Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
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Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
Religious Education Policies and Procedures
Religious Education: What is it? Religious Education covers the entire span of life from birth to death. It has moved beyond a child- oriented program , designed for students who attend a non-parochial school, to a program encompassing the complete religious training of the entire family.
Parents as Teachers Parents must recognize that the success of their children’s religious education depends mainly on them. Take an in interest in what your children are learning and pray together as a family. A parish religious education program or parochial school program can affirm and support, but can NEVER replace, religious education in the home. The more effort parents and children combined put into the program the more everyone benefits from it.
Children learn to know and love their religious heritage through participating in the practice of the faith with their parents and other significant adults. Parents catechize their children by their example and by participating in their religious education. The purpose of our program is to impart the Catholic Christian message and to guide and assist parents within the Catholic Tradition.
Listed below are some ways that parents can fulfill their obligation as the primary and principal educators of their children
Ways to impact faith at home:
Make prayer a part of your family’s daily life.
Talk about your faith with your family. Share how God is working in your life.
Read the scripture and share Bible stories.
Serve others as Jesus did; identify ways your family can help others.
Practice catholic traditions. Ways to Assist with the Religious Education Program:
See that your child attends class and is on time.
Take advantage of the Religious education eBook and discuss the weekly lessons with your child.
Contact the Coordinator of Religious Education about problems or misunderstandings regarding your child or the program.
Work with the Cathechist and the Coordinator of Religious Education if any matters of discipline arise.
Offer your services as a Catechist or Aide in the Religious Education Program.
Participate in Parish organizations and parish life.
Volunteers Parents are asked to volunteer in many ways: catechists, aides in the class room, hall monitors/substitute teachers. In order to receive a tuition waiver you must volunteer in one of the above named capacities and attend CCD 90% of the time. This is the same time commitment as the students. If your children see you taking part in the program, they will see that Religious Education in an important part of your life. Call the Religious Education Office at 717-732-9642, option 8, to volunteer your time and talent. All Volunteers must have Youth Protection Clearance, The University of Pittsburgh Child Abuse Course, and a signed form for the Diocese.
Sacramental Preparation In order to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation a student must have 2 years of religious education. Grades 1,2,7 and 8 are comprehensive programs to prepare for the Sacraments. Documented Religious Education from another parish is acceptable if you are new to the parish. There will be a Parent Meeting for the Sacramental year classes . Scheduled Classes Pre-School Ages 3 and 4, Kindergarten, and Grades 1 thru 8. Sunday from 9:05 am to 10:20 am Pre- School and Kindergarten classes are not mandated by the diocese and will be held with appropriate volunteer support at the discretion of the CCD Coordinator and the Pastor.
Registration Fees Registration fees are as follow: $50.00 per child $85.00 per family. If your child is registered after August 15th, there will be an additional $15.00 late fee to help defray the cost of shipping books and needed materials. A portion of our budget is paid directly from the parish funds. No Child will be denied participation because of an inability to pay. Please see the CCD Coordinator if you have financial difficulties.
Catechists Our Catechists are volunteers who give generously of their time, talent and effort to shar their faith and the “Good News” of the Gospel with our students. The core of being a Catechist is found in one’s heart and in one’s life. To succeed, they need the prayerful support of the parish and the strong commitment and support of the student’s parents.
Punctuality Habitual tardiness takes away time from the other students and is a disruption. We ask that all students/parents make a conscious effort to be on time each week.
Five late arrivals will count as 1 absence in the course of 1 CCD year.
Homework and Testing Homework from the CCD teachers will be rare. The 8th Grade students will have a Confirmation test. Homework and testing are valid tools for deepening understanding. Review materials will be sent home. We only have the children for 1 hour and 15 minutes each week. We need your help. Our Lady of Lourdes Religious Education
Policies & Procedures
Diocesan Policy States: “Students enrolled in parish catechetical programs shall be provided with a minimum of 30 hours of instructions during the course of the academic year.” It is expected that students enrolled in CCD will regularly attend. The Coordinator of Religious Education checks attendance weekly. In order to successfully complete the parish catechetical program, no more than three (3) classes can be missed in a given year. Reception of the sacraments of First Penance, First Communion and Confirmation could be affected by a failure to fulfill this requirement. If a child is going to be absent from CCD class due to illness, please notify the coordinator prior to class by calling 732-9642 and leave a message on voicemail box #8. All missed assignments due to an absence are expected to be made up.
Sports are not an excuse to miss religious education class.
The following policies will be enforced for students participating in any Parish-sponsored sports:
• A student who is absent from class due to illness may not participate in a practice or game on the day of the absence.
• A student who is absent from class for any reason other than a medical reason, an illness, or a family emergency, may not participate in a game until he/she has attended the next scheduled CCD class.
• A student who is involved in CYO sports for another parish who is absent from class for any reason other than a medical reason, an illness, or a family emergency, may not participate in a game until he/she has attended the next scheduled CCD class. *DIOCESE OF HARRISBURG CATHOLIC YOUTH ORGANIZATION ATHLETIC POLICIES
HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL (Sections 1-4)
Student Conduct & Discipline
Students are expected to listen attentively and participate fully in class. Disruptive or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated. The use and/or possession of illegal substances: alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, or weapons; real or otherwise, is forbidden. The student may be suspended if this policy is violated.
Disruptive Behavior
Disruptive or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.
