Chichester Westgate Triathlon Club Annual General Meeting s1

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Chichester Westgate Triathlon Club Annual General Meeting s1

Chichester Westgate Triathlon Club Annual General Meeting

7th November 2014 at Westgate Leisure Chichester

Committee members present: Shaun Dowling, Jason Davis, Trycha Darling, Brian Gowdy, Nicky McCullock, Steve Long, Stuart Wilson, Emily Riley and John King.

Apologies: Mike Pillans and Sophie Creak.

Club members present: Paul Reynolds, Mike Cooper, Steve Hasler, David Dillon- Thistletion, Luke Leleu, Emanuele Maraho, Sam Roberts, Patrick, Fei Min Lai, Andy Matthews, and Guy Reed.

No comments from last year’s AGM minuets, they have been signed off by Shaun Dowling and Jason Davis.

1. Chairman Report – Shaun Dowling:

Welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming, below are the key point over the last year.

CDC bid was successful. £5,000 total to last 2 years. Claimed £1,126.13 in July, leaving £3873.87. Next 6 months claim will include coaching course fees – including Steve, Lin, and Lizzie

2 more Level 2 coaches qualified – Nicky and myself. We are also sending one Level 2 coach on the England Triathlon Head Coach training course.

New partnership with Tri it Sports who have sponsored the junior kit and reinvested 5% of members’ purchases back into the club on top of our 10% discount = £232

 24th November open evening in the store

 Please could all members remember to go to Tri it Sports for their triathlon needs as a ‘first port of call’. The store is run by club members; club members get a 10% discount; and the club gains a financial return on sales. Win-win-win.

Athlete successes have included representation at World and European Championships in Cross Triathlon, XTERRA and triathlon

New additions to the club this year have included at various times a spinning class, Pilates, regular mountain biking and a Saturday cycle. At one point there was something organised by the club every day of the week, reflecting our ambition to be as inclusive as possible and meet the needs of members. We still have some way to go here, but the challenge of putting on group activities for what is an individual sport are well-known. Welcomed new members onto the committee mid-year who have already contributed a significant amount. More of which later in the agenda.

Youth squad progressing well and are being welcomed into adult sessions as appropriate, for which the adult members are thanked.

2. CWTC Constitution – proposed amendments by Shaun:

It was put to a member vote and listed below are the follow changes to the constitution:

(3. OFFICERS) a) From the membership of the Club; the Officers of the Club, who shall serve in an honorary capacity, will be, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Events Coordinator, Membership Secretary, Run Coordinator, Swim Coordinator, Bike Coordinator, Web Master, Marketing officer, Kit officer, Performance Director, Youth coach, Junior club representative. (15 committee members with one vote each at meetings) c) Members wishing to stand for election can be voted in in absentia at the AGM, but only if they are the only nominee. If more than one member is seeking election for the same role and one is unable to attend the AGM, then the AGM should decide on one of two options: 1.An EGM to be called with a one item agenda to vote on this position 2.The AGM agree that the nominees attend the next Committee Meeting for the committee to decide.

(4.MEETING) i) There will be an Annual General Meeting of the Club held in the month of January. iii The Hon. Secretary will ensure that members of the direct mailing. iv Regular committee meetings will be held (broadly every six weeks) to check on the progress of the club and ensure that members’ needs are being met.

(5. QUORUM) The quorum for any meeting of the Club shall be 5 (five) members

(7. AMENDMENTS AND ALTERATIONS) c. This constitution will be reviewed again in January 2016

The full CWTC Constitution is available on the website -

3. Treasurer’s reports from Trycha: Income. Swimming £6642. Membership. £3707 Expenditure. Swim £8320 These are for the10 month up to end Oct.

More detailed report will be in the end of year report in Jan 2015. Shaun would like to thank Trycha on behalf of the club.

4. Members Secretary:

Steve let us know that we have 101 members at the moment had a big drop in April when the membership renew takes place.

5. Swim Co-ordinator report – Sophie couldn’t make the meeting but her report was readout by Jason.

The focus of the swim coordinator for 2014 has been to get consistent and progressive swim sets in place for the year and available to all. The decision was made to email the weekly sets to all paid up members of the club so that those who could not attend the sessions were able to follow the training program. This was well received by those whose work/family commitments meant they had to train at alternative times.

Also this year we have introduced Critical Swim Speed testing to help control the intensity of the sessions and keep the lanes flowing smoothly. New swimmers can now be streamed by their 400m time, and sets can be written to ensure everyone in the lane works to the same level.

We have seen the usual fluctuation in swimmer numbers during the year, ranging from 7 people per lane on a Tuesday night, which is at the upper end of comfortable, to some lonely single swimmer lanes in quiet times. Overcrowding on a Thursday night has been addressed by rearranging the lanes available for the club as a whole, but once again numbers are low for the 2 adult lanes available. Balancing expected numbers with planned lanes will continue to be a challenge for next year. Increasing the cost of non-member swimming seems to have reduced the number of people coming purely for a few weeks swim lessons, enabling the coaches to focus on all lanes of the swim rather than purely the 'non-crawlers’.

Steve Hasler has continued to be a huge asset to Tuesday night swims, and with the Lizzie Gerard now working towards her coaching qualifications and running some lanes alone, I hope soon to be able to provide consistent Tuesday night coach support to the club whilst also allowing the coach team time off on a Rota basis. Neil Bradfield has offered to support with the running of one Thursday session a month, further strengthening the services offered to swimmers in the club. My thanks to the above mentioned for all of their help and continued support.

6. Cycle Co-ordinator report from Brian:

There have been 44 Sunday rides, averaging 10 riders per week which is down on last year. We are looking for members to hold the Christmas Sunday meal that you have to ride to. Any one that would like to hold it at their house to let Brian know.

