Short Description of Social Calamities That Occurred in Recent History by Type of Event
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(مركـز المـم المتـحدة للمسـتوطنات البشـرية (الهـابيتـات UNITED NATIONS CENTRE FOR HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (Habitat) مسح هابيتات عن المرحلين الداخليا Habitat IDP Survey إعـادة تـأهيل الـتوطـين في شـمال الـعراق Rehabilitation in Northern Iraq Program
IDP Site and Family Survey Final Report TABLES
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 1.1:Number of IDP sites, families and population by governorate and type of location
# Type Of Duhok Erbil Sulaimaniyah Darbandikhan Area Total Total Location Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of population Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Pop% Families Families Families Families Families
1 Governorate 10 413 2688 119 4413 24481 22 6183 32739 1 104 521 152 11113 60429 7.50 center
2 District center 22 8105 53400 18 6755 36246 17 14248 74094 7 13353 73764 64 42461 237504 29.49
3 Sub-district 38 10650 66063 18 15412 85996 25 20896 120110 7 11005 56829 88 57963 328998 40.84 center
4 Village 7 1718 10693 17 4257 26309 1 192 985 2 63 429 27 6230 38416 4.77
5 Isolated 6 2981 19989 1 6 39 2 595 3392 9 3582 23420 2.91
6 close to a 13 6372 38479 15 8786 52580 9 4213 22703 2 514 2976 39 19885 116738 14.49 highway or main road
TOTAL 96 30239 191312 188 39629 225651 76 46327 254023 19 25039 134519 379 141234 805505 100.00
% 25.33 21.41 23.75 49.60 28.06 28.01 20.05 32.80 31.54 5.01 17.73 16.70 100.00 100.00 100.00
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 1.2:Number of IDP sites, families and population by governorate and number of settlements
# No Duhok Erbil Sulaimaniyah Darbandikhan Area Total Total Settlement Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Pop% Families Families Families Families Families
1 1 52 5849 36178 150 18749 110507 34 12984 67513 7 798 4694 243 38380 218892 27.17 2 2 12 4683 27013 14 3012 16059 19 5550 32823 3 233 1072 48 13478 76967 9.56 3 3 11 4124 32904 8 3316 19189 12 18804 107123 2 3652 19983 33 29896 179199 22.25 4 4 7 3958 23984 4 2234 13603 5 4230 21751 2 7505 37761 18 17927 97099 12.05 5 5 4 3129 20558 6 1804 9651 3 2321 12275 3 10086 57582 16 17340 100066 12.42 6 6 7 4718 28208 4 3197 16565 1 936 4832 12 8851 49605 6.16 7 7 2 2166 13134 2 2166 13134 1.63 8 8 1 1612 9333 1 6628 36209 1 654 2987 1 2285 10841 4 11179 59370 7.37 9 9 1 848 4719 1 480 2586 2 1328 7305 0.91 10 15 1 689 3868 1 689 3868 0.48
TOTAL 96 30239 191312 188 39629 225651 76 46327 254023 19 25039 134519 379 141234 805505 100.00
% 25.33 21.41 23.75 49.60 28.06 28.01 20.05 32.80 31.54 5.01 17.73 16.70 100.00 100.00 100.00
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 1.3:Number of IDP sites, families and population by governorate and service level
# service level Duhok Erbil Sulaimaniyah Darbandikhan Area Total Total * Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Pop% Families Families Families Families Families
1 0 2 132 952 1 35 260 3 167 1212 0.15
2 1 2 322 1602 6 1043 5680 1 51 280 1 22 162 10 1438 7724 0.96
3 2 6 1390 8869 10 1728 9038 7 955 5092 2 100 620 25 4173 23619 2.93
4 3 9 1274 7826 11 1085 5715 10 2109 11522 2 249 1440 32 4717 26503 3.29
5 4 21 6048 35530 27 7094 39902 10 4437 23546 1 179 804 59 17758 99782 12.39
6 5 31 15294 100588 37 10058 59435 25 15898 82801 6 3183 18369 99 44433 261193 32.43
7 6 25 5779 35945 96 18586 105621 23 22877 130782 7 21306 113124 151 68548 385472 47.85
TOTAL 96 30239 191312 188 39629 225651 76 46327 254023 19 25039 134519 379 141234 805505 100.00
% 25.33 21.41 23.75 49.60 28.06 28.01 20.05 32.80 31.54 5.01 17.73 16.70 100.00 100.00 100.00
* service level: The number of services types available ( Primary School, Secondary School, Intermediate School, Health Center, Market place, Public Transportation.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 1.4:Number of IDP sites, families and population by governorate and number of projects under implementation
# Number of Duhok Erbil Sulaimaniyah Darbandikhan Area Total Total Projects Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Pop% Families Families Families Families Families
1 0 62 7934 49404 153 10496 59557 45 12393 65014 11 11869 62006 271 42692 235981 29.30
2 1 16 6889 41851 16 11310 65303 17 17784 102386 3 2500 11824 52 38483 221364 27.48
3 2 7 3835 23891 11 9498 54278 8 12122 62478 26 25455 140647 17.46
4 3 6 5251 37201 4 843 5464 4 3769 21445 1 2146 12016 15 12009 76126 9.45
5 4 2 3198 19787 3 854 4840 2 259 2700 3 8420 48152 10 12731 75479 9.37
6 5 1 1316 8081 1 104 521 2 1420 8602 1.07
7 6 1 1243 6574 1 1243 6574 0.82
8 7 1 6628 36209 1 6628 36209 4.50
9 9 1 573 4523 1 573 4523 0.56
TOTAL 96 30239 191312 188 39629 225651 76 46327 254023 19 25039 134519 379 141234 805505 100.00
% 25.33 21.41 23.75 49.60 28.06 28.01 20.05 32.80 31.54 5.01 17.73 16.70 100.00 100.00 100.00
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 1.5:Number of IDP sites, families and population by governorate and project's promoter
# Promoter Duhok Erbil Sulaimaniyah Darbandikhan Area Total Total Type Nr of sites Nr of population Nr of sites Nr of population Nr of sites Nr of population Nr of sites Nr of population Nr of sites Nr of population pop% Families Families Families Families Families
1 No Promoter 62 7934 49404 153 10496 59557 45 12393 65014 11 11869 62006 271 42692 235981 29.30
2 Local Authority 2 1519 10108 8 4955 28780 1 205 1507 1 631 2942 12 7310 43337 5.38
3 UN agency 24 12288 80752 14 9643 55724 28 31844 178493 4 2980 14410 70 56755 329379 40.89
4 NGO 3 2169 12696 3 2169 12696 1.58
5 LA+UN 4 3903 24482 5 2839 16476 2 1885 9009 1 104 521 12 8731 50488 6.27
6 UN+NGO 3 3352 19992 2 7317 40077 2 9455 54640 7 20124 114709 14.24
7 LA+NGO 2 1693 8785 2 1693 8785 1.09
8 LA+UN+NGO 1 1243 6574 1 517 3556 2 1760 10130 1.26
TOTAL 96 30239 191312 188 39629 225651 76 46327 254023 19 25039 134519 379 141234 805505 100.00
