Chain Lakes, Whatcom County, WA

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Chain Lakes, Whatcom County, WA

Chain Lakes, Whatcom County, WA. List covers plants found around the Galena Chain Lakes, reached by trail west and north from the end of the Mt. Baker Highway (542). List by Mary Kenady and Ann Whitmeyer, August, 1997. 91 spp.

These lists represent the work of different WNPS members over the years. Their accuracy has not been verified by the Washington Native Plant Society. We offer these lists to individuals as a tool to enhance the enjoyment and study of native plants. *Introduced species.

Scientific Name Common Name Plant Family Abies amabilis Pacific silver fir Pinaceae Abies lasiocarpa Sub-alpine fir Pinaceae Adiantum pedatum Maidenhair fern Polypodiaceae Alnus sinuata Sitka alder Betulaceae Anaphalis margaritacea Pearly everlasting Asteraceae Anemone oregana Oregon anemone Ranunculaceae Antennaria sp. Pussytoes Asteraceae Aquilegia formosa Red columbine Ranunculaceae Arnica latifolia Mountain arnica Asteraceae Athyrium distentifolium Alpine lady fern Polypodiaceae Athyrium filix-femina Lady fern Polypodiaceae Blechnum spicant Deer fern Polypodiaceae Caltha leptosepala Elkslip Ranunculaceae Cardamine oligosperma Little Western bittercress Brassicaceae Carex nigricans Black alpine sedge Cyperaceae Cassiope mertensiana White mountain heather Ericaceae Castilleja parviflora albida Small-flowered paintbrush Scrophulariaceae Castilleja parviflora oreopola Magenta paintbrush Scrophulariaceae Circium edule Horse thistle Asteraceae Cladothamnus pyroliflorus Copperbush Ericaceae Cornus canadensis Bunchberry Cornaceae Cryptogramma crispa Parsley fern Polypodiaceae Dicentra formosa Bleeding heart Fumariaceae Epilobium alpinum Alpine willow-herb Onagraceae Epilobium angustifolium Fireweed Onagraceae Epilobium latifolium Dwarf fireweed Onagraceae Epilobium luteum Yellow willow-herb Onagraceae Equisetum variegatum Northern scouringrush Equisetaceae Erigeron peregrinus Subalpine daisy Asteraceae Erythronium grandiflorum Glacier lily Liliaceae Gaultheria humifusa Alpine wintergreen Ericaceae Habenaria saccata Slender bog-orchid Orchidaceae Heuchera micrantha Small-flowered alumroot Saxifragaceae Hieracium gracile Slender hawkweed Asteraceae Hippuris vulgaris Mare's tail Hippuridacee Leptarrhena pyrolifolia Leatherleaf saxifrage Saxifragaceae Lomatium sp. Desert parsley Apiaceae Luetkea pectinata Partridge foot Rosaceae Lupinus latifolius Broad-leaf lupine Fabaceae

Chain Lakes, Whatcom County, WA. WNPS Plant Lists. Page 1 of 3 Lycopodium sitchense Alaska clubmoss Lycopodiaceae Menziesia ferruginea Fool's huckleberry Ericaceae Mimulus lewisii Lewis's monkey-flower Scrophulariaceae Mitella breweri Brewer's miterwort Saxifragaceae Mitella pentandra Alpine miterwort Saxifragaceae Osmorhiza purpurea Purple sweet-cicely Apiaceae Oxyria digyna Mountain sorrel Polygonaceae Pachistima myrsinites Mountain box Celastraceae Parnassia fimbriata Fringed grass-of-parnassus Saxifragaceae Pedicularis bracteosa Bracted lousewort Scrophulariaceae Pedicularis groenlandica Elephant's head Scrophulariaceae Pedicularis racemosa Sickletop lousewort Scrophulariaceae Penstemon davidsonii Davidson's penstemon Scrophulariaceae Penstemon rupicola Cliff penstemon Scrophulariaceae Petasites frigidus Coltsfoot Asteraceae Phacelia heterophylla Varileaf phacelia Hydrophyllaceae Phlox diffusa Spreading phlox Polemoniaceae Phyllodoce empetriformis Red mountain heather Ericaceae Phyllodoce glanduliflora Yellow heather Ericaceae Pinguicula vulgaris Butterwort Lentibulariaceae Polygonum bistortoides Mountain bistort Polygonaceae Potentilla flabellifolia Fan-leaf cinquefoil Rosaceae Prunella vulgaris Self-heal Lamiaceae Pyrola secunda One-sided wintergreen Ericaceae Ranunculus eschscholtzii Snow buttercup Ranunculaceae Rhododendron albiflorum White rhododendron Ericaceae Ribes howellii Maple-leaf currant Grossulariaceae Rubus pedatus Strawberry bramble Rosaceae Salix barclayi Barclay's willow Salicaceae Salix commutata Variable willow Salicaceae Salix sitchensis Sitka willow Salicaceae Saxifraga ferruginea Rusty saxifrage Saxifragaceae Saxifraga punctata Dotted saxifrage Saxifragaceae Saxifraga tolmiei Alpine saxifrage Saxifragaceae Senecio triangularis Arrowleaf groundsel Asteraceae Sibbaldia procumbens Creeping sibbaldia Rosaceae Sorbus sitchensis Sitka mountain-ash Rosaceae Spiraea densiflora Rosy spirea Rosaceae Stenanthium occidentale Bronze bells Liliaceae Tofieldia glutinosa Bog lily Liliaceae Tsuga mertensiana Mountain hemlock Pinaceae Vaccinium deliciosum Cascade huckleberry Ericaceae Vaccinium membranaceum Mountain huckleberry Ericaceae Vaccinium ovalifolium Oval-leafed huckleberry Ericaceae Valeriana sitchensis Sitka valerian Valerianaceae Veratrum viride Green false hellebore Liliaceae Veronica cusickii Cusick's speedwell Scrophulariaceae Veronica wormskjoldii Alpine speedwell Scrophulariaceae Viola glabella Stream violet Violaceae Viola orbiculata Round-leaved violet Violaceae

Chain Lakes, Whatcom County, WA. WNPS Plant Lists. Page 2 of 3 Viola palustris Marsh violet Violaceae Zigadenus venenosus Meadow death camas Liliaceae

Chain Lakes, Whatcom County, WA. WNPS Plant Lists. Page 3 of 3

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