Cleeve Parish Council

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Cleeve Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting of Cleeve Parish Council held on 9 June 2015, commencing at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Cleeve.

Minute Ref: Agenda Item Action Present: 52/15 Cllr Hilary Burn Cllr Marianne Pitman (Chairman) Cllr Toby Morton (co- Cllr Jean Ashman opted during the (Vice Chairman) meeting)

In attendance: District Cllr Deborah Yamanaka and Gemma Richards (Clerk to the Council) and two members of the public.

53/15 Apologies: They were received from Cllr George Stringer, PC Morris and PCSO Turner.

54/15 Co-Option of New Councillors The Clerk advised that she has spoken with the Electoral Team at North Somerset Council and they have confirmed that a vote to co-opt into the three vacant seats can take place at the meeting even though two of the new Councillors are absent. It was agreed by all to co-opt Toby Morton, Alan Doughty and Christian Joyce as Councillors for Cleeve Parish Council.

Cllr Morton joined the meeting and signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

1 55/15 Members of the Public No comments from the member of the public.

56/15 Introduction of Carol Pike, Community Response Officer Carol Pike introduced herself as a new Community Response Officer working for North Somerset Council. She covers Cleeve and the surrounding areas and joined the team at the end of March and GR there are three officers in the team. She works 8am until 4pm and between the team they also cover weekends as well as week days. Carol has received a broad spectrum of training to cover many issues. The main things they target are anti-social behaviour, environmental matters, graffiti, litter, dog fouling and neighbour disputes. The team works with the police and they are highly visible with bright coats and vans and aim to be the first point of contact for the public. The team also drive around looking for and reporting any fly tipping. They are trying to attend local events and meetings to highlight their roles and it was agreed to put something in All About Cleeve highlighting Carol’s role. It was confirmed that as soon as the

2 team has accreditation they will have the power to issue instant fines. The Chair highlighted that dog faeces are a problem in the village. Carol said that she currently patrols the playing fields once a month but will be aware of this issue.

57/15 Introduction of Tina Huckle-Mills, New Village Agent Tina Huckle-Mills introduced herself as a new Agent for Cleeve. She is employed by West of England Rural Network (WERN) and they piloted the Village Agent scheme four years ago in Chew Magna and received very positive GR feedback and the scheme has now been expanded across North Somerset. Tina confirmed she has been in the post for seven weeks and that she works 10 hours a week. She works closely with colleagues but the main areas she covers are Cleeve, Brockley and Chelvey, Wrington, Churchill and Langford. Her main role is targeting the over 50s who are vulnerable or isolated and to assist bringing them back into the community. Tina is trying to visit local events and clubs as getting to know who is

3 likely to need help is paramount. Tina stressed that she is here to help and signpost help available and knows that most villages have a great network but is here to help some individuals who need extra help. Tina confirmed that her services are free. It was agreed to put a note in All About Cleeve highlighting her services.

58/15 Declaration of Interests Declarations of Interest relating to items on the agenda. There were no new declarations of interest.

Dispensations There were no applications for dispensations for section 33 (b) to (e).

59/15 Minutes of the meeting held on 12th May 2015 The minutes of the meeting held on 12th May 2015 were agreed as an accurate record and the master was then signed by the Chair.

60/15 Clerk’s Report The Clerk advised that:  An email was sent to North Somerset Council stating that the Parish Council fully supports the Playing Fields

4 request for the work to the ditch to be finished. Rich Lawrence and Paul Smart (from NSC) have eventually been in touch with each other and North Somerset Council have agreed to complete emptying the ditch however they do not think any work needs to be carried out to the gambians. Paul has suggested they meet to look at it together which they will arrange. District Cllr Yamanaka has offered to help if required. GR  Two names have been provided by Cleeve Nursery to provide quotes for poisoning the weed in Goblin Combe. The Chair and the Clerk met with one of the gardeners to discuss as he was concerned about who owned the land and whether the site is protected by a SSSI but upon reassurances that the land is not within an SSSI site and that it is common land he will provide a quote. Quotes have not yet been received.  A response has been sent to

