Current World Problems

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Current World Problems

International Relations - Group Presentation – Worth 200 Points

With your group, you will be assigned a topic that is a current important International Relations issue. Groups should trade email and phone information so they can keep in touch. You are expected to do all of the work for this presentation outside of class, however I may give you some time in the computer lab to work on this, but that is not for sure. Each presentation and all work for that presentation must be turned in by all groups on ______. This includes your PowerPoint’s if you are using this. It must either be emailed to [email protected] before the due date, or you must turn it in on a CD or memory stick by the due date. Then each day I will pick one group to give their presentation. You need to give a 40 minute thorough presentation on your issue on that day. Your presentation MUST be done on that day. If it is not done on this day, you will receive a zero. Exceptions will be made only in rare circumstances. Any possible exception will involve a conversation with your parents. In preparing for the presentation, you should do so in a way that even if one person is missing, the group can still present. The presentation will go on and the person who was not here will get a zero. If you have a problem with any of this, talk to Mr. Weiss NOW, do not wait. You should be working on this presentation throughout the semester.

One of the challenges of the presentation is to get it all done in 40 minutes. It will take a great deal of effort on your part to efficiently do everything that is required in the amount of time allotted. You need to work hard at figuring out how you will accomplish this.

The lists of topics are: 1. AIDS; 2. Nuclear Proliferation; 3. Energy Crisis; 4. Global Warming; 5. Terrorism; 6. Hunger; 7. Women's Rights; 8. Human Trafficking; 9. Child Abuse; 10. Cancer

Your assigned topic is: (Write in here) ______

Each presentation must include each of the following for each issue presented:

1. At least one visual/poster that is clearly viewed by the members of the class and helps to get your points across. (or) You may use PowerPoint for your presentation and if you do, then you do not need to have a poster. You can turn in your presentation via email, on a CD or memory stick. Please email a copy of the PowerPoint to Mr. Weiss ([email protected]) before the due date! All people in the group must participate equally in the presentation.

2. A one page hand-out for each member of the class, for your issue that summarizes your presentation. You must have on each hand-out the names of the people in your group and clearly state at the top of the hand out the issue being covered. Call this an “Information Fact Sheet”. If you get me your hand-out several days before your presentation, I would be happy to make copies for you. You will pass this around the room during your presentation.

3. Pretend your group works for a world organization that is trying to help the world move towards a solution of these issues/problems. For your issue put together the following, include them in your presentation and pass them around the room so your classmates can grade you properly:

1 a. A one page “Position Paper” stating your group’s views on this issue/problem along with your suggestions of what needs to be done to move towards a solution. Pass this around the room for the entire class to see after you read it. b. A ½ page “Press Release” summarizing the problem with the goal of making more people aware of the nature of the problem. Pass this around the room for the entire class to see after you read it. c. A “Brochure” that would be used as a mailer to try to raise money to help solve this problem. You should use pictures, graphs and any other visual you think will help to “sell” this. Pass this around the room after you review it with the class. d. A Notebook/Folder that has in it five articles on this issue you have found during this semester from a reputable newspaper, magazine or website that includes each article and a typed one paragraph detailed summary of each article. Please these around the room after you have reviewed it with the class. e. List and give proof of three “Action Items” you have taken during the semester on this issue. (Such as writing a letter to a key person; sending in a donation; volunteering your time; joining a help group; etc.) You will pass around during your presentation a document listing each of your three action items and your “proof”. Get to work on this NOW!!

4. Thoroughly and clearly answer all questions from the sheet of questions you were given on each of these issues. This should be the heart of your presentation. You should have this part done in word processing in a document you can turn in to me when your presentation is completed. At the end of this document, you should list all resources (books, articles, web sites, etc. that you have used in putting this presentation together. Be sure to mention each source you have used. You must list at least three sources.

5. You need to recommend two books to the class on this topic. You need to bring in a copy of the book to pass around the room and give the class the name of the book, the author’s name and why you recommend it.

6. The last part of this project is that you will turn in to Mr. Weiss four (4) multiple choice questions you have made up based on this presentation. Each question should have at 4 possible answers. Indicate which answer is the correct on. These questions will be added to questions from the other presentations for a test for the entire class on all presentations at the end of this section of the class.

Grading: Review Separate Grading Sheet

This presentation will be worth a total of 200 points. When you present, DO NOT just read from a poster or PowerPoint, just explain the information to the class. Fifty percent of your grade will come from grade sheets your fellow students will fill out and the other fifty percent will come from your teacher. The following is how you will be graded. This shows how many points is the maximum for each category of what you are expected to do. Whenever you have questions about this project, please talk to me, call or email me immediately. This is a very important project for this class.

It is really important that you work well as a group together. Do not wait until the last few weeks to begin work on this project. Also, you need to make sure you divide up responsibility for the various pieces of this project among all members.

2 Your presentation and all of the materials that go with it should be of extremely high quality! All of your work will be turned into me at the end of the class. I look forward to your insight and suggested solutions on these complex world issues/problems. Good luck!


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