<p> The 29th day of the Coptic Month </p><p>Psali Adam or Watos Starts on Annunciation Page 481 Resurrection Page 493</p><p>Verses of the Cymbals starts with Adam or Watos then: <ere Gabriyl@ pinis] `n`ar,y`aggeloc@ ,ere Hail to Gabriel, the great Archangel, Hail vy`etafhisennoufi@ `mMaria ]par;enoc. to him who preach, to the Virgin Mary. <ere ;yetacjem@ `hmot P=o=c sop neme@ Hail to you who has found grace, the Lord ,ere ;yetac[i `nten piaggeloc@ `m`vrasi is with you, Hail to you who accept, the `mpikocmoc. joy of the world. Afrek nivyou`i `nte nivyou`i@ af`i `e`;mytra He bowed the heaven of heavens, and `n]par;enoc@ af`errwmi `mpenry]@ saten came to the womb of the Virgin, He `vnobi `mmauatf. became man like us, save for sin only.</p><p>Pijinmici `mpar;enikon@ ouoh ninakhi The virginal birth, and the spiritual `m`pneumatikon@ ou`svyri `mparadoxon@ emissions, are an amazing wonder, kata ni`cmy `m`provytikon. according to the prophets. <ere By;leem@ `tpolic `nni`provytyc@ Hail to Bethlehem, the city of the ;y`etaumec P=,=c `nqytc@ pimah `cnau prophets, where Christ the Second Adam, `nAdam. was born. `AP=,=c pennou]@ twnf `ebol qen Christ our God, has risen from the dead, ny`e;mw`out@ `n;of pe `t`apar,y@ `nte He is the first fruits, of those who slept. ny`etau`enkot. <ere tef`anactacic@ `etaftwnf `ebol qen Hail to His Resurrection, when He rose ny`e;mw`out@ sa `ntefcw] `mmon@ `ebol from the dead, in order to save us, from qen nennobi. our sins. Loipon au,af qen pi`mhau@ kata ni`cmy And they placed Him in the grave, `m`provytikon@ qen pimahsomt according to the prophets, and on the `n`eho`ou@ P=,=c `anecty ek nekrwn. third day, Christ arose from the dead. <ere ne Maria@ ][rompi e;necwc@ Hail to you Mary, the beautiful dove, who ;y`etacmici nan@ `mV] piLogoc. has born unto us, God the Word. <ere ne Maria@ qen ou,ere efouab@ ,ere Hail to you Mary, with a holy hail, Hail to ne Maria@ `;mau `mvy`e;ouab. you Mary, the Mother of the Holy. `Pouro `nte ]hiryny... O king of Peace… Doxologies Annunciation Page 429 Nativity Page 407</p><p>7/9/2008 1 Resurrection Page 438</p><p>Hymn of the Intercessions: Hiten ni`precbia@ `nte ];e`otokoc `e;ouab Through the intercessions of the Maria@ P[oic ari`hmot nan `mpi,w `ebol Theotokos, Saint Mary, O Lord, Grant us `nte nennobi. the forgiveness of our sins. Hiten ni`precbi`a@ `nte picalpictyc Through the intercessions of the `n]anactacic: Mi,ayl `par,wn `nna nivyou`i@ announcer of the Resurrection, Michael P=o=c... the head of the heavenly, O Lord… Hiten ni`precbi`a@ `nte piar,yaggeloc Through the intercessions of the holy `e;ouab: Gabriyl pifaisennoufi@ P=o=c... archangel Gabriel the announcer, O Lord… Hiten ni`precbia@ `nte pisasf Through the intercessions of the seven `n`ar,y`aggeloc@ nem nitagma archangels, and the heavenly orders, O `n`epouranion@ P=o=c... Lord… Hiten nieu,y `nte niqelloi@ `t`cmarwout: Through the prayers of the blessed elders, Iwcyv pihamse nem ;ye;ouab Calwmi@ Joseph the carpenter and St. Salome, O P=o=c... Lord… Hiten nieu,y@ `nte ni`;myi nirwmi `ntelioc: Through the prayers of the righteous and