On the first offense, the student will be given a verbal warning by the teacher. On the second offense, the student will be moved to a different seat location. A parent will need to attend class with the student in the event of a third offense. Upon the final offense, parents will need to make an appointment with the Coordinator and Pastor to discuss and hopefully resolve the situation. If inappropriate behavior continues, the student will not be allowed back in the classroom until the situation can be resolved.
Students are asked to leave cell phones, I-Pods and other electronic equipment at home. If a student is caught using electronic equipment, the teacher will confiscate this item for that class period and return it at the end of class. If the student uses electronic equipment in a subsequent class, the device will be given to the Coordinator of Religious Education and a parent must pick it up at the office.
Students are to dress appropriately and modestly. Shorts if worn must be a respectable length, or a parent will be notified to pick the child up. T-shirts or sweat pants that are worn must not have offensive language, pictures, or symbols. Drugs and Alcohol
The Religious Education Program places primary emphasis on behaviors which enhance the health and welfare of the entire community.
The use and/or possession of illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, mood-altering substances, look-alike drugs, drug-related paraphernalia or the abuse of prescription drugs on parish property or while attending or participating in any parish-sponsored activity is forbidden and is considered a major disciplinary infraction.
After considering all circumstances, the Coordinator of Religious Education may suspend or expel a student for these major disciplinary infractions, depending upon the severity and/or frequency of such violations. In these cases, an alternate program may be suggested for the student.
These infractions/behaviors are extremely serious and will be reported to the parents/guardians of the student and ordinarily to law enforcement officials.
Weapons or Threats of Violence
The possession of any weapon on parish property or at any parish-related activity will be reported immediately to law enforcement officials. Any student in possession of a weapon will be immediately suspended from the Religious Education Program. Readmission will be considered only after serious deliberations with the Coordinator of Religious Education and parents and with the approval of Diocesan officials. An alternate program may be suggested for the student, depending on the circumstances.
The Coordinator of Religious Education, in consultation with the Pastor, reserves the right to define “weapon” in the case of objects other than the obvious guns and knives. Unloaded guns, replicas, and objects used in a threatening manner may all fall into this category.
The Coordinator of Religious Education will inform the Secretary of Education for the Diocese of Harrisburg if anyone is accused of carrying a weapon to class. A threat to inflict violence on another person shall be investigated immediately. If a threat is determined to be credible, the student(s) involved in the Religious Education Program may be suspended and law enforcement officials notified. The student’s school may also be notified, especially if other involved students attend the same school or ride the same bus. Students making threats against others may be required to have a professional evaluation before they are permitted to return to the Religious Education Program. If the assessment indicates that the student poses a threat to him/her self, or to others, or requires support beyond what the Religious Education Program is able to provide, the student may be asked to withdraw and an alternate program may be suggested for the student.
All students are required to abide by the Diocesan policies on Harassment and Sexual Harassment which are quoted here:
The Diocese of Harrisburg affirms the inherent value of every individual and upholds the respect due each, because of his or her uniqueness as a child of God; therefore, the Diocese is committed to providing for its employers, employees, students and volunteers a working educational environment which is free from physical, psychological, sexual or verbal harassment.
The Diocese prohibits any form of harassment of or by employers, employees, students or volunteers. Any student who experiences some form of harassment should report it to the Coordinator of Religious Education. Prompt investigation of allegations of harassment will be made on a confidential basis by the most immediate administrative authority not involved with the allegations to ascertain the veracity of the complaints. Any student who engages in harassment is subject to discipline, up to and including expulsion, depending on the seriousness of the offensive conduct.
The Diocese of Harrisburg prohibits any form of sexual harassment of or by employers, employees, volunteers or students. Sexual harassment is defined as: 1) threatening to impose adverse employment, academic, disciplinary or other sanctions on a person unless sexual favors are given; 2) promising favorable benefits for sexual favors; 3) conduct or suggestions of a sexual nature which would be offensive to a reasonable person.
Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, the following behaviors: 1. Derogatory verbal comments of a sexual nature such as epithets, jokes, slurs or unwanted sexual advances.
2. Displaying lewd visual images such as posters, photographs, cartoons, drawings or gestures including sexually derogatory and/or sexually oriented materials.
3. Unwanted physical contact or sexual overtures which interfere with an individual’s work or academic performance or which create an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or academic environment.
4. Threats and demands to submit to sexual requests as a condition of continued employment, grades, other benefits, etc., or to avoid some other loss or offer of benefits in return for sexual favors.
5. Retaliation for having reported or threatening to report sexual harassment.
Any student who experiences any form of sexual harassment should report it to the Coordinator of Religious Education. Prompt investigation of allegations of sexual harassment will be made on a confidential basis by the most immediate administrative authority not involved with the allegation to ascertain the veracity of complaints. Any student who engages in sexual harassment is subject to discipline up to and including expulsion, depending on the seriousness of the offensive conduct. Any student who engages in sexual harassment may also be subjected to legal proceedings.
Cancellation of Classes
During inclement weather, please check the following websites/TV stations for class cancellations:
cw15.com [email protected]
In any case, please use your own judgment to preserve the safety of you and your family. Also, during the cold weather months the back doors on the upper level of the Parish Center will remain locked and will become Emergency Exists Only. Please do not use these doors to access the building. Please use the front entrance only for entering and leaving. Thank you!
Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Policies & Procedures
We have read and discussed the contents of
Our Lady of Lourdes Religious Education Policies & Procedures and agree to abide by the standards outlined herein.
This page is to be returned to teacher by August 28, 2016.
Student Name (please print):______Grade:______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______