Aboriginal Inclusion Framework

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Aboriginal Inclusion Framework


Leadership and Governance Policy Development Programs and Services Workplace Diversity Communications AREAS OF FOCUS The leadership group provides overall guidance Policies provide the foundation for the Programs and services should be designed and The workforce needs to reflect the Pro-active communications drive reform by raising for the agency. It establishes structure, is agency’s programs, direct service delivery delivered in inclusive ways so that external and community it services. Organisations need awareness, promoting positive norms across the responsible for the behaviour, culture and values, and for the services it purchases. All policies internal barriers to Aboriginal inclusion are to build, retain and develop their Aboriginal general community and within Aboriginal and is accountable for the achievement of the must be inclusive of Aboriginal people. eliminated. workforce. It is essential that all communities. Access to information empowers organisation’s mission, operations and goals for organisations employ practices that Aboriginal people by building their understanding diverse Aboriginal communities. promote access to and delivery of inclusive of available services and their expectations as ACTION AREA and respectful services. users of services.

Partnership, Participation and 1. Does the governance structure support and 1. Is a diverse representation of Aboriginal 1. How do service officers in both Aboriginal 1. Does the agency have an Aboriginal 1. Are communications frameworks and Engagement promote improved outcomes for Aboriginal people (age, gender, location) as well specific and mainstream programs engage with employment plan to attract, recruit and guidelines inclusive and accessible? Engagement of Aboriginal people people? as various stakeholders engaged with Aboriginal people in the delivery of universal develop Aboriginal staff and meet the 1 2. Do communications acknowledge traditional ensures that a diversity of views, 2. Are Aboriginal people members of the at the initialisation, development, services? per cent public sector employment owners, minimise bureaucratic language and preferences and knowledge inform leadership group? If not is there a finalisation, and evaluation stages of 2. Are there local / regional program partnerships target by 2015 (Karreeta Yirramboi) acronyms, use Aboriginal artwork/design, decision making and delivery across succession/leadership program for Aboriginal policy development? that actively seek Aboriginal participation and 2. Has the Plan been developed in and use case studies or testimonials? the organisation. employees? 2. Do you actively seek to engage input into program priorities and delivery consultation with Aboriginal people? 3. How is information provided to Aboriginal 3. Do members of the leadership group Aboriginal people/organisations in modes? 3. What guidelines and training does the people so that they can equitably access participate and directly engage with policy development through existing 3. Do Aboriginal people and organisations equally agency offer employees in relation to services and participate in the public sector Aboriginal people and communities outside networks and forums to avoid over access and benefit from community grants? engaging Aboriginal people as i.e. print media/radio/word of of their own organisation? consultation? stakeholders/clients? mouth/computer based, events, community 4. What structures and mechanisms are in 3. Are there formal and ongoing 4. What pathways are in place for meetings? place to support Aboriginal involvement in partnerships with Aboriginal Aboriginal employees to aspire and to 4. Are different kinds of media sources used, relevant high level decision making? Is there people/organisations documented and attain to positions across all levels and including Aboriginal media sources, to a systemic feedback loop for those involved published on the agency website? fields of expertise i.e. succession promote services and provide information? from planning through to evaluation? 4. Do policy development processes programs, graduate programs, 5. How are Aboriginal people engaged across ensure there is sufficient time for leadership? all departmental priority areas, not just genuine engagement with Aboriginal 5. Does the organisation actively foster Aboriginal specific areas? organisations and are resources made relationships between Aboriginal and 6. Do the mission statement and corporate available to support Aboriginal non Aboriginal people i.e. mentoring, plans explicitly commit to Aboriginal participation? celebrating cultural events? engagement? 5. Is policy evidence based? 6. Has the engagement and consultation extended to seeking the views of Aboriginal people affected by the policy or programs proposed? Cultural Safety, Respect and 1. How does the leadership group promote and 1. How is the effect of policy on Aboriginal 1. How do service providers work with local 1. Does the agency reflect the diversity of 1. Do communication methods and modes Recognition embrace Aboriginal culture including people and communities assessed? Aboriginal people to encourage self- Aboriginal language groups and ensure the voice of all people, not just the Individuals and systems should language? 2. Has the impact been tested? identification when using services? cultures through policies, the dominant culture is heard? respond respectfully and effectively 2. Does the leadership group actively model 3. Are there unintended consequences of 2. Are cultural strengths used to support service environment, values or behaviours? 2. How are Aboriginal languages, cultures and to people of all cultures, races, expected attitudes and behaviours? policy? delivery? Eg the use of appropriate local 2. How are Aboriginal employees people presented in communications ethnicities, sexual orientations and 3. Does the leadership group include people 4. What strategies are adopted to identify language in the naming of programs & services supported including through mentoring, campaigns? faiths or religions in a manner that who champion the rights of Aboriginal and remedy unintended policy 3. Is the service proactive in ensuring that the networks and training opportunities? 