5 David Bailey suggesting the location of the new sign as agreed at the last meeting.  A letter has been sent to the dental surgery in Cleeve asking them to encourage clients to park in the car park and to suggest installing a car park sign. A call has been received from the Dental Surgery and they have explained that the problems are people parking and catching the bus. They said that they currently had no clients in the surgery and there are 4 cars parked around the building. They do monitor the situation and have encouraged clients to park in the car park in the past. They will however add a line to their reminder emails highlighting the car park. They also said that they have installed a sign in the past but it was broken within a few days.  The payments approved by the Council have been made and the money received paid in.  The Annual Return was sent

6 off via recorded delivery to the External Auditors and the document has now been returned all signed and completed. An invoice for £100 plus VAT will be received shortly. A Notice of Conclusion of Audit has been completed and will be placed on the notice board.  Julian Bailey was contacted to find out if he has heard anything further from HMRC regarding his tax for the last financial year. Julian confirmed that he is still waiting to speak with HMRC but that the Parish Council should consider the matter closed as he feels no error has been made.  The funds available to the Parish Council as at 27 May are £21,335.71.

61/15 District Councillor’s Report & Police Report District Cllr Yamanaka advised that she had spoken with an Executive Member regarding the Licensing request notification process following the pop festival licence request in Wrington Warren. District Cllr Yamanaka explained

7 that District Cllrs are only notified one week before the meeting which is too late to lodge any objections if there are any. She suggested it may be something to raise through ALCA/NALC as the current law does not require North Somerset Council to notify anyone of the request. District Cllr Yamanaka explained that she has a monthly meeting with the North Somerset Council’s Area Officer for Cleeve and said she is happy to raise anything with him if she is made aware of any issues. The Clerk said that she had received an email from PC Morris stating that there are no crime issues to raise but there have been two car accidents that have no doubt caused concern in the last month. The Clerk explained that she updated him with regards to the new speed sign being installed in the next few months.

62/15 Planning Applications For discussion: (i) 15/P/1025/F 64 Main Road, Cleeve – Change of use from restaurant to restaurant and 2no A5 units with erection of a first floor level

8 to provide staff rooms, erection of a single storey extension to north east elevation, a pitched roof with 3no dormer extensions, 5no roof lights, external stairs to first floor on south-west elevation and to provide two additional parking spaces (retrospective) – The Parish Council wishes to object on the following grounds:  The extension is an overdevelopm ent of the site. The site is located within the Green Belt and the size of the extension will have an effect on the openness of the Green Belt.  The proposed new window on the North East Elevation will look directly into the neighbour’s bedroom and will have a huge effect on their privacy.  The kitchen is currently located at the other end of the building and the new

9 proposal will move the kitchen to the other end meaning the extractor fan will be directly next to the neighbour’s property which will have a detrimental effect of their enjoyment of their property.  The Parish Council is extremely concerned that the additional units will be requesting licences to sell alcohol which will have a negative effect on the current local shop on Bishops Road.  The A370 has a speed limit of 40mph. The previous restaurant was only open 5pm until approximately 10pm. Two new units of shops will have the potential to be open all day and this will create significant hazards for traffic pulling in and out on the busy A370. Cleeve has had numerous accidents take place in recent

10 months on the A370 due to its speed limit.  The protected local species of the Greater Horseshoe bat forage in the bushes and hedgerows next to this site and the increase in lighting for the proposed building will be harmful to the bats.  There is an error in the Sustainability Statement. The paragraph under the heading “Patterns of Development” is factually inaccurate. The site is not located in a main shopping thoroughfare with most shops having flats on the upper floors. There are no other shops in that area of Cleeve.  The Sustainability Statement also mentions that water butts will be installed to reduce run off from the roof. Water butts are not sufficient to manage the

11 additional run off that will be created with an extension of this size.  North Somerset Council is insisting that the development next to this site (planning application 14/P/0190/F) is to have a 1.5m high acoustic wall surrounding the site. This will cause difficulties when pulling out of this proposed site in the future onto the A370.

