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Aston University


Minutes of the 289th COUNCIL meeting, Wednesday, 12th June 2014.

PRESENT: Dr Paul Golby (in the Chair) Ms Penny Barber Professor Björn Birgisson Mr Neil Bushell Mr Jake Delaney Mr Lance Doughty Mr Stuart Doughty Professor George Feiger Professor Simon Green Professor Helen Griffiths Professor Helen Higson Mr Mark Hodgson Professor Dame Julia King Mr Colin Parker Ms Carole Parkes Mr Mike Russell Mr Nick Tamblyn Mr Paul Williams Mrs Judith Whitaker

APOLOGIES: Ms Geetu Bharwaney Dr John Blewitt Dr Mark Newbold Mr Paul Pharaoh Mr Surinder Sharma Mr Stewart Towe

IN ATTENDANCE: Mr Alan Charters Mr David Farrow Mr John Walter


14/53 There were no new declarations of interest from Governors, or from those in attendance, with respect to any agenda items.


14/54 Professor Björn Birgisson, the new Executive Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science, was welcomed to the Council.


14/55 The Minutes of the 288th meeting of the Council, held on 2nd April 2014, were approved, and were signed by the Chair as an accurate record.


14/56 Council received Paper CO/14/22 detailing matters arising from the above Minutes.

Access Agreement and Associated Scholarship Policy for 2015/15 (M 14/32- 33)

14/57 Council noted that the final version of Aston’s 2015/16 Access Agreement and Scholarship Policy had been endorsed by the Executive Operations Group and a Council Sub-Group (comprising Messrs Mike Russell and Surinder Sharma) for sign off by the Chair on behalf of Council. The Access Agreement had subsequently been submitted to the Office for Fair Access (OFFA).

1 Great Place to Work Survey (M 14/37)

14/58 Council noted that the Executive Operations Group had agreed that an in- house staff survey should be developed drawing upon the expertise of colleagues in the Aston Business School for implementation in the next academic year.

European Bioenergy Research Institute (EBRI) (Minutes 14/44-45)


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14/60 The Council received Paper CO/14/23 relating to constitutional matters.

Changes to the Membership of Council for 2014/15

14/61 The Council noted the changes to the membership of the Council for 2014/15 and the progress of the Nominations Committee in identifying potential new lay members, as set out in Paper CO/14/23.

Appointment of a New Lay Member of Council

14/62 Council approved (nem con) the appointment of Mr Ed Lewis as a new lay governor for a three-year term from 1st August 2014, on the unanimous recommendation of the Nominations Committee. Mr Lewis was the Partner and Head of Construction Risk Share at Weightmans LLP and an Aston alumnus (graduating in 2000 with a degree in Law with Legal Practice).

Membership of Audit Committee

14/63 The Council approved, on the unanimous recommendation of the Nominations Committee, the appointment of Mr Sanjay Khullar, Senior Partner, Haines Watts, as a lay member of the Audit Committee for a three year term commencing 1st August 2014.

14/64 Proposed Changes to Ordinance VIII: Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates of the University

The Council approved the following changes to Ordinance VIII: Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates of the University, as recommended by the Senate:

2 i) the addition of the new Award of Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) to the list of University awards under paragraph (d) Higher Degrees. ii) Paragraph 11, covering the award of a Doctor of Science, to be amended to include provision for the award of a Doctor of Letters. COUNCIL AND SENATE AWAY DAYS 2014

14/65 The Council received Paper CO/14/24 on the key actions and recommendations agreed at the Council/Senate Away Day held on 7th May 2014 and by the Senate at its subsequent Away-Day (14th May 2014) and identifying the members of the University Executive and other senior colleagues who would be responsible for taking forward the agreed actions. In future reports from the Executive on the development of aspects of University strategy and its implementation, the Council would be informed where the Away Day recommendations had influenced decisions and actions taken.


Master-plan for the development of the University Estate

14/66 The Executive Director of Capital Developments presented the proposed master- plan for the development of the University Estate (CO/14/25) which had been prepared after many months of iteration and option evaluations, and aimed to accommodate Aston’s plans for growth in teaching and research activity, including the proposed Aston Medical School. It proposed the completion of the campus redevelopment based on using the existing building stock and contained a list of potential projects, coupled with the occupation dates and indicative budgets. The project list indicated that the Main Building, North Wing and VisCom buildings would be retained and refurbished for future use. xxxxxxxxxxxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFORMATIONxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

14/67 The Chair of the Finance and Major Projects Committee reported that the Committee had supported the proposed approach to the redevelopment of the campus based on using the existing building stock, as this provided the most affordable solution to the provision of the space required to deliver the Aston 2020 strategy. The Committee had recommended that a detailed and robust business case setting out the risks and financial/non-financial benefits should be prepared for each of the potential large projects, which would enable the Committee and Council to determine whether the proposed investment was justified.

