Apologies Had Been Received From: Ray Wheeler, Derrick Austin and Stephen Woodford

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Apologies Had Been Received From: Ray Wheeler, Derrick Austin and Stephen Woodford


Harry Kirby (Chair), Alison Austin (Secretary), Aly Townend (Treasurer), Adam Payne, Jaimie Unsworth, Jon Kirby, Kate Ednay, Simon Butler, Jon Milton, John Pearson

1 Apologies

Apologies had been received from: Ray Wheeler, Derrick Austin and Stephen Woodford

2 Approval of Minutes

 12 September 2017: It was proposed by AP and seconded by KE that the Minutes from the meeting held on12 September 2017 constituted a true and accurate record. This was agreed unanimously.

3 Matters Arising

 Keys – Pitch and Tin: AP reported that all captains (+JM) now had complete sets of keys for Smallbrook and there was 1 spare pitch set

 DBS Checks: AT, JK and SW were due to provide paperwork (AT and JK at the meeting) so that these could be completed Action: AA

 Team Captains: Men’s 1st XI - Steve Woodford; Men’s 2nd XI - Jon Kirby; Ladies’ 1st XI - Kate Ednay; Ladies’ 2nd XI - Aly Townend. It was proposed by HK and seconded by JU that the appointments be confirmed. This was agreed unanimously

 Training – Pitch Time: It was noted that the club was paying for full pitch hire (this had been upgraded from half pitch - see Treasurer’s Report)

 Kit Suppliers (Update): http://www.idml.com/ There was as yet no link to the club online store as the web page was currently being set up, although orders could be emailed to: [email protected] A product catalogue was available online with the full range of items supplied (hard copy could be obtained from the outlet in Bernard Way, Newport - opposite to the PO Sorting Office). Apart from the standard items it was anticipated that the following would also be available (with the club logo as appropriate): Hoodie (grey/navy); Tracksuit bottoms (navy); Waterproof Jacket; Polo shirts (navy); Onesie. No minimum order was required

 Deep Design (Sponsorship): SB reported that he had not heard back from DD regarding sponsorship for this season. There was still an issue with adding fixtures on the club website as they were not automatically sorted by date. SB would follow up with DD Action: SB

 Indemnity Clause: (Ref Minutes, 12 Sep 17). This would be carried forward for ratification at the end of season AGM

4 Chairman’s Report

The report had been tabled.

5 Secretary’s Report

The report had been tabled. 6 Treasurer’s Report

See Officers’ Reports.

Balances Current A/c: £3,600.48 Festival A/c: £1,494.03 Junior A/c: £520.84

Outstanding Payments Hampshire Cup: £36.00 Pitch Hire (August): £140.00 Pitch Hire (September): £634.00

Matters Arising:

 2015/16 Audited Accounts: This had not been resolved as the 2015/16 accounts were still with JL. It was agreed as a matter of urgency that these should be obtained from JL and passed on the Business Manager at Sandown Broadlea Primary for formal auditing asap. Action: HK/AT

 Training Costs

Smallbrook: Ryde School were now charging £111 per training session (1.5 hours) and £95 per match (1.5 hours). Prices had been increased without prior notice and there was an unexplained difference between the two charges (for the same amount of time). AP agreed to contact the Bursar for an explanation Action: AP It was also agreed to check all of the training dates and cancel those which were deemed unnecessary (eg following the end of league fixtures before the Christmas period and prior to recommencement in the New Year). This would minimise costs. JM would make a final decision on any other cancellations (eg lack of numbers/weather conditions) and Ryde School would be informed. Action: JM/AP

Ventnor (Rew Valley): JM reported that, as was the case last season, there was no charge for the use of the Astroturf pitch and sports hall. There was no guarantee that this would continue beyond this season, so costings would need to be factored into financial forecasts for the future

 Membership (Update): This was discussed and members who had not paid subs and/or match fees identified. It was re-iterated that individuals who had not paid subscriptions would now be ineligible for selection. JK would liaise with team captains at training and approach those concerned for immediate payment. AA would draw up a list of bona-fide members and circulate to team captains. It was agreed that playing individuals who were not members was an absolute last resort and only permissible at the 11th hour when no other members were either available of contactable.