Iwcyv nem Nikodymoc nem ]`agi`a Mari`a ] perfect men, Joseph and Nicodemous and magdaliny@ P=o=c... St. Mary Magdalene, O Lord… Hiten nieu,y@ `nte na[oic `nio] : Through the prayers of my lords and `n`apoctoloc nem `pcepi `nte nima;ytyc @ fathers the apostles, and the rest of the P=o=c... disciples, O Lord…</p><p>Acts Responses: <ere ;yetacjem@ `hmot P=o=c sop neme@ Hail to you who has found grace, the Lord ,ere ;yetac[i `nten piaggeloc@ `m`vrasi is with you, hail to her who accepted the `mpikocmoc. joy of the world from the angel. <ere Bye;leem@ `tpolic `nni `provytyc@ Hail to Bethlehem, the city of the ;yetaumec P=,=c `nqytc@ pimah `cnau prophets, in which was born Christ, the `n`Adam. second Adam. <ere tev`anactacic@ etaftwnf `ebolqen Hail to His Resurrection when He rose nye;mwout@ sa`ntefcw] `mmwn@ `ebolqen from the dead and saved us from our sins. nennobi. Psalm Response: A=l =a=l@ I=y=c P=,=c `psyri `mV] @ af[icarx Alleluia. Alleluia. Jesus Christ the Son of qen ]par;enoc. I=y=c P=,=c `psyri `mV]@ God was incarnate of the Virgin. Jesus acmacf `nje ]par;enoc. I=y=c P=,=c `pouro Christ the Son of God was born of the `nte `p`wou@ aftwnf `ebol qen nye;mwout qen Virgin. Jesus Christ the king of Glory rose pi`ehoou `mmah somt @ =a=l =a=l from the dead on the third day. Alleluia. Alleluia. </p><p>7/9/2008 2 Gospel Response: A=l =a=l =a=l =a=l@ I=y=c P=,=c `psyri Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia. Jesus `mV]@ af[icarx qen ]par;enoc. I=y=c P=,=c Christ the Son of God was incarnate of `psyri `mV]@ vyetaumacf qen Bye;leem. the Virgin. Jesus Christ the Son of God I=y=c P=,=c `pouro `nte `p`wou@ aftwnf `ebol was born in Bethlehem. Jesus Christ the qen nye;mwout. king of Glory rose from the dead. </p><p>Vai `ere pi`w`ou er`prepi naf@ nem Pefiwt `n`aga;oc@ nem Pi`pneuma `e;ouab@ icjen ] This is He Who is worthy of glory with His nou nem sa `eneh. Good Father, and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever. Je `f`cmarwout `nje Viwt nem ... Blessed is the Father and …</p><p>Psalm 150 Refrain (rotated throughout): Jesus Christ, the Son of يسوع المسيح ابن ا، @[I=y=c P=,=c `psyri `mV God, was incarnate of the .تجسد من العذراء .af[icarx qen ]par;enoc Virgin. Jesus Christ, the Son of يسوع المسيح ابن ا، ولد @[I=y=c P=,=c `psyri `mV .God, was born in Bethlehem .في بيت لحم .vyetaumacf qen Bye;leem Jesus Christ, the King of يسوع المسيح ملك المجد، I=y=c P=,=c `pouro `nte .Glory, rose from the dead .قام من بين الموات p`wou@ aftwnf `ebol qen` nye;mwout.</p><p>Concluding Hymn: Tenws `ebol enjw `mmoc@ je `w Pen=o=c I=y=c We proclaim and say, “O Our Lord P=,=c, Jesus Christ, the Son of God was ``psyri `mV] @ af[icarx qen ]par;enoc. I=y=c incarnate of the Virgin. Jesus Christ P=,=c `psyri `mV]@ acmacf `nje ]par;enoc. I=y=c the Son of God was born of the Virgin. P=,=c `pouro `nte `p`wou@ aftwnf `ebol qen Jesus Christ the king of Glory rose nye;mwout qen pi`ehoou `mmah somt. from the dead on the third day. </p><p>Cw] `mmon ouoh nai nan ... Save us and have mercy upon us … </p><p>7/9/2008 3</p>
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