Douglas County Pragmatic Overview

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Douglas County Pragmatic Overview

Revised 2008 Douglas County Pragmatic Overview Modern Languages What Students Can Do At The End of Level 1 in the Modern Languages Accompanied by Essential Questions 1. Respond to basic questions dealing with 1. weather 7. age 13. self/personality 19. school 2. foods/breakfast, lunch, dinner 8. colors-basic 14. pets 20. sports 3. vacation and leisure time 9. places in town 15. family 21. numbers 4. geographical expressions 10.time 16. store/shopping (cardinal 5. home/rooms 11.clothes 17. time and 6. classroom routine 12.traditions & 18. body parts ordinal) festivals * Note many of these topics are handled in greater depth in 2nd year. Consider 2nd year Pragmatic Overview for clarification. 2. Repeat basic questions asking them of another student 3. Recite sequences such as the alphabet, days of the week, months, seasons, numbers 4. Respond to visual cues dealing with topics listed above 5. Seek and exchange information 6. Express confusion or lack of understanding 7. Follow and give directions 8. Make excuses and give explanations 9. Ask and give permission 10. Express emotions 11. Understand and use appropriate greetings and leave-taking 12. Describe using appropriate adjectives 13. Understand and pronounce typical male and female names 14. Use non-verbal communication, including gestures 15. Understand, seek, and give personal information in a two- or three-sentence sequence 16. React appropriately in uncomplicated social situations 17. Give answers to factual questions based on cultural information from countries where the language is spoken 18. Express likes/dislikes in single sentences using vocabulary from the topics listed above 19. Understand and participate in simple conversations 20. Express agreement and disagreement with other students’ likes and dislikes 21. Express regret or acceptance to social situations 22. Demonstrate understanding of perspectives and social customs 23. Look for contextual cues in comprehending reading Sample Essential Questions Introductory French: Qui es-tu? (Who are you?) Comment es-tu? (What are you like?) Qu’est-ce que tu fais après l’école? (What do you do after school?) Quel temps fait-il? (What’s the weather like?) Où vas-tu? (Where are you going?) Introductory Spanish: ċAdónde vas? (Where are you going?) ċQuién eres? (Who are you?) ċCómo eres? (What are you like?) ċQué haces después de clases? (What do you do after school?) ċQué tiempo hace? (What’s the weather like?)

1 Revised 2008

Modern Languages Level 1

These are the topics that will enable students to meet the expectations of Level 1. TOPICS: 1. Alphabet 16. Leisure activities 2. Days of the week, months, seasons 17. School events 3. Numbers 1-100 18. Foods 4. Weather 19. Traditions & holidays 5. Colors 20. Sports 6. Time and time expressions 21. Typical school day-for example name 7. Family of classes 8. Places: i.e. park, museum, beach 22. Clothes 9. Body parts 23. Stores/shopping 10.Classroom objects 24. Interjections and rejoinders of pleasure, 11.Classroom routines, including homework surprise, disappointment, and frustration assignments 25. Expressions of politeness 12.Names (typical male and female) 26. Appropriate idiomatic expressions 13.Age 27. Language: cognates, roots, affixes, 14.Animals-family pets similarities, and differences 15.Appropriate greetings, leave-takings, and and courtesy expressions

CONCEPTS: Asterix indicates concepts of priority importance for Mastery *1.Present tense of commonly used and 11. Nouns and modifiers auxiliary verbs to include- 12. Possessions-possessive adjectives and French: er/ir/re verbs; être, faire, aller avoir, possession with de venir. Spanish: ser estar, tener, ir; ar/er/ir 13. Contractions 2. Selected present tense forms of verbs 14. Appropriate descriptive adjectives, dealing with health, weather, time agreement and syntax-basic physical 3. Imperatives of verbs commonly used in description, basic personality description classroom activities and colors 4. Selected forms of frequently used verbs 15. Appropriate adverbs (today, tomorrow, (permit me, I would like, I am sorry) well, badly, etc.) 5. Expressions of “there is/are” and “are there/ 16. Adverbs and adjectives of time (present is there?” and future) *6.Future time with the present tense of 17. Prepositions and adverbs of location and commonly used verbs dealing with topical distance (example near, far, next to) vocabulary-such as allert infinitive for *18. Appropriate interrogatives (who, what, French - ir+a+infinitive for Spanish when, where, why, which, how much, 7. Infinitives used after conjugated verbs how many) 8. Word order and intonation in declarative 19. Appropriate idiomatic expressions with sentences, both affirmative and negative common verbs 9. Word order and intonation of yes/no and 20. Formal and informal address information questions 21. Agreement of: pronouns, verbs, 10.Number and gender adjectives 22. Gestures and non-verbal communication 23. Dictionary skills 2 Revised 2008