 Training only Membership: It was agreed that individuals who wished to take out a ‘training only’ membership would be required to enrol as a Social Member (cost £50)

 Life Members: It was confirmed that Life Members would be required to pay the usual match fee

 Team Sheet Returns: The standard pro-forma was now in place and captains required to return to the Treasurer after each game

 EH Affiliation: Fees were due on 30 November and the corresponding membership/team data completed. It was agreed that to support the club’s case for funding (ie new pitch) as much detail as possible needed to be completed in order to highlight numbers accessing hockey via IWHC. This would include: number of juniors (100); non-playing members; links to delivering hockey in schools (eg ‘Quick Sticks’ festival involving 20+Primary Schools). AT agreed to liaise with JM to complete the data and submit the form Action: AT/M 7 Sub-Committees

Social (Tabled): JU reported that the Christmas Social would be held at Ryde Cricket Club on 09 December. There would be buffet style food with member donations. It was hoped that any money raised would be earmarked for specific purposes (eg pitch dividers/GK kit). Members/Parents would be asked to donate raffle prizes. Further details would be announced in due course

Facilities and Development

 JM reported that Cowes Enterprise College was due to submit plans for a new full-sized Astroturf pitch as finances had been released by IW Council. Work potentially to commence post-Christmas. There was no news on the specification. Action: AA to follow up with Lee Matthews (IWC Sports Unit) and check on planning permission

 Gaynor Toms (EH Relationship Manager) was due to visit the IW to do a ‘pitch assessment’ (viewing existing facilities including less than full-sized Astros). Gaynor had expressed an interest in attending the next IWHC Committee Meeting. It was also envisaged that she would attend a junior training session at Rew Valley. It was suggested that these events should be combined with an ‘informal’ meeting with the committee at Rew Valley at a mutually agreeable date (See Item 9 AOB) Action: AA/JM

 Christ the King/Carisbrooke College: It seemed unlikely at this stage that a suitable facility would be constructed

8 Officer Reports

Fixture Secretary

 It was reported that two new goals had been supplied at Smallbrook. These needed to be padlocked at the side of the pitch following each game.

 It was re-iterated that smoking was banned pitch-side and dogs were not permitted in the pitch area. JK agreed to place reminders on facebook and the club website Action: JK

 Andover HC would be charged for pitch hire and teas due to the late cancellation of their fixture with IWHC Ladies’ 2s on 29 October at Smallbrook Action: AA

Section Captains

Men’s Section: The report had been tabled.

Ladies’ Section: The report had been tabled.

Press Officer

 Coverage in the IWCP had now resumed now the season was underway - Kirsty Fraser had been credited for photographs at a recent game. Facebook coverage of matches by captains was also comprehensive with entertaining follow-up banter from club members

 SB outlined his reasons for playing for a mainland club for the time being whilst continuing to serve as an IWHC Committee member in his role as Press Officer. This was discussed. Simon would enrol as a social member and would attend training as and when, but would not play any matches for the club. He would also be umpiring when available (junior/ladies’ matches) and hopefully gain qualified umpire status with support from Elaine Spear

Disciplinary Officer

The report had been tabled. It was emphasised that all cards received should be reported to DA directly at the end of each match. Details had been posted on the website, but it was agreed to ask LH-G to remove this. Posting on the club Facebook page would be acceptable Head Coach

 JM reported that all was progressing well with RC and SA leading men’s training with himself in attendance as Head Coach. Numbers would be an issue as the season progressed and needed to be monitored as costs were high. JK would continue to encourage attendance via Facebook posts.

 Jon again emphasised the need for members to enrol on coaching courses, although location continued to be a problem (eg course at Guildford on 12 December). It was possible that Elaine Spear could organise a ‘coaching for umpires’ session at a junior games/training slot in the new year. Competent umpires would be needed for junior matches. At present AP/JM and HK would be available to umpire cup games

 JM further noted that if no L2 coach was present then members attended senior sessions on Wednesday evening at Smallbrook ‘at their own risk’. These could not be officially designated ‘training’ sessions and members would be required to sign an indemnity clause absolving the club of responsibility for any injury. It was agreed to draw up a single form which all those attending would sign in such circumstances Action: AT


U14 Boys matches were now underway with SW/AP/JK involved and AT co-ordinating. With several fixtures coming up more adult support would be appreciated

9 Any Other Business

 The suggested date to meet with Gaynor Toms (if acceptable to Gaynor) was Monday, 27 November at junior training at Rew Valley (See Item 7 above)

 Safeguarding Course ‘Time to Listen’: Attendance for Club Welfare Officers was compulsory. AP agreed to co-ordinate and liaise with AA. Details to be passed on to relevant members. Action: AP/AA

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.15 pm

10 Date & Venue of Next Meeting

Tuesday, 30 January 2018 at the Hare & Hounds commencing at 7 pm

Signed: (Chair) Date:

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