% 25.33 21.41 23.75 49.60 28.06 28.01 20.05 32.80 31.54 5.01 17.73 16.70 100.00 100.00 100.00
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 1.6:Number of IDP sites, families and population by governorate and number of promoters
# Number of Duhok Erbil Sulaimaniyah Darbandikhan Area Total Total Promoters Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Pop% Families Families Families Families Families
1 0 62 7934 49404 153 10496 59557 45 12393 65014 11 11869 62006 271 42692 235981 29.30
2 1 20 10338 68943 19 13266 75844 23 20197 115292 5 10289 57034 67 54090 317113 39.37
3 2 9 7307 44806 14 14661 82826 8 13737 73717 2 2250 12537 33 37955 213886 26.55
4 3 4 3344 20078 1 689 3868 1 631 2942 6 4664 26888 3.34
5 4 1 1316 8081 1 517 3556 2 1833 11637 1.44
TOTAL 96 30239 191312 188 39629 225651 76 46327 254023 19 25039 134519 379 141234 805505 100.00
% 25.33 21.41 23.75 49.60 28.06 28.01 20.05 32.80 31.54 5.01 17.73 16.70 100.00 100.00 100.00
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 1.7:Number of IDP sites, families and population by governorate and income generating projects
# Type of Income Duhok Erbil Sulaimaniyah Darbandikhan Area Total Total Genetation Nr of sites Nr of population Nr of sites Nr of population Nr of sites Nr of population Nr of sites Nr of population Nr of sites Nr of population Projects Families Families Families Families Families pop%
1 Non 93 27259 173391 179 29523 169305 70 36659 192622 19 25039 134519 361 118480 669837 83.16
2 Workshops 1 1188 7379 1 1188 7379 0.92
3 Factories 4 2586 14878 4 2586 14878 1.85
4 Workshops 1 6628 36209 1 6628 36209 4.50 +Factories 5 Agricultural 1 606 3684 3 715 4224 2 692 3848 6 2013 11756 1.46 Project 6 Other 1 1186 6858 1 177 1035 4 8976 57553 6 10339 65446 8.12
TOTAL 96 30239 191312 188 39629 225651 76 46327 254023 19 25039 134519 379 141234 805505 100.00
% 25.33 21.41 23.75 49.60 28.06 28.01 20.05 32.80 31.54 5.01 17.73 16.70 100.00 100.00 100.00
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 1.8:Number of IDP sites families and population by governorate and type of resettlement project
# Type of Duhok Erbil Sulaimaniyah Darbandikhan Area Total Total Resettlement Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Pop% Projects Families Families Families Families Families Pop%
1 Non 64 8260 51534 156 12274 68678 46 13021 68513 11 11869 62006 277 45424 250731 31.13
2 Residential 3 1151 8311 4 1663 9604 7 2812 15037 2 2464 11645 16 8090 44597 5.54
3 Education 8 2702 16104 4 4539 26768 9 13763 73369 1 104 521 22 21108 116762 14.50
4 Residential + 2 2559 14655 7 7687 42238 4 1237 7816 3 3257 17544 16 14740 82253 10.21 Education 5 Basic Services 16 14014 90446 15 11821 68744 10 15494 89288 2 7345 42803 43 48674 291281 36.16
6 Other Services 3 1553 10262 2 1645 9619 5 3198 19881 2.47
TOTAL 96 30239 191312 188 39629 225651 76 46327 254023 19 25039 134519 379 141234 805505 100.00
% 25.33 21.41 23.75 49.60 28.06 28.01 20.05 32.80 31.54 5.01 17.73 16.70 100.00 100.00 100.00
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 1.9:Number of IDP sites, families and population by governorate and type of financial source
# Financial Duhok Erbil Sulaimaniyah Darbandikhan Area Total Total source Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Nr of sites Nr of Population Pop% Families Families Families Families Families
1 No Project 62 7934 49404 153 10496 59557 45 12393 65014 11 11869 62006 271 42692 235981 29.30
2 986 Program 32 20786 131800 30 27014 153688 31 33934 189009 8 13170 72513 101 94904 547010 67.91
3 NGO 4 2097 12332 4 2097 12332 1.53
4 Local Authority 2 1519 10108 1 22 74 3 1541 10182 1.26
TOTAL 96 30239 191312 188 39629 225651 76 46327 254023 19 25039 134519 379 141234 805505 100.00
% 25.33 21.41 23.75 49.60 28.06 28.01 20.05 32.80 31.54 5.01 17.73 16.70 100.00 100.00 100.00
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 2.1:Number of IDP settlements, families and population by governorate and type of settlement
# Settlement Type Duhok Erbil Sulaimaniyah Darbandikhan Area Total Total Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Pop. Settlm.s Families Pop. Settlm.s Families Pop. Settlm.s Families Pop. Settlm.s Families Pop. Settlm.s Families Pop. %
1 Collective town 87 17317 114620 43 26269 153815 21 19303 102109 19 14704 75559 170 77593 446103 55.38 2 Apartment building 4 169 958 117 2095 11397 17 821 4450 1 17 87 139 3102 16892 2.10 3 Barracks 15 893 5221 12 645 3451 23 2495 13078 3 139 801 53 4172 22551 2.80 4 Other hard shelter 57 2406 14794 38 989 5626 32 1290 7157 14 371 1992 141 5056 29569 3.67 5 Tents 3 715 3782 4 145 843 3 83 366 1 238 1375 11 1181 6366 0.79 6 Self-built houses 32 6202 38115 29 2566 13977 12 8082 50417 7 1067 6094 80 17917 108603 13.48 7 Built by Habitat 4 577 3219 10 1422 7141 1 41 245 15 2040 10605 1.32 8 Built by other org 18 1942 10502 9 664 3482 9 1577 8597 7 309 1571 43 4492 24152 3.00 9 Scattered in an urban area 1 18 101 33 4834 25919 48 12635 67604 7 8194 47040 89 25681 140664 17.46
Total 221 30239 191312 295 39629 225651 166 46327 254023 59 25039 134519 741 141234 805505 100
% 29.82% 21.41% 23.75% 39.81% 28.06% 28.01% 22.40% 32.80% 31.54% 7.96% 17.73% 16.70% 100 100 100
NB: The IDP survey covers Habitat settlements located only in IDP sites.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 2.2:Number of IDP settlements, families and population by governorate and IDP category type
# IDP Category Type Duhok Erbil Sulaimaniyah Darbandikhan Area Total Total Nr of Nr of Pop. Nr of Nr of Pop. Nr of Nr of Pop. Nr of Nr of Pop. Nr of Nr of Pop. Pop. settlm.s Families settlm.s Families settlm.s Families settlm.s Families settlm.s Families %
1 Expelled in the 70s and 80s 65 17428 115394 47 20954 120090 15 14068 83507 9 9153 53356 136 61603 372347 46.23 2 Victims of 1988 campaign 55 3716 22317 15 6672 41422 26 18663 95243 9 12687 63857 105 41738 222839 27.66 3 Victims of ethnic cleansing 12 328 1951 16 1032 5926 71 6548 34395 36 3027 16434 135 10935 58706 7.29 4 Victims of the infighting 169 7796 41739 37 6224 35203 2 13 62 208 14033 77004 9.56 5 Returnees from Iran 44 4677 26799 21 2360 12548 2 32 198 1 120 600 68 7189 40145 4.98 6 Refugees from Iran 4 60 421 1 10 70 5 70 491 0.06 7 Refugees from Turkey 8 442 2314 1 47 238 9 489 2552 0.32 8 Vicitms of conflicts with PKK 26 2029 11823 22 734 3512 48 2763 15335 1.90 9 others 11 1619 10714 4 34 176 11 732 5056 1 29 140 27 2414 16086 2.00
