The 29Th Day of the Coptic Month

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The 29Th Day of the Coptic Month

The 29th day of the Coptic Month

Psali Adam or Watos Starts on Annunciation Page 481 Resurrection Page 493

Verses of the Cymbals starts with Adam or Watos then:

Pijinmici `mpar;enikon@ ouoh ninakhi The virginal birth, and the spiritual `m`pneumatikon@ ou`svyri `mparadoxon@ emissions, are an amazing wonder, kata ni`cmy `m`provytikon. according to the prophets.

7/9/2008 1 Resurrection Page 438

Hymn of the Intercessions: Hiten ni`precbia@ `nte ];e`otokoc `e;ouab Through the intercessions of the Maria@ P[oic ari`hmot nan `mpi,w `ebol Theotokos, Saint Mary, O Lord, Grant us `nte nennobi. the forgiveness of our sins. Hiten ni`precbi`a@ `nte picalpictyc Through the intercessions of the `n]anactacic: Mi,ayl `par,wn `nna nivyou`i@ announcer of the Resurrection, Michael P=o=c... the head of the heavenly, O Lord… Hiten ni`precbi`a@ `nte piar,yaggeloc Through the intercessions of the holy `e;ouab: Gabriyl pifaisennoufi@ P=o=c... archangel Gabriel the announcer, O Lord… Hiten ni`precbia@ `nte pisasf Through the intercessions of the seven `n`ar,y`aggeloc@ nem nitagma archangels, and the heavenly orders, O `n`epouranion@ P=o=c... Lord… Hiten nieu,y `nte niqelloi@ `t`cmarwout: Through the prayers of the blessed elders, Iwcyv pihamse nem ;ye;ouab Calwmi@ Joseph the carpenter and St. Salome, O P=o=c... Lord… Hiten nieu,y@ `nte ni`;myi nirwmi `ntelioc: Through the prayers of the righteous and Iwcyv nem Nikodymoc nem ]`agi`a Mari`a ] perfect men, Joseph and Nicodemous and magdaliny@ P=o=c... St. Mary Magdalene, O Lord… Hiten nieu,y@ `nte na[oic `nio] : Through the prayers of my lords and `n`apoctoloc nem `pcepi `nte nima;ytyc @ fathers the apostles, and the rest of the P=o=c... disciples, O Lord…

Acts Responses:

7/9/2008 2 Gospel Response: A=l =a=l =a=l =a=l@ I=y=c P=,=c `psyri Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia. Jesus `mV]@ af[icarx qen ]par;enoc. I=y=c P=,=c Christ the Son of God was incarnate of `psyri `mV]@ vyetaumacf qen Bye;leem. the Virgin. Jesus Christ the Son of God I=y=c P=,=c `pouro `nte `p`wou@ aftwnf `ebol was born in Bethlehem. Jesus Christ the qen nye;mwout. king of Glory rose from the dead.

Vai `ere pi`w`ou er`prepi naf@ nem Pefiwt `n`aga;oc@ nem Pi`pneuma `e;ouab@ icjen ] This is He Who is worthy of glory with His nou nem sa `eneh. Good Father, and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever. Je `f`cmarwout `nje Viwt nem ... Blessed is the Father and …

Psalm 150 Refrain (rotated throughout): Jesus Christ, the Son of يسوع المسيح ابن ا، @[I=y=c P=,=c `psyri `mV God, was incarnate of the .تجسد من العذراء .af[icarx qen ]par;enoc Virgin. Jesus Christ, the Son of يسوع المسيح ابن ا، ولد @[I=y=c P=,=c `psyri `mV .God, was born in Bethlehem .في بيت لحم .vyetaumacf qen Bye;leem Jesus Christ, the King of يسوع المسيح ملك المجد، I=y=c P=,=c `pouro `nte .Glory, rose from the dead .قام من بين الموات p`wou@ aftwnf `ebol qen` nye;mwout.

Concluding Hymn: Tenws `ebol enjw `mmoc@ je `w Pen=o=c I=y=c We proclaim and say, “O Our Lord P=,=c, Jesus Christ, the Son of God was ``psyri `mV] @ af[icarx qen ]par;enoc. I=y=c incarnate of the Virgin. Jesus Christ P=,=c `psyri `mV]@ acmacf `nje ]par;enoc. I=y=c the Son of God was born of the Virgin. P=,=c `pouro `nte `p`wou@ aftwnf `ebol qen Jesus Christ the king of Glory rose nye;mwout qen pi`ehoou `mmah somt. from the dead on the third day.

Cw] `mmon ouoh nai nan ... Save us and have mercy upon us …

7/9/2008 3

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