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All parts of this report due in the Office of Field Education by 4:00 pm, Friday, April 23, 2010. Please use paper clips instead of staples. PRESBYTERIAN STUDENTS MUST SUBMIT THE ORIGINAL AND ONE COPY.
Middler Rev. Davis Student SBN _____. Year Senior Advisor: Rev. Neff Dual 2 3 4 Rev.Dr. Polk Site . Site Address ______
Site Supervisor Supervisor Email______
Directions: Please respond to the following questions about your academic year field education experience. The appraisal should be typed, double-spaced in a normal sized typeface (such as Times New Roman 12 pt). The total length of your appraisal should be between eight and ten pages. Signatures are required where requested, so please sign in the space provided and attach these instructions to your completed appraisal. I. ACTIVITIES: Outline and assess the various aspects of the ministry in which you have been involved. Review the Placement Description and Learning/Serving Covenant. What did you do in relation to the following areas:
A. Communication: What forms of communication (e.g., preaching, worship leadership, teaching, staff/committee meetings, written correspondence, phone contacts, direct service) were asked of you in this placement? What have you determined to be your strengths and weaknesses in this area? What plans for continued growth and development do you have?
B. Caring: In what ways did you care for others in your placement (e.g., counseling/referral, home visitation, hospital visitation, congregant/client follow-up)? In what ways did you practice self-care? How do you evaluate your work with people generally and what have you determined to be your strengths and weaknesses in this area? What plans for continued growth and development do you have?
C. Administering: What administrative tasks and responsibilities were asked of you in this placement (e.g., leading groups and/or programs; planning, implementing and evaluating programs; recruiting, training and evaluating staff/volunteers; following through with paperwork)? Have you related to church/agency boards, deacons, colleagues, community agencies and if so in what way? What have you discovered to be your strengths and weaknesses in administering and organizing? What plans for continued growth and development do you have? (over) II. THE GROWING SELF: Provide specific responses, labeled A-H, for each question below. Relate your Learning Serving Covenant goals as applicable.
A. Based upon your activities in this placement, please describe how your practical experience has been enhanced by your educational experience. What have been your two or three most valuable learning experiences at PTS? How have specific classes helped you become a more effective leader in the Church universal and in your particular placement?
B. Name 2-3 theological issues which were apparent in your situation. Describe how your theological thought and convictions have developed because of your field education experience(s).
C. How has your experience contributed to your understanding of the mission of the church (local and global) and the challenges the church faces? How has your experience informed your understanding of the role and responsibilities of the minister in the community?
D. What have you learned about ministry, leadership and vocation/call through your experience?
E. Describe and analyze a relationship (other than the supervisory relationship) which has been particularly satisfying for you. What made it so?
F. What have you learned about your capacity for frustration? What did you do to handle challenges or frustrations? What theology supports your response?
G. Comment on what you have learned about your lifestyle from your experience in the following categories: sense of worth, devotional life, time management, boundaries and priorities, commitment and dependability.
H. Describe and evaluate your experience of being supervised. The handbook suggests models and tools for ministry, which did you use? Did you meet with your supervisor regularly and frequently? If not, please explain.
III. SIGNIFICANT INCIDENT AND THEOLOGICAL REFLECTION : In this exercise you will demonstrate how you connect theological discourse to a specific act of ministry. You may incorporate reading and material from lectures, your understanding of the tradition from which you come, Biblical paradigms, and reflection based on your faith journey. We are not interested in how much you know as much as the way you use what you have learned to critique your work as a practical and responsible theologian. Begin with a pastoral incident from your work. The incident should be one event that was exceptional in terms of satisfaction or a personal involvement that raised your anxiety. Its significant nature means it was a high or low from the period, or its issue(s) has not been completely resolved. It does not have to be a crisis! It is an incident; that is, it cannot be the entire experience, or a group of similar experiences. Description of the incident (step one) is limited to no more than two pages, and reflection to three or four pages (steps 2-4). Step 1: Write a non-judgmental summary of the incident: who, what, when, where, how. What did you feel? How were you vulnerable?
Step 2: Identify the heart of the matter: why does this incident remain in your memory? What issue, question, or quandary does this incident raise for you?
Step 3: Structure a correlation: how does the issue probe your beliefs? What theological doctrine or biblical incident relates? What makes this theological?
Step 4: Identify new learnings and calls to action: what do you need to do now to deal with a similar incident in the future?
