In Room 1, the Speedwell Rooms, Inkersall Road, Staveley s1

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In Room 1, the Speedwell Rooms, Inkersall Road, Staveley s1


Held on Tuesday 12 July 2016 Commencing at 6.30pm In Room 1, The Speedwell Rooms, Inkersall Road, Staveley

Present: Councillor H Elliott (Chair) L Derbyshire S Bagshaw C Ludlow K Ludlow J Barnett A Hill B Dyke E Tidd J Bacon D Collins J Young P Hill

In Attendance: Town Clerk and Financial Officer: M Evans 6 members of the public J Burrows – Leader, Chesterfield Borough Council H Bowen – Chief Executive, Chesterfield Borough Council


APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 157/ME/1 Apologies received from Councillors D Parsons, S Hollingworth 6 and K Davis


CHAIR’S ANNOUNCEMENT 159/ME/1 The Chair stated that she had attended the Staveley Armed 6 Forces event, along with a number of other members, and it had been a great success. Councillor B Dyke stated that he would like to record his thanks to the cadets who had taken part.

The Chair also announced that Staveley Town Council is an inclusive council, one that welcomes diversity and opposes any type of discrimination or hate crime.

CORRESPONDENCE 160/ME/1  A letter had been received from the Friends of King George V 6 advertising their open day on 18 September 2016.

 An invitation had been sent to the Council for the HS2 drop in open day, at the Speedwell Rooms, on 20 July, 12.30 – 8.00pm.

VARIATION OF ORDER OF BUSINESS 161/ME/1 There were no variations to the order of business. 1 6

DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS 162/ME/1 a) a) There were no declarations of members’ interests 6 b) b) No requests for dispensations were received.

CONSULTATION ON DEVOLUTION 163/ME/1 Councillor J Burrows (Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council) 6 and H Bowen (Chief Executive of Chesterfield Borough Council) gave a presentation to the Council on the proposed devolution deal with Sheffield City Region as part of the broader consultation programme.

H Bowen outlined the proposal which would see the establishment of an elected mayor for the region, new powers relating to housing, planning, transport, business growth and skills and employment.

The public present asked the following questions:

 J Morehen – What are the draw backs of this proposal? H Bowen answered that based on previous experience there are very few, if any. He stated that there are no other deals on the table. There is a challenge in how Derbyshire’s two tier local government system will work with the new arrangements. Councillor J Burrows stated that he had been considering this for a long time and cannot see any drawbacks. In particular, he emphasised the opportunities for young people and hard to reach groups.

 J Morehen – In his role as a governor at Netherthorpe School he sees things that lead him to worry about the attitude of some young people.

 J Roberts BEM stated that he thinks that this deal is the only way to proceed.

 Councillor Ludlow asked members of Staveley Town Council for any questions. There were none.

It was RESOLVED that Staveley Town Council supports the Chesterfield Borough Council proposal that Chesterfield be part of the Sheffield City Region devolution deal.

Councillor D Collins did not vote on this issue.

PUBLIC SPEAKING 164/ME/1 J Roberts BEM expressed his thanks to those involved in the 6 Staveley Armed Forces event. He was proud of the cadets and was pleased with the new men’s choir and, in particular, the

2 Enabling Housing Choir. M Gerard expressed her thanks to the Staveley Armed Forces Association Committee.

CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF STAVELEY TOWN COUNCIL HELD ON 14 JUNE 2016 165/ME/1 It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 6 Staveley Town Council held on 14 June 2016 be approved as a true record.

TO CONSIDER MATTERS ARISING FROM THE ORDINARY MEETING OF STAVELEY TOWN COUNCIL HELD ON 14 JUNE 2016 166/ME/1 Councillor K Ludlow thanked those members of Staveley Town 6 Council who attended Councillor O Cauldwell’s funeral. It was noted that Councillor K Davis did attend the Ordinary meeting on 14 June 2016.

CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES OF THE POLICY, FINANCE AND PUBLICITY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 22 JUNE 2016 167/ME/1 It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Policy, Finance and 6 Publicity Committee meeting held on 22 June 2016 be approved as a true record.


CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 22 JUNE 2016 169/ME/1 It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Planning and 6 Environmental Committee meeting held on 22 June 2016 be approved as a true record.


CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES OF THE LEISURE AND COMMUNITY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 29 JUNE 2016 171/ME/1 It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Leisure and 6 Community Committee meeting held on 29 June 2016 be approved as a true record.