3. Do ‘communications’ promote the diversity of affirms and values their worth and Victorians? consequences? environment is culturally safe and inviting for 3. Does the agency actively encourage Aboriginal people languages and cultures respects their dignity. (See p.5 of 4. Are ‘Welcome to Country’ and 5. Are the linguistic, spiritual and cultural Aboriginal people including those who might be staff to identify as Aboriginal during (from a strengths base) as part of the Framework) ‘Acknowledgment of Country’ embedded in rights of Aboriginal Victorians given most likely to self exclude? recruitment processes? Victorian community? corporate communications policy and appropriate consideration? 4. Is the impact of culture taken into account when 4. What training is provided to non- 4. Is accurate information provided that The cultural perspective of the client guidelines for events? 6. Is policy aligned with cultural safety? designing service responses to individual Aboriginal staff to increase cultural challenges inaccurate stereotypes and is at the centre of all interactions. 5. Are there protocols for ensuring correct Aboriginal clients i.e. Is there a cultural impact awareness, cultural inclusiveness and beliefs? phonetic pronunciation of Victorian self assessment checklist available as a challenge racism? 5. Are harmful social practices challenged Aboriginal language names? template for the organisation’s business units to 5. Does the induction program outline the through communications and social 6. Have members of the leadership group utilise? agencies commitment to improving marketing campaigns? attended training on the development of 5. Can programs and services support the outcomes for Aboriginal people and culturally appropriate policies and practices? strengthening of communities and cultural meeting VIAF, COAG targets? identities ? 6. Are there processes to ensure that concerns about cultural safety, presence and recognition are heard? 7. What strategies are in place to specifically make the service more welcoming to Aboriginal people who might be most likely to self exclude? Duty of Care 1. Does the leadership set a consistent 1. Is the human rights impact of policy 1. Do service providers ask why people aren’t 1. Does the workplace understand its duty 1. How are internal communications used to Duty of care applies to a range of benchmark for the delivery of quality of given explicit and appropriately detailed accessing services? of care to Aboriginal people and reinforce duty of care service standards? situations and can be briefly services provided by and/or Aboriginal consideration? 2. Are services delivered within a rights-based clients? 2. Is the distribution of material, information and described as an obligation that a people and non Aboriginal people? 2. How is policy development informed by framework that actively considers cultural and 2. What professional development symbolic resources equitable? reasonable person would have in the 2. Does the leadership group have clear duty of care principles? other rights? opportunities are there for staff to meet 3. Is information available to and used by circumstances when acting toward policies that embed and monitor legislation 3. Does policy positively impact on duty of 3. How do service providers link clients to other their duty of care? Aboriginal people to increase their others and the public. If the actions of and standards? care and make this clear to staff who services to create coordinated service 3. Does the organisation review policies awareness and understanding of programs, a person are not made with care, are responsible for implementing the systems? and procedures to ensure employees services, and their rights as service users? attention, caution, and prudence, policy? 4. Are processes in place to ensure that are clear about their duty of care their actions are considered 4. Are policy documents written in plain Aboriginal-specific service units are not used as obligations? 4. Is information available to service providers negligent. language that is inclusive i.e. a referral destination when the client’s needs to support tailored and client-centred As a duty of care all people, including minimising jargon, referring to could be better met through mainstream responses that draw together program Aboriginal people should be afforded Aboriginal people and non Aboriginal services? support across agencies? the same rights and opportunities. people in terms such as they, them, 5. Is the agency aware of what appropriate levels their, us? of engagement would be in terms of population 5. Is due diligence given to planning both levels, burden of disease and employment pool Leadership and Governance Policy Development Programs and Services Workplace Diversity Communications AREAS OF FOCUS The leadership group provides overall guidance Policies provide the foundation for the Programs and services should be designed and The workforce needs to reflect the Pro-active communications drive reform by raising for the agency. It establishes structure, is agency’s programs, direct service delivery delivered in inclusive ways so that external and community it services. Organisations need awareness, promoting positive norms across the responsible for the behaviour, culture and values, and for the services it purchases. All policies internal barriers to Aboriginal inclusion are to build, retain and develop their Aboriginal general community and within Aboriginal and is accountable for the achievement of the must be inclusive of Aboriginal people. eliminated. workforce. It is essential that all communities. Access to information empowers organisation’s mission, operations and goals for organisations employ practices that Aboriginal people by building their understanding diverse Aboriginal communities. promote access to and delivery of inclusive of available services and their expectations as ACTION AREA and respectful services. users of services.