IV. NEXT STEPS: Please indicate the plans that you have for future learning and ministry. What courses of study do you feel will be helpful to you?
Signature of Student: Date
All parts of this report due in the Office of Field Education by 4:00 pm, Friday, April 23, 2010. Please use paper clips instead of staples. PRESBYTERIAN STUDENTS MUST SUBMIT THE ORIGINAL AND ONE COPY.
Field Education Site______
Directions: Please respond to the following questions concerning your student's field education experience. The length of the appraisal should be between three and four pages, preferably typed, double spaced in a normal sized typeface (such as Times New Roman 12pt). Signatures are required where requested, so please sign in the space provided and attach these instructions to your completed appraisal.
I. THE STUDENT'S ACTIVITIES: Please assess the student's performance in the areas listed below. What has the student done and what is your assessment of it? Please indicate the areas where you have personally observed the student's performance and those areas evaluated by the report of others.
A. Communication: Please describe the forms of communication required of the student in this placement (e.g., preaching, worship leadership, teaching, staff/committee meetings, written correspondence, phone contacts, direct service). If a component of the placement, how many times did the student preach? How well did the student communicate with you, with colleagues, and with those to whom she/he ministered? In what way(s) could the student’s communication skills be strengthened?
B. Caring: What did you observe about the student’s attitude and skills in the area of caring for others (e.g., counseling/referral, home visitation, hospital visitation, congregant/client follow- up) and for self? What strengths and/or weaknesses re: caring did you observe in this student? How have you observed the student working with people generally and providing care for the congregation or organization?
C. Administering: What administrative tasks and responsibilities did you ask of the student (planning, organizing, recruiting, training, leading, committee participation)? What groups or programs has the student administered? What strengths and weaknesses in the areas of administration and leadership emerged in this placement? (over) II. THE GROWING SELF: As the supervisor, what have you observed in the following areas:
A. Personal Growth: the student's understanding of self and call to ministry; integration of the demands of ministry with personal lifestyles and values.
B. Spiritual Development: personal faith as foundations in the student's life and ministry.
C. Interpersonal Relations: activity with persons different from the student, e.g., the young, elderly, families, affluent or poor; what gifts, graces, and growth areas have you observed in the student's dealings with others?
D. Professional Development: preparation to undertake the responsibilities of ministry; what have you observed in the student vis-à-vis the formation of a vocational or professional identity?
As the supervisor, what recommendations do you make to the student, the Seminary, and the governing body of care with regard to the student's education and preparation for ministry? Please indicate other field education experiences, course work, etc. that you feel may be helpful.
For Presbyterian students who are seeking to become inquirers or candidates: Do you commend the student to the Seminary and presbytery? If yes, why? If no, why not?
For students of other denominations who are seeking to be ordained: Do you commend the student to the Seminary and the governing body of care? If yes, why? If no, why not?
IV. CONTINUING EDUCATION: Please describe your continuing education.
Signature of Supervisor: Date
Final Appraisal JOINT REPORT
All parts of this report due in the Office of Field Education by 4:00 pm, Friday, April 23, 2010. Please use paper clips instead of staples. PRESBYTERIAN STUDENTS MUST SUBMIT THE ORIGINAL AND ONE COPY.
Student SBN______
Site ______Supervisor______
Directions: This report should be completed together. Both the student and the supervisor must sign and date this form to indicate that each has read and discussed the attached appraisals. All 3 portions of the appraisal must be turned in together. Incomplete appraisals will not be accepted!
Student: What is your response to your supervisor's comments?
Supervisor: What is your response to your student's report?
(over) Additional Comments:
We commend these appraisals to the Office of Field Education.
Student______Date ______
Supervisor______Date ______
PRESBYTERIAN STUDENTS: Must submit the original document and one copy!
Supervisor’s Release Form
Judicatories and other groups request copies of students’ Field Education Appraisals. The student files a release with the Office of Student Relations and a similar release is required for the supervisor’s portion. Below, please indicate whether or not you wish the supervisor portion of the appraisal released.
Yes, I hereby authorize Princeton Theological Seminary to release the Supervisor’s portion of this appraisal to the student’s judicatory of care.
No, I do not authorize Princeton Theological Seminary to release the Supervisor’s portion of this appraisal to the student’s judicatory of care.
Supervisor ______Date ______
Please make sure you have checked on of the boxes above.