environment variables in the previous list must be set. Instead for building the User Interface module, the environment variables that need to be set are the following:


If you plan to build the Job Submission and Resource Broker module, variable to set are:


If you plan to build the Proxy module, variables to set are: - GLOBUS_LOCATION

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- MYPROXY_INSTALL_PATH Whilst the LB server and Local Logger modules, to be built need the following environment variables:


Finally, the LB library module needs:

- GLOBUS_LOCATION - EXPAT_INSTALL_PATH and the Information Index module only:


3.2.2. Compiling the code After having unpacked the WP1 source distribution tar file, or having downloaded the code directly from the CVS repository, change your working directory to be the WP1 base directory, i.e. the Workload directory, and run the following command:


At this point the configure command can be run. The configure script has to be invoked as follows:


The list of options that are recognized by configure is reported hereafter:


--prefix= It is used to specify the Workload installation dir. The default installation dir is /opt/edg.


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It is used to enable the build of the whole WP1 package. By default this option is turned on.

--enable-userinterface It is used to enable the build of the User Interface module with Logging/Client, Broker/Client, Broker/Socket++ and ThirdParty/trio/src submodules. By default this option is turned off.

--enable-jss_rb It is used to enable the build of the Job Submission and Resource Broker modules with Logging/Client, Common, test, Proxy/Dgpr, and ThirdParty/trio/src submodules. By default this option is turned off.

--enable-lbserver It is used to enable the build of the LB Server service with Logging/Client, Logging/etc, Logging/Server, Logging/InterLogger/Net, Logging/InterLogger/SSL, Logging/InterLogger/Error, Logging/InterLogger/Lbserver and ThirdParty/trio/src submodules. By default this option is turned off.

--enable-locallogger It is used to enable the build of the LB Local Logger service with Logging/Client, Logging/InterLogger/Net, Logging/InterLogger/SSL, Logging/InterLogger/Error, Logging/InterLogger/InterLogger, Logging/LocalLogger, man and ThirdParty/trio/src submodules. By default this option is turned off.

--enable-logging_dev It is used to enable the build of the LB Client Library with Logging/Client and ThirdParty/trio/src submodules. By default this option is turned off.

--enable-information It is used to enable the build of the Information Index module.By default this option is turned off.

--enable-wl It is used to enable the installation of system configuration files that are in the Workload/etc directory. By default this option is turned off.

--enable-proxy It is used to enable the build of the Proxy module. By default this option is turned off.


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It allows specifying the Globus installation directory without setting the environment variable GLOBUS_LOCATION.


It allows specifying the Pgsql installation directory without setting the environment variable PGSQL_INSTALL_PATH.


It allows specifying the GDMP installation directory without setting the environment variable GDMP_INSTALL_PATH.


It allows specifying the Expat installation directory without setting the environment variable EXPAT_INSTALL_PATH.


It allows to specify the MySQL installation directory without setting the environment variable MYSQL_INSTALL_PATH.







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It allows to specify the MyProxy installation directory without setting the environment variable MYPROXY_INSTALL_PATH

During the configure step, 12 spec files (i.e. wl-userinterface.spec, wl-locallogger.spec, wl lbserver.spec, wl-logging_dev.spec, wl-jss_rb.spec, wl-information.spec, wl-userinterface- profile.spec, wl-jss_rb-profile.spec, wl-information-profile.spec, wl-lbserver-profile.spec and wl-locallogger-profile.spec, wl-workload-profile.spec) are created in the following source sub- directories to produce a flavour specific version:

- Workload/UserInterface - Workload/Proxy - Workload/Logging - Workload/JobSubmission - Workload/InformIndex - Workload

Once the configure script has terminated its execution, check that the make from the GNU distribution is in your path and then always in the Workload source code directory run: make then: make apidoc and then: make check to build the test code. If the two previous steps complete successfully, the installation of the software can be performed. In order to install the package in the installation directory specified either by the --prefix option of the configure script or by the default value (i.e. /opt/edg), you can now issue the command: make install