Total 221 30239 191312 295 39629 225651 166 46327 254023 59 25039 134519 741 141234 805505 100
% 29.82% 21.41% 23.75% 39.81% 28.06% 28.01% 22.40% 32.80% 31.54% 7.96% 17.73% 16.70% 100 100 100
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 2.3: Number of IDP settlements, families and population by governorate and time of settlement
Year of Duhok Erbil Sulaimaniyah Darbandikhan Area Total Total Settlement Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Nr of Pop. Settlm.s Families Pop. Settlm.s Families Pop. Settlm.s Families Pop. Settlm.s Families Pop. Settlm.s Families Pop. % From To Settlm.s Families Pop. Settlm.s Families Pop. Settlm.s Families Pop. Settlm.s Families Pop. % 1975 1979 22 9156 62809 13 7623 46593 6 5754 30701 8 7750 47563 49 30283 187666 23.30 1980 1984 3 413 2299 5 1535 8356 2 181 965 1 1403 5793 11 3532 17413 2.16 1985 1989 24 7467 47478 16 16522 96112 13 22492 126007 5 10275 51700 58 56756 321297 39.89 1990 1994 112 7984 49768 48 2976 16041 96 10812 56693 35 5403 28318 291 27175 150820 18.72 1995 1999 58 4984 27437 201 9886 52864 48 7047 39412 10 208 1145 317 22125 120858 15.00 2000 2004 2 235 1521 12 1087 5685 1 41 245 15 1363 7451 0.93
Total 221 30239 191312 295 39629 225651 166 46327 254023 59 25039 134519 741 141234 805505 100
% 29.82 21.41 23.75 39.81 28.06 28.01 22.40 32.80 31.54 7.96 17.73 16.70 100 100 100
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 2.4:Number of IDP settlements, families and population by governorate and family rate of emplyment
# Employment Duhok Erbil Sulaimaniyah Darbandikhan Area Total Total rate of family Nr of Nr of population Nr of settlm.s Nr of population Nr of settlm.s Nr of population Nr of settlm.s Nr of population Nr of settlm.s Nr of population pop% settlm.s Families Families Families Families Families
1 0.00 18 2478 15118 31 10375 60385 97 36199 198320 30 15949 80652 176 65001 354475 44.007 2 0.20 14 3561 27754 34 8191 45336 41 7466 41227 15 2877 16102 104 22095 130419 16.191 3 0.40 21 2475 15666 21 6046 36986 16 2333 12592 7 848 4010 65 11702 69254 8.598 4 0.60 34 6349 39342 35 5155 27877 7 224 1289 3 80 455 79 11808 68963 8.561 5 0.80 53 7316 43011 38 4548 25396 3 86 497 3 5238 33030 97 17188 101934 12.655 6 1.00 47 2966 17816 73 4047 21572 120 7013 39388 4.890 7 1.20 20 3625 23137 29 445 2456 1 10 44 50 4080 25637 3.183 8 1.40 10 1219 7762 16 138 755 1 47 270 27 1404 8787 1.091 9 1.60 3 241 1624 13 616 4206 1 9 54 17 866 5884 0.730 10 1.83 1 9 82 2 40 215 3 49 297 0.037 11 2.00 1 4 26 1 4 26 0.003 12 3.50 1 16 393 1 16 393 0.049 13 3.88 1 8 48 1 8 48 0.006
TOTAL 221 30239 191312 295 39629 225651 166 46327 254023 59 25039 134519 741 141234 805505 100.000
% 29.82 21.41 23.75 39.81 28.06 28.01 22.40 32.80 31.54 7.96 17.73 16.70 100.00 100.00 100.00
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 2.5:Number of IDP settlements, families and population by governorate and per capita living space
# Capita living Duhok Erbil Sulaimaniyah Darbandikhan Area Total Total space sqm Nr of settlm.s Nr of population Nr of settlm.s Nr of population Nr of settlm.s Nr of population Nr of settlm.s Nr of population Nr of settlm.s Nr of population pop% From To Families Families Families Families Families 1 0 4 38 3499 19237 160 9001 51582 59 6484 34499 25 12167 69180 282 31151 174498 21.663 2 5 9 98 12189 77122 105 28100 161155 67 13758 73857 21 5539 28952 291 59586 341086 42.344 3 10 14 49 6711 45945 22 1823 9099 13 3484 19823 7 6812 33386 91 18830 108253 13.439 4 15 19 16 3544 22675 7 698 3781 12 3219 16502 5 509 2943 40 7970 45901 5.698 5 20 24 8 1134 7524 9 8860 45450 17 9994 52974 6.576 6 25 29 5 2742 16453 1 7 34 1 67 349 1 12 58 8 2828 16894 2.097 7 31 35 2 65 342 2 65 342 0.042 8 36 40 2 284 1661 3 10070 61546 5 10354 63207 7.847 9 42 46 1 11 62 1 11 62 0.008 10 47 51 1 39 171 1 39 171 0.021 11 54 58 1 21 120 1 372 1921 2 393 2041 0.253 12 64 68 1 13 76 1 13 76 0.009 TOTAL 221 30239 191312 295 39629 225651 166 46327 254023 59 25039 134519 741 141234 805505 100.000
% 29.82 21.41 23.75 39.81 28.06 28.01 22.40 32.80 31.54 7.96 17.73 16.70 100.00 100.00 100.00
Tab. 2.6:Number of IDP settlements, families and population by governorate and service level
# Service index * Duhok Erbil Sulaimaniyah Darbandikhan Area Total Total Nr of Nr of population Nr of settlm.s Nr of population Nr of settlm.s Nr of population Nr of settlm.s Nr of population Nr of settlm.s Nr of population pop% settlm.s Families Families Families Families Families
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) 1 0.17 2 62 363 1 55 234 1 22 162 4 139 759 0.094 2 1.00 5 132 684 5 132 684 0.085 3 2.17 1 16 96 10 770 3831 11 786 3927 0.488 4 3.00 3 80 547 16 964 4929 1 47 258 2 54 323 22 1145 6057 0.752 5 4.00 6 367 2207 30 1676 9457 5 95 561 1 66 347 42 2204 12572 1.561 6 5.00 27 2315 13023 77 18180 105077 17 1785 8840 9 177 888 130 22457 127828 15.869 7 6.00 58 7024 43167 24 7742 45372 29 12197 71507 6 129 692 117 27092 160738 19.955 8 7.00 105 19200 125137 39 6828 38460 83 19584 106877 33 16537 85796 260 62149 356270 44.229 9 8.00 14 616 3532 41 880 4777 13 7307 37420 7 8054 46311 75 16857 92040 11.426 10 9.17 6 582 3343 33 488 2526 6 907 5358 45 1977 11227 1.394 11 10.00 1 39 260 18 1907 10175 11 4350 22968 30 6296 33403 4.147
TOTAL 221 30239 191312 295 39629 225651 166 46327 254023 59 25039 134519 741 141234 805505 100.000
% 29.82 21.41 23.75 39.81 28.06 28.01 22.40 32.80 31.54 7.96 17.73 16.70 100.00 100.00 100.00
* service index: The number of services types available ( Water, Electricity, Toilet facilities, Toilet type, Drainage, Road) .