the output (the policy) and etc? implementation process (service) of that 6. Are service user rates by Aboriginal Victorians policy? at expected levels?

Evaluation and Monitoring 1. Is there an agency evaluation plan that is 1. Do evaluation mechanisms assess the 1. Do service providers seek feedback from a 1. How is the effectiveness of service 1. Are communication strategies evaluated? Evaluation is the systematic endorsed by the leadership group? impact of policy on Aboriginal people broad range of Aboriginal clients and delivery by employees measured? 2. Is baseline data collected? collection and analysis of quantitative 2. Does the evaluation plan include evaluation and communities? stakeholders? 2. Does the agency seek staff feedback 3. Are Aboriginal people included in the and qualitative data needed to make of Aboriginal access, participation and 2. Is research used as a basis for policy 2. Do program evaluation processes include through discussion, meetings or development and input/review of decisions, a process in programs outcomes? and planning? feedback from Aboriginal clients? confidential surveys? evaluations? should engage in from the beginning. 3. Are evaluation processes embedded into 3. Does evaluation build knowledge to 3. Are there consumer feedback and complaints 3. Are the views of Aboriginal employees Rigorous evaluation builds the corporate planning processes? improve practice and policy? mechanisms? collected and used to change practice knowledge base to improve future 4. Are Aboriginal people involved in the design 4. Do evaluation methodologies recognise 4. Are Aboriginal people made informed about through satisfaction surveys? policies, programs and services and implementation of evaluation Aboriginal traditions and values, e.g. their consumer rights? 4. How does an agency know if it has whilst ongoing monitoring ensures a processes? oral traditions? 5. Are Aboriginal organisations resourced to become an employer of choice for high quality is maintained. 5. Has the organisation/agency ever 5. Is there a statement of ethics in sustain delivery of quality services? Aboriginal people? undertaken an external review of their research that is respectful of Aboriginal 6. Do service providers work co-operatively to 5. Does the agency conduct exit approach to Aboriginal affairs? people and cultures? enable holistic service delivery rather than interviews to inform retention policies? 6. Are a range of Aboriginal stakeholders isolated solutions for isolated problems? including service users, service 7. Do programs contribute to meeting VIAF and providers, partners and policy makers COAG targets? involved in review and monitoring of 8. Is the program/service resourced adequately to policy? ensure the outcomes are met and program 7. How does this review challenge future quality is sustained? policy, service and planning? 9. Are there systemic ways to receive feedback 8. When policies are evaluated, is and evaluation from Aboriginal organisations consideration also given to gaps that and clients about service delivery? may exist? 10. Can data be disaggregated on the basis of Aboriginality (service data, outcomes, data)?

