First Reading Gn 15:5-12, 17-18 a Reading from the Book of Genesis

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First Reading Gn 15:5-12, 17-18 a Reading from the Book of Genesis

2nd Sunday of Lent, Year C us, our homeland is in heaven, and from heaven ST comes the saviour we are waiting for, the Lord Jesus 21 February, 2016. Christ, and he will transfigure these wretched bodies of ours into copies of his glorious body. He will do First Reading Gn 15:5-12, 17-18 A reading that by the same power with which he can subdue the from the book of Genesis. whole universe. So then, my brothers and dear God made a covenant with Abraham, his faithful friends do not give way but remain faithful in the servant. Taking Abram outside the Lord said, ‘Look Lord. I miss you very much, dear friends; you are my up to heaven and count the stars if you can. Such will joy and my crown. The word of the Lord. be your descendants’ he told him. Abram put his faith in the Lord, who counted this as making him Gospel Acclamation Mt 17:5 Glory and praise to justified. ‘I am the Lord’ he said to him ‘who brought you, Lord Jesus Christ! From the shining cloud the you out of Ur of the Chaldaeans to make you heir to Father’s voice is heard: this is my beloved Son, hear this land.’ ‘My Lord, the Lord’ Abram replied, ‘how him. Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ! am I to know that I shall inherit it?’ He said to him, ‘Get me a three-year-old heifer, a three year-old goat, Gospel Lk 9:28-36 A reading from the holy Gospel a three-year-old ram, a turtledove and a young according to Luke. As Jesus prayed, the aspect of pigeon.’ He brought him all these, cut them in half his face was changed, and his clothing became and put half on one side and half facing it on the brilliant as lightning. Jesus took with him Peter and other; but the birds he did not cut in half. Birds of John and James and went up the mountain to pray. prey came down on the carcasses but Abram drove As he prayed, the aspect of his face was changed and them off. Now as the sun was setting Abram fell into his clothing became brilliant as lightning. Suddenly a deep sleep, and terror seized him. When the sun had there were two men there talking to him; they were set and darkness had fallen, there appeared a smoking Moses and Elijah appearing in glory, and they were furnace and a firebrand that went between the halves. speaking of his passing which he was to accomplish That day the Lord made a Covenant with Abram in in Jerusalem. Peter and his companions were heavy these terms: ‘To your descendants I give this land, with sleep, but they kept awake and saw his glory and from the wadi of Egypt to the Great River.’ the two men standing with him. As these were The word of the Lord. leaving him, Peter said to Jesus, ‘Master, it is wonderful for us to be here; so let us make three Responsorial Psalm Ps 26:1. 7-9. 13-14. R. v.1 (R.) tents, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.’ The Lord is my light and my salvation. – He did not know what he was saying. As he spoke, 1. The Lord is my light and my help; whom shall I a cloud came and covered them with shadow; and fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life before when they went into the cloud the disciples were whom shall I shrink? (R.) afraid. And a voice came from the cloud saying, 2. O Lord, hear my voice when I call; have mercy ‘This is my Son, the Chosen One. Listen to him.’ and answer. Of you my heart has spoken: ‘Seek his And after the voice had spoken, Jesus was found face.’ (R.) alone. The disciples kept silence and, at that time, 3. It is your face, O Lord, that I seek, hide not your told no one what they had seen. The Gospel of the face. Dismiss not your servant in anger; you have Lord been my help. (R.) 4. I am sure I shall see the Lord’s goodness in the RECENT DEATHS: land of the living. Hope in him, hold firm and take heart. Hope in the Lord! (R.) ANNIVERSARIES: Gerard O’Donnell, Leon Kavagnah, Michael Second Reading Phil 3:17-4:1. A reading from the Finn, Sr Claudine O’Shea, Kate Caulder, Pat letter of St Paul to the Philippians Christ will Hearth. transfigure these bodies of ours into copies of his glorious body. My brothers, be united in following my rule of life. Take as your models everybody who SICK: Lorraine Russell, Loretta Kervin, is already doing this and study them as you used to Nathan DeLorenzo, Peter Stewart, study us. I have told you often, and I repeat it today Helen Hunt, Margaret Sinclair. with tears, there are many who are behaving as the enemies of the cross of Christ. They are destined to be lost. They make foods into their god and they are proudest of something they ought to think shameful; the things they think important are earthly things. For New Mass Time @ Parish of Cororooke. St Brendan’s P.O. address: P O Box 27, Cororooke 3254. Phone: 5233 1282 Sunday @ 9.00am. Email: [email protected] . This trial of the new time will run Leadership Co-ordinator Contact: until mid June, when it will be re- Lucy Darcy 52331228 assessed. Visiting Priest: Fr. Dan Arundell has sacramental responsibility for St. Brendan’s and St. Joseph’s th communities, including Baptisms., Weddings and Jubilee Year of Mercy commenced Dec 8 2015 th Funerals.. Ph 53387804. and concludes November 20 , 2016.

ST BRENDAN’S: Feb 27th 2016 St Brendan’s School Coragulac, Communion Minister: M. McGuane Alumni. Commentator: C. Grist Keep this date free. Reader: L. Darcy Sunday, 10th April, 2016. Visit St Organist: L. McGuane Brendan’s precinct, catch up with friends, Procession Gifts: Boe Sutherland former classmates and relive good times! Lay Leaders: Log into St Brendan’s, Coragulac, Alumni, submit your photos and view ST. JOSEPH’S: Feb 28th, 2016. photos already logged. Communion Minister: M. Carmody Family: Speirs HOLY WEEK Lay Leaders: Holy Thursday 24th March Mass @St

Brendan’s@7pm ALTAR & SACRISTY DUTIES: Good Friday 25th March, St. Brendan’s @ St Joseph’s: 2.30am February: Hickman Easter Vigil 26th St Brendan’s@7pm Saturday March: Whytcross/Carmody Easter Sunday 27th St Joseph’s@10:30am St Brendan’s: Lenten Reflections: Each week these will be 28 Feb/6th March C Grist/ M Allan available at the back of the church. Please take 13th/20th March C. Finlay/T. Hickey one.

COUNTERS 212: A. McCarthy Youth and Young Adult Ministry Update WYD Krakow July 2016 - World Youth Day Dates to Remember: Pilgrims and Parishes: A resource to help Feb 25th Thursday, Leadership Team pilgrims and their parishes prepare material for Meeting@7:30pm fundraising is now on the Diocesan Youth and March 21st Monday, Mass of the Oils, St Young Adult Ministry - WYD page Patrick’s Cathedral, Ballarat @ 6.30pm. (link from front page) or contact Amanda on [email protected] “The thing the Church needs most today is the ability to heal wounds and THANK YOU to all who offered support and to warm the hearts of the faithful: it practical assistance as we farewelled our needs nearness, proximity” treasured parishioner, Majella Darcy. May her Pope gentle soul rest in peace! Bereavement ministry: Francis Marta O’Shea and Helen Baggott.

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