Still looking for members to help take the slower group out on a Sunday. The Sat morning ride for more beginners, run 18 session averaging 4 members per week for the 6 month leading up to the Chichester Triathlon in July. Mounting bike session that Mike Pillans is organising are going well with around 8-10 members going to each week. The bike fit and maintenance session run in the summer was well received, and look to do the same thing again next year.

Spin classes at the Chi Uni with Jan had started off well but are now opened up to none-member as number where low. However, if you would like to go, talk to Jan West for more information or visit our facebook page.

Club ride day, where the Sunday group ride will meet up and ride with different local Tri clubs are start in the new year. This is to help raise money for out chosen charity. Shaun would like to thank Brian on behalf of the club.

7. Run Co-ordinator report – Liz & Mike couldn’t make the AGM so Shaun spoke about the club session.

There have been around 10-14 runners per week and has increase in the last couple of month which is really good to see. Liz is still happy to run them as they are as long as the committee and its member are happy. Shaun would like to thank Liz and Mike on behalf of the club.

8. Junior Coordinator Report from Niki: 106 members and now have a waiting list for new joiner. Juniors have £11,000 in the account, which is helping to pay for training up new coaches. A new spinning class for the juniors on a Monday night at Westgate to start in the new year.

We still need more coaches and ask anyone that would like to help and be trained up, to let Niki or Adam know. Shaun would like to thank Niki and Adam on behalf of the club.

9. Club Clothing Report from Jason: The new cycle kit will be sold at Tri it Sports and the design is the same as before, but with a different supplier which we are just waiting for sample to make sure the quality is what we want. Cost will be around the same as before but will be stocked at Tri it Sports so you can try them on. We will be looking at other clothing items once the cycle kit is sorted out. If any member would like to request a type of clothing too talk to Jason for now until we have our new Club Kit Co-ordinator.

10.Web Masters report from Stuart: All the new CWTC email address for the committee members have been set up. Facebook is working well with good visit and post. However, twitter is not as busy and not as many use it, we will keep it going for now. The website is now being used more for storage and there are lots of ‘add ons’ that we can pay to use like payments system for members. The committee will meet to talk about the ‘add ons’ in the new year.

11.Events report from Emily: Shaun informed the members that Emily has been acting events coordinator from taking over from Del. She has done a fantastic job to move the events side of the club on and we all look forward to the up and coming end of session do. The club now has a monthly social meet on the 1st Wednesday of each month please come along and meet us. Last month wad a meal & drinks at the ‘Old House at Home’ in Chidham. The end of session do and awards evening is on the 22nd Nov and we have sold 39 tickets and 50 is the target which we hope to get.

12.Election of committee members: Chairman – One contender Sophie Propose – Shaun Second – Brian Members vote - All for 20, all against 0. Passed.

Membership secretary – Two contenders David Dillon Propose – Jason Second – Shaun Members vote - All for 7, all against 0. Steve Long Propose – Jason Second – Shaun Members vote - All for 9, all against 0. Passed.

Events Coordinator – One contender Emily Propose – Shaun Second – Jason Members vote - All for 20, all against 0. Passed.

Marketing Officer - One contender David Dillon Propose – Shaun Second – Jason Members vote - All for 20, all against 0. Passed.

Kit Officer - One contender Emanuele Propose – Shaun Second – Jason Members vote - All for 20, all against 0. Passed.

Youth Section Coordinator – one contender Shaun Propose – Jason Second – Brian Members vote - All for 20, all against 0. Passed. Jason asked the member if anyone had any objection in a block vote for the remaining position - No objection.

Block Vote committee members: Vice Chairman – Mike Pillans, Secretary – Jason, Treasure – Trycha, Bike Co-ordinator – Brian, Run coordinator –Liz /Mike, Junior Co-ordinator –Nicky, Communications Officer – Stuart Wilson, and Performance Director – JK.

Propose – Jason Second – Shaun Club vote - All for 20, all against 0. Passed

Any member that would like to or know anyone that would like to take on the Swim coordinator role, to contact Jason or Sophie.

13.CWTC Charity for 2015:

Shaun spoke on behalf of Sophie. From the members vote that’s was emailed out, it has been decided that the chosen charity for 2015 is……..Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI).


Jason – Westgate membership is only £38 for CWTC members, 15% off at Cotswold and 10% of at Tri it Sports. Jason – I would like to say a ‘BIG THANK YOU’ to Shaun for the last year as Chairman. He has really moved the club on and the introduction of the youth section is a testament of the success he has done with the performance of the younger club member. Jason – would like to see the possibility for the web site ‘add ons’ being used for helping to produce a retention figure and making life easy for Trycha and Nicky areas. Emily – when committee member leave it would be helpful for a hand over. The committee were all in agreement with Emily. Emanuele – what about having a voucher for paying the swimming subs. The committee will look into it. Paul – will the sea swims continue next year? Jason replied “as soon as we have a new swim coordinator we will ask for them to continue”. JK – Is there a plan for a training camp for next year? Shaun nominated JK to look into it as there where a number of member that would like to go. Guy – If Stuart would like any assistance he is more than happy to help. Emily – Would like to put up photos and information on each of the committee, to be displayed on website and notice board at Westgate Leisure. Steve – We only have 2 coach on a Tuesday night is there funding for more. Shaun reply “Yes but its finding them, Lizzy will be start soon and if anyone else would like to help to contact the committee”. Luke – Can we pay for coaches on a Tuesday night? This was discussed at some length and put forward to the members vote to ‘Pay for a coach on a Tuesday night’ Propose – Luke Second – Steve Club vote - All for 13, all against 3. Passed The committee will look at paying a coach on a Tuesday night.

Meeting Closed 21:05 - date for next meeting, January 2015.

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