It is possible to run "make clean" to remove object files, executable files, library files and all the other files that are created during ”make” and “make check”. The command: make -i dist

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can be used to produce in the workload-X.Y.Z directory, located in the Workload's base directory, a binary gzipped tar ball of the Workload distribution. This tar ball can be both transferred on other platforms and used as source for the RPM creation. For creating the RPMs for Workload 1.0 (according to the configure options you have used) make sure that your PATH is set in such a way that the GNU autotools, make and the gcc compiler can be used and edit the file $HOME/.rpmmacros (if this file does not exist in your home directory, then you have to create it) to set the following entry:

%_topdir /rpm/redhat

Then you can issue the command: make rpm that generates the RPMs in $(HOME)/rpm/redhat/RPMS. For example if before building the package you have used the configure as follows:

./configure –-enable-all then the make rpm command creates the directories:

$(HOME)/rpm/redhat/SOURCES $(HOME)/rpm/redhat/SPECS $(HOME)/rpm/redhat/BUILD $(HOME)/rpm/redhat/RPMS $(HOME)/rpm/redhat/SRPMS and copies the previously created tar ball workload-X.Y.Z/Workload.tar.gz in $ (HOME)/rpm/redhat/SOURCES. Moreover it copies the generated spec files:

JobSubmission/wl-jss_rb.spec JobSubmission/wl-jss_rb-profile.spec UserInterface/wl-userinterface.spec UserInterface/wl-userinterface.spec InformIndex/wl-information.spec InformIndex/wl-information-profile.spec Logging/wl-lbserver.spec Logging/wl-lbserver-profile.spec Logging/wl-locallogger.spec Logging/wl-locallogger-profile.spec

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Logging/wl-logging_dev.spec Proxy/wl-proxy.spec Workload/wl-workload-profile.spec Workload/wl-userguide.spec

in $(HOME)/rpm/redhat/SPECS and finally executes the following commands:

rpm -ba wl-userinterface.spec rpm –ba wl-userinterface-profile.spec rpm -ba wl-locallogger.spec rpm -ba wl-locallogger-profile.spec rpm -ba wl-lbserver.spec rpm -ba wl-lbserver-profile.spec rpm -ba wl-logging_dev.spec rpm -ba wl-jss_rb.spec rpm -ba wl-jss_rb-profile.spec rpm -ba wl-information.spec rpm -ba wl-information-profile.spec rpm -ba wl-proxy.spec rpm –ba wl-workload-profile.spec rpm -ba wl-userguide.spec generating respectively the following rpms in the $(HOME)/rpm/redhat/RPMS directory:

- userinterface-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm - userinterface-profile-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm - locallogger- X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm - locallogger-profile- X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm - lbserver- X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm - lbserver-profile- X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm - logging_dev- X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm - jobsubmission- X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm - jobsubmission-profile- X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm - informationindex- X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm - informationindex-profile- X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm - proxy-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm - workload-profile-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm - userguide-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm

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where X.Y.Z-K indicates the rpms release. This document is issued together with the rpms in version 1.1.1-1. If you have instead built only the User Interface, i.e. used:

./configure --disable-all --enable-userinterface the make rpm command will copy only the file UserInterface/wl-userinterface.spec and the file UserInterface/wl-userinterface-profile.spec in $(HOME)/rpm/redhat/SPECS and will create only the User Interface rpms (userinterface-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm and userinterface- profile-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm). An alternative procedure can be followed to build the II and Logging packages. To do this, move in the Workoad/InformIndex dir and run the following commands:

./bootstrap ./configure [option] where the recognised options are:

--prefix= It is used to specify the Information Index installation dir. The default installation dir is /opt/edg


It allows to specify the Globus install directory without setting the environment variable GLOBUS_LOCATION.





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It allows either to enable or to disable Expat installation checking. The default value is 'yes'.