Accountability, Reporting and 1. Does the agency have appropriate and 1. Are policies available and accessible to 1. Are processes being implemented to improve 1. Does the agency have a plan to meet 1. Are communications strategies and materials Transparency transparent internal and external Aboriginal stakeholders and accuracy in recording the status of Aboriginal and report on the 1% public sector reviewed to ensure that they are inclusive, Accountability is the process performance reporting processes? communities? clients? employment target by 2015 as empower consumers and promote positive whereby organisations and the 2. How do reports back to Aboriginal 2. Do evaluations actively seek input from 2. Are Aboriginal stakeholders informed about described in Karreeta Yirramboi and social norms? individuals within them are stakeholders occur? Aboriginal people as required? services and programs and can they equally supported by COAG? 2. Are Aboriginal people involved in developing responsible for their decisions and 3. Do annual reports reflect processes and 3. Are evaluations available to Aboriginal expect the standards of service delivery 2. Does the agency accurately collect and or monitoring the communication actions and submit themselves to outcomes for Aboriginal Victorians? people and stakeholders? experienced by the general community? report Aboriginal employment data? plan/guidelines? appropriate external scrutiny. It is 4. Does the agency have a plan to meet and 3. Are there realistic and measurable targets for 3. Are individual performance plans achieved by all parties having a report on the 1% target for Government service providers? aligned with the Aboriginal Inclusion clear understanding of those Appointments to Boards and Committees by 4. If audits or reports from funded agencies raise Framework? responsibilities, and having clearly 2013? concerns is there a systemic and equal 4. What strategies are in place to embed defined roles through a robust 5. Does the agency understand and report on response to address these concerns with Aboriginal inclusiveness and cultural structure. its commitments, including COAG and VIAF Aboriginal controlled and mainstream safety throughout the organisation? goals and targets and take a proactive role in agencies? 5. Are effective internal accountabilities in meeting its commitments? 5. Are there a range of services available and place? 6. How does the agency report on Aboriginal accessible to Aboriginal people including 6. Are there strategies that reward and Inclusion? prevention initiatives, primary and tertiary recognise excellence of Aboriginal staff services? Are these all reported on and or service provision to Aboriginal monitored? people?

Whole of Government Interaction 1. Does your leadership group have a plan to 1. Does whole of Government policy and 1. Is the interface with other agencies managed to 1. Are your agency’s policies and 1. Does your organisation refer to Whole of and Interagency Collaboration ensure that high level cross government program development support better ensure a co-ordinated and inclusive response practices aligned with Karreeta Victorian Government strategies and State-wide leadership and frameworks underpin planning and decision outcomes at the local level? to service delivery? Yirramboi Victorian Aboriginal Public interagency collaboration in its coordination is important as issues making? i.e. VIAF, AIF, COAG 2. Are there protocols for endorsement of 2. Are there formal networks, joint initiatives Sector Employment and Career communications? confronting Aboriginal people cross 2. Is the interface with other agencies managed WoVG policy? Development Action Plan 2010-2015 to 2. What communications are in place to between Aboriginal controlled and mainstream traditional departmental boundaries. to ensure co-ordinated and inclusive achieve improved Aboriginal demonstrate your role within the wider agencies to improve practice, communication Alignment of investment, effort and leadership and governance? employment outcomes? Aboriginal Inclusion Framework? and service delivery? policy integration with strategic 3. Are outcomes publicly reported? 2. Is it monitored? If so how? priorities is necessary to achieve long 3. Is procurement used to drive Aboriginal 3. Is it integrated into governance term change. employment, training and business structures? If so how? opportunities? 4. Do employee participation targets form part of leadership performance plans?

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