(ii) 14/P/2240/O 62 Main Road, Cleeve – agree report for Planning Committee – prior to the meeting it was agreed that no one would attend the Committee Meeting as upon reading the paper for the meeting all the Parish Council’s comments have been included. District Cllr Yamanaka advised in the future it would be worthwhile a Councillor attending in a personal capacity to emphasise any

12 points that need further clarification. District Cllr Yamanaka said that she would be attending and can speak at the meeting but will not be able to vote. She has spoken to the case officer and it is not possible to have a speed restriction as a condition of the application as this is a highway matter. She also advised that certain things can be dealt with at the reserved matters stage i.e. requesting the acoustic wall to be faced to look like a limestone wall. It was agreed by all that the application is now the opposite of what they supported in the beginning in that there are now only six large houses proposed on the site with no two bedroomed houses and the acoustic wall which has been insisted on by North Somerset Council is completely out of keeping with the village. District Cllr Yamanaka said she would try her best and would also speak with the planning

13 team to see if the site could be considered an exception site if the landowner would consider affordable housing.

For information: (i) 15/P/0190/F – The Old Inn, Main Road, Cleeve – GRANTED

63/15 Finance

Payments received – the Clerk advised that she had received payment from Groundwork for their contribution towards the dog bin emptying at Goblin Combe of £156.00.

Payments for authority – The Council approved the following items for payment:

Item Cost (£)

North Somerset 115.20 (v) Council – dog bin emptying

Parish Council Airport 50.00 Association subscription

Clerk’s Salary 11 May 415.80 to 7 June 2015 – 4 weeks

Litter Picker’s Salary 51.20

Inland Revenue 12.80

Clerk – administration 21.53

Clerk – travel – 8 3.60

14 miles @ £0.45

Clerk – use of home 16.00 as office – 4 weeks

64/15 Consultations: Draft Education Provision in North Somerset – A Commissioning Strategy 2015-18 It was agreed by all that no comment was required.

65/15 Bristol Airport Community Fund - Update Following an email being received from Jeremy Gall advising that the next Local Community Fund meeting being deferred until 17 July in order to ensure that the new Council appointments to the committee have been ratified it was agreed to postpone this item until the next meeting.

66/15 Agree final external bodies representation It was agreed by all that Cllr Morton would be the representative for the Playing Fields Committee. It was also agreed to defer agreeing the representatives for Equal Opportunities and the Mid Rural Network until the next meeting when all Councillors may be present.

67/15 Risk Assessments The Chair raised that there is a large pothole outside Cleeve Nursery on GR the A370. Also the stile between Cleeve Court field and the footpath to Goblin Combe is unstable.

68/15 Report on meetings attended None.

69/15 Invitations to External Meetings Playing Fields Committee Meeting – 16 June – TM Trustees of Yatton Charities – 18 June – MP Parish Council Airport Association – June – HB Parish Workshop – 17 June – no take up WERN AGM – 25 June – no take up VANS join the dots event – 24 June – no take up

70/15 Correspondence The Clerk highlighted a letter received from Groundwork asking for support to raise

15 donations to buy the Old School building. GR It was agreed by all to put a copy of the letter onto the notice board in order to advertise the request for help. It was agreed that the Parish Council cannot give a grant in this case if Groundwork are unsuccessful in raising the money the grant may not be used for a particular project onsite in Cleeve. The Clerk was asked to write a letter to Groundwork explaining its support and will advertise however cannot give any money in this instance.

71/15 Meetings The Council confirmed the date of the next meeting:  Council Meeting – 14 July 2015 at 7.30pm

The meeting closed at 9.08pm


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