3 TO CONSIDER MATTERS ARISING FROM THE LEISURE AND COMMUNITY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 29 JUNE 2016 172/ME/1 Councillor C Ludlow presented to the meeting the winning entry 6 of the Staveley Town Council arts and crafts competition. The winning design will be used as the new logo.

WARD REPORTS BY COUNCILLORS 173/ME/1 Councillor B Dyke raised the following issues: 6  Springwell School’s policy on only allowing school trousers to be purchased from one source, at a cost of £15.00.

 Netherthorpe School adopting a policy of isolating a pupil who shaved his head for charity. It was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk and Financial Officer writes to both schools, on the respective issues, expressing the Council’s concern with both decisions:

(1) That on the issue of the school trousers, similar quality ones can be purchased elsewhere at a cheaper price.

(2) On the issue of the charity head shave, the Council feel that the restrictions applied to the pupil are unfair.

TOWN CLERK’S REPORT 174/ME/1 The Town Clerk and Financial Officer reported on the following 6 items:

Heart of Staveley The documents for the procurement of a managing agent, to run Staveley Hall and The Stables, will all be complete and ready to go out to the market in two weeks’ time. The final document, the legal contract and heads of terms, is being drawn up

When time is factored in for the preparation and return of tenders by bidders and for evaluation by the Council, it is estimated that the new organisation will be on site from 1 October 2016.

Members have recently toured the Hall and a number of organisations have expressed interest in bidding to run the facility going forward.

Manned security has been put in place for the next three months whilst the building is unoccupied.

A meeting with M Brooke and his colleagues was held on 6 July 2016 to close off any loose ends on this phase of the project and Council was updated on any issues raised.

4 Speedwell Rooms Prices are currently being obtained for refurbishing the toilets behind the stage. An order for this work will be placed this month.

A number of successful events have been held recently and others are planned. These include a 40th birthday party, a blood donors’ clinic, a seminar for Derbyshire County Council, a junior football club presentation and a wedding (6 August).

A stock take for the bar (last quarter of 2015/16) demonstrated that the return on sales is in line with good practice for the trade.

Market An options on this subject is to be presented to next week’s Policy, Finance and Publicity Committee meeting.

Allotments At the time of writing the report the results of the soil testing for Barrow Hill were not yet available. An update was given at the meeting.

Summer Activities The programme of activities at the Healthy Living Centre, for the children of the area, has been arranged and letters have gone out to the schools. These activities are supplemented by cooking and art classes funded by Derbyshire County Council at the Speedwell Rooms. Posters have been printed to help advertise the event.

Pantomime Two shows of Cinderella will be staged at the Speedwell Rooms on 15 January 2017. A cost of £2.00 per adult and £1.00 per child will be applied.

Arts and Crafts The Staveley Town Council presentation night is to be held on Friday 22 July 2016 and the Mayor of Chesterfield will be in attendance.

The winning entry from the competition will be used as the new logo for Staveley Town Council and a professional graphic of the design has been made.

Bowling Club The new summer house for the Bowling Club will be erected by the end of July.

Use of High Street Office by Derbyshire County Council Derbyshire County Council continue to run a number of successful classes from the upstairs office at 26 High Street. 5 These include IT classes, a maths class and a job/advice club. Derbyshire County Council are looking to add to these by introducing a social care/child care course.

ALLOTMENTS 175/ME/1 This item was covered in the Town Clerk’s report. 6

CHESTERFIELD BOROUGH COUNCIL 176/ME/1 Nothing to report. 6

FIXING OF THE COMMON SEAL 177/ME/1 There were no documents to seal. 6

HEART OF STAVELEY PROJECT 178/ME/1 This was covered in the Town Clerk’s report. 6



STAFFING MATTERS 179/ME/1 The Town Clerk and Financial Officer gave an update on 6 various staffing matters.

BUDGET REPORT 180/ME/1 The Town Clerk and Financial Officer presented a report setting 6 out the current position relating to the Council’s Cooperative and Unity bank accounts.

It was RESOLVED that: - The Council note the budget position of the two bank accounts.

- The Council authorise the Town Clerk and Financial Officer to pay £100,000 off the capital amount borrowed from Derbyshire County Council, in loan number 2, and, that a profiled payback of the balance is negotiated.


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