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 2.7:Number of IDP settlements, families and population by governorate and social vulnerability index
# Social Duhok Erbil Sulaimaniyah Darbandikhan Area Total Total vulnerability Nr of settlm.s Nr of population Nr of settlm.s Nr of population Nr of settlm.s Nr of population Nr of settlm.s Nr of population Nr of settlm.s Nr of population pop% index * Families Families Families Families Families 1 0.00 119 19787 126807 122 10337 56040 65 22148 114353 18 2954 14098 324 55226 311298 38.646
2 50.00 87 9029 56469 122 25462 142797 77 14619 78680 29 14889 85202 315 63999 363148 45.083
3 100.00 12 599 3648 35 2708 18368 17 8995 57241 9 2144 9944 73 14446 89201 11.074
4 151.19 3 824 4388 7 998 7392 4 519 3415 2 52 275 16 2393 15470 1.921
5 200.00 5 54 555 1 10 81 1 5000 25000 7 5064 25636 3.183
6 254.55 2 19 73 2 36 253 4 55 326 0.040
7 318.37 1 49 407 1 49 407 0.051
8 350.00 1 2 19 1 2 19 0.002
TOTAL 221 30239 191312 295 39629 225651 166 46327 254023 59 25039 134519 741 141234 805505 100.000
% 29.82 21.41 23.75 39.81 28.06 28.01 22.40 32.80 31.54 7.96 17.73 16.70 100.00 100.00 100.00
* This index calculates the sum of percentage values of widow, elderly, orphan, disable on total family number.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 3.1:Number of IDP sites, families and population by category and type of location
# Type Of Cat1 Cat2 Cat3 Cat4 Cat5 Cat6 Cat7 Cat8 Cat9 TOTAL Total LocationNr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula pop% sites Famili tion sites Famili tion sites Famili tion sites Famili tion sites Famili tion sites Famili tion sites Famili tion sites Famili tion sites Famili tion sites Famili tion es es es es es es es es es es
1 Governorate 3 121 848 13 1156 6141 125 8119 43644 7 258 1561 1 163 1010 3 1296 7225 152 11113 60429 7.50 center 2 District center 6 2705 14757 7 7832 40171 7 6158 31973 23 7147 37403 10 12453 77797 1 696 3875 1 188 1170 5 3049 17874 4 2233 12484 64 42461 237504 29.49
3 Sub-district 7 2989 18220 17 9152 52022 11 12031 61380 14 13654 81697 10 7809 43488 3 1058 5881 1 47 238 13 6599 41114 12 4624 24958 88 57963 328998 40.84 center 4 Village 4 3006 17833 2 1196 9570 3 102 600 4 320 1662 2 593 3969 4 200 1009 6 718 3216 2 95 557 27 6230 38416 4.77
5 Isolated 1 209 1451 2 595 3392 2 437 2864 2 362 2097 2 1979 13616 9 3582 23420 2.91
6 close to a 8 6096 37743 3 1079 6029 11 4316 23710 5 2367 14277 3 1833 10251 8 4095 24230 1 99 498 39 19885 116738 14.49 highway or
TOTAL 26 15005 90004 32 19380 108640 47 24358 127196 171 31607 178683 34 23383 139930 4 1754 9756 6 435 2417 35 14986 89541 24 10326 59338 379 14123 4 805505 100.000 % 6.86 10.62 11.17 8.44 13.72 13.49 12.40 17.25 15.79 45.12 22.38 22.18 8.97 16.56 17.37 1.06 1.24 1.21 1.58 0.31 0.30 9.23 10.61 11.12 6.33 7.31 7.37 100.00 100.00 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major kurdish parties; Cat5: returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 3.2:Number of IDP settlements, families and population by category and settlement type
# Settlem Cat1 Cat2 Cat3 Cat4 Cat5 Cat6 Cat7 Cat8 Cat9 TOTAL Total Type Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula pop% settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion s es s es s es s es s es s es s es s es s es s es
1 Collective 82 43572 260997 37 31299 169167 17 422 2474 1 37 226 16 928 5818 2 8 61 2 138 714 10 1144 6332 3 45 314 170 77593 446103 55.38 town 2 Apartment 1 156 876 1 66 288 10 658 3599 122 1994 10813 1 70 417 2 90 494 2 68 405 139 3102 16892 2.10 building 3 Barracks 3 271 1692 10 402 2214 21 2103 10893 10 903 4904 6 362 1977 2 91 656 1 40 215 53 4172 22551 2.80
4 Other hard 16 498 3044 31 1589 9277 38 1368 7779 22 628 3540 14 603 3501 12 257 1722 8 113 706 141 5056 29569 3.67 shelter 5 Tents 3 347 1950 4 61 347 4 773 4069 11 1181 6366 0.79
6 Self-built 25 10893 68148 7 917 4659 10 1152 6510 6 667 3465 12 1963 11519 1 19 125 2 55 306 8 409 2361 9 1842 11510 80 17917 108603 13.48 houses 7 Built by 2 106 694 1 41 245 2 172 1085 8 1414 7323 2 307 1258 15 2040 10605 1.32 Habitat 8 Built by other 1 58 401 7 596 3244 9 852 4284 9 1224 6857 7 1173 6060 1 10 70 5 296 1532 4 283 1704 43 4492 24152 3.00 org 9 Scattered in 8 6155 37189 10 6763 33296 26 3992 20972 31 8234 45129 1 16 99 1 33 235 8 182 808 4 306 2936 89 25681 140664 17.46 an urban area
TOTAL 136 61603 372347 105 41738 222839 135 10935 58706 207 13920 76366 69 7302 40783 5 70 491 9 489 2552 48 2763 15335 27 2414 16086 741 14123 4 805505 100.000 % 18.35 43.62 46.23 14.17 29.55 27.66 18.22 7.74 7.29 27.94 9.86 9.48 9.31 5.17 5.06 0.67 0.05 0.06 1.21 0.35 0.32 6.48 1.96 1.90 3.64 1.71 2.00 100.00100.00 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 3.3:Number of IDP settlements, families and population by category and time type
# Year Of Cat1 Cat2 Cat3 Cat4 Cat5 Cat6 Cat7 Cat8 Cat9 TOTAL Total SettlemenNr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula pop% t settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion s es s es s es s es s es s es s es s es s es s es FROM - TO 1 1975 1979 48 28948 181104 1 1335 6562 49 30283 187666 23.30
2 1980 1984 8 3338 16504 1 3 18 2 191 891 11 3532 17413 2.16
3 1985 1989 21 23196 139436 36 32310 173142 1 1250 8719 58 56756 321297 39.89
4 1990 1994 57 5947 34270 56 7273 38299 108 9845 52859 3 64 328 44 3070 18170 3 48 348 1 8 68 5 185 1285 14 735 5193 291 27175 150820 18.72
5 1995 1999 2 174 1033 12 820 4836 25 995 5261 201 13656 74977 16 3173 16860 1 19 125 8 481 2484 42 2569 13999 10 238 1283 317 22125 120858 15.00
6 2000 2004 2 95 586 3 200 1061 9 1059 5753 1 9 51 15 1363 7451 0.93
TOTAL 136 61603 372347 105 41738 222839 135 10935 58706 207 13920 76366 69 7302 40783 5 70 491 9 489 2552 48 2763 15335 27 2414 16086 741 14123 4 805505 100.000 % 18.35 43.62 46.23 14.17 29.55 27.66 18.22 7.74 7.29 27.94 9.86 9.48 9.31 5.17 5.06 0.67 0.05 0.06 1.21 0.35 0.32 6.48 1.96 1.90 3.64 1.71 2.00 100.00100.00 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 3.4:Number of IDP settlements, families and population by category and employment ratio
#Employme Cat1 Cat2 Cat3 Cat4 Cat5 Cat6 Cat7 Cat8 Cat9 TOTAL Total nt ratio Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula pop% settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion s es s es s es s es s es s es s es s es s es s es FROM - TO
1 0.000 0.500 59 35962 214107 54 35363 184684 103 9421 50325 46 6293 35277 20 2710 14541 5 70 491 6 386 1994 8 294 1719 13 713 4930 314 91212 508068 63.07
