Service Delivery Agreement
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1. Parties to the Agreement
Provider Details Contact Details (email & Provider Name phone number) Address
Lead Practitioner (Commissioner) Details Contact Details (email & Lead Practitioner Name phone number) Address
Details of Child / Family receiving the service Contact Details (phone Child / Family Name number) Address
2. Service to be provided
Please provide the following service:
Describe the service to be provided
Duration of the service: This agreement is effective only within the time period specified.
Number of sessions The service will start (insert start date); the end point will be no later than end of (insert date service is to end).
Frequency of the service:
(Insert details of frequency and length of sessions and where they take place
3. Funding Cost of the service: Insert all charges and give consideration to whether VAT, refreshments, telephone support, reports, travelling time for example are included or costed as extras.
The total cost of this service will not £ exceed:
The Lead Practitioner has received agreement for funding from the following funding source to pay for this service, payment instructions for this funding are as below.
BHLP / Early Years SEN / Disabled Children & Young People - Individual Budget (**delete)
Payment Details:
Detail how and when payment will be made, where invoices should be sent, who they should be made out to, how frequent will the invoice be. Refer to the ‘Request for Spend’ form where applicable for finance details. Invoices should not be more frequent that monthly and all invoices should be sent to the Lead Practitioner to check first
4. Cancellations
In the event of a cancellation the following agreement applies:
How much notice is required to cancel/rearrange? Outline arrangements should sessions be cancelled by the Service Provider/Child Young Person. Will sessions be charged where unavoidable circumstances occur, e.g. sickness of the child / young person. If a number of sessions are missed will the LP be contacted to inform them?
Disabled Children & Young People ONLY: Subject to review of the child’s care plan, if the service is cancelled by GCC, at least one month’s written notice will be given to [service provider]. If the outcome of the review is to decrease the amount of service provision, 14 days notice will be given to [service provider]. Where an increase in provision is required, this will be discussed with [service provider] to negotiate a start date for the increase, aiming to be within 14 days where possible.
Termination of Agreement
Either Party may cancel this agreement by giving (INSERT) notice. In the event of the provider failing to provide the level of service required, the Lead Practitioner (commissioner) reserves the right to cancel with immediate effect. 5. Reviewing
The service will be measured by the following:
Insert the outcomes to be achieved by providing this service, refer to CAF.
Reviewing the service: The service commissioned will be reviewed at an agreed timescale to ensure outcomes are being met. At this review date the Lead Practitioner will contact the service provider e.g. via: email/ phone or meet and discuss this and inform them whether the service is to be continued
For DCYP: Subject to review of the child’s care plan, if the service is cancelled by GCC, at least one month’s written notice will be given to [service provider]. If the outcome of the review is to decrease the amount of service provision, 14 days notice will be given to [service provider]. Where an increase in provision is required, this will be discussed with [service provider] to negotiate a start date for the increase, aiming to be within 14 days where possible.
Review arrangements: (Insert the date this will happen and how).
6. Conditions of Service Delivery Agreement
Compliance with the following conditions of this Service Delivery Agreement is agreed
1. Service Providers must be able to evidence that they are meeting the outcomes identified in the assessment for the named children and/or young people. 2. All staff and volunteers delivering the service must have enhanced CRB clearance for work with children and young people. 3. Staff and volunteers delivering the service should have relevant training and skills for their role and be regularly supervised. 4. Carers working with the child directly will have undertaken training and will evidence the skills and experience necessary as detailed in the child profile or support plan 5. The Service Provider will give assurance that Liability Insurance of at least £5,000,000 in respect of each and every claim, with no limit to the number of claims, is in force and maintained throughout the period of this service delivery. 6. The Purchaser will inform the provider of any known risks relating to the individual child/young person or family members. 7. The Service Provider must be able to demonstrate that a risk management process is in place to identify, evaluate and control risk issues where relevant. 8. The employing agency of the Lead Practitioner (commissioner) accepts no liability for any staff or volunteers when visiting clients homes or providing the agreed service. 9. This Service Delivery Agreement does not constitute a contract of employment, it is the responsibility of the service provider to ensure all National Insurance and Tax contributions are made. 10. The service provider will not make any increases to charges for the duration of this agreement. 11. By signing this form, the provider confirms they are registered with the relevant body (eg Ofsted/CQC etc) and will inform GCC immediately should anything change in regard to their registrationData Protection: Contact details and any additional information relating to the parents, child or young person such as case specific recording or notes made, are extremely confidential and must only be used by the provider for the purpose of conducting the service as agreed. The details must be stored in a secure environment, in accordance with data protection procedures and information sharing protocols.
7. Approval of this Service Delivery Agreement
Lead Practitioner (Commissioner)
Signed on behalf of Name Signature Date
Provider of Service
Signed on behalf of Name Signature Date