Then issue: make make install

Afterwards move into the Workload/Logging directory and run the following commands:

./bootstrap ./configure [option] where the recognised options are: --enable-all It is used to enable the build of the Logging and Bookkeeping package. By default this option is turned on.

--enable-userinterface It is used to enable the build of the Client submodule. By default this option is turned off.

--enable-graphical_userinterface It is used to enable the build of the Client submodule. By default this option is turned off.

--enable-jss_rb It is used to enable the build of the Client submodule. By default this option is turned off.

--enable-lbserver It is used to enable the build of the Logging And Bookkeeping Server service with Client, etc, Server, InterLogger/Net, InterLogger/SSL, InterLogger/Error, InterLogger/Lbserver and ThirdParty/trio/src submodules. By default this option is turned off.

--enable-locallogger It is used to enable the build of the Logging And Bookkeeping Local Logger service with Client, InterLogger/Net, InterLogger/SSL, InterLogger/Error, InterLogger/InterLogger, LocalLogger, Apidoc, and ThirdParty/trio/src submodules. By default this option is turned off.

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--enable-logging_dev It is used to enable the build of the Logging And Bookkeeping Client Library with Client and ThirdParty/trio/src submodules. By default this option is turned off.

--prefix= It is used to specify the Logging installation dir. The default installation dir is /opt/edg


It allows specifying the Globus install directory without setting the environment variable GLOBUS_LOCATION.


It allows specifying the Expat install directory without setting the environment variable EXPAT_INSTALL_PATH


It allows specifying the MySQL install directory without setting the environment variable MYSQL_INSTALL_PATH.



Then issue: make make apidoc make check make install

Summarising, in relation to the WMS module you want to build, the configure script has to be run with the following options:

- all

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- userinterface ./configure --disable-all --enable-userinterface

- information ./configure --disable-all --enable-information

- lbserver ./configure --disable-all --enable-lbserver

- locallogger ./configure --disable-all --enable-locallogger

- logging for developers ./configure --disable-all --enable-logging_dev

- jobsubmission and broker ./configure --disable-all --enable-jss_rb

- wl ./configure –disable-all –enable-wl

- proxy ./configure --disable-all --enable-proxy

3.3. RPM INSTALLATION In order to install the WP1 RPMs on the target platforms, the following commands have to be executed as root:

rpm -ivh workload-profile.X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm rpm -ivh userinterface-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm rpm –ivh userinterface-profile-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm rpm -ivh informationindex-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm rpm -ivh informationindex-profile-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm rpm -ivh jobsubmission-X.Y.Z.i386.rpm rpm -ivh jobsubmission-profile-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm rpm -ivh locallogger-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm

IST-2000-25182 PUBLIC 23 / 115 Doc. Identifier: WP1 - WMS SOFTWARE DataGrid-01-TEN-0118-0_6 ADMINISTRATOR AND USER GUIDE Date: 13/05/2002

rpm -ivh locallogger-profile-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm rpm -ivh lbserver-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm rpm -ivh lbserver-profile-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm rpm -ivh logging_dev-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm rpm -ivh proxy-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm rpm –ivh workload-profile-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm rpm -ivh userguide-X.Y.Z-k.i386.rpm

By default all the rpms install the software in the /opt/edg directory, but the profile rpms (i.e. informationindex-profile, jobsubmission-profile, locallogger-profile and lbserver-profile) that install instead in /etc/rc.d/init.d. If you install one of the following rpms: - jobsubmission-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm - locallogger-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm - lbserver-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm - informationindex-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm you will have all needed files installed in /opt/edg and it is necessary to install the configuration and start-up files also in /etc/rc.d/init.d additionally installing the corresponding profile rpms. Namely using the rpms: - jobsubmission-profile-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm - locallogger-profile-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm - lbserver-profile-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm - informationindex-profile-X.Y.Z-K.i386.rpm the following scripts are respectively installed in /etc/rc.d/init.d - broker and jobsubmission - locallogger - lbserver - information_index The administrator (with root privileges) has then to issue from /etc/rc.d/init.d the command: $