Who Are We s2
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Who Are We Where Are We In Place and How Do We Express How Does the World Work How Do We Organize How Do We Share the Planet Time Ourselves An exploration of physical and Ourselves An exploration of our rights An exploration of our An exploration of the ways in material world; of nature and An exploration of human and responsibilities as we An exploration of the nature orientation in place and time; which we discover and express human made phenomena; of the systems and communities; of the strive to share finite resources of the self; of our beliefs and of our personal histories and our nature, ideas, feelings, world of science and technology. world of work, its nature and its with other people, with other values of personal health; geography from local and beliefs, and values through value; of employment and species; of individuals and physical, mental, social and global perspectives; of our language and the arts. unemployment and their impact, communities, human and spiritual; of our families, homes and journeys-actual and both animal; of the relationships friends, communities, and spiritual; of the greater personal and global. within and among them. cultures; of our rights and journeys of humankind- the responsibilities, of what it discoveries, explorations and means to be human. migrations, of human achievements and the contributions of individuals and civilizations; of the descent and ascent of humankind; of the state of the race. Pre-School 3 Title: I Breathe in, I Breathe out Title: Taking Care of Living Title: I am Me, I am Special Title: Showtime Focus: Science Things Focus: Social Focus: Science/ Social Studies Studies/Language Focus: Language Art
Central idea: Central idea: Central idea: Central idea: Children learn more about We use language and art to Air is in our lives. We can help keep living things themselves daily. express ourselves. alive and healthy.
An inquiry into: - children’s physical An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: characteristics - verbal and nonverbal - the importance of air - living and non-living things - how children grow and communication - how we use air - how we care for living things change - how living things help each - feelings, likes, and dislikes other - children as part of their family and community
Pre-School 4 Title: Once Upon A Time Title: On The Move Title: Animal Antics Title: Beyond Me Focus: Language Arts/Drama Focus: Science & Technology Focus: Science/ Social Studies Focus: Social Studies/Language/Arts
Central idea: Central idea: Central idea: Central idea: Groups are made of We use fairy tales to express People use a variety of methods Animals share our world. individuals. ourselves. to move about. An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: - what methods are available to An inquiry into: - how people are individuals - the message intended through move around - animal characteristics and - how individuals are fairy tales - how vehicles differ classification connected to other people and - types of characters - what vehicles people choose - where animals live places - the creation and performance and why - animal life cycle of fairy tales Kindy Title: Friends From Other Title: Patterns Around Us Title: Reasons for Seasons Title: From Field to Table Title: Oceans at Risk Title: Using Your Common Places Focus: Language, Math, Focus: Science and Geography Focus: Social Studies, Science, Senses Focus: Language, Social Science, Music Technology Focus: Science, Society Focus Language, Social Studies, Art Studies, Art Central Idea: Central idea: We come from Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: We learn about the world many cultures and People use patterns to express When nature changes, people Food arrives on our tables in The ocean is a valuable using our five senses. backgrounds. themselves creatively. change. different ways. resource
An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: - types of patterns in everyday - the four seasons An inquiry into: An inquiry into: - our five senses - our countries and our cultures life - how weather affects our daily - stages of food production and - the ocean as a valuable - the ways that we can use our - lifestyles and traditions of our - how we use patterns to express lives the work involved resource senses in our daily lives home ourselves - how foods grow and are - how can we preserve the processed ocean environment Grade One Title: A sense of Place Title: Write Me A Letter Title: Growing Things Title: Taking a Trip Title: Rainforest as a Habitat Title: Communities Focus: Language, Art Focus: Science Focus: Society Focus: Social Studies Focus: Society Focus: Science, technology
Central idea: Central Idea: Central idea: Writing has Central idea: Central idea: Central idea: There are many different All places on earth have special always been used as a way for Plants have certain requirements Organising a trip requires The place in which living types of communities or features that distinguish them people to communicate with one in order to grow planning and people working things are found provides them which we are members. from other places. another. together with what they need to survive An inquiry into: - what a community is An Inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: - the different types of - the physical characteristics of - why we write to each other - how to recognize whether a An inquiry into: - the components of a habitat communities where people live. - various forms of written plant is growing and healthy - reasons for travel - the diversity of habitats - the similarities and - how other places are similar communication -the connection between light, - ways in which people travel (common features) differences in communities to or different from host - how written communication water and growth - the process of planning a trip - how plants and animals adapt - our roles and responsibilities country. has changed throughout the - how different plants have - people involved in this process to particular habitats within a community - how people have changed the years particular requirements - what happens when habitats landscape change
Grade Two Title: Nomadic Life Title: Just Imagine Title: Our Solar system Title: Structures Title: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Title: Eat Well, Live Well Focus: Science Focus: Science / Technology Focus: Geography, society, Focus: Language /Art Focus: Technology, Social Focus: P.S.P.E history Studies / Math Central idea: Central idea: Central idea: Central idea: Central idea: Central idea: You are what you eat. Other cultures may have People tell stories in a variety of Understanding and creating solutions Structures are designed to suit Our personal choices can An inquiry into: different toys and games ways to explore feelings, explain to the needs of living things, makes different purposes, and available change our environment. - what a balances diet is the world and entertain. space travel and living on other resources. planets a possibility. - how exercise impacts a An inquiry into: An inquiry into: lifestyle An inquiry into: - what a story is. An inquiry into: -the packaging for different An inquiry into: - toys and games associated - why people tell stories -the types of structures people products. - the physical features of our with their own and other - different types and purposes of choose to build. -how different materials solar system cultures - customs stories -the availability of resources in decompose - the special features of planets, and traditions associated with - different ways that stories are different countries -how different materials can be clothing and transport required participation in cultural presented such as drama, dance, -the process of building a reused for man to live and work in activities music, puppetry and images structure -the steps we can take to space reduce reuse and recycle our waste in school and at home
Who Are We Where Are We In Place and How Do We Express How Does the World Work How Do We Organize How Do We Share the Planet An exploration of the nature of the Time Ourselves An exploration of physical and Ourselves An exploration of our rights and self; of our beliefs and values of An exploration of our orientation in place An exploration of the ways in which material world; of nature and human An exploration of human systems responsibilities as we strive to share personal health; physical, mental, and time; of our personal histories and we discover and express our nature, made phenomena; of the world of and communities; of the world of finite resources with other people, social and spiritual; of our geography from local and global ideas, feelings, beliefs, and values science and technology. work, its nature and its value; of with other species; of individuals families, friends, communities, perspectives; of our homes and journeys- and communities, human and actual and spiritual; of the greater through language and the arts. employment and unemployment and and cultures; of our rights and journeys of humankind- the discoveries, their impact, both animal; of the relationships within responsibilities, of what it means explorations and migrations, of human Personal and global. and among them. to be human. achievements and the contributions of individuals and civilizations; of the descent and ascent of humankind; of the state of the race.
