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Course Description This course provides a foundation for theoretical and technical knowledge base to care for adult clients and families experiencing disturbances in health patterns. Focus is on identification and treatment of physiological and pathological health problems and to promote and maintain optimal health in the geriatric and adult client. Integrated into the course are beginning concepts of the therapeutic use of drugs, diet therapy and the physiological and psychological problems associated with certain disease processes. College policy will be adhered to regarding grades. You must maintain an overall average of 75% in order to progress within the nursing program. Please refer to the LVN handbook for grading policies with the nursing program.
COURSE ACTIVITIES Instructional and learning activities are directly related to level outcomes and unit objectives with an emphasis on the nursing process. Various learning activities such as presentation of content/discussions, demonstrations, audiovisual aids, required reading, computer assisted programs, simulated learning experiences, independent study, problem solving exercises, and quizzes/exams, may be employed.
COURSE ASSIGNMENTS Students are required to complete a variety of assignments which may include simulated learning experiences, computer assisted programs, and weekly reading and homework assignments in order to successfully meet the objectives for VNRS B75.
Course Outline 1. Nutrition 2. Gastrointestinal 3. Integumentary 4. Neurosensory 5. Genitourinary 6. Fluid and Electrolytes 7. Respiratory
COURSE POLICIES General: Students are expected to attend each class, be punctual, and assume responsibility for assigned activities. Cell phones and pagers must be turned off.
No children will be allowed in class.
Tape-recording lectures is permitted at the discretion of the instructor. Students may not tape record during any test review.
Supportive Students with disabilities who believe they may need Services: accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact Supportive Services at (395-4334), as soon as possible to better ensure such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. Also, the Student Handbook outlines a variety of services available to help meet your academic needs.
Attendance: The Bakersfield College attendance policies will be observed. If a combination of absences or tardies totals the equivalent of more than two weeks (four days), the student can either drop the course, or receive a letter grade. It is the students’ responsibility to drop the course. Please note two tardies equal one absence.
Exams/Quizzes: Students are responsible for material presented during their absence. The opportunity to make up one missed exam will only be allowed if the student informs the instructor prior to the scheduled exam. Pop quizzes may not be made up. Students will not be allowed to retake any exam or quiz on which an unsatisfactory grade was earned. Exam reviews are at the discretion of the instructor.
All cell phones and pagers must be turned off during exams unless prior arrangements are made with instructor. Ringing or vibrating phones and pagers may result in point(s) deduction/failure at the discretion of the instructor.
Academic There will be zero tolerance for academic dishonesty, including Honesty: plagiarism. Plagiarism is the intentional use of another person’s idea, data, information, or work without giving credit. If the student is caught cheating, the test will be collected, a zero (0) grade will be recorded, and the student will be directed to leave the classroom. The student is required to meet with the Director of Allied Health to discuss his/her standing in the program. Please refer to statements on academic honesty located in your Bakersfield College Catalog, Associate Degree Nursing Student Handbook, and the Bakersfield College Class Schedule.
Course VNRS B75 course evaluation is a requirement of this course Evaluations: evaluation will be conducted at the end of the semester. Students are expected to bring one survey answer form, Form 20-s, to complete the Theory and Instructor Evaluation.
STUDENT EVALUATION Evaluation is an ongoing, essential process in education, by which the student is apprised of his/her progress in meeting the unit objectives. Scoring for this course is based on an accumulation of points from assigned work, objective exams and a cumulative final exam. Any student earning 75% or less on an exam will be referred to student services for remediation; beginning with exam 1.
To pass this course a 75% or better must be achieved for the course. Exams each worth 50 points; 6 total exams. Total of 300 points Final exam worth 200 points Nutrition Assignment- 40 points Total: 540 points.
All exams will need a scantron form; these blank forms need to be turned in to the instructor no later than the first scheduled exam, (7 –100 question forms). If the student does not erase corrected answers sufficiently, and these answers are marked wrong, no credit will be given for the answer in the questions, so please be very careful in marking your selected answer. A second scantron sheet to recopy answers will be available, upon request, the day of the test.
Grading Scale
90-100 = A 89-80 = B 79-75 = C 74-70 = D 69 =F CLASSROOM MEETING
Monday and Wednesday from 12:35 – 2:15pm Medical Science 156
Burke, K., LeMone, P., Mohn-Brown, E. (2007). Medical-Surgical Nursing Care (2nd ed.). NewJersey: Pearson.
Nutritional Essentials for Nursing Practice, Dudek. Reading will be assigned from this text.
Medical-Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking in Client Care – Clinical Handbook, LeMone, P & Burke, K.
Medicial-Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking in Client Care – Study Guide, LeMone, P & Burke, K.
Nursing diagnosis: Application to Clinical Practice, Carpenito.
Christine Dunn MSN, RN E-mail [email protected]
Phone- 661-395-4716
Office hours: Monday- 0930-1100 Tuesday- 1000-1400 Wednesday- 0930-1100
Other office hours as needed by appointment
1. Read assignments prior to class. 2. Write out notes, do not highlight from book. 3. Ask instructor for clarification as needed; don’t wait until the end of the semester to seek help. 4. Join a study group 5. Know your learning style