Request for Proposals (Rfp) 08-02
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July 26, 2007
The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) is soliciting proposals for the development of a static graphical representation (GIS or “Cartoon Map”) of county and city corporate boundaries using color coding and/or symbols to create a visual picture of the geographic relationships between district and municipal courts and how municipal court services are provided across the state.
Background and Purpose
There are two types of courts of limited jurisdiction in Washington State: District and Municipal Courts.
Each County in the state has a district court located at the County Seat. In several counties, the county is divided into two or three district court districts and/or district court services are provided in additional satellite locations. There are a total of 49 district courts in the 39 counties sited in 61 locations.
Each incorporated City or Town in the state is responsible for providing for a municipal court. Cities may provide for a municipal court in one of three ways:
Establishing an “independent” municipal court located within the corporate boundaries of the city or town. There are 127 independent municipal courts in the state; Contracting with the County District Court or another municipal court to hear all of the city’s cases, in which instance the municipal court cases are heard at the location of the court providing court services; or Establishing the municipal court as a “department” of the County District Court. The structures of municipal departments vary. In one instance the municipal department is essentially an independent municipal court. In other instances, the district court judge travels to the city and hears cases in a city facility. And, in other instances, the city cases are heard at the district court facility by the district court judge. District courts and municipal courts have jurisdiction over many of the same types of cases: traffic infractions, misdemeanor crimes, and domestic violence protection orders. The location of the infraction or crime determines which court must hear the case: cases arising within a city are the responsibility of the municipal court and cases arising in unincorporated areas of the County or on a state highway are the responsibility of the District Court. District Courts also hear small claims cases and civil cases up to $50,000.
Statement of Work
Develop a graphical map (GIS or “cartoon map”) of the State of Washington which shows county and city corporate boundaries and the location of district and municipal courts within those boundaries.
The map must be scalable by “zoom and pan” function and/or by clicking upon an individual county to create enlarged views.
Jurisdictional information (see Appendix A, Data Element List) must be displayed upon placing the cursor upon a county or city and upon placing the cursor upon the symbol showing the location of an individual district or municipal court.
District and municipal court locations and contractual relationships between counties and cities or cities and cities shall be represented graphically by color coding and/or symbols and connecting lines as determined by the AOC.
For purposes of orientation, major roads and highways should be included on the map.
The vendor is responsible for locating State, County, and City corporate boundary and road and highway data sets for GIS applications and/or cartoon maps. Vendor and AOC will work cooperatively to locate and define inter-county boundaries for district court districts.
For cities where court services are provided by another court, the distance (in miles) between the city hall and the location where services are provided should be calculated and a line drawn between the city hall and court location.
All information regarding court locations and ancillary display information will be provided by AOC in a format mutually agreed upon between the vendor and AOC.
The final product must “stand-alone” and be available for distribution by the AOC on electronic media including posting as a web-page on the internet.
All work product is to become the sole property of the AOC and may not be used, sold, or otherwise distributed by the vendor to any third party. The period of performance of any contract awarded as a result of this Letter to Request proposals is tentatively scheduled to begin on or about September 10th, 2007, and to be in force through October 31st, 2007 with possible amendments extending the period of performance.
Organizations must meet the following minimum criteria:
Be licensed to perform work in Washington State. Have a minimum of 3 years of experience providing either GIS or graphic art experience to include substantial cartoon map work product. Have at least three (3) non-bidder owned customer references for whom the bidder has provided similar services during the past thirty-six (36) months preceding the bid due date.
Bidders who do not meet these minimum qualifications shall be deemed to be unresponsive, will not be evaluated and no score will be assigned.
The proposal is to be brief but should include: Experience on comparable projects Staff qualifications Names, addresses and telephone numbers of three business references Project work plan Schedule to accomplish the project Costs or fees, to include an itemization of any software costs which AOC will be required to incur (i.e., purchase or license fees) in order to post the final product on the web or otherwise view and share the final product. The title and version number of any software to be used.