14/68 The following points were raised by members of Council:

i) xxxxxxxxxxxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFORMATIONx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx ii) it was noted that many of the proposed capital projects within the master plan appeared to be interrelated. Members recommended that the interrelated projects should be grouped together into discrete phases with a view to identifying decision points within the schedule of work where it would be

3 possible to evaluate the University’s financial position before committing to the next phase of development and the drawdown of associated borrowings. iii) student members recommended that a communication strategy should be developed to inform students, faced with a number of years of building works across the campus, of the purpose and benefits of the planned developments.


i) to approve the proposed approach to the redevelopment of the campus based on using the existing building stock, noting that a detailed and robust business case setting out the risks and financial/non-financial benefits would be prepared for each of the potential large projects within the master-plan for approval by the Finance and Major Projects Committee and Council ii) that interrelated capital projects should be grouped together into discrete phases enabling decision points to be identified within the schedule of work where it would be possible to evaluate the University’s financial position on completion of a phase of development before committing to the next phase and the drawdown of associated borrowings. ACTION: CFO/EDCP/Lance Doughty

Updated Strategic Financial Strategy Model


i) the updated Strategic Financial Strategy Model (Paper CO/ 14/26) which was consistent with the financial targets and strategy agreed by Council,

xxxxxxxxxxxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFORMATIO Nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ii) Strategic Financial Plan - Evaluation (Paper CO/14/26A), noting that, xxxxxxxxxxxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFORMATIO Nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

14/71 The Chair of the Finance and Major Projects Committee reported that the Committee had recommended to Council that the growth strategy set out in the updated Strategic Financial Strategy Model be approved. In view of the potential risks and uncertainties involved in delivering the planned growth during a period of anticipated turbulence, the Committee had recommended that leading indicators should be developed to show how problems could be identified at an early stage leading to effective interventions to bring the delivery of the financial plan back on track. The Committee also felt that the Executive should develop an operating plan to support its financial budgets and forecasts.

14/72 In response to questions raised by a lay member of Council prior to the meeting, the Chief Financial Officer presented tables showing:

4  xxxxxxxxxxxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFORMA TIONxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxxxxxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFORMA TIONxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

14/73 The following points were made by Members of Council:

 xxxxxxxxxxxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFORMA TIONxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  The University Executive was firmly committed to the achievement of the financial results in the strategic plan. Applications for admission to Aston’s programmes continued to be buoyant and staff were increasingly successful in winning research grants and awards. A business-like approach was adopted across the University, with the understanding that if income targets in any year were not achieved in one area, then commensurate increases would be expected in other areas or equivalent cost reductions would be required. The Executive would closely monitor financial performance, including projected student numbers and associated income, and could make a range of positive interventions to put the finances back on track.


i) To approve the growth strategy set out in the updated Strategic Financial Strategy Model (Paper CO/14/26). Leading indicators should be developed to show how problems could be identified at an early stage leading to effective interventions to bring the financial plan back on track. The University Executive should develop an operating plan to support its financial budgets and forecasts. ii) That the strategic financial forecast be used to provide the longer term financial forecast to 2016/17 to be reported to HEFCE in July 2014. ACTION: CFO/Vice-Chancellor



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5 14/76

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i) xxxxxxxxxxxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFOR MATIONxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ii) cxxxxxxxxxxxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFOR MATIONxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx iii) xxxxxxxxxxxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFOR MATIONxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. ACTION: CFO

Aston Medical School

14/78 The Council received an update on the financial plan for the Aston Medical School (AMS) (Paper CO/14/28), xxxxxxxxxxxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFORMATIONxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ACTION: CFO/PVC(Health)

14/79 The Vice-Chancellor was pleased to announce that news of the planned opening of AMS in the autumn of 2017 had received excellent coverage in today’s editions of local media. The project had been made possible by the support of Aston’s formal partners: the Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, the Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust, the Sandwell and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group and Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. The General Medical Council (GMC) had set out the processes and requirements for AMA to achieve accreditation for its degree. The GMC required all new medical schools in the UK to have a contingency plan and a sponsor which would be prepared to take over the teaching of any new school’s students in the case of its failure. xxxxxxxxxxxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFORMATIONxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

6 Proposals for Capital Developments: Improvements to Teaching Rooms


To approve, on recommendation from the Finance and Major Projects Committee, proposals for the refurbishment of Rooms MBG653 and MB603 Lecture Theatre and teaching space (Paper CO/14/29).

University Budget for 2014/15

14/81 Council received CO/14/30, comprising the draft University revenue and capital budget for 2014-15, which was consistent with the Strategic Financial Plan (refer to minutes 14/70-74). The draft budget would be finalised in October 2014 when the 2013/14 actual results and initial 2014/15 student recruitment levels would be known. The budget would achieve a surplus of £3 million which was sufficient to support required borrowings. The Executive would take action to ensure that 2014/15 Home- EU undergraduate student recruitment stayed within the HEFCE Student Number Control limits to avoid the risk of claw back.