2 0.500 1.000 46 21209 131220 27 4590 27280 26 1383 7660 45 4519 24015 30 3019 16819 2 97 521 22 1370 7456 9 395 2006 207 36582 216977 26.94
3 1.000 1.500 27 3632 21398 23 1763 10747 5 122 667 91 2762 14883 15 1046 6191 1 6 37 16 1082 6035 5 1306 9150 183 11719 69108 8.58
4 1.500 2.000 4 800 5622 1 22 128 1 9 54 22 318 1724 4 527 3232 2 17 125 34 1693 10885 1.35
5 2.000 2.500 1 4 26 1 4 26 0.00
6 3.500 4.000 2 24 441 2 24 441 0.05
TOTAL 136 61603 372347 105 41738 222839 135 10935 58706 207 13920 76366 69 7302 40783 5 70 491 9 489 2552 48 2763 15335 27 2414 16086 741 14123 4 805505 100.000 % 18.35 43.62 46.23 14.17 29.55 27.66 18.22 7.74 7.29 27.94 9.86 9.48 9.31 5.17 5.06 0.67 0.05 0.06 1.21 0.35 0.32 6.48 1.96 1.90 3.64 1.71 2.00 100.00100.00 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major kurdish parties;
Cat5: returnees from Iran; cat6: refugees from Iran; cat7: refugees from Turkey; cat8: victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 3.5:Number of IDP settlements, families and population by category and available living space
#Space sqm Cat1 Cat2 Cat3 Cat4 Cat5 Cat6 Cat7 Cat8 Cat9 TOTAL Total Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula pop% settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion s es s es s es s es s es s es s es s es s es s es FROM - TO
1 0 5 19 8971 56555 33 9980 51451 52 3710 20412 130 4559 25003 13 1976 10561 2 38 278 3 159 788 18 1387 7481 12 371 1969 282 31151 174498 21.66
2 5 10 68 32212 187620 46 13726 78346 54 4012 20923 55 5219 27948 32 2870 16584 1 3 18 4 226 1173 22 867 4784 9 451 3690 291 59586 341086 42.34
3 10 15 26 6546 42037 16 6217 31708 9 1310 6690 13 2380 14138 14 1568 9110 1 10 70 2 104 591 6 417 2550 4 278 1359 91 18830 108253 13.44
4 15 20 13 3080 17610 2 52 293 10 1082 6229 7 1684 8858 4 666 3323 2 92 520 2 1314 9068 40 7970 45901 5.70
5 20 25 4 1009 6884 6 8693 44481 3 179 976 1 65 343 2 29 165 1 19 125 17 9994 52974 6.58
6 25 30 2 2699 16179 1 9 68 2 79 407 3 41 240 8 2828 16894 2.10
7 31 36 2 65 342 2 65 342 0.04
8 36 41 1 7000 45000 1 3061 16492 2 141 915 1 152 800 5 10354 63207 7.85
9 42 47 1 11 62 1 11 62 0.01
10 47 52 1 39 171 1 39 171 0.02
11 54 59 1 21 120 1 372 1921 2 393 2041 0.25
12 64 69 1 13 76 1 13 76 0.01
TOTAL 136 61603 372347 105 41738 222839 135 10935 58706 207 13920 76366 69 7302 40783 5 70 491 9 489 2552 48 2763 15335 27 2414 16086 741 14123 4 805505 100.000 % 18.35 43.62 46.23 14.17 29.55 27.66 18.22 7.74 7.29 27.94 9.86 9.48 9.31 5.17 5.06 0.67 0.05 0.06 1.21 0.35 0.32 6.48 1.96 1.90 3.64 1.71 2.00 100.00100.00 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 3.6:Number of IDP settlements, families and population by category and settlement service index
# Service Cat1 Cat2 Cat3 Cat4 Cat5 Cat6 Cat7 Cat8 Cat9 TOTAL Total Index * Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula pop% settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion s es s es s es s es s es s es s es s es s es s es
1 0.17 2 77 396 2 62 363 4 139 759 0.09
2 1.00 3 35 260 1 12 88 1 85 336 5 132 684 0.08
3 2.17 2 82 398 3 63 339 4 632 3132 2 9 58 11 786 3927 0.49
4 3.00 3 526 2723 3 22 139 7 158 946 2 228 1096 2 84 383 1 47 238 3 71 484 1 9 48 22 1145 6057 0.75
5 4.00 5 332 2029 3 106 603 6 362 1917 10 221 1135 7 940 5457 1 23 97 9 210 1253 1 10 81 42 2204 12572 1.56
6 5.00 44 15611 87513 16 2771 18647 25 746 3938 15 754 4399 10 1466 7848 4 399 2065 11 604 2910 5 106 508 130 22457 127828 15.87
7 6.00 23 15730 97056 26 4022 21542 21 2435 13434 17 1341 7340 12 979 5551 3 20 152 8 946 5112 7 1619 10551 117 27092 160738 19.95
8 7.00 54 24032 149151 43 25749 135727 58 3900 21877 49 4059 22681 28 2918 16745 5 70 491 13 796 4961 10 625 4637 260 62149 356270 44.23
9 8.00 5 5290 33477 7 8479 42748 11 1954 9596 46 924 5015 4 174 990 2 36 214 75 16857 92040 11.43
10 9.17 3 461 2658 1 30 156 38 1365 7728 1 70 417 1 42 221 1 9 47 45 1977 11227 1.39
11 10.00 1 93 515 4 1273 6446 24 4891 26182 1 39 260 30 6296 33403 4.15
TOTAL 136 61603 372347 105 41738 222839 135 10935 58706 207 13920 76366 69 7302 40783 5 70 491 9 489 2552 48 2763 15335 27 2414 16086 741 14123 4 805505 100.000 % 18.35 43.62 46.23 14.17 29.55 27.66 18.22 7.74 7.29 27.94 9.86 9.48 9.31 5.17 5.06 0.67 0.05 0.06 1.21 0.35 0.32 6.48 1.96 1.90 3.64 1.71 2.00 100.00100.00 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
* Service index: The number of services types available (Water, Electricity, Toilet facilities, Toilet type, Drainage, Road.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 3.7:Number of IDP settlements, families and population by category and social vulnerability index
# social Cat1 Cat2 Cat3 Cat4 Cat5 Cat6 Cat7 Cat8 Cat9 TOTAL Total vulnerabilNr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula pop% ity indexsettlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion s es s es s es s es s es s es s es s es s es s es
1 0.00 20 7597 53254 18 7745 40323 28 2240 11588 87 3105 16836 15 1475 7892 3 34 238 3 103 558 12 1023 5680 8 312 1460 194 23634 137829 17.11
2 7.23 67 19754 113574 50 16988 92215 56 6455 34434 77 9399 51042 32 3266 18716 5 339 1756 14 843 5017 12 1690 10997 313 58734 327751 40.69
3 14.00 35 23392 136389 22 9555 53749 33 1779 10084 28 1154 6594 16 1617 9233 1 47 238 15 711 3719 4 201 1126 154 38456 221132 27.45
4 21.00 7 9080 55802 8 2289 10712 8 132 714 10 212 1289 4 160 832 4 160 767 2 201 2422 43 12234 72538 9.01
5 28.00 6 1731 12921 4 148 786 8 316 1820 2 27 164 1 758 4014 2 21 134 23 3001 19839 2.46
6 36.00 1 5 28 1 2 7 1 26 96 1 5 18 1 10 81 5 48 230 0.03
7 44.00 1 5000 25000 2 21 434 3 5021 25434 3.16
8 50.91 1 11 35 2 36 253 3 47 288 0.04
9 57.50 1 8 38 1 8 38 0.00
10 63.67 1 49 407 1 49 407 0.05
11 70.00 1 2 19 1 2 19 0.00
TOTAL 136 61603 372347 105 41738 222839 135 10935 58706 207 13920 76366 69 7302 40783 5 70 491 9 489 2552 48 2763 15335 27 2414 16086 741 14123 4 805505 100.000 % 18.35 43.62 46.23 14.17 29.55 27.66 18.22 7.74 7.29 27.94 9.86 9.48 9.31 5.17 5.06 0.67 0.05 0.06 1.21 0.35 0.32 6.48 1.96 1.90 3.64 1.71 2.00 100.00100.00 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
* This index calculates the sum of percentage values of widows, elderly, orphans, disable on total family number.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 3.8:Number of IDP settlements, families and population by category and number of organizations