Grade Three Title: Let’s Celebrate! Title: Where did I Get that Idea? Title: What a Disaster! Title: Light up the World. Title: On the Brink! Focus: Language, Art, Maths Focus: Science, Social Studies Title: The Amazing Human Focus: Social Studies Focus: History, Society, Focus: Science, Social Studies, Body! Technology Language & Art Focus: Science, health
Central idea: Central idea: Central idea: Central idea: Natural disasters Central idea: Central idea: The human body is an Festivals are celebrations of People’s lives are enriched by influence and affect our Technology has impacted upon Endangerment of animals is the integrated machine. cultures and are linked to the imaginative minds. environment. and helped organize our lives. result of natural and unnatural past. An inquiry into: causes. An inquiry into: An inquiry into: - how our lives have changed An inquiry into: An inquiry into: - what is a creative - how earthquakes and volcanoes since the discovery of electricity An inquiry into: - bodily systems (digestion, - how people in our host thinker are caused - the sources and applications of - reasons for endangerment circulation, nervous & country celebrate through - a comparison of forms of - the effects earthquakes and electricity - species which are currently skeletal) festivals creative communications volcanoes have on our endangered and those at risk - kinds of foods that are - how geographical features - the effect creative thinkers environment - our responsibilities for necessary for proper growth influence festivals throughout have on children’s artistic - how we can protect ourselves preserving endangered animals and health the world expression from the effects of natural - healthy living practices - how past traditions are carried disasters out through festivals - similarities and differences of origins and practices of festivals
Grade Four Title: Ancient Greece Title: Mass Media Title: Light and Sound Title: The World of Work Title: Our Mysterious Oceans Title: Diseases and Focus: Social Studies, Language Focus: Science, Math, Focus: Science, social Studies, Focus: Science, Social Studies Disabilities Focus: Social Studies, Science, Technology Technology Focus: Science, Health Language arts Central idea: Central idea: Central idea: Communication Central idea: Central idea: There are many Central idea: Some disabilities that affect Our lives today are linked to through mass media has an Light and sound have properties factors involved in choosing The oceans are one of our most our bodies can be cured. civilizations in the past. impact on our lives. that can be investigated. work. important resources and affect all life on our planet. An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: - the different forms and - properties of light An inquiry into: An inquiry into: - diseases and disabilities that - significant cultural aspects of functions of mass media - properties of sound - types of jobs - the physical and geographic affect our bodies our lives today - how information, thoughts and - using the scientific process to - why people choose work (life features of the oceans - how to maintain good health - significant cultural aspects of opinions are expressed in investigate outside the job/within the job) - ocean l.ife webs - medical intervention in Ancient Greece different media - how people choose jobs - how ocean resources can be helping physical malfunctions - the ways in which Ancient - how mass media affects our preserved - impairments to our senses Greece links with our lives lives today ( ie. food, education, religion, government, entertainment, art, architecture, scientific advancements, drama, medicine, military)
Grade Five Title: Our Medieval Past Title: World Religions Title: Wet, Wild & Windy Title: Off The Drawing Board Title: Where’s The Power? Title: The Cycle of Life Weather Focus: Science, Social Studies, Focus: Social Studies, Focus: Social Studies, literature Focus: Science, Math, Technology Focus: Science, Technology Focus: Science, Health Literature Technology Central idea: to recognize Central idea: Societies, even Central idea: Religious beliefs Central idea: Central idea: Central idea: Alternative the developmental process though far apart, have are central to most societies. Climate and weather affect Technology has changed the sources of energy will replace and needs within the animal developed in similar ways. people around the world. world of work and leisure. diminishing current energy kingdom resources. An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: - Japanese and European - major world religions and - basic features of weather - what motivates inventors to An inquiry into: - the physical and social structures during their roots - climates of the world and their invent - diminishing energy resources environmental needs of Medieval times - similarities and differences impact on people - the advantages and - advantages/disadvantages of animals - the similarities between the between religions - extreme forms of weather disadvantages of important alternative sources of energy - the stages of growth of two societies - how religion affects our lives inventions - the opportunity cost of humans and other animals - what elements of these social alternative sources of energy structures exist in today’s societies