Proposals will be evaluated by AOC based on the response to the information requested above. All six items must be addressed for the proposal to be considered responsive. The deadline for submission of responses is 5:00PM local time in Olympia, Washington on August 10, 2007. LATE BIDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AND WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY DISQUALIFIED FROM FURTHER CONSIDERATION. TIME EXTENSIONS WILL NOT BE GRANTED. Proposals are to be mailed, e-mailed, or hand-delivered to:
Administrative Office of the Courts Farrell Presnell 1206 Quince Street SE PO Box 41170 Olympia, WA 98504-1170 Phone: (360) 705-5239 Fax: (360) 586.8869 E-Mail: [email protected]
Bidders assume the risk for the method of delivery chosen. AOC assumes no responsibility for delays caused by any delivery service.
AOC reserves the right at its sole discretion to reject any or all proposals. This Letter to Request Proposals does not obligate AOC to contract for the services specified herein. The final selection will be the proposal that in the opinion of AOC best meets the requirements set forth above and is in the best interest of the AOC. AOC is not obligated to select the lowest priced bid. AOC shall not be responsible for any costs associated with a bidder’s preparation of a bid in response to this Letter to Request Proposals.
In submitting a response the bidder agrees to accept the terms set forth herein. The selected contractor will be required to sign a Contract, including General Terms and Conditions.
Any requests for information about this project are to be directed to Jeff Hall at:
Administrative Office of the Courts Jeff Hall, Deputy State Court Administrator 1206 Quince Street SE PO Box 41170 Olympia, WA 98504-1170 Phone: (360) 357-2131 Fax: (360) 586.8869 E-Mail: [email protected] APPENDIX A DATA ELEMENT LIST
AOC shall provide vendor an Excel Spreadsheet containing the data elements listed below. The AOC reserves the right to include additional data elements for display purposes.
Court ID A 3 digit number assigned as a unique identifier for each district court location and each city.
Jurisdiction The name of each individual district court location and city.
County The county in which each individual district court location or the city is located in.
Population The population of the county or the population of the city.
Pop. Uninc. The population of the unincorporated area of the county. This data element will only be provided for district court jurisdictions.
Court Type Each jurisdiction will be assigned a court type as follows: District Court (The district court location located at the county seat or the main court location of a district court district). District Court Satellite (Additional locations where district court services are provided within a district court district). Independent Municipal Court Contract Municipal – City (for cities that contract with another city). Contract Municipal – County (for cities that contract with the county district court). MD – Independent (Municipal Departments that are structured like an independent municipal court). MD – Contract (Municipal departments where city cases are heard at a county district court location). MD – Circuit (Municipal departments where the district court judge hears city cases at a facility provided by the city within the cities corporate boundaries). Service ID The Court ID number of the jurisdiction where cases are heard (i.e., for a city that contracts with a county, the Court ID number of the district court location where the city’s cases are heard would be entered.
Infractions The number of infraction cases filed in the jurisdiction.
Misdemeanor The number of misdemeanor cases filed in the jurisdiction.
Domestic Violence The number of domestic violence protection order cases filed in the jurisdiction.
Civil The number of civil cases filed in the jurisdiction.
Felony The number of felony complaint cases filed in the jurisdiction.
Parking The number of parking cases filed in the jurisdiction.
Judges The total number of Judge FTE serving the jurisdiction.
Court Days The number of days per week/month court is held at the court location
Court Hours The number of hours court is held per week/month
Text Free form text field not to exceed an agreed upon number of characters.
Address 1 The street address of the jurisdiction. For cities where court services are provided at another district court or other city’s municipal court location, this element will reflect the street address of the city hall of the jurisdiction.
Address 2 Supplemental address information, if any.
PO Box Post office box number, if any.
Zip Code
Contact The name and telephone number of individuals contact to obtain/confirm information regarding the jurisdiction.
Notes Notes regarding the information for a jurisdiction.