#number of Cat1 Cat2 Cat3 Cat4 Cat5 Cat6 Cat7 Cat8 Cat9 TOTAL Total organizatNr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula Nr of Nr of popula pop% ions settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion settlm.Famili tion s es s es s es s es s es s es s es s es s es s es
1 1 13 9661 57639 26 9924 53961 29 3200 17089 116 5861 31463 10 550 3083 1 10 70 1 47 238 6 170 963 7 1375 9512 209 30798 174018 25.90
2 2 23 4441 28057 16 1158 6417 17 1601 8378 23 2209 12438 17 2668 14276 1 5 43 3 161 811 5 112 623 1 184 854 106 12539 71897 10.70
3 3 39 19210 115672 7 16879 87056 16 1496 7711 14 2528 14135 11 1277 6846 1 96 523 11 934 4963 99 42420 236906 35.27
4 4 16 16415 100362 13 4590 25357 2 228 1037 9 1694 10210 2 171 865 5 652 3705 1 36 165 48 23786 141701 21.09
5 5 7 1744 12170 3 2914 17596 1 34 187 1 13 103 4 266 1876 16 4971 31932 4.75
6 6 2 2095 12976 2 111 625 1 238 1375 1 15 84 1 32 269 7 2491 15329 2.28
TOTAL 100 53566 326876 67 35576 191012 66 6797 35777 153 10598 58036 49 6217 34602 2 15 113 7 475 2437 32 2166 12399 9 1595 10531 485 11700 671783 100.000 5 % 20.62 45.78 48.66 13.81 30.41 28.43 13.61 5.81 5.33 31.55 9.06 8.64 10.10 5.31 5.15 0.41 0.01 0.02 1.44 0.41 0.36 6.60 1.85 1.85 1.86 1.36 1.57 100 100 100
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled kurds,Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Wednesday, January 10, 2001 UNCHS (Habitat)
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.1: IDP category by governoment
# No. of membors cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % 1 Duhok 93 25 5 23 6 5 6 163 24.33 2 Erbil 98 29 4 62 8 4 205 30.60 3 Sulaimaniyah 46 77 35 25 4 6 193 28.81 4 Darbandikhan Area 35 46 28 109 16.27 Total 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major Kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.2 : IDP Category by family head sex
Family head sex cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % Female 27 26 5 4 4 1 1 68 10.15 Male 245 151 67 83 27 3 6 8 12 602 89.85
Total 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major Kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.3 : IDP category by level of education
# Education cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % 1 Illiterate 185 123 39 23 25 4 5 8 6 418 62.39 2 Primary School 55 35 17 34 3 1 5 150 22.39 3 Intermediate 18 10 9 18 2 1 1 59 8.81 4 Secondary 8 4 3 7 1 23 3.43 5 Diploma 4 4 2 4 14 2.09 6 University 2 1 2 1 6 0.90 Total 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major Kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.4: IDP category by number of family members
No. of membors cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % 1 To 4 6 2 3 1 12 1.79 5 To 9 52 14 3 12 5 3 3 92 13.73 10 To 14 35 9 2 8 2 2 58 8.66 16 To 17 1 1 0.15 Total Duhok 93 25 5 23 6 5 6 163 24.33 % 13.88 3.73 0.75 3.43 0.90 0.75 0.90 24.33 1 To 4 25 5 1 15 2 48 7.16 5 To 9 52 19 3 40 5 4 123 18.36 10 To 14 19 5 5 1 30 4.48 15 To 17 2 2 4 0.60 Total Erbil 98 29 4 62 8 4 205 30.60 % 14.63 4.33 0.60 9.25 1.19 0.60 30.60 1 To 4 9 14 9 8 1 41 6.12 5 To 9 28 54 25 9 3 4 123 18.36 10 To 14 9 9 1 8 1 1 29 4.33 Total Sulaimaniyah 46 77 35 25 4 6 193 28.81 % 6.87 11.49 5.22 3.73 0.60 0.90 28.81 1 To 4 8 14 5 27 4.03 5 To 9 16 24 18 58 8.66 10 To 14 10 8 5 23 3.43 15 To 17 1 1 0.15 Total Darbandikhan 35 46 28 109 16.27 % 5.22 6.87 4.18 16.27
GrandTotal 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.5: IDP category by number of members permanently employed
No. permanently employed cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % 0 168 119 59 24 20 4 6 6 7 413 61.64 1 81 50 9 45 7 3 5 200 29.85 2 12 4 10 3 29 4.33 3 9 3 2 7 1 22 3.28 4 1 1 2 1 5 0.75 5 1 1 0.15 Total 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major Kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.6: IDP category by number of members casually employed
No. of casually employed cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % 0 84 58 15 24 12 3 3 10 209 31.19 1 92 65 30 41 13 4 3 2 2 252 37.61 2 45 25 19 15 4 2 110 16.42 3 24 13 4 3 2 46 6.87 4 9 8 1 18 2.69 5 10 2 1 2 1 16 2.39 6 2 4 1 1 8 1.19 7 6 2 1 9 1.34 8 1 1 0.15 14 1 1 0.15 Total 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major Kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.7: IDP category by number of members permanently employed before displacement
No. of mem. emp. bdisp. cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % 0 194 142 60 49 22 4 6 5 12 494 73.73 1 34 27 12 28 7 1 109 16.27 2 33 8 7 2 3 53 7.91 3 8 2 10 1.49 5 3 1 4 0.60 Total 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major Kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.8: IDP category by number of members employed casually before displacement
NO.of mem. attend. school cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % 0 135 78 27 39 17 3 1 4 5 309 46.12 1 100 74 29 37 11 1 5 4 7 268 40.00 2 24 12 10 4 3 1 54 8.06 3 8 2 4 4 18 2.69 4 4 1 5 0.75 5 2 5 2 9 1.34 6 1 1 2 0.30 7 1 1 2 0.30 8 1 1 0.15 11 1 1 0.15 14 1 1 0.15 Total 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 100.00 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major Kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.9 : IDP category by number of members attending regularly school
NO.of mem. attend. school cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % 0 58 40 27 24 3 2 2 2 158 23.58 1 43 36 16 18 4 1 3 1 122 18.21 2 48 29 16 9 7 2 2 1 1 115 17.16 3 44 32 11 7 6 1 1 1 103 15.37 4 38 19 1 15 5 2 1 6 87 12.99 5 13 14 1 4 6 1 39 5.82 6 17 5 6 1 29 4.33 7 8 1 1 10 1.49 8 2 1 3 6 0.90 10 1 1 0.15 Total 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major Kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.10: IDP category by number of over six years literate
No. of over6 years literat cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % 0 49 25 10 7 6 1 4 1 103 15.37 1 38 32 6 3 7 2 1 89 13.28 2 51 24 15 19 6 2 2 1 4 124 18.51 3 29 20 11 11 2 1 3 1 78 11.64 4 18 22 12 8 7 2 2 71 10.60 5 23 21 8 9 1 1 63 9.40 6 24 10 5 8 1 1 49 7.31 7 16 14 2 7 1 40 5.97 8 10 5 1 5 1 22 3.28 9 10 2 1 4 1 18 2.69 10 3 2 1 3 9 1.34 11 2 2 0.30 13 1 1 2 0.30 Total 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major Kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.11: IDP category by language spoken in the family
Family language cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % Kurdish 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 100.00 Total First 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
