11-6 Research Paper Outline Format (Suggested MLA Format)

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11-6 Research Paper Outline Format (Suggested MLA Format)

11-6 Research Paper Outline Format (suggested MLA format)

*A formal Works Cited (of sources found so far) will be due Friday. See Purdue OWL sample works cited and http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/12/ The working Works Cited has to be alphabetized, with hanging indentations, and organized correctly using MLA format.

See also Purdue OWL: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/544/01/

*A logically organized, typed/printed, and formal outline of your own will also be due Friday.

Remember outline wording can be fragmented and in phrases (no need for complete sentences for once). It would be really nice to have your source letters and numbers plugged in, too. Outlines usually run from general to specific OR major to minor in order of logic and material. Finally, it should use Roman numerals and letters. Here is a mediocre sample:

I. Topic: Introduction to the misuse of antibiotics

A. Definition: “Antibiotics are powerful drugs used for treating many serious and life-threatening infectious diseases” (www.mayoclinic.com). (A 2, 4, 5) B. Doctors prescribe antibiotics as a treatment for everything and anything 1. Parents are uneducated about antibiotics (source b) C. Thesis Statement: The United States is quickly becoming a victim of the very medicine that was made to help. (source D-3)

II. History A. Invented in the 1940s (source c—2, 3) 1. Breakthrough in medical science as a treatment to bacterial illnesses 2. Worked best when they were first used. a. The more they have been taken over the years, the more users have become immune to its effects. (sources A 1, 3 and D 2, 4, 5) B. Penicillin (http://www.ars.usda.gov) from (destiny.wws.k12.in.us) (sources B and E) 1. First antibiotic (B, 1-5) 2. Made in England (B 1, 2) 3. Mass produced in US (B 1, 2 and E 4) 4. England couldn’t produce the amount that they needed for the war so they asked the US for help (C 4) 5. Called a wonder drug (A 3) a. For its short development time b. For its wonderful effect (A, B 1, 3, and C 2-5)

III. Misuse A. Overuse (F 1-3: noticed he stopped plugging in sources and became lazy; this could lead to disorganization and accidental plagiarism) 1. When antibiotics cannot fight any present threat to the body, they attack good bacteria. 2. The good bacteria are the germs in your immune system that fight illness B. Bacteria will become immune to the antibiotic and become a superbug. (D 3-4) 1. There are only three medications prescribed to treat superbug 2. Superbug can be in forms such as STAFF and MRSA C. Superbug is contagious 1. Schools, work firms, and all places the infected person performs everyday activity, is shut down and sterilized. 2. Superbug is painful and can last months. 3. The only prevention of super bug is to use antibiotics wisely 4. It is not advised to take antibiotics to cure, treat, or prevent superbug!

IV. Prevention A. Doctor visits (B 8, 9) 1. When patients visit the doctor do not ask for antibiotics a. Many parents demand them in hopes that their child will be cured of the illness, but antibiotics don’t always cure the illness. b. Health association quotes here: still undecided

B. Health (C 4-8) Most illnesses can be easily prevented from proper hygiene, proper washing hands, and staying properly dressed in cold areas. 2. Maintaining good health and eating a proper diet to have a healthy body (food pyramid) 3. Taking vitamins, supplements, and probiotics. 4. Stay away from people that you know have contagious bacterial illnesses, especially viral, or those illnesses that are being treated with antibiotics.

V. Conclusion (this needs major work and will be adjusted as you go) A. The human body is created to be able to fight off illnesses and diseases and antibiotics should only be used to help the body do what the body cant. Most people use antibiotics to overcome and speed up the healing process. Whatever antibiotics don’t kill makes it stronger and that is our “superbug”. If antibiotics were never abused in the first place then its effectiveness would be much better.

*I suggest:

V. Conclusion – Restatement of Thesis A. Interpretation of information B. Overall importance of information presented C. Trends or solutions in the future? D. Historical impact? E. Theories or conclusions drawn

Items to ponder upon finishing: Have I ordered main ideas logically or as I truly want? Have I mixed up and VARIED my sources? When will I use text citations vs. parenthetical citations vs. direct quotes?

Sources not used yet:

Information I still need:

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