CULTURE: 1. Reading and writing numerals, addresses, 18. Geographical areas where the target phone numbers language is spoken 2. Differences in capitalization 19. Current events 3. Recognition of 24-hour clock 20. Street maps, street names and numbers 4. Expressing dates 21. Currency 5. Concept of time (Cultural attitudes in 22. Abbreviations reference to time) 23. Social customs in daily living 6. Privacy/personal space 24. Meals 7. Recognition of metric system 25. Pastimes 8. Comparative school customs/behaviors 26. Style of dress 9. Concepts of formality vs. informality 27. Appropriate songs, rhymes, poems, 10.Common gestures and non-verbal proverbs communication 28. Do’s and don’ts 11.Names and titles 29. Art 12.Extended family 30. Literature 13.Birthdays and holidays 31. Music 14.Vacations 32. History 15.Weekend activities 33. Famous people 16.Sports 34. Cultural similarities and differences and 17.School system stereotypes 35. Classroom expressions 36. Core: TPRS vocabulary


FRENCH I Music: Etienne Series, Oh là là, (Sample Packet), Genération 4 francaise, Quiche series Written Materials: Rubrics Cubed 2002 by Wade Peterson (Teacher’s Discovery) Text, Images, Scott Foresman Readers, Pauvre Ana Look I Can Speak French, Blaine Ray Lectures pour tous

Websites – French I - list of foreign language links - newspaper website (TV schedules, weather) - games, graphics, cartoons - for parents of little French children-great printable understandable materials (thematic) very helpful for teachers-pictures – commercials - look at stamps, Père Noël site where students can write to Père Noël (Tennessee Bob’s Famous French Links) (Puzzlemaker) – – purchase French music – shopping 3 Revised 2008 (Susan Gross website) Enchanted Learning GLC website – Louise Attaque. Self Titled: “Fatiguant” (adjectives)

Audio Visual: [It is the responsibility of teachers to preview all videos] Etre et Avoir (seasons excerpt) – DVD extra material Rick Steves Travel Video Muzzy I, II, III Discovering French Videos

SPANISH I Written/Printed materials: Ventanas uno Spanish is Fun textbook and workbook Spanish Teachers Book of Lists (Teacher’s Discovery) Un Viaje a Mexico reader (Hayes Publishing) Sueňos, level 1 reader (Scott Foresman) Qué tal magazine (Scholastic) Spanish Resource Guide binder Pobre Ana

Audio Visual: Sweet 15 video Selena-video Amor Prohibido-song La Bamba-song Ever After-movie (Teacher’s Discovery) Media Eres tú-song *Sing, Dance and Eat Tacos-CD music (Teacher’s Discovery) *Alphabet song, countries song Cantos y Ritmos-tape (Teacher’s Discovery) Caminar-verb song Me Gusta-video (Teacher’s Discovery)

Websites: (comprehensive site includes grammar, culture, history, literature, news) (clip art)

4 Revised 2008

POSSIBLE INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE - Spanish I, Level 1, Day 1 1. Greet the students – saludos 2. Model and teach telling name and answering 3. Student practice around the room, partners, groups (model repeat st. interaction) 4. Introduce self and others 5. Name game – i.e. Hotchi Potchi or Ball Toss 6. Introduce elementary alfabeto using visuals, board – practice spelling saludos, nombres 7. Saying good-bye

Additional suggestions 1. Ask how are – positive and negative examples – act out, use plate faces or puppets 2. Mini conversation with partners 3. Signature sheet? Names, how are 4. Cognados – introduce-practice-homework 5. Numbers 0-10 then 0-20

Content Sequence – Espaňol, Level 1 (Unit 1, Lecc. 3) Description 1. Introduce Adjective – using pictures, real people, self 0 write word 2. Yo soy – Model and write 3. El es – Model and write Ella es 4. Si o no – use picture or sts. Es alto 5. Es alto o bajo (voc) 6. m, f (gram) 7. ċCómo eres tú? Write description of self (homework) ċCómo es ______?

POSSIBLE INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE – French I, Level 1, Day 1 First Day Needs to be Conducted Entirely in French 1. Greet students in the language 2. Have students practice greetings with a partner 3. Ask students how they are and give positive and negative responses 4. Practice with a partner 5. Introduce yourself (perhaps use puppets) and have students introduce themselves to a partner 6. Repeat entire mini-conversations with partner 7. Introduce alphabet using board or visuals 8. Varied practice with alphabet 9. Name Games

Suggested Activities:  Etienne Song  Students with one letter spelling out names  Spell words from dictation 5 Revised 2008

 Hochi Pochi: Students in a circle with one student chosen as detective and one as Hochi Pochi. The detective asks names to find Hochi Pochi and then everyone moves and all including the detective.


 Où vas-tu?

1. Using TPR w/cities (flashcards/pictures on the wall) teacher models then students “go” to a city – use all verb forms

2. Étienne aller song

3. Reincorporate places in town vocabulary using pictures on walls/photo visuals (be sure to use à and point out difference) *students tell each other to go places

4. Turn to partner and ask where each other is going after school/on weekends (talk to several people)

5. Wrap around activity (En vacances/je vais à la plage) a. Où vas-tu en vacances b. Response card – Je vais à la plage c. Où vas-tu le dimanche

6. Pull place out of jar – using aller, find your match.

7. Culminating Activity . Art project with places in town – make and label a town map . Write a letter/itinerary to a family member/friend telling them where you are going/where your friends are going/where your parents are going


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