Turkish 1 4 6 11 1.64 Persian 1 2 2 3 8 1.19 Arabic 14 8 21 10 2 55 8.21 none 258 167 47 75 27 1 9 12 596 88.96 Total second 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
Turkish 1 1 11 1 14 2.09 Persian 1 1 2 0.30 Arabic 3 3 0.45 none 271 176 58 86 29 4 6 9 12 651 97.16 Total Third 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major Kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.12: IDP category by type of ownership of present dwelling
# Owner cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % 1 himself 187 136 22 16 16 4 10 391 58.36 2 Other private 27 21 17 54 1 4 1 2 127 18.96 3 Municipality 4 5 25 7 41 6.12 4 Other publics 54 15 8 10 14 6 4 111 16.57 Total 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major Kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.13: IDP category by number of members affected by disease in current year
# No. fam. mem. affect diseas cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % 1 To0 4 164 110 41 68 9 4 5 8 409 61.04 2 To5 9 19 35 15 8 1 78 11.64 3 To10 14 17 16 12 11 4 1 61 9.10 4 To15 19 10 2 1 1 14 2.09 5 To20 24 10 2 8 1 21 3.13 6 To25 29 8 1 1 1 11 1.64 7 To30 34 17 5 2 3 2 29 4.33 8 To35 39 7 2 6 1 16 2.39 9 To40 44 6 3 9 1.34 10 To45 49 2 1 3 0.45 11 To50 54 7 1 2 2 12 1.79 12 To55 59 2 2 0.30 13 To60 60 3 1 1 5 0.75 Total 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major Kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.14: IDP families by place of origin (District) and gevernorate Original place (Districts) Duhok Erbil Sulaimanyiah Darbandikhanarea Total % Amedi 53 53 7.91 Duhok Center 3 30.45 Semel 23 23 3.43 Shekhan 17 1 18 2.69 Zakho 28 28 4.18 Akre 4 1 50.75 Total Duhok 128 2 130 19.40298 50746269 % 98.46 1.54 100.00 Choman 1 25 4 30 4.48 Erbil Center 17 11 28 4.18 Koysanjaq 4 40.60 Makhmur 4 40.60 Mergasur 19 19 2.84 Shaqllawa 7 2 91.34 Soran 1 15 3 19 2.84 Total Erbil 2 91 20 113 16.86567 1641791 % 1.77 80.53 17.70 100.00 Hallabja 7 41 1 49 7.31 Dokan 2 24 26 3.88 Penjween 7 71.04 Qalladiza 7 11 18 2.69 Raniyah 6 60.90 Sharazor 2 3 50.75 Sulaimaniyah Center 14 17 31 4.63 Chwarta 1 6 71.04 Total Sulaimaniyah 39 109 1 149 22.23880 59701493 % 26.17 73.15 0.67 100.00 Chamchamal 3 6 11 20 2.99 Darbandikhan 1 3 40.60 Kalar 2 3 11 16 2.39 Khanaqeen 2 9 28 39 5.82 Kifri 7 71.04 Total Darbandikhan Area 8 21 57 86 12.83582 08955224 % 9.30 24.42 66.28 100.00 Iraq(other part) 27 64 39 51 181 27.01
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Total Iraq 27 64 39 51 181 27.01492 53731343 % 14.92 35.36 21.55 28.18 100.00 Iran 1 4 50.75 Total Iran 1 4 5 0.746268 65671641 % 20.00 80.00 100.00 Turky 6 60.90 Total Turky 6 6 0.895522 38805970 % 100.00 100.00
Grand Total 163 205 193 109 670 100 % 24.33 30.60 28.81 16.27 100.00
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.15: IDP category by the number of families sharing the same housing unit
fam. unit share you cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % 0 174 110 47 59 24 4 5 4 6 433 64.63 1 80 53 19 22 5 1 2 4 186 27.76 2 14 10 3 3 2 1 2 35 5.22 3 4 3 2 1 2 12 1.79 4 1 2 3 0.45 8 1 1 0.15
Total 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major Kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.16: IDP category by original profession
# original profession cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % 1 Jobless 36 44 16 11 5 1 2 115 17.16 2 farmer 138 83 10 20 9 3 4 8 5 280 41.79 3 Farm laborer 14 10 1 1 26 3.88 4 Worker 20 10 13 5 11 3 62 9.25 5 Gov. employee 24 14 12 14 2 66 9.85 6 Businessman 1 1 2 1 5 0.75 7 Craftsman 17 4 11 8 1 41 6.12 8 Teacher 2 2 0.30 9 party officer 3 1 21 2 2 29 4.33 10 Other 17 11 8 5 1 1 1 44 6.57
Total 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major Kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.17: IDP category by type of ownership of cultivated land before displacement
# Owned by cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % 1 him 114 69 7 18 8 3 2 5 4 230 82.14 2 him and others 15 9 3 1 2 1 31 11.07 3 others 9 5 2 3 19 6.79 Total 138 83 10 20 9 3 4 8 5 280 % 49.29 29.64 3.57 7.14 3.21 1.07 1.43 2.86 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major Kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.18: IDP category by present working condition
# present working condition cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % 1 Jobless 91 68 24 14 14 6 3 2 222 33.13 2 Permanent job 58 38 13 66 3 2 5 185 27.61 3 Casual work on daily bases 60 38 26 4 7 4 1 2 142 21.19 4 casual work on weekly bases 3 1 2 1 7 1.04 5 casual work on monthly bases 37 16 5 2 5 1 1 67 10.00 6 casual work on seasonal bases 23 16 2 2 2 2 47 7.01
Total 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major Kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.19: IDP category by present profession
# present profession cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % 1 Jobless 91 67 25 14 14 6 3 2 222 33.13 2 farmer 24 15 1 1 2 1 44 6.57 3 Farm laborer 9 5 1 1 16 2.39 4 Worker 33 20 13 2 5 4 2 79 11.79 5 Clerk 1 1 0.15 6 Gov. employee 62 36 8 19 6 1 2 134 20.00 7 Businessman 3 1 2 6 0.90 8 Craftsman 12 6 1 19 2.84 9 Teacher 5 2 7 1.04 10 party office 9 13 4 47 1 2 3 79 11.79 11 Others 23 18 12 5 3 1 1 63 9.40
Total 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major Kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.20: IDP category by number of locations visited before last displacement
No. settl. before now cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % 0 26 15 8 5 1 1 56 8.36 1 65 89 23 29 10 1 5 222 33.13 2 87 32 29 26 12 4 3 2 2 197 29.40 3 68 33 12 17 7 3 2 4 146 21.79 4 9 7 4 1 21 3.13 5 11 1 1 2 15 2.24 6 2 1 2 5 0.75 7 1 2 3 0.45 8 1 1 0.15 9 1 1 0.15 10 1 1 0.15 14 1 1 0.15 26 1 1 0.15 Total 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major Kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.21: IDP category by reason of displacement
# Family head sex cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % 1 Get better opportunity 1 2 1 1 2 7 1.04 2 I coud not stay more there 271 177 70 87 30 4 6 8 10 663 98.96
Total 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major Kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.22: IDP category by type of choice of final location
