Club Kid to Disciple How to Grow Your Campaigner Kids

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Club Kid to Disciple How to Grow Your Campaigner Kids

Club Kid to Disciple – How to Grow Your Campaigner Kids Cliff and Laura Wright

Framing the Process (Ultimate goal)

school → contact → club → campaigners → leaders/donors/committee/life-long disciples

Scripture Basis

Mark 3:13-19 “Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him. He appointed twelve—designating them apostles—that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons. These are the twelve he appointed: Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter) James son of Zebedee and his brother John (to them he gave the name Boanerges, which means Sons of Thunder); Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.”

1 John 4:12 “No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.”

John 13:34-35 "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

What it takes (4 pivotal ways to carry kids from club to campaigners)

(1) Leadership Love Christ more than anyone you’ve ever seen or heard of Campaigners begins in your prayer life Seek to walk in the Holy Spirit Model a life worth following Sacrifice Be a leader with vision Have vision for a kid before they have can vision for themselves/ what they could be in Christ Do not be all about numbers or a program Take the time it takes When the opportunity arises, be bold Journey evangelism Understand that they are kids/ they won’t always get it right the first time Know their world Know what you’re working with Be a leader who can discern Again, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit Boldness/ readiness to challenge a kid to the next level 10 musts... (1) Seek to win campaigners to Christ (2) Don’t think the job is finished when a kid accepts Christ (3) See that every kid finds definite place in specific task (4) Bring Christianity out of unreal into every day life (5) Seek to help each one discover the will of God (6) Instill divine discontent into the mind of everyone who can do more than they are doing (7) Make it easy for anyone to come to you (8) Keep the cross of Jesus central to Christian life (9) Pray as you have never prayed before for wisdom and power (10) Spend and be spent in this battle

(2) Teaching Let kids see your passion for Christ Give kids your best Campaigners is not a throw away Spend more time planning a campaigner lesson than club talk Push yourself to teach really well Lay it out there for kids Have a plan – as a team, know what you’re doing from week to week Have continuity Teach in more ways than just the message Let kids see your passion for their school Give them something to do, and something to believe Ask one of them to share for 5 minutes on what they’re learning Worship Fellowship Which may even be having food around the island in the kitchen before campaigners They are talking to one another Anything to bring them together Prayer, important Model community Holy Spirit indwells here Attractive It is easy to make a group of already friends hang out – remember, goal is community Teach them to be students of the Word Bring Bible and notebook (teaches respect) Nurture through the scripture Rebuke sin; do not be tolerant of sin

(3) Community Vision for the school Community of campaigners is more important than discipleship groups Never stop campaigners for the sake of having small groups Because authentic community of Christians is walking Jesus (1 John 4:12) This is the miracle a high school needs (because of fractured nature of high school today) Spending time with campaigners Campaigners with campaigners Outside of campaigners Supporting each other Bringing them into area wide community (of leaders, committee, staff) Be a community of atonement Because the nature of sin is hyper-relational (this is the malfunction) We’re cut off from Christ and from each other and from the earth We were made to be relational in so many ways So being in a community that care for one another is telling their friends about Christ Recruiting their friends into the community Importance of inviting friends to campaigners Cliff ex. having campaigner kids stand up in club

(4) Mission Show them the school, develop world vision for them Teach about God’s redemptive work in the world Teach them that they could be a part of something earth shattering Cliff ex. campaigners solving hunger in Roanoke Cliff ex. Adam-campaigner giving his paycheck to hungry boy and his father YL in their school is a movement Not a club Not exclusive Its an underground, basement movement Is this not what the Gospel is all about? Don’t just teach them to bring their friends to club Teach them that campaigners is a community that acts as the church in their school Laura ex. campaigner girl paying in full (with beach week money) for another campaigner to go to camp They will begin to do this for each other... then outreach from there Over-all thoughts

Hypothesis: campaigners is the anti-cluster Community is attractive – ultimately where the outsiders will see God If we love another then they will know Inviting kids in to our community (of believers – leaders, staff, committee) Holy Spirit is the salt (all throughout) Teaching them for life, to be life-long disciples Important to teach them how to learn the facts as well as the facts Jesus called His disciples, He didn’t trust the multitude Focus on the committed workers Band of brothers, if you will The multitude was not what built the movement, it was the 12 students of Jesus Look at how Jesus mentored His disciples

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