14/82 Council noted that the University Executive would continue to monitor lead indicators (such as student enrolments, research income and expenditure) on a regular basis and would take any necessary corrective action to ensure that the financial performance remained on track to achieve the surplus.


i) To approve, on the recommendation of the Finance and Major Projects Committee, the draft Budget for 2014/15, and its submission to HEFCE in July 2014 (Paper CO/14/30). ii) That, in future, consideration should be given to providing a more graphical presentation of the supporting figures, which would assist members of Council to identify trends and evaluate the trajectory of planned growth against past performance. ACTION: CFO

Review of Strategic Risk Management

14/83 The Council received and discussed Paper CO/14/31, comprising:

i) the revised Strategic Risk Management Policy, which now included a statement of risk appetite, in accordance with Internal Audit recommendations as to best practice; and ii) the Strategic Risk register which had been reviewed and revised in the light of comments from the Executive and the Audit Committee, xxxxxxxxxxxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFORMATIONx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

7 14/84

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To approve the Strategic Risk Management Policy and the report on the Strategic Risk register.


14/86 The Council received Paper CO/14/32, together with an oral report from the Vice- Chancellor. The following points were noted:

 ABS was one of a select group of three business schools to receive the Small Business Charter Gold Award, presented recently at 10 Downing Street by the Prime Minister’s Adviser, Lord Young, and Sir Peter Bonfield, Chair of The Small Business Charter Management Board.  Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Helen Higson, and Senior Lecturer in Law, Odette Hutchinson, had been awarded National Teaching Fellowships (NTFs) by the Higher Education Academy. NTFs were the most prestigious awards for excellence in higher education and support for learning, with only 55 Fellowships awarded each year.  Aston had been ranked 22nd out of 116 universities in the Guardian University Guide 2015, a rise of eight places. Health Professions (including Optometry & Audiology) were rated best in the country; with Pharmacy & Pharmacology rated fifth and Electrical Engineering tenth.  The Aston Law student mooting team had reached the final of the prestigious OUP and BPP National Mooting Competition – one of four teams left competing for the title from the initial 76 participating law schools.  xxxxxxxxxxxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFORMA TIONxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.  Igor Rubets, an Aston alumnus, had won the Virgin Media Pioneers Start-Up Award for presenting his storage company, Boxhug, at the Pitch to Rich final at the Sir Richard Branson’s family home. More than 400 businesses had participated in the competition.  The Vice-Chancellor had visited Sun Yat-Sen University and Tianjin University in China last week. She had met dignitaries from both universities, including President of Sun Yat-Sen University, Aston alumnus and former staff member, Professor Xu Ningsheng. She had also attended a lecture by Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, Vince Cable, who was also visiting China on diplomatic business.

8  Council joined the Vice-Chancellor in congratulating the School of Engineering & Applied Science (EAS) on achieving the prestigious Athena SWAN silver award from the Equality Challenge Unit for supporting the careers of women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).

REPORT FROM THE EXECUTIVE OF THE STUDENTS’ UNION 14/87 Council received Paper CO/14/33, together with an oral report from the Vice President (Education and Welfare), providing current student-related news for the information of Governors.


14/88 The Minutes of the following committee meetings were accepted:

 Audit Committee, 16th May 2014.  Finance and Major Projects Committee, 9th June 2014.  Senate, 4th June 2014.

Data Quality

14/89 Mr Nick Tamblyn, Chair of the Audit Committee, reported that the Committee had observed a steady improvement in the systems and processes for data quality management.

Management Accounts

14/90 Council received a summary of the Management Accounts for Periods 1-9 (ended 30th April 2014), in Paper CO/14/36.


Research Grants and Contracts


To approve the schedule of Research Grants and Contracts set out in Paper CO/14/34, and to congratulate all those who had secured income.


14/92 In a discussion of the effectiveness and value of the meeting, governors agreed that there had been a focused discussion on some key financial and estates issues which would influence the future direction of the University. Members had the opportunity to emphasise the need to achieve the operating surplus and for careful monitoring of the University’s future financial performance so that appropriate mitigating action could be taken if any problems should arise. VALEDICTORY REMARKS


9 (i) To join the Chair in expressing the University’s appreciation and gratitude to Mr Mark Hodgson, Chief Financial Officer, for the strategically important contributions he had made to the development of Aston and for his service as a member of Council in Class 1 [ex officio members].

(ii) To thank, in addition, the following retiring governors for their outstanding contributions to the work of the Council and to the life of the University:

Class 2 [lay members] Geetu Bharwaney Nick Tamblyn Stewart Towe CBE Paul Williams

Class 3 [academic staff members] Dr John Blewitt Dr Carole Parkes

Class 4 [student representatives] Neil Bushell (outgoing Guild President) Jake Delaney (outgoing Guild Vice-President (Education and Welfare)).


14/94 NOTED:

Thursday, 9th October 2014 (starting at 2.00 pm). JGW/16.4.14


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