# who chose final locationcat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % 1 Himself 85 49 59 54 19 4 4 6 280 41.79 2 Local authority 72 38 6 27 9 6 1 159 23.73 3 By NGO 1 4 5 0.75 4 By UN agency 1 3 6 3 13 1.94 5 By GOI 114 89 4 6 213 31.79 Total 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major Kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.23: IDP category by reason of choosing final location
# Reason chos. loc. cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % 1 Type of commendation 13 6 17 25 6 1 68 24.29 2 Job opportunity in the area 13 6 9 7 3 1 4 43 15.36 3 Access to services 4 4 6 6 20 7.14 4 Vicinity to place of origin 33 15 8 5 2 2 1 66 23.57 5 Association with the population 21 18 18 11 8 3 1 1 81 28.93 already settled 6 Gardening possibilities 1 1 2 0.71
Total 85 49 59 54 19 4 4 6 280 % 30.36 17.50 21.07 19.29 6.79 1.43 1.43 2.14 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.24: IDP category by means of reaching final location
# Reach location cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % 1 By foot 33 28 7 3 5 76 11.34 2 By hired car 172 110 48 83 19 4 3 11 450 67.16 3 By public transport 9 3 3 1 3 19 2.84 4 Provided transportation 58 36 14 3 12 1 1 125 18.66 Total 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major Kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.25: IDP category by type of house inhabited in place of origin
# Origin house kind cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % 1 rural house 252 149 15 25 27 4 5 9 10 496 74.03 2 single urban house 18 28 57 62 4 1 170 25.37 3 apartment 2 1 1 4 0.60 Total 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major Kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.26: IDP families by critical needs
# Critical Needs Orders of priority for ctitical needs Tot. Ques. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Improvement of present shelter 70 45 159 204 74 38 19 16 28 17 670 % 10.45% 6.72% 23.73% 30.45% 11.04% 5.67% 2.84% 2.39% 4.18% 2.54% 2 Improvement of present settlement or site 31 72 131 76 95 75 61 51 42 36 670 % 4.63% 10.75% 19.55% 11.34% 14.18% 11.19% 9.10% 7.61% 6.27% 5.37% 3 New shelter in same site 315 194 51 25 21 14 19 12 16 3 670 % 47.01% 28.96% 7.61% 3.73% 3.13% 2.09% 2.84% 1.79% 2.39% 0.45% 4 New shelter in different site but still in the same 194 236 48 65 26 25 22 24 21 9 670 area % 28.96% 35.22% 7.16% 9.70% 3.88% 3.73% 3.28% 3.58% 3.13% 1.34% 5 Job for head of HH 28 44 109 72 104 41 51 50 80 91 670 % 4.18% 6.57% 16.27% 10.75% 15.52% 6.12% 7.61% 7.46% 11.94% 13.58% 6 Job for other members of HH 18 41 79 105 90 78 35 41 53 130 670 % 2.69% 6.12% 11.79% 15.67% 13.43% 11.64% 5.22% 6.12% 7.91% 19.40% 7 Comfortable items (Food,clothes,fuel 8 18 50 55 135 154 153 43 52 2 670 % 1.19% 2.69% 7.46% 8.21% 20.15% 22.99% 22.84% 6.42% 7.76% 0.30% 8 Water supply 5 9 18 41 62 131 132 137 84 51 670 % 0.75% 1.34% 2.69% 6.12% 9.25% 19.55% 19.70% 20.45% 12.54% 7.61% 9 Electricity supply 11 23 21 53 74 120 165 134 69 670 % 1.64% 3.43% 3.13% 7.91% 11.04% 17.91% 24.63% 20.00% 10.30% 10 Common bath an latrines 1 2 3 8 9 37 59 131 157 263 670 % 0.15% 0.30% 0.45% 1.19% 1.34% 5.52% 8.81% 19.55% 23.43% 39.25%
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.27: IDP category by families expecting to go back to their place of origin
Back to origin cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % No 135 87 45 61 20 4 1 12 365 54.48 Yes 137 90 27 26 11 6 8 305 45.52
Total 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: cat1:expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2:victims of 1988 campaign; cat3:victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4:victims of the infighting between the two major kurdish parties; cat5:returnees from Iran; cat6:refugees from Iran; cat7:refugees from Turkey; cat8:victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.28:Conditions stated by families for going back
# Conditions for going back orders of priority for conditions no. of fam. expect go back in future 1 2 3 4 5 future 1 To move there along with my original neighbors 115 53 72 38 27 305 % 37.70% 17.38% 23.61% 12.46% 8.85% 2 To be sure my home has been rebuilt 155 117 20 8 5 305 % 50.82% 38.36% 6.56% 2.62% 1.64% 3 To be assisted in rebuilding my original home 20 112 124 23 26 305 % 6.56% 36.72% 40.66% 7.54% 8.52% 4 To be assurred to restart the original activity 6 10 55 191 43 305 % 1.97% 3.28% 18.03% 62.62% 14.10% 5 To be assured to restart a new activity 8 13 34 46 204 305 % 2.62% 4.26% 11.15% 15.08% 66.89%
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.29: IDP category by families willing to contribut to resettlement
contribut to resettlemet cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % No 174 94 45 61 27 4 4 3 12 424 63.28 Yes 98 83 27 26 4 2 6 246 36.72 Total 272 177 72 87 31 4 6 9 12 670 % 40.60 26.42 10.75 12.99 4.63 0.60 0.90 1.34 1.79 100.00
IDP Categories: Cat1: expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2: victims of 1988 campaign; cat3: victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4: victims of the infighting between the Two major Kurdish parties; cat5: returnees from Iran; cat6: refugees from Iran; cat7: refugees from Turkey; cat8: victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Tab. 4.30 IDP category willing to contribute to resettlement by type of contribution
Yes/No cat1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4 cat 5 cat 6 cat 7 cat 8 cat 9 Total % Yes 98 83 27 26 4 2 6 246 100.00 By laborTotal98 83 27 26 4 2 6 246 % 39.84 33.74 10.98 10.57 1.63 0.81 2.44 100.00 Yes 37 31 10 7 2 1 88 35.77 No 61 52 17 19 2 2 5 158 64.23 By Building materialTotal98 83 27 26 4 2 6 246 % 39.84 33.74 10.98 10.57 1.63 0.81 2.44 100.00 Yes 41 31 13 7 2 2 96 39.02 No 57 52 14 19 2 2 4 150 60.98 By transportTotal98 83 27 26 4 2 6 246 % 39.84 33.74 10.98 10.57 1.63 0.81 2.44 100.00
Yes 25 27 12 8 2 74 30.08 No 73 56 15 18 2 2 6 172 69.92 By equipmentTotal98 83 27 26 4 2 6 246 % 39.84 33.74 10.98 10.57 1.63 0.81 2.44 100.00 Yes 89 79 26 26 2 5 227 92.28 No 9 4 1 2 2 1 19 7.72 By SupervisionTotal98 83 27 26 4 2 6 246 % 39.84 33.74 10.98 10.57 1.63 0.81 2.44 100.00
IDP Categories: Cat1: expelled in the 70s and 80s by GOI; cat2: victims of 1988 campaign; cat3: victims of GOI expelled Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen; cat4: victims of the infighting between the Two major Kurdish parties; cat5: returnees from Iran; cat6: refugees from Iran; cat7: refugees from Turkey; cat8: victms of armed conflict conducted by PKK; cat9:others.
Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata) Saturday, January 13,2001 UNCHS (Habitata)